Thursday, July 4, 2013

RegenaDisc Procedure Offers Back Pain Patients Quality of Life

For most patients suffering from back pain, life with a herniated or bulging spinal disc is at best restrictive, and at worst a constant battle with debilitating pain.

But today, RegenaDisc is offering orthopedic patients the opportunity to beat the pain for good, without a lifetime of reliance upon pain medications or steroids.

How? By integrating state-of-the-art spinal care with the transplantation of adult stem cells, often called mesenchymal stem cells.

Through this revolutionary outpatient procedure, RegenaDisc is giving patients a new lease on life, freeing them from the misery of chronic back pain, dependency upon prescription medications, or the need for restrictive surgeries such as spinal fusion. And in many cases patients experience pain relief after just one treatment.

Stem cell spinal treatments also minimize inflammation and offer relief to patients with arthritis, including degenerative osteoarthritis, who have had little or no success from traditional therapies.

Adult stem cells can actually facilitate the regeneration of cartilage, rebuilding the delicate but important tissues that protect and insulate the human spine. This process allows patients to avoid traditional and more aggressive procedures, many of which offer only minimal relief from the pain of degenerating, bulging, or herniated discs.

And because the stem cells are harvested from the patient's own body, there's no risk of rejection by the body's immune system, and the healing process can progress quickly and efficiently.

While this program is far easier on the overall health of the patient than steroids, drugs, or surgeries, it isn't a simple process - disc regeneration is dependent upon a host of factors.

For example, all RegenaDisc patients who are currently smokers must have completed a smoking cessation program before treatments begin. After the procedure, a careful regimen of back stretches and exercises must be followed to allow for the maximum development of healthy spinal cartilage and proper spinal alignment.

Patients with more extensive spinal injury may require more than one treatment in order to enjoy the full benefit of pain relief.

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