Monday, July 1, 2013

How Laser Spine Surgery Treats Spinal Arthritis

Spinal arthritis is a painful complication that affects the human spine. Medications are the first line of defense for doctors who consider designing a treatment plan for spinal arthritis. The kind of medications prescribed depends on the severity of the symptoms, the general health and age of the individual.

Over the counter medications can be of help to people facing mild or moderate arthritis pain while prescriptions can be used to offer relief to those experiencing severe pain. However, when the prescriptive drugs are used for longer, the patient will suffer from addiction. Also, there are ointments that can be used to treat spinal arthritis and the inflammations that come with it. But if the condition does not improve, other options such as steroid injections can be used.

However, if conservative treatment techniques such as physical therapy and pain medications fail to mitigate the symptoms, advanced procedures such as laser spine surgery are considered. Laser spine surgery can assist in the treatment of spinal conditions such as irritation on local nerves, anatomical abnormalities, herniated disks and many more.

However, with recent developments in the medical field, laser surgery has become the preferred choice for doctors treating spinal arthritis. Laser surgery is a less invasive procedure whose effectiveness in treating a wide range of spinal problems has been proven.

A small incision that's less than a centimeter wide is cut and minute telescopic tubes are inserted thus helping to push the tissues aside. The procedure makes use of endoscope, laser and tiny surgical tools which enables the surgeon peep inside the spine through images displayed on a monitor. If it's discovered that there is excess pressure on the nerve root or spinal cord when the surgery is being done, a huge portion of spinal anatomy gets removed. This may affect the structural ability of the spine.

But many people wonder how laser spine surgery treats spinal arthritis.Because this procedure is non invasive, a small incision is made on the place where the pain emanates and since the incision that's made is too small, the occurrence of infection is minimized. Immediately after the surgery, the patient can return to his or her daily activities. The patient will not have to worry about getting healed from surgical wounds since the incision made on the body will not have scars.

There is no justification for living with spinal arthritis since it can affect your life negatively. If after trying medications and no improvement is in registered, there is need to consider learning how laser spine surgery treats spinal arthritis. This modern treatment technique work by treating the symptoms associated with spinal arthritis and other back problems. This method reduces the time a patient spends in hospital, unlike when traditional surgical procedures are adopted.

The incision made by the surgeons when doing laser spine surgery is less than a centimeter hence there is no detaching muscles so as to gain access to the affected spinal area. Before opting for laser spine surgery, you should learn how laser spine surgery treats spinal arthritis. Talk to your doctor and explore all other possible defense lines which can be used to treat arthritis.

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