Saturday, May 18, 2013

What You Should Know About Spasticity and Muscle Spasms

A. Problem Specifics

Spasticity is the state of increased tone of a muscle and an increase in the deep tendon reflexes. For example, with spasticity of the legs (spastic paraplegia), there is an increase in tone of the leg muscles so they feel tight and rigid and the "knee-jerk" reflex is exaggerated. It does not occur immediately following a spinal cord injury. When an injury occurs to the spinal cord, the body goes into spinal shock that may last several weeks. During this time, changes take place to the nerve cells that control muscle activity. This affliction is most common in patients with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and other auto-immune diseases such as Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Following a spinal cord injury, the nerve cells below the level of injury become disconnected from the brain at this level. This is due to scar tissue that forms in the structure of the damaged area of the spinal cord thus blocking messages from below this level of injury from reaching the brain.

B. Causes and Symptoms

Once spinal shock wears off, the natural reflex that is present in everyone re-appears. Spasticity is an exaggeration of the normal reflexes that occur when the body is stimulated. In an able-bodied person, a stimulus to the skin is sensed and a sensory signal is sent to the reflex arch where it travels to the brain via the spinal cord. The brain then assesses the stimulant and if the stimulant is thought not to be dangerous, a signal that is inhibitory is sent along the spinal cord canceling the reflex from moving the muscle. In a person with a spinal cord injury (or given someone with MS), this inhibitory signal is blocked by the structural damage in the spinal cord and thus, the natural reflex is allowed to continue resulting in a contraction of the muscle. This is how spasticity is born.

Muscle spasms and/or spasticity occur in a person with a spinal cord injury any time the body is stimulated below the level of injury. This is usually noticeable when a muscle is stretched or there is a painful stimulant at this level. Because of the injury to the spinal cord, these sensations can trigger the reflex resulting in the muscle to contract or spasm.

Almost anything can trigger spasticity. However, there are specific conditions that can make it more of a problem. An infection of the kidneys or bladder will often cause spasticity to increase a great deal. A skin breakdown will also increase spasms. In a person who does not perform regular range-of-motion exercises, the muscles and joints become less flexible and almost any minor stimulation can cause severe spasticity.

C. What To Do About Spasticity and/or Muscle Spasms

Some spasticity may always be present. The best way to manage or reduce excessive spasms is to perform a daily range-of-motion exercise program. Avoiding situations such as bladder infections, skin breakdowns or injuries to the feet and legs will also reduce spasticity. There are three primary medications used to treat spasticity - Baclofen, Valium, and Dantrium. All have some side effects and do not completely eliminate the problem.

Another treatment of severe spasticity is the implantation of a Baclofen pump. The pump delivers a pro-grammable amount of Baclofen directly to the fluid surrounding the spinal cord. The drug then inhibits the reflex signal in the reflex arch of the cord stopping stimulation of the muscle to spasm.

Because the drug is delivered directly to the spinal cord, a very small amount can be used in comparison to a large amount that may have to be taken orally. Once a Baclofen pump is implanted, oral anti-spasmodic drugs are usually stopped.

D. Cautions with Solutions

Surprisingly, there are some benefits to spasticity. It can serve as a warning mechanism to identify pain or problems in areas where there is no sensation. Many people know when a urinary tract infection is present by the increase in muscle spasms. Spasticity also helps to maintain muscle size and bone strength. It does not replace walking but it does help to preventing osteoporosis, to a minor degree. Spasticity helps maintain circulation in the legs and can be used to improve certain functional activities such as performing transfers or walking with braces. For these reasons, treatment is usually started only when spasticity interferes with sleep or limits an individual's functional capacity.

A surgical procedure called "radio-frequency rhizotomy" is sometimes indicated in the treatment of severe spasticity in which spinal nerves are cut in order to relieve pain or high blood pressure. Spasticity targets and destroys the damaged nerves that do not receive "Gamma-Amino-Butyric-Acid (GABA)", the core of the problem for people with MS, spastic cerebral-palsy and other related maladies. In this case where the nerves which, due to not receiving GABA and are, therefore, generating unusual electrical activity, are cut with the remaining nerves and nerve routes carrying the correct messages, as they were and fully intact.

This is best done in the younger years before bone and joint deformities take place before the pull of spas-ticity. However, it can, as well, still be performed safely and effectively on adults. This is a permanent pro-cedure that addresses the spasticity at its "neuromuscular" root; i.e., in the central nervous system that contains the misfiring nerves that cause the spasticity of those certain muscles in the first place. After this type of procedure, assuming no complications, the person's spasticity is usually completely eliminated, revealing the "real" strength (or lack, thereof) of the muscles underneath.

Because the muscles may have been depending on the spasticity to function, there is almost always extreme weakness after such a "rhizotomy-procedure". The result requires the patient to work very hard to strength-en the now-weak muscles with intensive physical therapy and to learn new habits of movement and daily tasks in a "new" a body without the spasticity. Rhizotomy's result is fundamentally, not like orthopedic surgical procedures where any release in spasticity is essentially rewarding but temporary.

There is a support group forum, designed for families, users and potential users of the Baclofen pump, to control spasticity. They are called the Intrathecal Baclofen Therapy Discussion Board Forum.

The Synchro-Med pump is an implantable, programmable, battery-powered device that stores and delivers medication according to instructions received from the programmer. The primary differences between the pump-models are the size of the reservoir and the presence of a side-catheter access port. They are reached at - The SynchroMed Pump.

The CODMAN 3000 Infusion Pump is a cost-effective therapy for those patients that fail conventional medical treatment. This elegantly simple device features an inexhaustible power supply and does not require frequent replacements associated with battery-powered pumps. Codman is part of the Johnson & Johnson family of companies reached at

Treatment of Sacroiliitis

Sacroiliitis is a disorder that is far more complex than back pain and it is important to seek medical attention early if you develop the symptoms. The condition is complicated with a variety of causes; it may be secondary to an injury or pregnancy but this is not a disorder to gamble with. Delay may lead to joint degeneration or the pain may be a symptom of a larger, inflammatory arthritic condition known as ankylosing spondylitis. This is one of the many forms of inflammatory arthritis, the most common of which is rheumatoid arthritis. Complications of ankylosing spondylitis can be quite serious and include:

  • Spine Deformities

  • Difficulty Breathing

  • Lung Infections

  • Heart Problems. 

Symptoms OF Sacroiliitis

  • Pain and stiffness in lower back, thighs, buttocks

  • Pain becomes worse with walking, due to the motion of the hips.

  • Psoriasis, an inflammatory skin condition, may occur with a type of arthritis and sacroiliitis.

  • Pain radiating down leg, often mimicking sciatica

  • Limp

  • Decreased range of motion

  • Elevated temperature

  • Bloody diarrhea occurs with Reiter's Syndrome, which causes painful urination, joint pain, sacroiliac joint pain, and eye inflammation, and accompanies sacroiliitis.

  • Eye inflammation in one or both eyes, a symptom of Reiter's Syndrome and evident with sacroiliitis. 


  • History and Physical

  • When examined, pain localized around sacroiliac joints, can be detected.

  • Laboratory studies, including blood cultures

  • X-rays of sacroiliac joints

  • MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan of sacroiliac joints

  • Culture of fluid from affected sacroiliac joint 

It is important that the doctor be informed if there is a history of IV Drug use and whether any antibiotics have been taken recently. Recent antibiotic use can delay the proper diagnosis and identification of the infectious organism if a blood culture is done.


The underlying cause and symptoms are considered when implementing a treatment plan.

  • NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs) such as naproxyn and ibuprophen reduce inflammation and pain.

  • Cortiosteroid Drugs, such as prednisone and medrol, reduce inflammation and slow down joint deterioration.

  • DMARDs (Disease Modifying Anti-rheumatic Drugs), such as Azulfidine and methotrexate, help limit joint damage.

  • Antibiotics, if an underlying infection is determined by a blood culture or culture of fluid from infected sacroiliac joints. Drug must be specific for that infectious organism.

  • Rest to relieve strain on sacroiliac joints.

  • Tumor necrosis factor inhibitor medications, such as Enbrel, Humira, Remicade, can block a cell protein that acts as an inflammatory agent. This helps reduce pain and stiffness. These medications are quite expensive and may not be prescribed unless other medications are not effective.

  • Physical therapy will be started after the painful, acute phase is under control. Range of motion exercises and stretching exercises to improve muscle strength and joint flexibility.

         Decrease or eliminate smoking because nicotine decreases the blood flow to the affected areas and makes it more difficult for the body to fight the disease. 

These medications can effectively relieve the painful symptoms of sacroiliitis but they have many side-effects. They may interact with medications you are already taking so it is important that you understand all their side-effects and how to use them appropriately. Some of these drugs increase the risk of bleeding, the risk of a cardio-vascular event or damage to your kidneys, liver or gastrointestinal tract. Complete patient education is vital to the management of sacroiliitis and the effective relief of its symptoms.

How Wobenzym N and Systemic Enzymes Can Help Address Joint Pain and Arthritis

One of the latest rages in the natural health industry is enzymes. Enzymes are used in almost every chemical process of the body, from digestion to turning off the body's inflammation response. In fact, digestive enzymes are one of the supplements that are recommended to almost everyone to help in the breakdown of food and ensure the health of the stomach and intestines. But systemic enzymes are also important for the proper functioning of the body, and one of the most effective of these supplements is Wobenzym N.

Without enzymes, the body can not perform many of its basic chemical reactions. Their main function is breaking down all of the various substances that are used in maintaining health and functioning, such as vitamins, minerals, hormones, and inflammatory biochemicals. Even food is broken down into smaller units, as carbohydrates can be broken down into glucose molecules, and protein is broken down into much smaller amino acids. With age or a bad diet, however, our natural supply of enzymes can decrease dramatically, leading to all sorts of health problems.

Many people are already using digestive enzymes when they eat to assist in the breakdown of food. Fewer people, though, are well aware of systemic enzymes, which are taken in between meals on an empty stomach. These enzymes target compounds called circulating immune complexes, which can lead to various types of pain and inflammation. In fact, these circulating immune complexes can be a direct cause of joint and muscle pain. Systemic enzymes help to target these compounds and make it easier to eliminate them from the body.

Wobenzym N is a complex of systemic enzymes that was first produced in Germany, and it has proven to be very respected and effective in treatment of joint pain and arthritic symptoms. The enzymes in Wobenzym N are derived from various plant flavanoids, such as pineapple and papaya. In appropriate doses, the supplement can effectively reduce pain and inflammation, decrease joint discomfort caused by arthritis, help in the recovery of a sports injury, and may even prevent loss of cartilage -- one of the main causes of joint pain and osteoarthritis.

In fact, Wobenzym N and other systemic enzymes are so effective that they can produce the same benefits of aspirin or ibuprofen without the unhealthy side effects (such as indigestion or long term damage of the intestinal walls). Systemic enzymes go after the causes of pain -- the circulating immune complexes -- and break them down so they no longer cause pain, rather than just suppressing the feeling of pain that is the goal of ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatory over-the-counter drugs.

The future of healing and addressing chronic pain may be in natural remedies and promoting the healing responses of the body itself, rather than using drugs to suppress pain without addressing causes. Inflammation and joint pain can become a chronic condition as people age due to the circulating immune complexes and depletion of systemic enzymes, but supplementing with Wobenzym N and digestive enzymes may help prevent these chronic conditions from developing or prevent further joint destruction and reduce discomfort.

Age Related Spinal Arthritis Is No Myth At All

In a lot of magazines written especially for elderly people you can find articles about spinal arthritis that, more often then not, seem to be related to age. Are those articles just made to sell products or is there some truth in that assumption? Well in fact there are a couple of different kind of spinal arthritis types and they have all different names for example osteoarthritis, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis and arthritis of the facet joints. And the magazines do have a point when they say that spinal arthritis is caused by age.

Spinal arthritis is no life threatening disease but it can be very painful, debilitating and cut into the mobility of many people. And lets be honest, mostly elderly people are struck with the symptoms of these types of arthritis. There are some exceptions because there are younger people who suffer from spinal arthritis although most develop just a mild form. With younger people, spinal arthritis usually begin very mildly and have a tendency to escalate in pain intensity after many years.

What are the symptoms of spinal arthritis?

Almost all kind of arthritis cause symptoms like: - pain

- swelling

- stiffness of the joints

- morning stiffness

- the spinal area can feel numb

- spinal deformity

- feeling of bone on bone rubbing

- reduced mobility

- reduced agility

Causes Of Spinal Arthritis

The most common cause of most types of spinal arthritis are the succumbing of the cartilages of the spine through wear and tear, normal aging an injuries to the bones.

If in the spine the cartilages wear down, this results in friction of the cartilages, pain, swelling, inflammation and loss of motion in that area. Most of the time when the symptoms are focused mainly in the neck and lower back the spinal arthritis is caused by osteoporosis an this kind of arthritis almost always develops when we age. What starts as a mild spinal pain, neck or lower back pain will increase if the fraction between the cartilages also increases this happens because of degeneration of the cartilages. The pain is almost always more severe in the morning and the evening.

A poor diet in combination with spinal arthritis symptoms can make this age related condition worse. Most people are more focused om the health of internal organs but overlook the effects of diet and their general cartilage and bone health. It is a well known fact that an increase of calcium by drinking low fat or skimmed milk or calcium supplements can reduce some symptoms of spinal arthritis.

So watching your diet is a thing we should do when we experience the first symptoms of spinal arthritis It probably will not stop the disease from developing and evolving but it can slow it down.

There also are some amazing arthritis medicine or alternative arthritis pain relief products about which we have published on our website My Rigid Body.

Just remember that all though spinal arthritis is a disease that is related to age it does not mean that you can not suffer from it when your young.

Arthritis: Causes and Treatment

Arthritis is defined as joint inflammation and is also used to describe dozens of other rheumatic diseases. The term 'Arthritis' covers osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus, gout and fibromyalgia, to name but a few. The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis and usually affects older people as it is a degenerative condition. However it can affect younger people, particularly if a joint has been injured or is deformed. There is no known cure for osteoarthritis but general wear and tear on the joints is a factor in developing the disease.

Osteoarthritis affects cartilage which covers bone between the joints and acts as a shock absorber. When the cartilage wears out bones rub against each other which can cause excruciating pain. Osteoarthritis attacks people in different ways. It generally develops slowly over the years but in some people it can develop extremely quickly. Sometimes the disease can be quite mild whereas in other cases it can produce a lot of pain and disability. Osteoarthritis frequently occurs in the hands, spine (including the neck and lower back) plus the knees and hips. Symptoms involve pain and stiffness in the joint. In the very early stages of the disease people may only suffer pain after exercise which quickly disappears after rest. As time goes on the pain can become constant and prove particularly debilitating. In its worst form, mobility may be lost. Fortunately, the majority of people are not crippled by osteoarthritis. When treated properly, millions of people live full and active lives for years.

Correct management of the disease is vital. Obviously, in order to treat the disease, doctors need to ascertain that symptoms are, in fact, those of osteoarthritis and not some other illness. In order to diagnose osteoarthritis, as there is no simple test which indicates the presence of the disease, doctors usually carry out several tests. These include a clinical history of the patient, a physical examination, X-rays and often MRI or Magnetic Resonance Imaging. If the test results prove positive, the doctor will then embark on a programme of pain management. This will vary from person to person, depending on the severity of the pain.

There are many treatments which help to control and lower the pain, plus helping to restore mobility. Good nutrition and rest are an essential part of the treatment in addition to exercise and weight loss. If people are carrying too much weight, then weight loss is crucial as osteoarthritis will aggravate weight-bearing joints such as the hips, knees and spine. Before taking up any form of exercise it is advisable for the patient to discuss the subject with a doctor. The wrong sort of exercise could result in more damage to the joints. Anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen are usually prescribed for pain relief. The use of heat cushions or ice packs will also often help to reduce pain. Never take alternative or herbal medicines for arthritis without a doctor's approval. When treating knee joints, a series of injections may be prescribed to reduce pain, under the careful supervision of a doctor. This treatment may not be suitable for all people suffering from painful knee joints. The decision will be made by a doctor. Finally, surgery may be an option in some cases, particularly those concerning the hip as well as other joints. Joint replacement techniques have improved tremendously over the years and, for people suffering constant pain, surgery can provide them with a new lease of life.

Friday, May 17, 2013

The Perfect Diet for Cervical Spondylosis

As people age, they encounter a handful of medical conditions related to ageing. One of these age-related diseases that are mostly common in 85% of people with the age of seventy (70) is Cervical Spondylosis.

Also known as Cervical Osteoarthritis or neck arthritis, cervical spondylosis is one of those degenerative diseases that affect men more than women. The condition appears in old age as a defense against the body's natural mechanism of wear and tear. Although some people are already suffering from this condition, it is not clearly diagnosed unless a thorough neck x-ray is performed. Those who are positive with the disease often complain recurrent neck stiffness accompanied with pain.

When you are diagnosed with Cervical Spondylosis, your physician will usually advise that you should adhere to a strict diet to decrease the pain intensity in your neck area. You will be required to avoid specific food preparations along with certain condiments that has the ability to worsen the pain associated with the disease. On the other hand, there are also specific fruits and vegetables that can help alleviate the neck pain caused by the degenerative condition.

If you are suffering from Cervical Spondylosis, what then are the foods you need to avoid?

One of the many contraindications of Cervical Spondylosis is fried and salty foods along with those that had been cooked with hot spices. You also need to avoid ingestion of sour food, most especially curd. Tea and coffee are included among the strictly need to avoid list.

Your "to avoid" list should also include acid-building foods such as red meat, citrus fruits and even white potatoes. Accumulation of acid in your body can signal joint inflammation and worsen Cervical Spondylosis.

It is advisable to eat wheat instead of rice. Soup along with vegetable juices is a must in your diet. To fight free radicals in your body, it is beneficial to consume foods rich in Vitamins A & C. Free radicals are sometimes the root cause of neck swelling and inflammation.

There are a lot of food selections you can choose from for an effective relief from Cervical Spondylosis. Turmeric, which is one of the primary ingredients in Indian cuisine, has the ability to block inflammation processes in the body, including joint inflammation. Include this in your diet along with apples, ginger and garlic. Foods with abundant supply of Omega 3 and Vitamin E such as oil seeds, nuts and fish can also help combat joint inflammation.

Take note that if you have Cervical Spondylosis, you should be eating four healthy meals a day. Each of your meals should include ample amounts of calcium, phosphorous and protein.

Getting Rid of Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Fibromyalgia is an arthritis-like disorder. While it does not inflame the joints, muscles, or other tissues or harm them, it does lead to noticeable pain, stiffness and fatigue, and can hamper a person's regular life. Its symptoms include irritable bowel syndrome, headaches, painful menstruation, deadness or tingling of the limbs, uneasy legs, sensitivity to temperature, cognitive and memory difficulties ("brain fog").

Most of the patients of fibromyalgia are women and just 10-20% are men. This disease is first detected in middle age, even though the symptoms may be evident earlier. People suffering from specific rheumatic diseases like as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus), or ankylosing spondylitis (spinal arthritis) are more prone to contract this disease.

Detecting fibromyalgia is quite difficult as most of the symptoms are similar to those of other problems, no symptoms are evident which will help the doctor and no conclusive laboratory test. It can be diagnosed only clinically, based on the background of chronic extensive pain that lasts for over 3 months along with soreness in a minimum of 11 from 18 particular sore point areas. Treatment fibromylagia is beneficial if it includes a combination of knowledge, stress minimization, exercise and medicine. According to research, aerobic exercises like swimming and walking, enhance muscle vigor and lower muscle pain and soreness. Heat and massage can also offer temporary relief. Those suffering from fibromyalgia will see their condition improve with a combination of exercise, medicine, physical therapy, and relaxation. Here are some suggestions for prevention and cure:

Do delayed food IgG allergy testing, like the one offered by the New Hope Medical Center. It needs 12 hours of fasting before the blood is taken. 148 antigens are checked against the patient's blood. Reactions are observed with the help of a microscope and noted down with the help of a digital camera. The patient is then offered consultation and an instruction manual focusing on the method of rectifying the problem. If the patient's blood is highly reactive then some intravenous infusions might have to be given before drawing the blood so as to lower this hyperactive condition and get a more correct test result.

Stay away from processed foods like white flour, refined foods like white sugar, and stimulants like tea, coffee and tobacco as all of them can weaken your immune system.

Try to increase your daily consumption of water. Ensure you drink 8 glasses of disinfected or reverse osmosis water everyday.

Ensure you have bowel movement at least once a day by eating more fiber in the form of fruits and vegetables. Oat bran and psyllium husk too are excellent sources of fiber. Coffee enemas are also effective for this purpose and help in liver detoxification by increasing bile secretion.

Get your basal body temperature measured to monitor your thyroid activity. You can do this be keeping a thermometer below your arm for 10 minutes before getting up from the bed on 2 successive days. In case of menstruating women, it is better to do it at the start of a menstrual cycle. The general basal body temperature should exceed 97.8 degrees, otherwise go for natural thyroid.

Treatment fibromyalgia should also include testing for free radicals damage caused by environmental pollutants like lead, aluminum, cadmium, and mercury. If it is high, then the patient should undertake heavy metal detoxification therapy.

Treatment fibromyalgia should supplement antioxidants like vitamins A, C, E, Bioflavonoid, and Coenzyme Q10, B-vitamins, magnesium, free-form amino acids, thymus gland, and acidophilus. Also include Proteolytic enzymes, DMG, and vitamin B12 vaccines. Chlorophyll in tablet or liquid form is also beneficial.

Herbal preparations made from burdock root, dandelion, echinacea, goldenseal and pau d'arco either in the form of combined teas or alternated everyday should form a part of treatment fibromyalgia.

Homeopathic nosode medications like those prepared from viruses themselves, are especially beneficial. But they must be used only on the recommendations of the homeopathic doctor. Other homeopathic medicines useful in curing fatigue are Carbo Vegetabilis, Cocculus, Ferrum Phosphoricum, and Phosphoric Acidum. Combination remedies may also help, particularly if they have the substance (like virus) recognized as the likely cause of infection and/or fatigue. Isode therapy like the preparations obtained from the patient himself is also effective here.

Have sublingual fermented lactobacillus thrice a day to recharge immune system.

Mild skin detoxification can be obtained via a health spa having steam sauna, infrared sauna, and/or contrast shower.

In extreme instances, treatment fibromyalgia should be through intravenous solutions, in order to elicit better and more absolute treatment. It should also provide for either vitamin C or amino acids or both combined.

Intramuscular vaccines may be given 1-2 times a week as they help in delivering energy medicines like B5, B12, AMP, NADH.

Subcutaneous energy vaccines can be given everyday and should include the medicines mentioned above as well as homeopathic medicines.

All the medicines and supplements mentioned above should be taken only after consulting a doctor. However, there are natural remedy programs to help guide you to becoming symptom free from fibromyalgia.

What Are The Signs Regarding Pinched Nerve Neck Pain?

Typical indicators associated with pinched nerve neck pain consist of neck anguish (chronic or considerably less significant) and even soreness traveling straight down the neck and forearms or sometimes even as far down to the fingers. The explanation why people go through neck anguish is actually due to the fact your nerves, cellular matrix that are dedicated to transmitting signals across your overall body end up being damaged.

Pinched nerve neck pain: So how exactly does it take place?

You can damage, injure, or "crunch" a nerve in a wide variety of avenues: widening the entire nerve, stifling it, along with compressing are several. Nerve pain in the neck can come about out of improper growths in your neck that happen caused by arthritis or any kind of degenerative ailment which usually stores force on the nerves from the neck. You might have problems with neck anguish as a result of spinal stenosis, a condition that causes the open area linking an individual's neck and spinal vertebrae to narrow. Spinal stenosis delivers elevated burden to nerves. Herniated disks also are a reason for pinched nerve pain when it comes to those cases, disks may "glide out of position". Carpal tunnel is likewise an underlying cause associated with nerve pain, as that area that all fingertips tendons and even nerves enter by means of the hands is a bottleneck area.

When you experience neck aches, talk to a chiropractic practitioner for treatment options. Common pinched nerve neck signs and symptoms contain numbness in the hands and also legs, lower back fits, pain, stinging, or hot/cold sensations.

Have you been suffering from ache stemming through your neck?

You truly feel weaker?

Do you come to feel a numbing, painful, or perhaps burning up discomfort within your neck?

Does the aching stretch beyond your neck?

Stenosis - Back Pain Test

Stenosis back pain originates in the spinal canal itself. Stenosis occurs when the spinal canal narrows, and compresses the nerves inside it. This compression of the nerves can lead to stenosis back pain, numbness in the legs, and the loss of bladder or bowel control. If left untreated, stenosis back pain can eventually become paralysis.

It is estimated that approximately 400,000 Americans currently have spinal stenosis back pain. That number is expected to increase as Baby Boomers age.

Defining Stenosis Back Pain

You probably know that the spinal column protects your spinal cord, a bundle of nerves, from being injured. In spinal stenosis, the spine narrows in one or more of three places: space at the center of the spine; canals where nerves branch outward from the spine itself; a space between the spine's bones (vertebrae).

Stenosis back pain occurs when the narrowing puts pressure on the nerves inside the spinal column. Although this can occur in younger people, it is most often a complaint of those over 50 years of age.

Causes of Stenosis Back Pain

Spinal stenosis back pain can be caused by a number of factors.

1. Age is a primary factor. As we age, bands of supportive tissue in the spine may harden and thicken. Our bones and joints may enlarge as they age. We may get bone spurs on the spine - places where bone surfaces bulge outward.

2. Arthritis is another cause of spinal stenosis and accompanying stenosis back pain. Either osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis may be to blame. Osteoarthritis is the more common of the two. This type of arthritis usually is seen in middle-aged and older people, and does not go away. Osteoarthritis can cause the bone spurs described above. Rheumatoid arthritis is usually seen in younger people, and is not usually a cause of spinal stenosis back pain.

3. Inherited factors may also lead to stenosis and stenosis back pain. Some genetic conditions, such as a small spinal canal or curved spine, can cause spinal stenosis.

4. Other causes for your stenosis back pain could include calcium deposits, fluoride accumulation, or injuries.

Symptoms of Stenosis Back Pain

Stenosis back pain usually occurs in the neck or back. In addition to the stenosis back pain, you may feel pain down one leg, or numbness, weakness, cramping, and pain in legs or arms as the nerves are compressed.

Stenosis Back Pain Test Problem

The problem with tests for spinal stenosis is that the conditions shares symptoms with so many other disease. The result has too often been costly misdiagnoses and unnecessary back surgery, according to Andrew Haig, M.D., associate professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Michigan Medical School.

The following 3 tests are used to diagnose the cause of stenosis back pain.

1. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) -radio waves to picture the spine

2. Computerized axial tomography (CAT) - X-ray series to picture the spine

3. Electromyogram (EMG)- a test that not only gives a picture of nerves, but also tests nerve function, showing if there is actual nerve damage

Best Stenosis Back Pain Test

Of the three, the oldest, Electromyogram (EMG) has been found to be the best. This test has been around as long as, or longer than the Baby Boomers themselves, but a study published in the January 2006 issue of "Spine" shows that it is by far the best of the three tests.

That study, done by the University of Michigan Health System, shows that the EMG test accurately determines the cause of stenosis back pain. As a result, low back pain is less likely to be misdiagnosed, as are other common neuromuscular conditions with similar symptoms. Back surgery undertaken to cure misdiagnosed stenosis back pain can be avoided with this stenosis back pain test.

Tests done in the U of M study by Dr. Andrew Haig and his colleagues showed a substantial difference between those who have spinal stenosis and those with other types of back pain. It showed that use of the EMG allows experts to clearly distinguish between spinal stenosis and low back pain.

"Most doctors think of EMG as a simple test and incorrectly believe that it is sensitive for nerve damage, but cannot differentiate spinal stenosis form neuromuscular disease," explains Haig. "But as this study shows, that's not the case. In fact, EMG is an excellent test for spinal stenosis and other neuromuscular disorders using strict evidence-based criteria." (Spine, Vol. 30, No. 23)

Arthritis Different Types and Related Conditions - List

Before we delve into arthritis different types, it's important to note that arthritis means joint inflammation. It is actually a name given to problems that cause pain, stiffness and swelling in the joints. It can affect one or more joints and it could mean anything from slight tightness to severe pain and disability. Put simply, there are more than 100 types of arthritis and related conditions. In fact, here's the compete list of arthritis different types and related conditions.

A-B Arthritis Different Types and Related Conditions

  • Achilles tendinitis

  • Achondroplasia

  • Acromegalic arthropathy

  • Adhesive capsulitis

  • Adult onset Still's disease

  • Ankylosing spondylitis

  • Anserine bursitis

  • Avascular necrosis

  • Behcet's syndrome

  • Bicipital tendonitis

  • Blount's disease

  • Brucellar spondylitis

  • Bursitis

C-D Arthritis Different Types and Related Conditions

  • Calcaneal bursitis

  • Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate (CPPD)

  • Crystal deposition disease

  • Caplan's syndrome

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Chondrocalcinosis

  • Chondromalacia patellae

  • Chronic synovitis

  • Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis

  • Churg-Strauss syndrome

  • Cogan's syndrome

  • Corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis

  • Costosternal syndrome

  • CREST syndrome

  • Cryoglobulinemia

  • Degenerative joint disease

  • Dermatomyositis

  • Diabetic finger sclerosis

  • Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH)

  • Discitis

  • Discoid lupus erythematosus

  • Drug-induced lupus

  • Duchenne's muscular dystrophy

  • Dupuytren's contracture

E-F Arthritis Different Types and Related Conditions

  • Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

  • Enteropathic arthritis

  • Epicondylitis

  • Erosive inflammatory osteoarthritis

  • Exercise-induced compartment syndrome

  • Fabry's disease

  • Familial Mediterranean fever

  • Farber's lipogranulomatosis

  • Felty's syndrome

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Fifth's disease

  • Flat feet

  • Foreign body synovitis

  • Freiberg's disease

  • Fungal arthritis

G-H Arthritis Different Types and Related Conditions

  • Gaucher's disease

  • Giant cell arteritis

  • Gonococcal arthritis

  • Goodpasture's syndrome

  • Gout

  • Granulomatous arteritis

  • Hemarthrosis

  • Hemochromatosis

  • Henoch-Schonlein purpura

  • Hepatitis B surface antigen disease

  • Hip dysplasia

  • Hurler syndrome

  • Hypermobility syndrome

  • Hypersensitivity vasculitis

  • Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy

I-K Arthritis Different Types and Related Conditions

  • Immune complex disease

  • Impingement syndrome

  • Jaccoud's arthropathy

  • Juvenile ankylosing spondylitis

  • Juvenile dermatomyositis

  • Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis

  • Kawasaki disease

  • Kienbock's disease

L-N Arthritis Different Types and Related Conditions

  • Legg-Calve-Perthes disease

  • Lesch-Nyhan syndrome

  • Linear scleroderma

  • Lipoid dermatoarthritis

  • Lofgren's syndrome

  • Lyme disease

  • Malignant synovioma

  • Marfan's syndrome

  • Medial plica syndrome

  • Metastatic carcinomatous arthritis

  • Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD)

  • Mixed cryoglobulinemia

  • Mucopolysaccharidosis

  • Multicentric reticulohistiocytosis

  • Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia

  • Mycoplasmal arthritis

  • Myofascial pain syndrome

  • Neonatal lupus

  • Neuropathic arthropathy

  • Nodular panniculitis

O-P Arthritis Different Types and Related Conditions

  • Ochronosis

  • Olecranon bursitis

  • Osgood-Schlatter's disease

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Osteochondromatosis

  • Osteogenesis imperfecta

  • Osteomalacia

  • Osteomyelitis

  • Osteonecrosis

  • Osteoporosis

  • Overlap syndrome

  • Pachydermoperiostosis Paget's disease of bone

  • Palindromic rheumatism

  • Patellofemoral pain syndrome

  • Pellegrini-Stieda syndrome

  • Pigmented villonodular synovitis

  • Piriformis syndrome

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Polyarteritis nodosa

  • Polymyalgia rheumatica

  • Polymyositis

  • Popliteal cysts

  • Posterior tibial tendonitis

  • Pott's disease

  • Prepatellar bursitis

  • Prosthetic joint infection

  • Pseudoxanthoma elasticum

  • Psoriatic arthritis

R-S Arthritis Different Types and Related Conditions

  • Raynaud's phenomenon

  • Reactive arthritis/Reiter's syndrome

  • Reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome

  • Relapsing polychondritis

  • Retrocalcaneal bursitis

  • Rheumatic fever

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Rheumatoid vasculitis

  • Rotator cuff tendonitis

  • Sacroiliitis

  • Salmonella osteomyelitis

  • Sarcoidosis

  • Saturnine gout

  • Scheuermann's osteochondritis

  • Scleroderma

  • Septic arthritis

  • Seronegative arthritis

  • Shigella arthritis

  • Shoulder-hand syndrome

  • Sickle cell arthropathy

  • Sjogren's syndrome

  • Slipped capital femoral epiphysis

  • Spinal stenosis

  • Spondylolysis

  • Staphylococcus arthritis

  • Stickler syndrome

  • Subacute cutaneous lupus

  • Sweet's syndrome

  • Sydenham's chorea

  • Syphilitic arthritis

  • Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)

T-Z Arthritis Different Types and Related Conditions

  • Takayasu's arteritis

  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome

  • Tennis elbow

  • Tietse's syndrome

  • Transient osteoporosis

  • Traumatic arthritis

  • Trochanteric bursitis

  • Tuberculosis arthritis

  • Arthritis of Ulcerative colitis

  • Undifferentiated connective tissue syndrome (UCTS)

  • Urticarial vasculitis

  • Viral arthritis

  • Wegener's granulomatosis

  • Whipple's disease

  • Wilson's disease

  • Yersinial arthritis

Arthritis Different Types-- Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis

The most common forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. As such, we will discuss these two types in more detail.

Osteoarthritis, also called degenerative joint disease involves the breakdown and eventual loss of the cartilage of one or more joints.

Symptoms of osteoarthritis include:

  • Mild aching to severe pain and loss of mobility, especially in the evening, due to joint stiffness.

  • Usually affects the weight-bearing joints - the knees, hips, and facet joints (in the spine), as well as the finger joints.

Osteoarthritis is primarily associated with aging and injury. In fact, it was once called "wear-and-tear" arthritis and it affects nearly everyone past age sixty. Although it can develop before age forty, it is said to be rare. In truth, the exact cause of osteoarthritis is unknown. However, about 20 million Americans are affected by osteoarthritis.

Supplements that may be helpful for Osteoarthritis

For supplements that may be helpful for Osteoarthritis, please click on the link below.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a type of inflammatory arthritis, is an autoimmune disease, in which the body's immune system improperly identifies the synovial membrane as foreign and, as such, inflammation results, damaging cartilage and tissue around the joints. Often, the bone surfaces are destroyed as well. Joints affected by rheumatoid arthritis include the hands, knees, wrists, and feet.

Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) include:

  • Swelling, stiffness, tenderness, redness, and pain in the affected joint. Usually more severe in the morning.

  • Fatigue.

  • Fever.

  • Chills.

  • Body aches.

  • Joint deformity.

  • Weight loss.

It affects about 2.1 million Americans and roughly 75% of them are females. In addition, it frequently occurs in people under forty five and when the disorder occurs in children under sixteen years old, it is known as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. The cause of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown or should we say it is still not well understood.

Supplements that may be helpful for Rheumatoid Arthritis

For supplements that may be helpful for Rheumatoid Arthritis, please click on the link below.

Aches and Pain in the Lower Back Can Become a Chronic Problem

For many individuals, the back may be their so-called "Achilles Heel". For them, pain in the area of the back may be related to an increase in emotional stress. Other causes are poor posture, improper footwear and walking habits, improper lifting, slouching when sitting, and sleeping on a mattress that is too soft.

Most back problems are associated with long-term habits that eventually result in an acute attack. Other causes of backache are arthritis, rheumatism, bone disease, a herniated disc, or an abnormal curvature of the spine. Kidney and bladder problems or female pelvic disorders may also produce backache. Fractures are rarely the cause of back ailments. Below are some recommendations for treatment.

VAX-D Spinal Decompression

Neck and Back Pain injuries can be treated using a sophisticated vertebral decompression system known as the Vertebral Axial Decompression or "VAX-D", a method that has been shown to be successful in over 86% of patients. VAX-D is a patented, non-surgical therapy clinically proven to be a successful conservative treatment for such conditions as chronic low back pain and sciatica, caused by bulging, herniated or degenerative discs, and facet syndrome. Even post-surgical patients and those suffering from stenosis (a narrowing of the spinal canal) have reported a significant pain relief from VAX-D treatments. These treatments are fully automated and specifically designed for each individual patient. This computerized system achieves decompression by minutely adjusting the pull, hold and release series that are repeated up to fifteen times over a 15 to 45-minute time period. Each series goes through a decompression phase, retraction phase, and a rest phase, allowing the tension to be directed to the injured disc, and achieves a negative pressure within the disc that creates a vacuum effect that draws nutrients and fluids into the injured area, thus promoting repair. This motion-controlled biofeedback system automatically administers the tension without injury and allows the area of injury to relax completely. In this way VAX-D intervention facilitates the body to repair damage, regenerate new tissue, attain relief from pain, and thus, return patients to their normal activities.

Hako-Med Electromedical Pain Relief

New Hope Medical Center (NHMC) uses an internationally patented technology, known as Hako-Med, for pain relief. Hako-Med is the most advance tool in the field of bioelectric medicine. For example, it has been proven to eliminate over 80% of pain in osteoarthritis. Hako-med essentially works by using a combination of AM and FM radio wave frequencies, which neutralize pain and stimulate repair by resonating with the area of injury. This non-invasive modality is safe, effective, and easy to use and has no negative side effects. Whereas a typical TENS unit creates a distraction from pain, Hako-Med actually increases energy in the body to promote healing and recovery from injury. This sophisticated technology, developed with German engineering, allows the physician the choice of 200 pre-programmed protocols or the ability to develop customized protocols based on specific NHMC patient parameters. The good news for NHMC patients is that almost all insurance carriers cover this excellent pain treatment. Clinical indications and usages of Hako-Med include chronic pain, muscular dysfunction (e.g., atrophy, range of motion limitations, spasms, weakness, etc.), peripheral nerve pain, poor circulation, post-traumatic injuries, and post-surgical pain and prevention of thrombophlebitis. Hako-Med can be used in conjunction with, in alternation to, or independently from any other therapy. A typical treatment session can last anywhere from 10 to 50 minutes. When used alone, the recommended protocol for Hako-Med is three times weekly for 4 to 8 weeks. However, when used in combination with other therapies, Hako-Med works synergistically to accelerate the healing response and reduce recovery time.

Additional Recommendations for treatment and prevention

1. For acute pain, alternate ice and moist heat applications every 15-30 minutes to keep the swelling down and minimize the injury. Once the initial pain has subsided, Chiropractic or Osteopathic treatment may help to insure proper alignment of the vertebral spine.

2. For chronic back pain, strengthen the back with exercises.Strengthening exercises for your back, known as "Back Exercises", are available for home use. Prior to exercising, warm up your muscles by walking, cycling, or swimming. Exercises should then be performed in both directions (such as flexion and extension) and in one continuous motion. Make them a part of your daily routine. At the conclusion of your exercises, take a hot bath or shower for 10 minutes. A list of specific exercises can be ordered at the end of this recording.

3. As a rule, never lift heavy objects! Lift light objects by bending your legs, keeping your back straight, and then straighten your legs. Do not make quick, jerky movements from the waist or hip. Move only in one direction at a time by turning your whole body in a smooth movement.

4. Do not slouch! When walking, imagine yourself being pulled up and forward by a string attached to your breastbone (e.g. like a puppet on a string).

5. Sleep on a hard, preferably orthopedic, mattress or place a board under your own mattress. When sleeping, sleep on your back or on your side with your legs pulled up in the fetal position to reduce the pressure on your back. Upon arising in the morning, roll over on your side, let your legs come off the bed first, and then push yourself up--avoid doing a "sit-up."

6. When watching long hours of television, lie comfortably on a hard surface supported by pillows under your neck and in the small of your back or sit up straight in a good firm chair with your knees above your hips and your feet flat on the ground.

7. For back pain, use moist heat, such as a wet cloth around a hot water bottle. This increases circulation to the painful area and relaxes the spasm that caused the pain.

8. Supplements to consider include: Antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, E, and Bioflavonoids and B-complex for stress relief; minerals such as magnesium aspartate as a natural muscle relaxant, zinc and manganese for tissue repair. DL-Phenylalanine, an amino acid, helps with alleviation of pain. The herb horsetail (e.g., Silica) aids in calcium absorption and white willow bark is a natural anti-inflammatory.

9. Homeopathics for back pain are: Arnica (especially if the pain results from acute trauma), Bryonia (if the pain is worse with movement), Rhus Tox. (if pain is worse after exposure to cold and after having been immobile), Ruta Graveolens (for lower lumbar pain made worse by sitting and lying down), and Calcarea Fluorica (when pain is burning, better with movement and worse after rest). Combination remedies such as Traumeel by BHI and Body Healing by Bioenergetics are excellent. Homeopathics are available in creams and oils for topical application as well.

10. Get prolotherapy. This involves the injection of a natural solution (e.g., dextrose or saline) with anesthetic into the areas of the ligaments that hold the bones together and the tendons that attach the muscles to the bones. This, in turn, sets in motion a healing response to stimulate the body to develop new tissues in weakened areas and hold the joints together more firmly. It also helps bulging discs to return by strengthening the posterior vertebral attachments, which weakness makes a disc more prone to protrude. This approach is usually given weekly and can help to avoid surgery by stimulating the body to do its own repair.

11. Gentle relaxation and rejuvenation therapy through use of a medical spa with steam sauna, infrared sauna, and/or contrast shower.

Reasons to seek medical advice for back pain include: pain that comes on suddenly for no apparent reason, pain that is accompanied by chest pain, pain that lasts more than three days in an acute attack or more than two weeks without relief in chronic cases, or pain that radiates down your leg. To learn more about healing and health optimizing therapies, go to NHMC or call (866) HEAL-NOW!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Is My Pain From My Hip Joint Or From a Low Back Spine Problem?

Pain that is in or around one's hip joint may or may not be present secondary to a hip issue. The pain can also be coming from a low back spinal problem.

The potential generators of the pain can be:

1) Hip joint arthritis or a soft tissue problem inside the hip joint (labrum)

2) Intervertebral disc herniation

3) Spinal Stenosis

4) Soft tissue problem around the hip

5) Fracture in the spine

6) Hip Fracture

Hip arthritis pain or a labral tear may cause significant pain in the groin area on the affected side. Physical examination and x-rays will typically confirm the culprit as degenerative joint disease (DJD) in the hip. If the patient receives a hip injection as treatment and the pain is eliminated even for an hour, one can be certain the hip is in fact the problem with further treatments confined to the hip.

Groin pain can also be a result of a disc herniation. It's not something typically seen in a textbook and it is an atypical presentation, but an L5-S1 disc herniation can in fact cause groin pain on the affected side. So if the exam and radiologic studies of the hip are not definitive for a hip problem, potentially obtain and MRI of the lumbar spine for the answer.

Pain that is around the hip joint may be coming from the spine. It is called radiating pain if it emanates from a spinal problem and then travels down into the buttock area or hip region. One such problem is called spinal stenosis, which represents nerve root compression at one or multiple levels from an arthritic process.

Spinal stenosis typically occurs in older individuals that may also be experiencing pain in the hip from arthritis. So the hip pain can be a combination of radiating pain from spinal stenosis along with the direct pain from the DJD in the hip. How is the diagnosis then made.

The combination of a good history, physical examination, and imaging studies often elucidates the source of the pain. If there's still a question mark, injections can give the answer. Here's an example. Betty is 74 years old and experiences pain on the outside and front of her right hip area on a daily basis. Activity makes it worse, and at times it wakes her up at night. Also it radiates down the front of her thigh a bit.

She is convinced the pain is coming from her hip since she has no back pain at all. On physical examination while moving her right hip all over the place, however, she has minimal provocation of her pain. X-rays show moderate arthritis in her right hip, with the same degenerative joint disease existing on her left side as well.

The physician orders x-rays and an MRI of Betty's lumbar spine which shows numerous nerve roots being compressed as they are trying to get out from the spine on the right side. So she has spinal stenosis.

As a diagnostic test, the physician performs a right hip injection under x-ray guidance. Betty's pain only decreased 20% over the next three days. So the physician sent Betty to a pain doctor the following week who performed an interventional pain management procedure called an epidural injection.

And you know what happened? Betty's pain decreased another 50% after the first injection and another 20% with the second injection, adding up to a 90% pain reduction with the epidural injections. Both the spinal injections and the hip injection therefore served both a diagnostic and therapeutic purpose.

It is important to keep in mind that pain in and around the hip may in fact be coming either partly or completely from a problem in the spine. This can be the difference between a frustrated patient still in pain versus one who shows dramatic improvement.

Could Your Children Need Chiropractic Care?

Many of the common childhood ailments from earaches to colic are among the ailments chiropractors can successfully treat. Chiropractic treatment is not about "fixing" bones or "cracking backs," but is all about ensuring the nervous system is able to work properly. The nervous system connects every organ in the body to the spinal cord and then to the brain. By aligning the spine, chiropractors ensure the nervous system is able to function properly at all times.

Imagine that your nervous system is like a tap, a hose, and a sprinkler system. The tap represents the spinal cord and connection to the brain that controls organ function. The sprinkler (or the organ, such as the pancreas, liver, kidney, digestive system, etc) connects to the tap via the hose (which represents the nerves connecting the organ to the spinal cord. Now, imagine that you stop a car with the tires on the hose. Obviously, water will not be able to get to the sprinkler. You could go and buy a new sprinkler, but that won't solve the problem.

You really need to remove the blockage. When your children do not have correct spinal alignment, the spine could put pressure on some part of the nervous system, causing the brain to think that something is wrong with that particular organ, or disrupting the flow of communication between the organ and the brain.

Chiropractors can gently realign your children's bodies so that all the organs are in the proper place and can communicate through an undisrupted nervous system. You could be amazed at how healthy your children become by some simple chiropractic treatments.

Even babies can benefit from gentle chiropractic adjustments. Many babies suffer from colic, for example. Chiropractors can check that the baby has proper alignment and that nothing is getting in the way of the digestive tract, causing colic. A twisted pelvis is common in babies and this could cause colic, sleeplessness, and restlessness.

A developing child will endure many different physical stresses and problems in a child's spine can occur at any point in their growth.

A difficult position in the womb could cause mal-alignments or sublaxations in the spine as the baby develops in a small space. A long labour or interventions in the birth process, from the use of forceps, to a caesarian section, can add to a baby's spinal dysfunction. A simple chiropractic check up in the first few weeks of life could save your child from many problems later in life.

Children can suffer from subluxations as the spine and body grows. These could be natural mal-alignments or caused by repetitive actions, poor posture, or carrying heavy schoolbags. Chiropractic care offers gentle and natural (drug-free) treatments that can alleviate many of your child's problems.

As a parent, you can find it difficult to know if your child does need chiropractic care, especially as the twists or misalignments in the spinal column can be minute and difficult for anyone who is not an expert to spot. These common warning signs and symptoms in your children could relate to a misalignment in the spine or nervous system:

  • Breastfeeding difficulties;

  • Restricted head and neck movements to one side;

  • One shoulder is higher than the other; and

  • Common childhood disorders, such as recurrent ear infections, persistent sore throats, persistent colds, colic/ reflux, asthma, scoliosis, headaches, bedwetting, constipation, growing pains, and ADHD.

While medical advice is important, doctors, such as General Practitioners, will often treat the symptom (such as the pain of the ear infection) but leave the cause (a blockage in the related area of the nervous system) untreated. This can lead your child through a continual cycle of illness and sickness as the blockage causes recurrent ailments.

Chiropractic care and treatments for children differ to those used on adults as the chiropractor is aware of the needs of the growing body. Gentle manipulations, that feel as soft as a massage to the child or baby, can solve many common childhood ailments. Usually, chiropractors will limit spinal adjustments to a very light fingertip pressure for infants and young children. This minor amount of force will restore mobility to 'locked' spinal joints and will reduce the interference to the normal function of the nervous system.

Unless your child has an injury, chiropractic care of children is painless. Some very young infants may cry for a short time, due to the surprise of the movement adjustment, but the majority of parents report that children enjoy the spinal adjustments and look forward to the next visit.

Since a child's spine will respond faster than an adult's, especially where the adult has had misalignments or subluxations for many years, only a few chiropractic treatments may be necessary. This will depend on the extent of the problem, so your chiropractor will be able to advise you on the length and time of suggested treatments for your child.

Chiropractic care for children can help to prevent some of the common childhood ailments. Your child will find the treatments gentle and painless while you will be amazed at the health benefits that arise from a few trips to the chiropractor.

Natural Remedies for Tonsillitis

Tonsillitis is a common childhood ailment, but you don't have to treat it with antibiotics. Pediatricians are less likely to prescribe antibiotics for minor ailments, as the overuse of antibiotics is creating "superbugs" that are resistant to antibiotics. You can use natural remedies to soothe your child's sore throat and to prevent occurrences of tonsillitis. The following eight remedies or treatments are all drug-free and provide natural relief from the agony of tonsillitis.

Remedy 1 - Chiropractic Care

You might be surprised to see chiropractic care on this list of natural remedies for tonsillitis, but chiropractors do far more than simply "crack backs". Qualified chiropractors can offer solutions for many childhood ailments, including tonsillitis. Chiropractors offer holistic solutions, restoring the entire body to better health by restoring the way the nervous and lymphatic systems communicate with the rest of the body. Tonsils form part of the lymphatic system, which eliminates toxins and helps the immune system. Often, the tonsils will enlarge if the immune system is not working properly, causing recurrent infections, or tonsillitis.

Chiropractors have significantly reduced the number of infections in children by ensuring the lymphatic system, connected via the nervous system, works properly. As the spinal cord is the major communications route for all messages from the brain to the body's muscles and organs, it is essential that the spine is straight and allows all the messages to pass through properly. Unfortunately, many children have minor misalignments in the spine, caused by birth trauma, or falls that could seem minor at the time, but can affect a developing body.

The misalignments or 'subluxations' cause numerous health problems, such as tonsillitis, as pressure on parts of the nervous system can prevent organs working properly. A chiropractor can correct the subluxations by gentle adjustments, which can relieve the pressure and provide the body with clear communications pathway, and therefore restore overall health to the nervous system, the lymphatic system, and the immune system. If your child suffers from recurrent tonsillitis, try consulting a chiropractor.

Remedy 2 - Lime and Honey Water

Warm drinks, such as lime and honey water, can soothe the sore throat and can help to alleviate the symptoms of tonsillitis. Heat one or two cups of water. Add the juice of a fresh lime, 4 teaspoons of honey, and a quarter teaspoon of salt. Drink this mixture three or four times a day to soothe the infected tonsils. The warmth helps to soothe the throat, while the honey provides a sweet smooth coating for the infected parts. The limejuice and the salt combine to reduce infections and help to prevent further infections.

Remedy 3 - Drink Plenty of Fluids

While this may seem like common sense, many people forget to drink plenty of fluids when feeling sick. A child who finds swallowing painful will be likely to develop dehydration, which can complicate the illness and prevent your child from recovering quickly. Encourage your child to sip continuously at a drink using a straw. Avoid carbonated drinks, as the bubbles will irritate the sore tonsils. Liquids include lukewarm broths, such as chicken broth, gelatin (jelly), yoghurt, ice cream, custard, and applesauce. Avoid hard, crunchy, and spicy foods that will irritate the tonsils and sore throat.

Remedy 4 - Tumeric in Milk

Grandmothers love this home remedy. Tumeric is a spice that many people believe has healing properties. It can boost the immune system and reduce the effects of a sore throat when added with some freshly ground pepper to hot milk. If the tonsillitis is particularly severe, you may like to grind some tumeric root and mix with water to make a paste. Rub the paste around your mouth and throat to eliminate germs.

Remedy 5 - Echinacea and Goldenseal

Echinacea and Goldenseal are two herbs that many people believe help to boost the immune system and provide relief from pain. You can buy both from vitamin or health food shops. Some vitamin pills will include these two herbs as key ingredients, although using the fresh herbs will be more beneficial than taking a vitamin pill. If you can procure fresh or even powered Echinacea or Goldenseal, you can brew it like a tea. Gargle some of the mixture first to encourage the herbs to reduce the infection around the throat and the tonsils. Drink the mixture to gain the full benefits of these effective herbs.

Remedy 6 - Use a Humidifier

If your child has congestion, while suffering from tonsillitis, it will be difficult for your child to breathe properly. Placing a vaporizer or humidifier in the room can help to open the nasal passages, encouraging the child to breathe through his or her nose instead of the mouth. Adding moisture to the atmosphere can soothe a dry, sore throat. If you do not have a humidifier, you can achieve a similar effect by having your child breathe over a bowl of steaming warm water for a few minutes. Some people like to add eucalyptus oil to the bowl of warm water or the humidifier to help the nasal passages open further.

Remedy 7 - Gargling Salt Water or Onion Juices

Gargling salt water is a common home remedy for tonsillitis. The idea is that the salt, which has natural preservative properties, will prevent and reduce infections. Onions have similar properties. Roast two onions and squeeze the juice out of the warm onions. Gargle this with some warm water. Alternatively, you can add a small amount of salt to warm water and gargle that around your sore throat.

Remedy 8 - Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek is becoming a popular herb in many natural therapies. Simmer two large tablespoons of fresh fenugreek seeds for half an hour in a litre of water. Drain the seeds out and gargle the water when it is cool.

Most of the remedies above treat the symptoms of tonsillitis. However, the first remedy of chiropractic care can help to prevent further bouts of tonsillitis by treating the cause of the problem. Combine several of the remedies to treat both the cause and the effect of the problem of recurrent tonsillitis.

By Dr Maria Ananakis (Chiropractor)

Non-Surgical Knee Pain Relief With Cold Laser Therapy

Cold laser therapy, also known as low level laser therapy or LLLT, is an alternative, non-surgical method of treatment that has existed since the late 1960s. Cold laser therapy was being utilized in Europe and Asia for decades before the FDA finally cleared the first cold laser in the United States in 2001. Since that time there have been hundreds of clinical studies that support the efficacy of cold laser therapy for knee pain relief. It is a great option for those searching for alternatives to conventional methods that might have failed them in the past.

Which Types of Knee Conditions Does Cold Laser Therapy Help Relieve?

A cold laser is a non-surgical treatment tool used by a licensed physician to help relieve knee pain caused from a knee injury, degeneration, arthritis knee pain, baker's cysts, meniscus tears, bursitis of the knee, tendonitis of the knee, chondromalacia patella, and failed knee surgery. Individuals who suffer from chronic knee pain can benefit tremendously from treatments. The therapy is unique in that it enables patients to experience knee pain relief without knee surgery, medications or knee injections. Unlike pain medications and knee injections cold laser therapy treatments are considered non-invasive,do not cause any harmful side effects, and are completely painless.

What Other Conditions Are Treated With Laser Therapy?

In addition to relieving knee pain and inflammation the treatment can be used by physicians for treating a myriad of other musculoskeletal conditions. The treatments have also proven to be effective for neck pain, shoulder pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, back pain and arthritis pain. Researchers are also investigating the possibilities of cold lasers being used to heal broken bones more quickly, to help regenerate the nerves in injured spinal cords and to help regenerate new skin in burn victims.

How Does The Treatment Work?

Cold laser therapy treatments work by using highly focused, specific wavelengths of light to target the area of injury. The light penetrates deeply into the tissue in the form of non-thermal light photons. This light helps stimulate and excite damaged and injured cells' mitochondria. The mitochondria is considered the 'powerhouse' of the cell. By exciting the mitochondria the metabolic rate of the cell improves thereby healing and repairing the tissue at a faster rate. In addition, to relieving knee pain, treatments have also been shown to improve tissue growth, cell communication, and cell nutrition. As a result of cellular excitation, lasers also accelerate lymphatic activity which ultimately helps reduce edema or swelling in and around the knee joint. Additionally, the therapy aids in achieving an increase in blood flow and in the formation of new capillaries in and around the knee joint.

How Many Knee Treatments Does it Take to Experience Relief?

The exact number of treatments depends on the duration and severity of the pain. In addition, an examination, an x-ray or MRI evaluation of the knee joint must be performed and taken into account in order to help determine an accurate treatment plan. The good news is that the effects are cumulative and improve with each treatment. It usually takes a series of 10 to 30 treatments for knee pain sufferers to get the most beneficial results; however, in many acute cases the relief can be immediate. Moreover, it is important to continue the treatments until the doctor has indicated that the therapy is complete.

Contraindications to Therapy...

While the FDA has classified cold lasers as "non-significant risk" devices, the treatments are not appropriate for individuals who are pregnant, or who observe the presence of potentially cancerous skin lesions near the site of the knee injury. This knee treatment is also contraindicated for individuals who take medications that result in photosensitivity.

The Most Important Step...Choosing The Right Knee Pain Relief Doctor...

Finally, choosing the right doctor that specializes in cold laser therapy for knee pain is as important as the treatment itself. Any health care professional with a license can own a cold laser, but in order to get the best results find a doctor who only treats the knee joint and who has devoted their practice to using this type of therapy. If you choose wisely, you will have a greater chance of achieving knee pain relief and ultimately avoiding knee surgery.

All rights reserved Copyright 穢 2011 Dr.Schnee,D.C.,PA

Pinched Nerve Neck Pain - Causes, Symptoms, and Chiropractic Treatment

If you're experiencing chronic pinched nerve neck pain, don't hesitate to see a chiropractor for treatment. The following article discusses causes, symptoms, and effective methods of chiropractic treatment for pinched neck anguish.

What are the symptoms of pinched nerve neck pain?

Common symptoms of nerve neck pain include neck anguish (chronic or less severe) as well as pain radiating down the neck and arms or sometimes even as far down as the hands. The reason individuals experience nerve neck anguish is because your nerves, the cells that specialize in transmitting messages throughout your entire body become damaged.

Pinched nerve neck pain: how does it occur?

You can damage, injure, or "pinch" a nerve in a variety of ways: overstretching the nerve, constricting the nerve, and compressing are a few. Nerve neck pain can result from bony growths in your neck that occur from arthritis or any degenerative disease that places pressure on the nerves in the neck. You may suffer from neck anguish due to spinal stenosis, a condition that causes the space between your neck and spinal vertebrae to narrow. Spinal stenosis applies increased pressure to nerves. Herniated disks are also a contributor to pinched nerve neck anguish-in those cases, disks can "slip out of place". Carpal tunnel is also a cause of nerves, as that area which all finger tendons and nerves pass through the hand is a bottleneck area.

If you suffer from neck pain, consult a chiropractor for treatment options. Common pinched nerve neck symptoms include numbness in the hands or legs, back spasms, tingling, burning, or hot/cold sensations.

Are you experiencing pain radiating from your neck?

Does your neck feel weak?

Do you feel a numb, prickling, or burning sensation in your neck?

Do any of the sensations/pain extend beyond your neck?

If you're experiencing any or all of those neck anguish sensations, it's best to consult with a chiropractor. Very few patients need surgery for pinched nerves; for most of them, non-surgical treatments such as Chiropractic Care, physical therapy, or medication will provide relief from nerve pain. There are a variety of focused therapies to help you find relief from all your nerve symptoms and have a better long-term outcome. Let a chiropractor work with you to develop a treatment plan and get you on the road to recovery.

Consult a chiropractor about your neck anguish-although some nerve problems can be resolved without any treatment, others can degenerate and numbness, damage, burning, or tingling sensations can become permanent.

Proactive Spinal Health Care

We all have heard the saying "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." This is no more applicable than when dealing with your health. We understand that by taking a proactive approach to health we may reduce injury, disease, and sickness. A popular example practiced by most is dental care. We brush, rinse, floss (yes, we need to floss) and have our periodic check-ups with the dentist. We understand that if we don't care for our teeth, we will lose them, a simple concept indeed.

We can apply this behavior and use it as a model for other health decisions. Adequate exercise, proper nutrition, and the need for rest all can be categorized as preventive practices for good health and well-being. Few could argue that statement. Until recently, this proactive approach has not been applied to the care and maintenance of the spine, the bony framework that houses our nervous system. Why? Before we answer that question, let us understand the structure and function of this marvel of engineering that we call the spine. The human spine consists of twenty-four moveable bones, called vertebrae, and nine non-moveable bones (sacrum and coccyx). The primary purpose of the spine is to support the body to resist gravity and act as a conduit between the upper and lower extremities and trunk. More importantly, the spine houses and protects our most precious organ system, the nervous system. Specifically, the spine surrounds the spinal cord which connects the brain to all tissues and organs of the body. Thus, the spinal cord is the "communication superhighway" that sends, receives, and processes instructions for nearly every single bodily function that exists. The structure, function, and overall health of the spinal column are directly related to the operation of the nervous system, including the spinal cord and brain. The spine is literally the "brain-body" connection.

Many people seek the help of a chiropractor when they have back or neck pain, maybe even for other conditions like headaches, numbness, and sciatica. But if we take the information just discussed and apply it to chiropractic, we would have to conclude that this is a reactive approach toward health. Similar to dental health, spinal health requires proactive behavior. Let us look at the importance of the spine during an aerobic activity such as running. The most efficient runners will utilize the least amount of muscular effort of the spine, head, and trunk necessary to accomplish the run. This simply leaves more energy for the legs and arms to work. A runner's posture and spinal structure are important factors in determining how much muscular effort is exerted. The more distorted or misaligned the runner is, the more energy needed to perform.

Remember, the spine is intimately connected to the function of the nervous system. The runner's brain and spinal cord are relaying messages through the spinal column to and from the heart, lungs, muscles, joints, blood vessels, sweat glands, and a multitude number of other areas. The result is a regulation and dents and falls, or minor ongoing traumas such as strenuous exercise, repetitive motions, working on a computer, driving, and poor sleeping habits. The most common children's stressors include carrying heavy backpacks, reading, sports, and video game playing. Have you ever seen an elderly person slumped over hunchback style? Did they just wake up like that one day,or was the decay of their posture due to an accumulation of minor traumas and stresses over the course of life? Does it make sense to wait until your cholesterol is off the charts to begin eating healthy? Does it make sense to wait for a heart attack before starting to exercise? Does it make sense to wait for cavities before starting to brush, floss, and visit the dentist? Does it make sense to wait for spinal decay, pain, numbness, and a hunchback before taking a proactive approach towards your spine?

The wellness movement is here. People living to 100 years old are one of the fastest growing segments of our population. A healthy spine is a necessary component to living and performing at your potential at work or at play. Think proactively rather than reactively. If you are one of the new centenarians, the health choices you make today, will certainly effect the quality of your life when you reach 100!

Understanding The Causes of Middle Back Pain

Middle back pain is one of the most common problems that hit a lot of people, particularly the adults. It is easy to assume that it is caused by long hours of sitting due to work or a bad sleeping position. However, the truth is that there is more to back pain than just these simple explanations. If you are feeling pain in the mid-section of your back, then you need to pay attention to it and discover the reason why you are suffering from such.

Do not be quick to dismiss that the pain you are feeling is nothing more than the ordinary. Keep in mind that the middle back is where you will find 12 vertebrae which are also part of the thoracic section of the spine. Yes, there is cartilage between each bone and these enables smooth movement. The cartilage also acts as shock absorber. When any of these parts do not function the way it is supposed to, that is when you feel the pain.

What are the different reasons why a person feels pain in their mid-back section?

• Improper Posture-A lot of people tend to slouch while walking, standing or sitting. If your body is not aligned the right way, the pressure on the mid-section of your back increases. Slouching for a long period of time also jeopardizes the condition of the vertebrae and cartilage, resulting to pain.

• Extensive Muscle Use-Whether it is due to sports, labor or workout, overusing your muscles will lead to back pain. Lifting heavy objects can also tear the tissues of the muscle.

• Sudden Twisting-This could be a result of a simple bad stretch, slipping or an accident. A sudden twist could impair the muscles, cartilage or even the actual vertebrae.

• Herniated Disk-This is the problem when a bulge forms in between the vertebrae which causes leakage to the spinal column. Aside from that, the lump will also pinch the nerves which will make the pain even more intolerable.

• Arthritis-This is a usual problem for the older people. The cartilages lose its elasticity and smoothness. Hence, when movement is done, the vertebrae tend to painfully rub with each other.

• Osteoporosis-This is a problem related to the health of the bones. When bone degeneration occurs, it would be harder to support the body. Hence, there will be more pressure which could trigger pain.

Simple back pains are often resolved by getting sufficient rest until the body heals itself. This could take a couple of days to a week and the pain should gradually decrease.

Contrary to what other people think, intensive workout or exercise would not resolve the problem. It is okay to allow the middle back part to do some light movements like careful stretching or gentle yoga but this has to be done very cautiously.

Before you even do anything to try and resolve your back pain, the best thing to do is to consult a doctor. That way, you would not aggravate the situation.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Essential Oils For Arthritis Relief

First consideration is inflammation in and around the joint area. Which essential oil to use depends on your source of information, from peppermint to nutmeg. I sometimes wonder whether the people recommending certain oils have done real research, and also tested them in practical situations. I personally have extensively researched, before, during and after my Aromatherapy Diploma. Most of all, I have applied the oils in real life situations, both in my pain relief clinic, and outside. Best personal example is a boiling hot water burn on my arm, after a big pot tipped on a stove, when a tea towel caught. A burn was from my wrist to my elbow, with an extra deep hole in one spot.

My treatment was to mix 2 essential oils in a cream base, and bandage twice daily. I never went to a doctor, and most healed in 2 weeks, except the deep bit which took another 2 or 3 weeks. There are no marks or scars to indicate that there was ever a burn. The oils were Blue/German Chamomile for the intense inflammation or burn, and Thyme essential oil for bacterial infection. Secondly, for arthritis, is the issue of tissue damage between or around the joints. There are several oils again, for cell rejuvenation, but again, which do you choose? An effective oil is benzoin, that is brilliant for damaged tissue regeneration, and also has profound calming properties.

For Rheumatoid arthritis, there are many, but one excellent oil is Thyme, which is antibacterial and anti viral, and helps boost the immune system. You may mix the essential oils into a cream, or vegetable oil base, say 10 drops of each essential oil, into 3 tablespoons of skin cream. You can also just mix the 4 oils together and use this blend full strength, which is wasteful, but could be useful for chronic pain. So the essential oil blend is blue chamomile, for inflammation.

Then thyme for infection and immune system. Then benzoin for cell healing, and finally, cinnamon leaf for actual pain relief. My first taste of arthritis was at sixty three, with very painful knees, but I can happily say I have not had any pain since. So natural remedies do work.

Arthritis and Class 4 Laser Therapy: The New Cutting Edge Treatment for Pain

A patient goes to their primary medical doctor or orthopedic doctor and says they have pain in their knee or shoulder or hip. The common diagnosis- arthritis. Sometimes without even an x-ray.

One patient says that is all her doctor blames the pain on, "arthritis". Well, without adequate x-rays, just blaming pain on arthritis is weak. It is a quick way to just give anti-inflammatory medications and pain medications to patients without DIRECTLY looking at the problem.

If your oil light in your car went on would you put a piece of tape over that light and ignore the problem? No. You would go to the mechanic and have him look at your car to figure out what was causing the issue.

Pain anywhere in the body is due to inflammation. Regardless of a tear in ligaments, muscles, or tendons, or arthritis, inflammation will result in pain. Cells become inflamed due to toxins and lack of sodium and potassium exchange because of the injury. So if you are a patient and have been to your doctor and have not received a CURE to your problem, please keep reading this report.

Lasers are classed from 1-4, and 4 being surgical lasers and deep tissue therapeutic lasers. The class 1 laser at the time worked ok, it produced results but the time it took for treatments and the effects were minimal compared to the Class 4 Lite Cure Laser.

Now most injuries, arthritis, etc can take up to 20 treatments, ranging from 7-15 on average. I always wondered how these professional athletes recovered so quickly from ankle sprains, knee sprains, and torn muscles and tendons. This is how.

A patient who was injured at work and had a serious contusion on her leg near her hip. She had the problem for close to 6 weeks, and the contusion was close to the size of about half of a football sticking out the side of her leg. Her "ortho" told her that it could take 6 months or longer for the swelling to subside and even longer for the pain to subside. She started treatment 3 times per week. After 6 weeks only, the contusion is 80% down. She went back to the ortho and his eyes opened wide, said, "what did you do?' She told him about the Class 4 laser and his eyes rolled in disbelief.

You see folks, the common doctors these days do not use tools to cure you, it is either drugs or surgery. He was threatened by this therapy because he knows that it works, and after seeing that contusion drop down that much, he feels threatened.

This is God's gift to mankind, and it can cure carpal tunnel syndrome, torn miniscus, knee pain, rotator cuff problems, sciatica, plantar fascitis, and much more.

How the Class 4 Laser Works

Cells that are damaged and poorly oxygenated as a result of inflammation, swelling or trauma have been shown to have a significantly higher response to laser therapy energy than normal healthy cells. At a cellular level there are photoreceptors that, when stimulated by deep penetrating photons, activate a biochemical cascade of events resulting in increased DNA/RNA synthesis, increased cAMP levels, protein and collagen synthesis and cellular proliferation.

The product of these reactions is rapid regeneration, normalization and healing of damaged cellular tissue. Photonic stimulation is the trigger for these metabolic changes.

Biological Effects of Class 4 Therapy Lasers are:

Analgesia through the release of endorphans and a decrease in the bradykinin levels
Immediate inflammation reduction
Accelerated tissue repair and cell growth
Reduction of fibrous tissue formation
Improved vascular activity
Increased metabolic rate within the tissues
Improved nerve function
Stimulation of trigger points and acupuncture points

If you have the following conditions, then the Lite Cure Class 4 Deep Tissue Laser may be ideal for you:

Musculoskeletal pain
Soft tissue injures
Migraine Headaches
Spinal conditions
Tennis elbow
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Bells palsy
Plantar fascitis
Sports injuries
Sprains and strains
Knee pain
Hamstring tears

This therapy is now one of the fastest ways athletes and regular pain patients are recovering from their injuries. Class 4 deep tissue laser therapy will help thousands of thousands of people and animals now and in the future.

Behcet's Disease - An Overview

Behçet's disease is an autoimmune disease because the immune system attacks the blood vessels, causing inflammation. Behçet's is a lifelong condition with flare-ups and rest periods. This disease is common in the Middle East, Japan and Asia, where it affects more men than women. It is rare; only about five in 100,000 people have Behçet's disease, in the United States, Canada and Europe. In these countries, Behçet's disease affects more women than men. Behçet's is usually diagnosed in the 20s or 30s, but can be diagnosed at any age. This disease is not contagious; you cannot get it by caring for someone who does have it while he or she is suffering from a flare-up.

The primary symptoms of Behçet's disease are mouth and genital sores, eye inflammation and skin problems. The mouth sores appear similar to cold sores and usually go away on their own within two weeks. The genital sores have a similar appearance to the mouth sores; they usually have a red border and may be painful. Both types of sores may scar, especially the larger ones. The eye inflammation usually affects the middle or back part of the eye, including the iris. This usually causes blurred vision and in rare cases, pain and redness. If the eye frequently becomes inflamed, blindness can occur. The skin problems associated with Behçet's may be as simple as an outbreak similar to acne or as bad as pus-filled bumps or bruises. These usually occur on the upper torso/chest area or the legs. Behçet's can also cause stroke, meningitis and inflammation of the stomach and intestines. The stroke and meningitis are caused by the membrane covering the brain or the spinal cord becoming inflamed. Another secondary symptom of Behçet's is joint inflammation, similar to arthritis.

Receiving a diagnosis of Behçet's is often a long and difficult process. First, you must have mouth sores at least three times in the past twelve months and you also must have at least two of the other primary symptoms. These symptoms don't have to occur together, however. Other possible causes for these symptoms, such as genital herpes causing the genital sores or an active infection causing the eye inflammation, must be ruled out before getting diagnosed with Behçet's disease. There is a skin-prick test for Behçet's disease, but it is less than 50% effective. Many United States sufferers do not test positive for Behçet's disease, even during a flare-up.

The usual treatment course for Behçet's disease is rest, medication, exercise and an overall healthy lifestyle. Rest is very important during flare-ups because the immune system is in overdrive, which can cause extreme fatigue. Medication is used to control the inflammation and to relieve the pain and discomfort associated with the mouth or genital sores. Some people benefit from taking immunosuppressive medications to help control the number of flare-ups they have. Exercise is helpful because, if you have joint inflammation, it will help reduce joint damage and pain. Exercise is also a good treatment because it promotes a healthy lifestyle.

Many Behçet's sufferers have more than one doctor. Since Behçet's affects so many body systems, people see specialists to treat each specific body system. There is often one doctor that coordinates all medications and monitors the person for adverse side effects or drug interactions. This doctor is usually a rheumatologist, because they specialize in inflammatory diseases. The other specialists you may see are a gynecologist or urologist (depending on your gender) for the genital sores, a dermatologist for the other skin sores, an ophthalmologist for eye inflammation, a gastroenterologist for any stomach/intestinal problems that may develop, a hematologist if you develop any blood disorders and a neurologist for any central nervous system problems that may occur.

Cervical Spondylosis Symptoms - Is This Causing Your Neck Pain And Stiffness?

Cervical spondylosis symptoms typically present as pain and stiffness in the neck and the symptoms may radiate into the arms or hands. The condition is defined as degeneration of the spinal joints and bones of the neck and is found to varying degrees in most men and women over the age of 60. This article will help you understand the symptoms of cervical spondylosis as well as the treatments available.

Cervical Spondylosis Symptoms And Causes

Symptoms will vary depending on the degree of degeneration present but may include:

  • Pain or stiffness in the neck

  • Pain that radiates into the arms or hands

  • Tingling or numbness in the shoulders, arms or hands

  • Weakness in the shoulders, arms or hands

  • Grinding or "crunching" noise in the neck upon movement

  • Headaches

  • Dizziness

Spondylosis of the cervical spine is an arthritic condition that is caused by chronic wearing away of the bones, disks and joints. Overtime abnormal growths may form on the bones of the spine called bone spurs, which can result in pressure on the spinal nerve roots that travel to the shoulders and arms. These changes can be brought on by wear & tear of the joints or by past trauma to the spine. The risk increases with a history of trauma, spinal surgery or advanced age.

Cervical Spondylosis Diagnosis And Treatment

A definitive diagnosis is made by a medical physician through a physical examination and tests, which may include a CT Scan, MRI, x-ray or EMG (electromyography - a test that checks the health of the muscles and nerves).

Treatment for mild cases of cervical spondylosis include the use of pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medication such as Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs). Heat can ease pain and stiffness in neck.

More advanced cases may require narcotic medicine or muscle relaxants or cortisone injections to the area of the spine that is affected. Other medications may be prescribed to help relieve the chronic pain such as phenytoin, carbamazepine, or tricyclic antidepressants (i.e. amitriptyline).

Physical therapy may be recommended to learn exercises to relieve the cervical spondylosis symptoms.

Surgery to relieve pressure on the nerves is a possibility if the pain does not subside with the use of the above mentioned conservative measures or if there is any loss of movement or feeling.

Will Tiny Pillows Provide Relief From Spinal Arthritis Pain?

A revolutionary treatment currently being used in England may help spinal arthritis sufferers. The technique involves the surgical implant of a small cushion into the spine, relieving pressure and pain.

One of the many causes of back pain is spinal arthritis. Spinal arthritis is caused when the protective cartilage that cushions the joints in the spine degenerates, creating pressure on the vertebral joints. Sometimes, this pressure impacts the nerves extending through the spinal column, causing numbness, weakness, and pain.

Spinal arthritis most commonly affects people over 55 years of age. The condition can be made worse by repetitive stress on the vertebral joints and by obesity. Over eight million British residents suffer from various stages of spinal arthritis. While many can continue normal life activities, others are severely impacted by the pain.

Since spinal arthritis is largely incurable, treatment has historically been limited to painkillers (including NSAIDs), corticosteroid injections, physical therapy, and behavioral changes to limit back stress.

In England, a new treatment is being tried. Surgeons implant a small, gel filled cushion to relieve symptoms.

Recently, the British NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence) approved the "DIAM" implant (short for "Device for Intervertebral Assisted Motion"). The United States FDA has not yet approved the device. The DIAM device is a small, H-shaped cushion filed with silicone gel, surrounded by a polyester mesh with polyester ties. The DIAM implant acts as a pillow - cushioning and stabilizing the patient's vertebral joint. The DIAM implant is placed between the patient's spinous processes. These are the bony parts of the vertebrae that protrude from your back (you can feel them by running your finger down your spine).

The DIAM implant was developed by Medtronic, a United States medical product manufacturer. A study of patients show that the implant both cushions the area and restores mobility in the joint, relieving arthritis pain. Medtronic studied 68 recipients of the implant, who ranged in ages between 23 and 75 years old. Patients' movement improved by an average of 64%, and their pain decreased by an average of 71%. All of the studied patients showed improvement. The age of the patient did not seem to have an effect on the results.

Surgery is usually accomplished on an outpatient basis in a procedure taking approximately 45 minutes. The surgery is conducted with the implant recipient lying on his or her stomach. The doctor makes a small incision in the affected area. He then uses a retractor to gain access to the spine. The area is cleaned by the surgeon removing any required material, including any bony overgrowths caused by the arthritis. The implant is inserted onto the spine between two of the bony protrusions from the spine known as spinous processes. The device is then stabilized by tying it adjacent vertebrae. The incision is closed with a few stitches.

Implant recipients can usually go home as soon as they recover from the anesthesia and are able to walk. While sometimes, physical therapy is used to improve the patient's core strength and stability, most of the time no rehabilitation is required.