Friday, July 5, 2013

Cervical Neck Collar Is Popular For Providing Support To The Head and Spinal Cord

Neck pain is extremely common among people because of a variety of reasons ranging from unfortunate accidents to incorrect posture. The cervical spine is responsible for providing support to the brain and the skull with the help of the seven vertebrae that makes it up. The cervical spine also plays an immensely important role of protecting a number of important nerves in the upper part of the body including those serving the face, neck, throat, and all parts of the upper limbs. Therefore, doctors place immense value on protecting the cervical spine in case of any eventuality of injuries. The Cervical Neck Collars, also known as the neck brace or the C-collar, play the role of providing support to the cervical portion of the spine in a variety of situations. The neck collar works by limiting the extent of movement of the neck and the cervical portion of the spine, which can be essential in treating various injuries to that part of the body. It can also help in preventing injuries if any such likelihood ever arises, again because of their restrictive nature. Therefore, no wonder that they have become so popular for both cases of emergency and in various short-term therapies.

The cervical collar is popular for providing support to the head and the spinal cord in case of any traumatic head or neck injury. The Cervical Neck Collars can help prevent any damages from occurring if there is any danger to the spinal cord because of any injuries. Thus, they are important for preventive use in situations of emergency. However, these collars are also popular in instances of chronic neck pains such as their use as whiplash. The neck collars are also useful for realigning the spinal cord in people with such problems. The Cervical Neck Collars are primarily available in four major variants whose use depends upon the extent of the users' injuries. The four main types available in the market are the soft foam collars, gel-filled hot or cold packs, foam immobilization collars and the Sternal Occipital Mandibular Immobilizer (SOMI) collars. The modern ones come in various sizes and with Velcro for snug fitting around the neck. The users need to wear these collars around their neck at all times including when they are asleep.

The soft foam neck collar is the most popular and can help in alleviating pain from minor neck injuries or muscle tension. They cost the least but have only limited applications. The gel-filled hot or cold pack collars are suited for providing relief to various neck injuries causing stiffness or inflammation. These are more convenient that using typical heat or ice pads and can fit securely around the neck. The foam immobilization collar, or the Philadelphia cervical collar, is useful in strengthening neck muscles after any injuries. The SOMI brace finds application in treating serious conditions such as cervical fractures, serious head and neck traumas, and spinal cord injuries. Therefore, Cervical Neck Collars play an important role in treating various injuries and problems in the neck region.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog and i think by using this patient can feel restful.thanks for sharing.
    Cervical Collars India
