Monday, July 1, 2013

My Aching Back!

You've probably heard, or uttered, those words. Doctors hear them often. Back pain is one of the most common complaints in medical practice.

Causes of Neck and Back Pain

What would cause a sharp searing pain on my right back side? What causes upper back shoulder pain and neck pain? What causes neck and back pain?

These are but a few of the questions asked by millions who suffer back pain each year - about 6 million in the U.S. alone. An estimated 80% of us will experience back pain sometime in our lives. It may occur by itself, or be accompanied by other symptoms such as fever and chills.

The causes of back pain are many, making diagnosis difficult and critical. We recommend that you see your doctor for all back pain. Most causes of back pain involve no serious underlying problem, and the pain can be relieved in a few days or weeks. If the causes of back pain you experience involve other symptoms, the tips offered here are not to be followed without medical advice.

Causes of Back Pain in the Lower Back

Low back pain affects the lower part of your back - between the bottom of your ribs in back down to the top of your legs.

Doctors break down low back pain into three categories according to how long you have had it:

1. Acute Low Back Pain - you have had it less than 6 weeks
2. Sub-acute Low Back Pain - you have had it 6 to 12 weeks
3. Chronic Low Back Pain - you have had it longer than 3 months

Causes of back pain in the lower back are most often linked to strain of back muscles, ligaments, or tendons. Sometimes the cushion between the bones is strained. Sometimes you will know the exact causes of back pain in your lower back. Other times, it may hit without warning.

Causes of back pain in the lower back include:

* past injuries that are not fully healed

* incorrect lifting techniques

* incorrect posture

* little exercise

* vehicular accidents

* improper setup of your work area

* long hours at a desk

* long hours by the TV

* obesity

* pregnancy

Causes of Back Pain in the Mid Back

The causes of back pain in the mid back usually fall into the category of irritation or injury to muscles and ligaments of your middle spine - the area along the backs of your ribs.

Some or all of the following may be causes of back pain in your mid back:

* past injuries that are not fully healed

* incorrect lifting techniques

* incorrect posture

* little exercise

* vehicular accidents

* improper setup of your work area

* long hours at a desk

* long hours by the TV

* obesity

* pregnancy

Causes of Back Pain in the Upper Back and Neck

Some people refer to this as upper back shoulder pain and neck pain. This pain is felt in the area between the back of your chest and the base of your skull.

Causes of back pain in your upper back, unrelated to the shoulders and neck, are usually muscular irritation and joint dysfunction.

Shoulder and neck pain are more common than pain in the center of your upper back. Your neck supports your head. Made of seven, stacked vertebrae bones that are cushioned by cartilage discs bound together with ligaments, your neck is very mobile. Muscles provide movement and support to your neck.

Your neck is more susceptible to injury than the rest of your upper back. Trauma, poor posture, and degenerative diseases such as arthritis, are the most common causes of back pain in the neck area. Whiplash is another cause of back pain in the neck.

If you were a vehicle passenger involved in a rear end collision, you may have suffered whiplash injury to your neck. The impact of the collision would force your head back and then forward at a great speed. This would stretch your neck and upper back too much and too quickly, resulting in a strain or tear to supporting ligaments, muscles and discs. It could even irritate your upper back nerves.

Your shoulder is a ball and socket joint that offers a large range of movement. Like your neck, this mobile joint tends to be more susceptible to injury. Your shoulder joints depend on shoulder muscles to keep them stable. Causes of back pain in the shoulder area usually involve these muscles.

Incorrect posture can cause both neck and shoulder pain.

* Standing with your shoulders slouching, chin jutting forward, can put extra strain on your ligaments and muscles.
* Sitting with your head down for long periods of time as you work at a desk or read can exert similar strain.
* Slumping in your seat is another cause of shoulder and neck pain.
* If you tend to sleep on your stomach, your sleeping posture could be the cause of back pain.

Other Causes of Back Pain

As shown above, causes of back pain are most often linked to strain of back muscles, ligaments, or tendons. There are many conditions other than strain, however, that can cause back pain. Below is a partial list:

* Arthritis - causing joint inflammation

* Herniated disc - irritating nearby nerves

* Spinal stenosis - spinal canal narrowing that compresses nerves

* Spondylolisthesis - slipped vertebrae resulting in pinched nerves

* Vertebral fractures - resulting from trauma or osteoporosis

* Degenerative disc disease - aging process that breaks down discs

Whatever the causes of back pain, the most effective prevention is to overcome incorrect posture and incorrect lifting techniques.

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