Saturday, June 1, 2013

Types Of Neck Injury And Pain

To begin with, any neck pain should be seen to immediately. Any damage or strain that can herald a potential neck injury will eventually cause injury to some other part of your body, most often because we will overcompensate for the original pain and strain or damage something else. Too often, busy people simply ignore the pain, pop a few aspirin and go on with their lives.

Neck pain can be a symptom of several different kinds of neck injury possibilities. The only way to truly determine what is causing it, as well as gaining any kind of neck pain relief, is to be examined by your physician. A physical examination, as well as x-rays, ultrasounds and even an MRI may be needed to determine the exact cause of the pain. Once the tests are done, you will more likely be diagnosed with any of the following neck injuries.

Types of Neck Injuries

• Crick in the Neck: The term crick or kink is used to describe the morning pain associated with sleeping in an awkward position. It can also occur from working for too long in an immobile position, as well as sudden, sharp movements of the neck during sports or accidents. This is not a true medical diagnosis, even though the reason behind it may be. Arthritis, muscle spasms and even a spinal disc condition may be the root cause of this kind of neck pain.

• Muscle Strain: Strains usually occur as an injury to the muscles along the spine. While it may manifest in the neck, the actual injury may be in the lower back instead. The symptoms of this condition will often include muscle spasms, reduced flexibility and pain.

• Neck Sprain: Sprains are caused by injuries to the ligaments. This can be caused by falls or sudden twists that can overload or stress the joints. Symptoms of a neck sprain can include swelling, reduction in flexibility and pain. If you believe that this may be the cause of your neck pain, see your doctor immediately because your spine and neck will need to be immobilized to prevent further injury.

• Pinched Nerve in Neck: This condition is one of the most difficult to effectively diagnose. Assessing nerve pain is not always straightforward, because the actual damage could be further along the nerves than the area where pain is felt, especially when dealing with nerves so close to the spine. See your doctor immediately if you experience any numbness, intermittent tingling or radiating pain along your neck and spine.

• Whiplash Injury: Whiplash associated disorders is a set of symptoms that occur following any incident where the head is thrown forward, backward, or side-to-side, especially in car accidents. The hyperextension that happens during whiplash conditions can also cause damage to joints, nerves, spinal discs and the spinal cord itself. The neck should be immobilized to prevent further injury, and you should be seen by a doctor immediately after the incident so that your true injuries can be quickly assessed.

• Herniated Discs: Recurrent neck and back pain may be a sign that you have a herniated disc. This happens when the soft material covering a spinal disc is damaged, worn, or pushed out. This is often associated with continuous heavy lifting when your body is not aligned properly, and has symptoms of muscle weakness, numbness or a tingling sensation that radiates from the neck through the arms.

• Aging: Simply growing older often causes unexplained neck pain that may be due to arthritis, cervical dislocation, or spinal stenosis. As we age, our bones grow thicker in some places and weaker in others. The bones that support the neck are prone to growing thinner and weaker, while those at the base of the spine can thicken and place pressure along the spinal nerve, causing neck and back pain intermittently.

The main thing to remember about any neck injury or pain is to see your doctor immediately, as soon as you experience any pain, tingling, or pressure from your neck to your spine. Anything affecting the spinal area can be a serious health risk if treatment is delayed. Some conditions can degenerate quickly, so immediate attention is best under all circumstances.

Sciatica Pain

Sciatica is known as a nightmarish back and leg pain syndrome which often resists even the most seemingly appropriate treatment modalities. The sciatic nerve is the largest and most important single nerve in the entire body, being directly responsible for serving the neurological needs of the lower anatomy. Sciatic nerve syndrome is defined as any condition which affects the function of this crucial nerve structure or any of its peripheral branches, eliciting pain, tingling, numbness or weakness in the lower extremities.

The vast majority of sciatica conditions are diagnosed as stemming from a spinal source in the lumbar region. There are many conditions which may cause sciatic nerve symptoms including: herniated discs, advanced degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, arthritic processes leading to osteophyte development, foraminal stenosis, vertebral slippage (spondylolisthesis) and extreme spinal curvature (scoliosis or hyperlordosis).

While it is possible that each of these anatomical abnormalities may cause sciatica in some instances, these structural conditions are far more often mistakenly blamed for enacting symptoms, when in fact, they are merely coincidental to the pain. For example, blaming the universal and completely normal occurrence of degenerative disc disease for sciatic nerve pain is akin to blaming headaches on male pattern baldness... There is simply little evidence that most of these conditions cause any health concerns in the majority of diagnosed patients. Some unfortunate individuals certainly do suffer from physically induced pain due to structural anomalies of the spinal column. However, most sciatica patients are misdiagnosed when their pain is blamed on innocent, normal and completely expected facets of spinal aging. Remember... Spinal arthritis, stenosis and intervertebral disc conditions are all typical side effects of getting older.

Besides spinal causations, medical science also common blames three predominant non-spinal sources for symptomatic occurrences. When sciatic nerve pain exists due to a non-spinal concern, it is often termed "pseudo-sciatica". Sacroiliac joint dysfunction or sacroiliitis is often diagnosed when leg symptoms are far more prevalent than actual back pain. Piriformis syndrome is another common scapegoat for symptoms relating to nerve constriction by the powerful piriformis muscle deep in the pelvis. Finally, non-specific muscular impairments of the sciatic nerve are sometimes blamed for creating variable pain in the lower limbs. All three of these diagnoses are on shaky grounds in most instances, but are made in growing frequency throughout the back pain industry. As with many other suspected causes of back and leg pain, many of these conditions are difficult to pin down as the conclusive source of pain, but are virtually impossible to discount as the causation...

The most common source of ongoing sciatic nerve crises involves one of the most simple of all problematic health concerns. Ironically, despite the obvious nature of this condition and its symptomology, and despite an ever growing base of supportive research, this condition is rarely diagnosed as the wellspring of discomfort. This process is known as ischemia and is also sometimes called an oxygen deprivation pain syndrome. Every anatomical structure requires oxygen in order to exist and function properly. Nerve tissue is the most susceptible to even the tiniest levels of reduced oxygenation. It is no surprise that ischemia can have such dire and immediate effects on the sciatic nerve, since the nerve reacts violently the moment the oxygen supply is reduced. The autonomic system regulates oxygen supply throughout the body using the circulatory system. Small degrees of arterial constriction will reduce cellular oxygenation, while small degrees of arterial dilation will increase blood oxygen content. This is a stealthy and virtually invisible process which leaves no evidence of its occurrence, except for trace elements in the nuclei of affected cells.

Ischemia is indeed the most logical explanation for non-responsive and long lasting cases of sciatica. It is also the root cause of a number of poorly managed health concerns, including fibromyalgia, tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, migraine and tension headaches and a tremendous assortment of gastrointestinal concerns. Ischemia is an even greater problem than it first appears to be, since it is most commonly driven by a psychosomatic symptom imperative. Given the Cartesian philosophy embraced by the modern medical establishment, it is no surprise that the overwhelming evidence supporting ischemic pain is systematically swept under the rug. After all, ischemia is easily treated and the cure is free for patients to enact using the basic principles of knowledge therapy. Remember too that the economic bottom line in the medical professions is the most basic directive as to effective treatment for any health condition. If a therapy goes against the idea of making money, it is typically arbitrarily ignored...

In summary, it is wise to consider the idea that your sciatica might actually be the direct result of ischemia of the nerve and muscle structures, rather than the end product of a spinal abnormality. The clues to an ischemic condition include variable types and severity of pain and often changing symptomatic locations. If your pain has not responded well to appropriate treatment, investigate knowledge therapy for an alternate curative option.

Facet Injections, Also Called Facet Blocks, Can Relieve Back Pain From Facet Arthritis

Back pain afflicts ninety percent of Americans at some point. The vast majority of back pain, 90%, will resolve within six to twelve weeks regardless of the treatment. What about the other ten percent?

If the back pain is being generated from facet arthritis, also called facet syndrome, the back pain can become chronic and be extremely disabling to patients.. It can wax and wane or remain present like a pebble in a person's shoe. The main issue with arthritis is there is no treatment available which can reverse it. One can only hope to try and contain it with pain relief options that alleviate the symptoms, such as facet injections.

Facet joints allow for spinal movement and connect the bones of the spine, called vertebrae. The lumbar portion of the spine contains 5 vertebrae and is located in the low back.

Each is roughly the size of a thumbnail. Lumbar facet joints are named for the spinal vertebrae they connect and the side they are found on the spine. The right L4-5 joint, for example, joins the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae on the right side.

In the vast majority of cases, pain coming from the facet joint causes back pain and does not radiate into the legs.. Pain emanating from the lumbar facet joints results from injury to either the cartilage inside the joint or to the ligaments surrounding the facet joints.. This can result from degenerative arthritis or post traumatic injury. Pain emanating from an injured joint may range from simple muscle tension to more severe disabling pain. Depending on which of the facet joints is affected, back pain may radiate down to the one's buttocks from the affected joint.

Common tests like x-rays or MRI's may not show if a joint is the cause of your pain.

One of the treatment options for low back pain from facet arthritis is injections, also known as facet blocks. Pain doctors perform the blocks commonly for back pain from facet syndrome. Facet blocks can give pain relief for weeks to months, and are performed as an outpatient procedure..

Facet injections are done with appropriate numbing medication. The blocks can be both therapeutic and diagnostic for neck or back pain. A facet joint injection can denote whether the joints are the source of pain and can help alleviate the pain and inflammation.

Fluoroscopy, a real time x-ray, is typically utilized to ensure accurate needle placement into the facet joint and usually dye in then place to make sure the needle is in the appropriate joint.

Once the needle is appropriately placed, the doctor will inject numbing medicine typically along with a corticosteroid. The numbing medicine wears off within a day, and then the steroid medication begins to work in a few days. The pain may be alleviated for days, weeks, or even months, or it may not work at all. Depending on the location of pain, one or more injections may be administered. Pain relief that occurs after the injection highly suggests that the facet joint (s) injected were the cause of the pain.

Pain relief occurs in three to ten days as the steroid medication reduces inflammation. As many as three injections per year may be given per facet joint.

Pinched Sciatic Nerve Leg Pain

Pinched sciatic nerve leg pain can vary from a slight twinge to constant pain originating in the lower back and travelling all the way down through the buttock and down the leg to the foot. The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the human body and so the pain associated with this nerve can be any place from the lower back to the foot on either or both legs.

Some people may find walking difficult while others may not when experiencing pinched sciatic nerve leg pain . In my case I found walking no problem but standing almost impossible or driving for long distances as my leg would go numb. The pain would usually start in the buttock and the numbness would affect areas from the knee down to the foot which meant clutching to change gears would be very difficult as I had no feeling in the leg.

Pinched sciatic nerve leg pain may be as a result of an injury to the back in the form of for example, lifting objects incorrectly, sitting at a computer desk in the incorrect posture position, sport, car and gym accidents and many more. The term Pinched means the nerve may be compressed or constricted due to movement of a bulging disc. Other causes of a pinched sciatic nerve may include spinal arthritis and problems with the vertebral column.

If you are experiencing what you may think to be pinched sciatic nerve leg pain then the first place you should go is to your local GP as they are qualified to give you the best advice available. There are drugs available to help reduce the inflamed are of the nerve and thus reduce the pain. Sitting on soft or low surfaces should be avoided as trying to get up from them may cause severe discomfort.

There are many treatments and exercises available from yoga to surgery in some severe cases. Rest is a great way to alleviate this pinched sciatic nerve leg pain. Stay in bed on a firm mattress for up to 3 days if some possible. Some people apply heat packs to the back this could be in the form of a hot water bag while others prefer ice packs. Recently a friend was told to lie on his Tummy as this would put less pressure on the spine and allow the spine to rest in its normal curved position.

Back Pain: Do You Have Degenerative Disc Disease?

Degenerative disc disease is one of the most common causes of low back pain and also one of the most misunderstood. Degenerative disc disease (DDD) is typically associated with aging. As you age, your discs, like other joints in the body, can degenerate (break down) and become problematic: that's a natural part of growing older as your body deals with years of strain, overuse, and even misuse. However, DDD can occur in people as young as 20. In fact, some patients may inherit a prematurely aging spine.

Many people become fearful when they learn that they have Degenerative Disc Disease because the term sounds frightening. Although, the words might frighten you, degenerative disc disease is not really a disease. It is actually a term commonly used to describe the normal process that all of our discs undergo as we age.

Degenerative disc disease involves the intervertebral discs. These are the cushions between your vertebrae in your spine. As you age, the discs can lose flexibility, elasticity, and shock absorbing characteristics. They also become thinner as they dehydrate. When all that happens, the discs change from a state that allows fluid movement to a stiff and rigid state that restricts your movement and causes pain.

If you have chronic back or neck pain, you may have degenerative disc disease.

The most frequent symptoms are lower back pain and spasm. Pain is made worse by sitting, bending, or standing, and is often relieved by lying down. It commonly occurs in your lower back (lumbar spine) or neck (cervical spine). Symptoms vary from person to person. Some people have degenerative disc disease and have no symptoms, while others have severe pain.

For an accurate diagnosis, you need to be evaluated by a physician who conducts a medical history and thorough physical examination. A Diagnostic test such as an MRI can be helpful in identifying areas of disc degeneration.

Initial treatment is non-surgical. A physician may initially prescribe an anti-inflammatory medication and physical therapy to treat degenerative disc disease. A tailored program of physical therapy with spinal stabilization training usually works well for this condition. For some patients, a trial with a narcotic medication might be needed.

Further treatment depends on whether the damaged disc has resulted in other conditions, such as a herniated disc, or spinal stenosis. In these cases, an epidural steroid injection can be very effective in resolving the pain. If arthritis in the small joints of the back is the primary problem, injections into these small joints called facet injections can be done to relieve pain.

If conservative treatment fails, a discogram can identify problematic discs since some degenerative discs do not cause pain. If painful discs reproducing the patient's pain are noted during the discogram, surgery for degenerative disc disease can be performed to remove the damaged disc.

If you are among those who suffer from degenerative disc disease, the good news is that this condition usually improves with the appropriate conservative management.

See your physician to determine if you have degenerative disc disease.

This article is not meant to give or replace valuable medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is designed for educational purposes.

穢2012 Winifred Bragg, MD. All Rights Reserved.

Injection Treatment For Your Disease

Methylcobalamin is a metabolite of vitamin B12 that functions as a coenzyme in the process of formation homocysteine methionine. This reaction is useful in the formation of DNA, as well as maintenance of nerve function.

Through the methylation reaction, methylcobalamin was also playing in the formation of lecithin, a protein that plays an important role in the regeneration of peripheral nerves including the formation of myelin. This process makes methylcobalamin widely used in cases of neuropathy, e.g. diabetic neuropathy, where the basic pathological process that occurs is nerve damage due to reactions that occur in conditions of hyperglycemia.

Currently, methylcobalamin Injection is formulated for the treatment of diabetes and peripheral neuropathy, auto immune disease, megaloblastic anemia, poly arthritis, spinal stenosis wood, traumatic injury, malabsorption syndrome, chronic intestinal obstruction, chronic ulcer problems, chronic fatigue syndrome and sleep disorders.

Researchers make observations in methylcobalamin Injection on the seven men and four women with symptoms of the disease diabetes. In this study uses methylcobalamin size of 2500 micrograms in 10 ml saline. Next methylcobalamin injected in patients. Treatment begins when the patient has good metabolic control, as determined by measurement of plasma glucose and hemoglobin, and repeated several times with one month interval between injections.

Three patients were treated again one year after the last intrathecal injection. Symptoms in the feet, such as paresthesia, burning pain, and weight, dramatically increase. Effects that occurred appeared within a few hours to one week and lasted from several months to four years of nerve conduction velocity did not change significantly. This research result concluded that high concentrations of methylcobalamin in spinal fluid, highly effective and safe for treating the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Sciatica and Piriformis Syndrome

One of the more common injuries seen in chiropractic offices around the country is sciatica. Those of us unlucky enough to have dealt with this injury in the past fully understand how painful it can be and how much havoc it can cause in your life. Sciatica has a lot of fancy names like sciatic neuralgia, sciatic neuritis, and lumbo-sacral radiculitis but no matter what you call it it is defined by pain in the buttock and leg. If you break down its fancy names you will see that it results from the inflammation of the sciatic nerve. This inflammation can be the result of direct trauma, compression, or decreased blood flow (ischemia) to the sciatic nerve. Compression of the sciatic nerve, the most common cause that I see in my office, generally occurs either at the spine where the nerve exits the spinal column or somewhere along the nerve as it descends the leg. Compression at the spine is usually the direct result of a disc herniation, bulging disc, foreign body, or the narrowing of the canal that it exits the spine through, which is called stenosis. Stenosis usually occurs because of arthritis, disc degeneration, bone spurs, or abnormal growth of ligament or bone called hyperplasia. It is also important to note that a very common cause of ischemia to the sciatic nerve is by direct compression by a bulky wallet in the back pocket of your pants so make sure to get that wallet out of there while driving or sitting for long periods. I cannot even count how many cases I have resolved by that simple change. Now, when it comes down to peripheral nerve entrapment, the most common structure to compress the sciatic nerve is the piriformis muscle. This small muscle that runs across the top of the buttock from the pelvis to the side of the hip can go into spasm and compress the sciatic nerve, causing sciatica. The sciatic nerve passes directly under the piriformis muscle and in 12% of the population it actually pierces through the middle of the muscle. This specific form of sciatica is called piriformis syndrome and in this article I will discuss its presentation, causes, and treatments.

Sciatic nerve neuritis caused by the contracture of the piriformis is one of the most common peripheral nerve entrapments in the body and is also one of the most misdiagnosed entrapments as well. Many doctors just assume that cases of sciatica are caused by disc bulges and herniation and order MRI's to diagnose the condition. These same doctors are confused when the MRI shows no sign of arthritis or disc displacement. EMG tests will have mixed results but for the most part the lower gluteal and lower limb muscles will be abnormal but the large paraspinal muscles in the lower back will be normal, as will the TFL. Piriformis syndrome will have many signs and symptoms in common with traditional sciatica including pain down the buttock and lateral leg, numbness, pain with forward bending, leg weakness, and decreased range of motion in the low back and leg. Both with have positive orthopedic tests like the Straight Leg Raise Test. Valsalva Test will be negative if there is no disc involvement but remember that piriformis syndrome can coexist with a disc injury. The piriformis muscle's normal action is to externally rotate the leg which means it opens the foot outward as if you were going to kick a soccer ball with the instep of your foot. With that in mind, signs that the piriformis muscle is contracted include one-sided toeing out when standing or walking, increased pain with internal rotation of the leg, and pain with stretching the piriformis muscle. The way to isolate and stretch the piriformis muscle is to sit in a chair, cross and flatten the leg (like a man crosses his leg), and lean forward and to the side towards the crossed foot.

There is a lot you can do at home for treatment before going into your doctor's office. Massage and trigger point work at the origin and insertion of the piriformis muscle is very effective. Ice therapy in the area of the upper buttock along with stretching can also calm down an inflamed case of sciatica. Stretching the piriformis muscle as described above in the seated position with the affected leg crossed can help to lengthen the contracted muscle. Other muscles that should be stretched include the hamstring muscle, TFL, and glut medius. Lifestyle changes include avoiding long periods of sitting, beginning a light walking routine, and drinking lots of water to keep your muscles from cramping. If the condition does not improve within 2 weeks it is recommended that you see a specialist. Chiropractors are trained to diagnose and treat these conditions and will typically incorporate myofascial release, post isometric relaxation stretching, therapeutic ultrasound, electric muscle stimulation, and chiropractic manipulations to complement the above mentioned home treatments. In more severe cases you may need to see a neurologist or orthopedist. It is important to remember that prolonged ischemia or compression to the sciatic nerve can cause major damage to the nerve so it is recommended that you seek medical help if the condition lasts longer than 2 weeks.

Marijuana - Global Use of Medical Marijuana

Marijuana has been used as an illegal, recreational drug for many years but around the world it is also used as a health aid. Another name for medical marijuana is "Medical Cannabis". Cannabis is another name for this drug that is derived from the hemp plant.

In the countries of Canada, the United States (depending on individual states), Portugal, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Spain, Finland and Israel, cannabis is legal for certain medicinal applications.

Thirteen states within the United States have legalized the use of marijuana. Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington have enacted laws in order to make the plant use legal with certain restrictions and guidelines.

Many of the thirteen states that have voted in legalization require the user to have an ID card and adhere to the regulated maximum limit for possession. Many other states are still in the progress of investigating and instituting legalization.

In Canada, these cannabis is distributed by Health Canada under the brand name of CannaMed to patients who fit into certain categories. These categories include end-of-life patients or those with a debilitating medical condition. It is prescribed in order to help with epileptic seizures, severe pain associated with either HIV/AIDS, arthritis, cancer, multiple sclerosis or a spinal cord injury or disease.

In Spain, marijuana has undergone a progression toward decriminalization since the late 1990's. It is used for patients with HIV/AIDS, cancer, asthma, seizures and multiple sclerosis in order to alleviate pain, nausea and overall suffering. Spain has established cannabis user associations and clubs.

Germany and Austria have worked toward legalization since 1998. Its chemical ingredient, THC, has been reclassified in drug restrictions and continues to be studied scientifically.

A study in England stated that the following symptoms, diseases or conditions were shown to be aided and improved by the use of medical marijuana:

- Arthritis
- Brain Injury/Stroke
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Nausea resulting from chemotherapy during cancer treatment
- Glaucoma
- Epilepsy
- Asthma
- Migraines
- Eating Disorders

Medical cannabis may be smoked, eaten, taken in THC pill or liquid form and vaporized into a spray application. Reportedly, there are cookies that may be purchased by prescription which contain the drug medicinally.

There is still considerable dispute within the medical community about the effectiveness of marijuana. Many physicians are strong proponents of the drug's use while others are hesitant to recommend something that may have adverse side effects. If you live in a state or country where the drug has been legalized, it becomes an individual choice to be made with the help of a physician.

Known Side Results of Chiropractic Care

Any form of health system intervention poses the risks of developing certain ill effects and chiropractic care is one of them. Although there are a a couple of them, gaining knowledge about potential ill effects that may be brought about by chiropractic care will help one prevent the possibility of it evolving into a more severe condition that may be life-threatening.

Common Side Effects

Ever since its emergence, chiropractic care has been receiving praises in the medical industry for introducing a brand of medical treatment that is effective and yet safe. For once, it lacks the use of invasive medical approaches that can be both hazardous and costly. Yet, bad effects with chiropractic care cannot be fully avoided attributable to differences in the way a patient's body adjusts to the chiropractic manipulation or the extent of the harm.

If there are any side effect to be experienced from the use of chiropractic remedy, they're mostly mild and pose no real threat to someone's health. For instance, a patient suffers from a feeling of soreness or slight pain on the part of the body where adjustments were done. In other cases, patients reported of having minor headaches after undergoing chiropractic remedy. Any form of pain experienced during therapy are thanks to the exertion of pressure and force on the spine by the chiropractor performing the adjustments.

How Common or Rare Is It?

Minor side effects vary from feeling of fatigue, soreness, headaches, among others and they're all short term. Plus, patients who go through them only cover a minor percentage of patients undergoing chiropractic care.

Another benefit of chiropractic remedies that you ought to use is the lack of drug prescription or use of surgical methods to remedy the medical condition. As a consequence, patients who need chiropractic care must not hesitate to proceed since any risks of developing bad effects is very low. In point of fact, it is determined to be the least risky way of health care treatment available in the medical profession.

Serious Side Effects

Several publications falsely claim that there are serious side effects brought about by spinal manipulation or other chiropractic treatments. Stroke is one of them. They claim the stroke is a consequence of the manipulation on the neck that create injury to the arteries that transport blood into the brain.

The case of chiropractic patients acquiring stroke as an effect of the operation is a rare incident though. In fact, statistics indicate that only 1 out of a million chiropractic patients are going to produce stroke. Hence, the risks of developing this particular ill effect can virtually be considered non-existent.

When Is Chiropractic Care Not Recommended?

Majority of chiropractic treatments provide immediate relief for patients. Even so, when pain continues even after the initial treatment procedure, it is recommended that the chiropractic remedy is continued for the next fortnight until the symptoms of their condition subsides. If there are no signs of improvement, then doctors re-think other therapy options apart from chiropractic care.

There are certain instances or disorders though wherein chiropractic isn't the best recommended type of treatment to go through. Among them are infection in the bones or joints, acute rheumatoid arthritis, bone cancer, osteoporosis, or other diseases in the bone marrow or spinal cord.

How You Can Prevent Them

There is no better way to guard yourself againt any serious complications that may arise from contracting bad effects on a way to address procedure than to prevent it. Here is how you can do it:

Talk with your chiropractors about possible ill effects that can develop from a treatment method. This will enable you to take proper measures in making sure that the bad effects do not aggravate or if there are any ways for you to prevent them.

Try speaking to previous chiropractic patients to determine what side effects they experienced (if any) and discuss how they addressed it.

When you experience side effects that last beyond 24 to 48 hours, ensure to inform your medical physician or chiropractor immediately.

Types of Arthritis & Related Rheumatic Conditions


Osteoarthritis develops from the wearing away of joint cartilage. It is degenerative in nature and the substantial damage caused by excessive strain on the joints and its bordering tissues is characterized by:

  • pain

  • soreness

  • swelling

  • difficulty of movement

In its early stages, osteoarthritis is rarely symptomatic and mostly non-inflammatory. It develops slowly and is difficult to detect because it affects only a minimum number of joints. More often than not, osteoarthritis strikes the:

  • hands

  • hips

  • knees

  • spine

Advancing age increases the risk of acquiring osteoarthritis. Trauma to the joints, obesity and repetitive joint use comprise the other risk factors of the disease.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis occurs when the synovium, the cell lining within the joint, is mistakenly damaged by the bodys' own immune system. This type of arthritis is a chronic autoimmune syndrome which is potentially disabling. It is often marked by:

  • joint pain

  • joint incapacity

  • swelling

  • stiffness

Rheumatoid arthritis is difficult to pin down at its onset due to the minimal number of symptoms. The causes of this type of arthritis are still unknown, but physicians are pointing to heredity as one of its chief causes.

Juvenile Arthritis

Children can also be afflicted by a type of arthritis known as juvenile arthritis. It is the most common form of arthritis that besets children. The three major kinds of juvenile arthritis are:

  • pauciarticular (affecting only a minimum number of joints)

  • polyarticular (involving more than several joints)

  • systematic (impacting the whole body)

Indicators of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis are different for each child, and a variety of tests are needed to determine the appropriate diagnosis. Children suffering from juvenile arthritis have to ascertain the presence of the disease for over a month before it can be correctly identified.

Psoriatic Arthritis

Five percent of people with psoriasis (a chronic skin disorder) are affected by psoriatic arthritis. Like rheumatoid arthritis, the joints, and in some cases the spine, are subjected to inflammation.


Although this disorder does not involve joint deformity, this soft tissue and muscular rheumatism leads to muscle, ligament and tendon pain, and is indicated by:

  • chronic tiredness

  • inferior sleep

  • muscle soreness

  • Fibromyalgia Screening Test

  • Fibromyalgia Fast Facts

  • Test Your Knowledge of Fibromyalgia

  • 10 Things You Should Know About Fibromyalgia

  • Signs and Symptoms: Recognizing Fibromyalgia


Another painful type of arthritis is Gout. This form of the disease is characterized by unexpected bursts of intense pain, soreness, warmth and reddening of the affected areas, and joint swelling, particularly in the big toe. Gout is believed to be the result of excess uric acid crystals which are leached out of the blood and settle within the joint.

Pseudogout / CPPD

Calcium phosphate crystals which form in the joints can cause Calcium Pyrophosphate Dihydrate Deposition Disease (CPPD), or Psuedogout. The symptoms of Psuedogout are very similar to Gout, and as a result, it is often misdiagnosed as gouty arthritis. Management and treatment of CPPD is different, as well.


Hardening and thickening of the surrounding skin characterizes Scleroderma, a disorder affecting the connective tissues of the body. Two types of this disease, both the localized and generalized forms, also impair other parts of the body like the:

  • blood vessels

  • joints

  • internal organs

Lupus / Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Another autoimmune disease, Systemic lupus erythematosus causes anaemia, arthritis, chronic tiredness, fever, hair loss, kidney complications, mouth ulcers and skin eruptions. Nearly 90 percent of sufferers are women, particularly those of childbearing age. However, children and older adults can also contract the disease. Lupus affects the:

  • blood vessels

  • heart

  • joints

  • kidneys

  • nervous system

  • internal organs

  • surrounding skin

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome begins with tingling and numbness in the fingers caused by stress on the wrists median nerve. This condition can set in slowly or with unexpected abruptness. While it is dissimilar to other types of arthritis, it sometimes linked to other forms of the disease, like rheumatoid arthritis.

Ankylosing Spondylitis

This chronic inflammatory condition of the spine can cause fusion of the vertebrae, resulting in rigidity of the spinal column. The disease starts by settling into the tissue surrounding the joint, causing lingering stiffness and pain in the lower back.

Medical science has yet to discover the exact cause of this disease, which affects other joints in addition to the spine. It has been noted, however, that spondylitis sufferers all have HLA-B27, a genetic marker setting apart people who have the highest risk of acquiring the disorder. Men aged between 16 to 35 are the ones usually affected, although the disease can also strike women.

Bursitis / Tendonitis

These types of arthritis are recognized by their chiefly inflammatory symptoms. Bursitis is characterized by inflamed bursa sacs, fluid-filled sacs that help muscles and tendons move smoothly across the bones. Tendonitis, or tendinitis is an inflammation of the tendons, connective elastic tissue found between the bones and muscles. The tendon sheath is also susceptible to inflammation, leading to a disorder known as tenosynovitis. In all cases, the inflammation results in stiff and painful movement.

  • Guide to Bursitis

  • Guide to Tendinitis

Infectious Arthritis

Bacteria, virus and fungi are the culprits involved in Infectious arthritis. To diagnose this type of arthritis, culturing a tissue sample from the infected joint determines the existence of these microorganisms. Infectious arthritis comes in several forms, namely:

  • Septic arthritis caused by a bacterial invasion.

  • Tuberculous arthritis common in tuberculosis sufferers.

  • Fungal arthritis stemming from fungal infection.

  • Gonococcal arthritis occurring with those infected with gonorrhoea.

  • Viral arthritis resulting from viral infections.

Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is often caused by the bite of an infected deer tick. This disorder usually targets:

  • eyes

  • heart

  • joints

  • nervous system

  • skin

Reactive Arthritis

Also known as Reiter's syndrome, Reactive arthritis causes inflammation of the joints, particularly in the areas of ligament and tendon connection. Sufferers of this type of arthritis experience other illnesses like:

  • cervicitis

  • conjuctivitis

  • cystitis

  • skin sores

  • prostatitis

  • urethritis

Sjogren's Syndrome

Sjorgren's Syndrome causes irregularity in the functions of the moisture-producing glands of the body, resulting in dryness in the salivary and lacrimal (tear-producing) glands. This disorder is also characterized by other physical indicators.


This degenerative bone disease leads to weak, brittle bones and loss of bone tissue, increasing the risk of breaks and fractures. It is a preventive non-symptomatic disorder creeps up slowly and becomes apparent in advanced age, particularly in women.

Other Forms of Rheumatic Diseases

  • Avascular Necrosis - also recognized by the medical term, osteonecrosis

  • Behcet's Disease - characterized by chronic inflammation.

  • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome - CRPS, or reflex sympathetic dystrophy.

  • Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis - causes calcification in the spinal disks.

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease - commonly accompanied by complications of arthritis and osteoporosis.

  • Mixed Connective Tissue Diseases - a combination of several rheumatic diseases.

  • Polymyalgia Rheumatica - caused by giant cell arteritis.

  • Raynaud's Phenomenon - primarily affects the blood vessels, causing them to constrict.

  • Vasculitides - a disease characterized by inflamed blood vessels.

Spinal Decompression For Tingling Limbs

Paresthesia is the abnormal sensation felt on the skin which has no apparent physical stimulus. The feeling is characterized by numbness and tingling of the various parts of the body, such as the trunks, limbs, fingers, toes, face, and head.

It is described as similar to a prickling, burning, vibrating, buzzing, crawling sensation, or described as the foot "falling asleep" pertaining to the numbness. Sensations are carried from the skin by the peripheral sensory nerves through the spinal cord or by the Trigeminal nerve and brain stem to the brain, and disturbances in the pathway are what causes paresthesia.

Paresthesia, however, is not a disorder, it is only a symptom of an underlying back problem. Therefore, treating the underlying problem is a good way of preventing the occurrence of paresthesia.

A common cause of tingling limbs is the direct compression of the spinal nerves. The compression can be short-lived, like when we put a heavy load on our shoulder, or chronic, such as the carpal tunnel syndrome. Chronic nerve root compressions also occur in disc disease or spinal arthritis.

Treatments of tingling limbs include having physical therapy, taking analgesics, or having surgery. Surgery, however, should be the last resort. If the pain is not relieved from after physical therapy and taking analgesics, a safe, non-invasive, non-surgical treatment is available - spinal decompression.

Spinal decompression is an alternative treatment method which uses a machine called DRX 9000 to relieve chronic back pain by applying a gentle force that decompress the injured discs and vertebrae. The machine works to relieve the pain using a controlled cycle of traction and relaxation to release the pressure from the injured disc resulting in a negative pressure inside the disc, and therefore, creating a vacuum, which accelerates the rehydration of the discs by the entry of oxygen and nutrients into the injured discs, thereby also accelerating the healing process.

Spinal decompression is a safer way of treating chronic back pain than the traditional surgery. It has also been found to be more effective as fewer analgesics are needed after the treatment. The treatment usually produces long-lasting results and little to no side effects.

Muscles tend to tense up as a defense mechanism in order to prevent injury when excessive forces are applied to them. This may result in muscle spasms during or after the treatment. Using the DRX 9000, however, prevents the occurrence of muscle spasms as it prevents the application of excess stress on the muscles through the computer-controlled cycle of traction and relaxation.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Spinal Issues: How to Save Thousands on Your Back Pain Surgery

Orthopedic surgeons would never intentionally misdiagnose your spinal ailment, but without the latest tool to aid them in coming to a conclusion, this can happen. Don't take the risk of going through an unnecessary spinal surgery without knowing the best tools were used to come to this decision.

Three-dimensional models clearly illustrate the cervical spine, thoracic and lumbar regions in life form. This allows surgeons to accurately match findings from x-rays and other images to the actual source of your pain. Symptoms of many spinal conditions closely mimic the symptoms of others. Compression and pressing on nerves can result from stenosis, a narrowing of the spinal canal, as well as spondylitis, an inflammation of the vertebra. Similar symptoms do not mean the same treatment. While stenosis could require a laminectomy, removal of a portion of the spinal canal, spondylitis can be cured with less aggressive measures.

Lordosis and kyphosis, curvatures of the spine, can also affect nerves and cause pain in extremities. These conditions might be better cured with braces than with back surgery. Spondylosis, a degenerative form of spinal arthritis, would require yet another treatment. However, spinabifida, a birth defect in which the vertebra do not fully develop, needs surgical means to correct.

A spinal surgeon can utilize 3-D models to pre-plan surgery to avoid mistakes and risking spinal cord injury during surgery by helping target the precise area and ailment before surgery takes place. These models are the latest breakthrough in orthopedic medicine. If you suffer from a spinal injury, insist that your spinal surgeon has every available tool to plan your treatment.

Surgery is an expensive option for relief of pain. Worse yet is a second surgery because the first one was not successful or surgery was not the answer to begin with. Thousands of dollars can be saved merely by choosing the right tool in the beginning to determine the source of back pain and the correct cure. Don't rob yourself of money wasted on unnecessary surgery and time to recovery. Discuss a 3-D model with your surgeon long before making the decision to enter the operating room.

Arthritis of the Spine

Arthritis is a common term that means many distinct diseases, which cause pain, stiffness of joints, swelling, and tenderness. The word "arthritis" has derived from the term "arthros," which denotes a joint and related attachments, and the word "-itis," which means inflammation. Different types of arthritis affect almost 50 million people in America, which contribute to the maximum number of all other physical disabilities. Arthritis affects around 90 percent of individuals with the age of more than 55 years in the United States. Some estimates reveal that by the year 2020, arthritis will affect more than 60 million individuals in the United States.

Arthritis can affect almost all parts of the body, which include the spine. There are various forms of arthritis; however, the commonest, the most often disabling, and the most terrible is the osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis may be related to degenerative disc disease, which is a gradual worsening of the discs among the vertebrae of the spine. Anatomically, the osteoarthritis is divided into two sections. One is lumbar spine osteoarthritis, which develops pain and stiffness in the lower part of the spine and the sacroiliac joint. The other is the cervical spine osteoarthritis, which can cause pain and stiffness in the upper spine - that is arms, head, neck, and shoulders. Generally, osteoarthritis affects the weight-bearing joints (hips and knees), feet, hands, and spine. Normally, the joints are hinges at the bone ends, usually enclosed by cartilage and lubed within a closed sack by the synovial fluid. The normal joints have significantly less friction and move comfortably. However, in the degenerated joints, the cartilage turns rough and exhausted, which causes the joint halves to rub in contact with each other. This creates the formation of bone spurs and inflammation with severe pain. The fluid lubricant may turn thin and the joint covering inflamed and swollen.

Some other form of spinal arthritis develops in the facet joints, which join two vertebrae together. These joints are found in the posterior facet of the spine. Usually, these joints can produce hardening and thickening with age, which may lead to arthritis of the spine. This arthritis can create little to severe pain. Sometimes, the pain may radiate into the buttocks or upper part of the thighs. Certainly, spinal arthritis is one of the usual causes of the back pain, which collapses the cartilage present between the aligning vertebral joints in the rear part of the spine and very frequently leads to severe pain. The back motion and the flexibility decrease proportionally to the severity of the back pain induced while sitting, standing, and even walking.

There are treatments (for example, foraminotomy, laminotomy, and percutaneous discectomy) that offer advanced, less invasive, and outpatient surgical procedures, which can eliminate the pain of spinal arthritis. For arthritis of the vertebral joints, a laser treatment called facet thermal ablation is very effective.

Signs and Symptoms of Cervical Spondylosis You Should Be Familiar With

Was there anyone in your family who was complaining of pain in the neck and between the shoulder blades? Perhaps this family member of yours is suffering from a degenerative condition known as Cervical Spondylosis. The complaints may have come to a point where it became so annoying and you then ask yourself if you will undergo the same pain experience when you reach your age of forty, or maybe fifty.

If you want to be knowledgeable about Cervical Spondylosis, you need to understand its signs and symptoms and learn how to avoid developing it in the first place. You must be able to primarily assess yourself and evaluate if the signs you are experiencing points to the condition of if it's just mimicking another disease. Do not panic once you have neck pain if you have not yet further evaluated other signs and symptoms.

To know more about Cervical Spondylosis, you need to read more about it. It is sometimes called neck arthritis - a progressive disease that primarily attacks the vertebral discs which allows neck mobility including rotation, flexion and extension. The condition is often associated with old age and is mostly common in men rather than in women. A multitude of combined factors contributes to its development, especially occupations that require you to abuse your neck flexibility such as rigorous twisting and prolonged bending. Neck injuries that are evident during car accidents can also lead to slipped discs, which give a signal to the body to develop the condition.

A neck pain and stiffness that never goes away is one of the many signs and symptoms of cervical spondylosis. Usually, when your neck is in motion, a grinding and popping sound is often observed. In advanced cases, a tingling sensation felt in the arms and lower extremities are unavoidable. Your hands are not an exception to the tingling sensation which may be disturbing at times. If you are having a hard time balancing your body when standing or when walking, then might have started developing the condition. Pain is also evident when walking.

Another symptom of Cervical Spondylosis is dysphagia, a condition where the esophagus is compressed leading to swallowing difficulties. This happens when the bone spurs that was formed in the vertebral discs causes compression in the esophageal area. Loss of bowel and bladder control which is often observed in the elderly is also a few of the clinical manifestations of Cervical Spondylosis.

Avoiding Cervical Spondylosis and its development is always the primary concern. To avoid this, always sleep in a supine position to avoid neck strains. Also, never use a pillow when you are sleeping flat on your stomach. It is also advised that you avoid prolonged bending of your neck to avoid injury.

What is a Subluxation?

A chiropractor spends much of his education learning to evaluate and treat spinal subluxations. While there is much debate within the chiropractic profession as to the effects of subluxations, the majority of the profession does agree to what a subluxation actually is.

The definition of a subluxation is: an incorrect movement or a position of bones within the spine, resulting in abnormal and detrimental nerve pressure. A mechanical strain that results in wear and tear of other spinal muscles ligaments take place due to improper functioning of a vertebra. The other subsequent painful conditions caused due to subluxation are severe pain, tenderness of muscles, decreased mobility of spine, numbness in the extremities and inflammation. These all abnormal conditions are sufficient reasons that might require you to visit a doctor or a chiropractor.

Subluxation can cause adverse effects to the functioning of nerves and may also result in the decreased communication within the nervous system; thanks to the direct relationship between the nerve roots and spine. This is why it is very important to eliminate subluxations in order to avoid its negative impacts on overall health.

Causes of Subluxation
Primarily subluxations occur due to the following reasons:

Physical Causes
These causes are responsible for causing acute trauma that hinder repetitive motion and affect the spine badly. These physical causes might even be the physical positions we are accustomed to and have never thought about. They may include accidents, incorrect postures, wrong sitting position, and lack of ergonomics, improper lifting, repetitive motions and workstation habits.

Emotional Causes
They are generally the conditions of stress due to extreme emotional conditions. It generally includes overwhelming emotions like stress, anger, sadness and fear. Excessive emotional conditions and lack of stress management have significant effect on the functioning of the immune system of body that also result in several kinds of physical problems including subluxation.

Chemical Causes
These are the causes that involve effect of chemical intake of our body. Generally the chemical intake refers to diet, nutritional components, drugs, pollution, smoking, alcohol or chemical toxic agents present in food, air or water. Many chemicals that are not good for human body are likely to decrease immunity of body and reduce capability of body to tolerate stress of any kind. This might eventually result in spinal subluxation.

Treatment for Subluxation
Sometimes subluxation can be cured by virtue of natural abilities of human body to fight abnormalities. Human body has the natural tendency to resist all the negativities that are troubling. However, a severe subluxation may not be cured automatically and the patient may need to visit a chiropractor.

A chiropractor treats the patients of subluxation by locating the proper spinal vertebra by making certain adjustment. These adjustments are made quickly but with gentle and corrective force. This corrective force allows the immovable or incorrectly moving spinal joints to attain a normal motion. This simply depend on the chiropractor's decision which method of applying corrective force should be used for the treatment of subluxation. Many times more than one adjustment is required for a complete treatment for subluxation.

Chiropractors are the only health care profession that concentrates on locating and correct spinal subluxations. The reason chiropractic treatment gets such positive results is the chiropractors ability to correct these subluxations and restore proper function to the spine.

Golf and Arthritis

Good news! If you're an arthritis sufferer, you don't have to give up your golf game! In fact, playing golf can add strength and mobility to your body overall and improve your range of motion.

Research shows that one of the best treatments for osteoarthritis is exercise. It can improve mood and outlook, decrease pain, increase flexibility, improve the heart and blood flow, maintain weight, and promote general physical fitness.

Usually, osteoarthritis (the most common form of arthritis) comes on slowly. Early in the disease, joints may ache after physical work or exercise. Osteoarthritis can occur in any joint. Most often it occurs at the hands, hips, knees, or spine, all those areas used in playing the game of golf.

No worries, though. Golf actually helps increase your range of motion and your balance as well. And the walking, if you can do it, will benefit your health in numerous ways. In short, golf is one of the perfect exercises for someone with osteoarthritis!

Now here's the key - you are probably going to need some special products to make golf a little easier on your joints.

At, the Arthritis Foundation shares some tips for golfers to help you keep enjoying this wonderful sport and suggests some products that might help you.

For instance, it's a good idea to wear wrist braces and gloves when you play. This will help stabilize the joints in your wrists and hands. Both these items are inexpensive.

Try using a lower compression ball.

Golf shoes without spikes will likely be more comfortable for you.

Ask your local golf store specialist about the latest helps for making golfing easier on your joints. New products are coming out all the time.

Always warm up before you play. Do some basic stretches, take some practice swings. Start out swinging about half strength. Never try to hit the ball too hard. This one goes for everyone - not just folks with arthritis. It's accuracy that counts!

Using tees will help.

Drink water while you're playing. (again, a tip for everyone)

If you feel tired, listen to your body and rest a bit. It's not a mortal sin to play less than 18 holes. The key is to enjoy the game.

Now, if you're feeling sore after play, here are some things to try.

· Take a warm shower.

· Do some gentle stretching exercises.

· Use an ice pack on the sore area.

· Rest the sore joint.

· Try magnetic therapy.

· Try to keep your weight down. Too much weight can make your knees and hips hurt

If playing golf causes pain that lasts for more than 1 hour, it's too much. Work with your physical therapist or doctor to adjust your game when you notice any of the following signs of too much exercise:

Unusual or persistent fatigue

Increased weakness

Decreased range of motion

Increased joint swelling

Continuing pain (pain that lasts more than 1 hour after exercising)

Really, when it comes right down to it, playing golf (along with warming up for your game with range of motion exercises) may be just what the doctor orders for arthritis help!

Copyright 2006 Tyler Powers

The Chiropractic Treatment Known As the Activator Technique

A chiropractic technique developed in the 1960's is being used today to treat patients and relieve pain. The Activator is a hand held instrument that resembles a small polo stick. It's made to give adjustments without causing strain or pain. It gives an extremely quick thrust that's very effective. It's described as a light sensation by patients. This instrument works on the exact area of the body where there's a health issue. It's used to safely and gently return spinal balance which helps heal the body. A benefit of this treatment is its ability to heal the body without drugs or complex surgery.

The Activator has been tested to be used as a chiropractic treatment. The Activator technique uses the newest progresses in orthopedic, neurological and chiropractic examinations. Specific procedures detect spinal joint dysfunction, examine leg length, neurological reflexes and other problems in the body. It's a treatment for areas of the body including knees, shoulders, wrists, ankles, spine and the jaw. Some benefits of this type of treatment are helping the body heal itself, protecting the body from disease, relieving pain and sustaining health without using drugs or difficult surgery.

An Activator instrument is different than a manual adjustment. The Activator is a unique compared to other chiropractic treatments. The body isn't turned in uncomfortable ways and there's no popping or snapping sounds. It's a precise and comfortable low-force adjustment which restores normal nerve supply and muscular tone. This instrument is beneficial to the chiropractor because it shows exactly where to make an adjustment. The problem can also be found faster. It's helps patients to feel better and restore spinal balance without causing any pain or distress. Patients often say they are calmer going to a chiropractor when this method is used for treatment.

Chiropractic doctors receive extensive training in using the Activator Technique method. Patients of all ages can benefit from an Activator adjustment because of its gentleness and efficiency. It works great for small children because it's so quick and easy. It's even safe for small babies. It's also very gentle for elderly patients with osteoporosis or arthritis. It can be used for pregnant women in all stages of pregnancy. The Activator works well on athletes or people who are physically active because of its effectiveness on pain in the spine, joints and muscles. Dr. Andrew Weil recommends the Activator to his patients because of its safety and reliability. He says it's safer than traditional high force manipulations.

Clinical trials have proven that the patented design in engineering of the Activator is very effective. Over 35,000 doctors worldwide use the activator technique according to There are many case studies that show the activator method works successfully. It can even help heal old injuries and stress related pain which can interfere with nerve interference throughout the body. Brochures and DVD's about this treatment are available on the activator website to educate patients. The Activator is used by many chiropractors around the world because of its low force technique.

Solutions For a Pinched Nerve

One of the most common causes behind complaints of neck pain, shoulder pain, and back pain; a pinched nerve can cause excruciating pain until it is properly treated. After enduring intense massages, the next place that most patients turn to is a chiropractor.

The term pinched nerve means that a nerve has been compressed or forcibly stretched in some fashion. If the nerve originates in the neck or back, the condition can have symptoms of tingling, burning or numbness in either the back of the neck or behind the shoulder. This will also cause the muscles of the back to tighten in response, putting even more pressure on the nerves.

Realignment and Decompression

When you visit the chiropractor for a pinched nerve, you have two options available for you right away. The first, realignment, involves the manipulation of the bones surrounding the spinal column and those found within the affected area. The chiropractor will pop and stretch out those bones and muscles slowly and carefully, so that the pressure on the nerve will be eased.

Decompression is a non-surgical solution offered in some chiropractic offices as pinched nerve treatments. This involves a sophisticated multileveled table with proprietary biofeedback that manipulates the spine to form its own natural vacuum within it. This vacuum will ease the pressure from a pinched nerve, lower back pain and even a herniated disc.


A pinched nerve can also be the result of subluxation, a condition that occurs when a bone is partially pushed or pulled out of its usual position within a joint, like kneecaps, hips, fingers, elbows and shoulders. This is almost always caused by some trauma, like a direct blow to the joint affected, a fall, or by making a sudden twisting movement. This can happen to everyone, even during everyday activities.

The chiropractic treatment for a subluxation usually involves adjusting the joints and bones by twisting, pulling or pushing movements. Heat, electrical stimulation and ultrasound treatments are often used in conjunction with the manipulations to ease the threat to the ligaments, tendons, muscles, and cartilage that surround the joint. Care must also be taken so that no nerves or blood vessels are permanently injured during the treatment.

Herniated Disc

Pain that is thought to be the result of a pinched nerve might also be from a herniated disc. The bones that form the spine in a person's back are actually cushioned by small discs that literally act as shock absorbers. As we age, these spongy discs get drier and more brittle. Sudden trauma to the spine causes these discs to bulge or break open. When this happens it is herniated, and the bulging can cause nerves in the spine to become compressed.

A sure sign of a possible herniated disc is weakness or numbness in both legs or loss of bladder control in severe cases. Treatments include anti-inflammatory medication, heat and rest, depending upon the severity. A decompression table can also help restore the disc to its proper position.

Spinal Stenosis

This condition is caused by the narrowing of the spaces along the spine. When the space is reduced, the spine becomes compressed in a very painful way. The spaces are narrowed through arthritis or through the growth of bone spurs within the spinal column.

Spinal stenosis causes chronic lower back pain and can sometimes pinch the nerves that control muscle power and sensation in the legs. This is best treated through medication, manipulation or flexing of the spinal column and rest can restore some comfort. In extreme cases, surgery may be used to remove the spurs from the spinal column.


Don't let a pinched nerve hamper your movements any more. If you suffer from severe neck, back or shoulder pain brought on by a pinched nerve, a visit to a qualified chiropractor is set you right in no time at all. Visit Chiropractic Center of Lakeland today to stay pain free!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Natural Treatments for Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis is a condition whose effects can range from mild irritation to debilitating pain and even paralysis. Learning the symptoms, causes and treatment options may help you avoid drugs and surgery.

Stenosis can occur in either the cervical spine in the neck or the lumbar spine in the lower back. Lumbar stenosis is the more common; according to, about three-fourths of all cases occur in the lumbar spine. Stenosis involves the compression of nerve roots that exit the spinal canal. There are three types, named for the location of compression:

1) Formainal: The foramen is the space through which a nerve leaves the spinal canal. This is the most common type of spinal stenosis; it occurs when bone spurs, which develop along a vertebra due to disc degeneration, compress the nerve. Discs act as shock absorbers. As they degenerate, bone friction causes tiny shards of bone to develop.

2) Far Lateral: This type of stenosis occurs beyond the foramen. Compression can be caused by a bulging or herniated disc, or by a bone spur.

3) Central: This involves obstruction of the nerves within the spinal canal. It is generally caused by a bulging disc and ligament overgrowth within the spine.

Cervical stenosis is generally considered a more dangerous condition than when it occurs in the lumbar spine. This is because the spinal cord, that dense bundle of nerves, is present in the upper spine but ends in the upper part of the lower back. From there, the nerves fan out into a horse's tail pattern, hence acquiring the name "cauda equina." There is more risk of paralysis associated with impingement of the spinal cord. That said, lumbar stenosis can, in rare cases, involve severe nerve damage that leads to bladder and bowel loss of control, sexual dysfunction and inability to walk.

Bone spurs formed due to facet joint arthritis may also impinge nerves, causing stenosis.


Spinal stenosis often causes localized back or neck pain and refers pain to either the legs or the arms. There may also be tingling, weakness and numbness along the affected nerve's pathway. People with lumbar stenosis often have sciatica.

One way to tell if stenosis is causing your pain is to monitor when symptoms reside. People with this condition experience relief when sitting and leaning forward, as these positions create more space in the spinal canal and take pressure off nerves. Imaging tests such as MRIs, CTs and dye injection may be used to confirm the diagnosis.

Natural Treatments

Light, guided exercise is often prescribed to strengthen the muscles that support the spine and to maintain cardiovascular health, which ensures proper blood flow to areas of the spine. Exercises for lumbar stenosis usually involve forward bending. Examples of such exercises can be seen at Cervical stenosis patients may perform isometric exercises which strengthen neck muscles without stressing joints. Exercise helps support the spine and manage pain. A physical therapist should guide you through what exercises are safe for you.

Chiropractic care can help your symptoms if a misaligned spine is aggravating your condition. Restoring alignment will take pressure off of discs and nerves.
Chiropractors can also perform decompression treatments, which increase disc space and can resolve stenosis caused by herniated or bulging discs.

Acupuncture and acupressure are alternative treatments that have had immense success in relieving pain of many types. They both involve the application of stimulus, either needle points or touch, to energy meridians, which some in Western culture equate with nerve bundles. It is worth a try for anyone looking to avoid reliance on pain medication.

Surgery is only recommended for people with severe stenosis that poses a threat to the spinal cord or the patient's ability to walk or control bladder and bowels.

Knowing the cause of your pain equips you to make smart choices about your treatment options. If you have back or neck pain that radiates and is relieved by sitting and leaning forward, you may have spinal stenosis. Share this information with your doctor and improve your chances of pain relief.

Facet Arthritis Teatment

Where is facet arthritis found? The spinal column is made up of a collection of discs, bones and ligaments which surround and protect the spinal chord. The most delicate part of our spinal column is the network of nerves which operate our muscles and give us full operability. The Facet joints are the bones which help make up our spinal column and are found in the neck, mid and lower back. By the time we reach 50 years of age we all will have facet arthritis to some degree however not all of us will be affected by it.

Symptoms of cervical facet arthritis include neck pain, which can extend up into the back of the head or down into the shoulders and arms. Pain is usually worsened with neck movement. Lumbar spine facet arthritis affects the lower back, hip and thigh regions. Arching or extension of the back will cause discomfort in this case. In both cases the muscles surrounding the affected areas will feel sore and tender and standard x-rays will confirm whether the patient is in fact suffering from either cervical or lumbar facet arthritis.

Treatment of facet arthritis usually involves rest combined with anti-inflammatory medication. In some cases this may lead to muscle spasms in the patient therefore a prescription for muscle relaxants is required. Once the patient feels there condition is returning to normal a gradual increase in activity can take place. In most cases this should be enough to treat the condition.

If the patient shows little or no improvement then there are other treatments for facet arthritis including certain back exercises, physical therapy using ultrasound, traction and soft tissue mobilization or massage. If the problem still persists then the next step would be to receive a strong anti-inflammatory drug into the effected region usually lasting around 48 hours.

Prevention of facet arthritis usually starts with your sleeping position. A firm pillow which keeps your neck in line with your spine while sleeping is extremely important whether you sleep on your side or your back. General care should also be taking when using your back for lifting and back posture is also important when sitting for long periods of time.

Product Review - The Deroyal Derom Dynamic Knee Splint For Knee Contractures

Besides surgery and trauma, there are many causes for contracture of the knee joint including burns, rheumatoid arthritis, spinal chord injuries, multiple sclerosis, musculular dystrophy and cerebral palsy.

Prolonged immobilization creates muscle and tissue weakness and atrophy that may not resolve without intervention. Dynamic splinting systems are spring-loaded, adjustable devices designed to provide a low-load prolonged stretch while patients are asleep or at rest.

Dynamic splinting utilizes the method or modality of low load prolonged stretching. The result is a permanent stretch of the soft tissue and permanent restoration of the joints range of motion.

These devices combined with other physical therapy modalities provide a serial stretching of the affected limb in order to improve the end ranges of motion, primarily knee extension.

The DeRoyal DeROM Dynamic ROM Knee Orthosis utilizes an aircraft quality aluminum frame which is both lightweight and strong. It can assist in flexion and extension contractures of the knee.

It is ideal for patients with latex allergies, utilizing a soft Vel-foam thigh and calf cuff for ultimate comfort.

Doctors and therapists prefer this brace as it is only available in two sizes, and fits either left or right leg. It is easy to use with an integrated adjustment tool and tension release lever.

Competitor braces cost 2-3 times that of the DeRoyal DeROM, so for patients that have no insurance or when the device is not covered by an insurance company, it becomes the ideal choice.

So if you are suffering from contracture of the knee that is not responding to manual range of motion exercises and other physical therapy treatments, the DeRoyal DeROM Dynamic Knee Spint is an excellent addition to your course of treatment.

It is always recommended to consult with your treating doctor and therapist to determine the correct product for your orthopedic condition. The content of this article is not intended to diagnose, treat any health problem or recommend any brace.

Regenerative Medicine With Stem Cell Rich Injections

Stem Cell rich injections are now available for patients dealing with painful conditions. This represents a potential breakthrough in pain management for patients dealing with back, neck, arm, and leg pain.

For decades the gold standard in pain management treatment has been steroid injections for spinal or extremity pain issues. These cortisone injections work well with excellent results over 75% of the time. However, steroid injections do not alter the course of arthritis or soft tissue injury. They simply offer pain relief for a finite time period and then need to be repeated usually. In addition, there are significant limitations on the frequency with which corticosteroid injections may be performed due to potential adrenal gland problems and blood sugar issues. Most pain doctors recommend no more than once every few months for injections, and if multiple joints are being injected the total amount of steroid going into the body can add up quickly.

For a long time, the holy grail for arthritis and soft tissue injury has been to find a cell regenerating injection substance which both relieves pain and helps regenerate bone or soft tissue. Steroid injections only help with the pain relief portion. The non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory, stem cell injections that are processed from amniotic fluid have the potential for cartilage and soft tissue regeneration along with offering pain relief.

The regenerative effects have been shown in both the laboratory as well as in animal studies. Cartilage defects have been able to be filled with real cartilage. What is seen now is that cartilage defects typically are filled in with pseudo-cartilage, which is also known as fibrocartilage. This is not nearly as durable long term as native types of cartilage.

The non-steroidal stem cell therapy product is made from the amniotic fluid of live donors, and is neither fetal nor embryonic. The stem cells that come in the substance are not pluripotent, meaning they are not capable of differentiating into all cell types. However, they are capable of differentiating into most cell types, including, bone, muscle, and cartilage, which is the most important for orthopaedic and pain management injections.

The human amnion derived allograft has been used over 4000 times in the US over the past few years. Indications have included soft tissue injections, spinal fusion enhancement, wound healing, degenerative joint disease, joint injections, and injection around the spinal cord as a scar barrier. Adverse events with this potentially regenerative medicine substance have been minimal and results have been encouraging.

At this point in time, regenerative medicine injections are becoming more and more popular. Larger research studies need to be done, so for now the anecdotal excellent results are enough to spur its popularity.

Cervical Arthritis

Cervical arthritis also known as cervical spondylosis is an osteoarthritic condition that affects the upper spine. During this condition, the cervical vertebrae and the flexible disks of shock-absorbing cartilage that fit between them begin to degenerate. This degeneration slowly narrows the space in the vertebra called the foramen. This narrowing leads to compression on the nerves leading from the spinal cord in the neck. This makes the nerves to become inflamed causing neck pain that may radiate to the arms.

This condition normally begins between the ages of 30 and like all arthritic conditions it may get worse over time. Early onset of cervical arthritis can be due to a back injury for example those that result while playing football or falling from a horse. Once the cervical vertebrae and the disks begin to degenerate, any minor injury to the spine can trigger the symptoms.

Symptoms of this disorder include chronic pain, muscle weakness with numbness in the neck and arms. You may also experience numbness in the hands and fingers. Other symptoms include tenderness to the touch at the neck, stiffness which makes it hard to move the neck, headaches as well as loss of balance.

X-rays, computer tomography or CT scans and magnetic resonance imaging or MRIs are used during diagnosis of this condition. X-rays help to show any abnormalities in the bones of the spine while CT scans provide details on the bone structure of the spine. Cervical arthritis can be treated using medications and physical therapy. Surgery is recommended in severe cases.

Pilates Home Equipment - How the Pilates Spine Corrector Barrel Can Help You and Your Back Pain

A Pilates Barrel Spine Corrector is a quality designed Pilates equipment, that enables one to stretch their muscles and improve flexibility. The Spine Barrel Corrector is a great addition to your Pilates Home Equipment collection. It is perfect for practicing Pilates from home.

Have a look around the net and you will see only positive reviews of the Pilates Barrel, as it is an awesome piece of Pilates home equipment, developed by Joseph Pilates. It is purposely designed to strengthen the spine, the centre of our body, the abdomen, the back, and the shoulder muscles.

The barrel helps to support and correct spine curvature, and additionally it helps to relieve chest muscle tightness. Both of these contribute to a better nights sleep. An exercise of this type that concentrates on the core muscle group, is important as we age, as our spines will naturally lose its natural curve that it once had.

Users of the Pilates Spine Corrector Barrel are adamant that exercises on the spine stretching machine, will benefit those with or without back problems. Other Pilates Spine Corrector Barrel users claim that the results are the same as if they had participated in physical therapy or had chiropractic care performed on their back and muscles. Chiropractic care uses a similar philosophy, such as the stretching of the muscles, now you can achieve this through practicing Pilates from the comfort of home.

The Pilates Spine Corrector is very lightweight, only weighing around 18 to 24 pounds and it is a nicely designed piece of equipment, that will look great at home. The wooden exterior is not only stylish but ensures it is sturdy. It is easy to use and is complete with a comfortable padded top. The Pilates Spine Corrector Barrel also has handles on both sides to facilitate your exercise workout with ease. Because the barrel is a relatively lightweight piece of exercise equipment, it can easily be moved from room to room, or retrieved from a storage place to exercise in front of the tv.

Not only does the Pilates Spine Corrector Barrel help the support and correction of a curved spine, such as in scoliosis, it is also used to aid other medical conditions, such as arthritis, osteoporosis, as well as an exercise workout to help with weight loss.

For a good, solid piece of Pilates home exercise equipment, that comes with the Pilates reputation, it is a well priced health aid that can benefit lots of types of people. The Pilates Spine Corrector Barrel was designed by the original master of the Pilates exercise movement, Joseph Pilates. A video or DVD outlining all the exercises and benefits of the spine corrector, comes with the product.

If you suffer from any of the disabling mobility circumstances mentioned above or are having increased stiffness due to age, then the Pilates Spine Corrector Barrel may be the answer for relief of your back problems. Of course, as with any type of exercise program you should receive your physician's clearance before you begin.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Middle Back Pain - Causes, Treatment And Prevention

Middle back pain is something that is common to many men and women around the world. Both young and old suffer from middle back discomfort thanks to the variety of hobbies and sports they take part in and the work tasks that they must perform every day. The good thing about middle back dis-ease relief is that the solution to your problems is fairly easy.

12 vertebra form the middle back, also known as the thoracic (mid back) section of your spine. There is cartilage between the different vertebra, which are designed to protect the sensitive spinal cord that runs from your brain down to the rest of your body.

Wear and tear on the discs and cartilage can be among the causes of mid back pain as well as injury or actual medical issues such as degenerative disc disease, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, scoliosis and quite a few other disorders.

This list is not meant to scare you, it is just meant to drive home the point that there are a lot of causes of middle back problems and you should see a physician for a diagnosis before undertaking any sort of treatments for severe back pain relief. This way, you can be sure that your therapy is working to help your mid back pain issues and not making them worse.

If your mid back pain causes are muscular in nature and not a problem with your discs or cartilage, a daily regimen of middle back pain exercises can stretch and strengthen your muscles enough to avoid injury.

Middle back injury can often be caused by a sudden motion of the back that twists one of the vertebra out of place. This out of place vertebra pinches the spinal cord and sends pain signals up the nerve to register in your brain.

One of the most frequent causes of middle back injury is simply bending or twisting to reach something. If you do it at the wrong angle, you'll feel a sudden pain in your middle back. It's surprising how severe this pain can be!

When this kind of back problem happens, you are often feeling a pinched nerve. The muscles then swell up to protect the vertebra around them.

The swelling of the muscle is the most common type of back pain, and many people who exercise and work out a lot find themselves suffering from thoracic (mid back) pain. The pain can range from a mild ache in the muscles to a pinched nerve to an acute, chronic pain that is very disconcerting.

Another common cause of is a herniated disk, and this type of back pain is also very common. The herniated disc is a disc that is overworked to the point that a bulge forms between the discs in the spine. This can be very painful, as the bulge pushes the vertebra against the spinal cord.

Those with poor posture often suffer from middle back pain, as the poor posture of their body pulls and puts strain on the already tired back muscles. When you have bad posture, you are causing your middle back to work overly hard and you can cause serious back pain. this is a time when back exercises will strengthen your muscles and help you maintain a better posture.

Arthritis is another cause of middle back pain, though that is mainly for people that are advancing in years. Younger men and women CAN suffer from arthritis in their spinal cord, though it is far less common than arthritis in older people.

The good news is that for the most part, medical treatments won't require surgery and don't need to be long, drawn out affairs. Often doing something as simple as taking an over-the-counter anti inflammatory back pain medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen - and rest - is all that is necessary to restore your upper and middle back to it's original, healthy state.

Rest is usually the first thing prescribed by doctors and therapists treat your center back injury. Since the most frequent cause is tired, inflamed muscles, the best solution is to rest and allow the muscles to recuperate from their exertions.

If you are trying to avoid or recover from middle back injury, it is important that you rest and not do anything that would irritate the already tired muscles. No lifting, carrying, bending or twisting. Remember, a pain warning is your body's way of telling you to stop doing something.

Then, start a long term back stretching and strengthening exercise program. A few minutes a day is all it takes and it'll help not only your mid back but your upper and lower back areas as well.

It is important to take care of your back if you feel middle back pain, and you need to do your part to ensure that your back has time to return to normal health by resting and letting the muscles recover from their exertions.

How Do I Know I Have Arthritis?

There are pain syndromes like fibromyalgia and arthritis-related disorders, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, that involve every part of the body. There are relatively mild forms of tendinitis (as in 'tennis elbow') and bursitis to crippling systemic forms, such as rheumatoid arthritis. There are forms of the disease, such as gout, which almost nobody connects with this condition, and there are other conditions - like osteoarthritis, the misnamed 'wear and tear' arthritis - that a good many people think is the only form of the disease.

How do you know if you have arthritis? While symptoms and severity vary from person to person, the most common symptoms are: pain, swelling, stiffness, tenderness, redness and warmth. Osteoarthritis is characterized by progressive stiffness without swelling, chills or fever.

Rheumatoid arthritis is the painful swelling, inflammation and stiffness in the fingers, arms, legs and wrists, which are prevalent on both sides of the body and are usually worse in the morning. Children with on-off fever, loss of appetite, weight loss and a blotchy rash on the arms and legs might have juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. You should call the doctor if symptoms appear suddenly, or if they are accompanied by a fever or rash.

There are several common misconceptions about arthritis. Myth # 1 is that every day is the same for patients. In reality, this form of chronic pain comes and goes, which makes it difficult for diagnosis. Myth # 2 is that only older people have arthritis. However, in some cases, even children have this type of pain. Myth # 3 is that arthritis is caused by cold, wet weather or a poor diet.

In reality, there are no easy cause-and-effect connections, but contributing factors include: age, weight, anatomy, infection of the joint and trauma. Lastly, some believe that joint replacement surgery (arthroplasty) should be avoided for as long as possible. Yet the surgery has helped millions of Americans and is seen as a viable option when exercise, physical therapy and medication fail.

For treatment, Methotrexate slows the progression of rheumatoid arthritis and restores some function. For osteoarthritis sufferers, NSAIDs like ibuprofen are good at relieving short term pain and stiffness. Disease modifiers like Methotrexate, Leflunomide, Adalimumab, Etanercept or Infliximab can help long term effects and reduce joint damage.

For people with gout, NSAIDs, Corticosteroids, Allopurinol and Probenecid are effective drugs. Be sure to see your doctor if you have been suffering with any symptom of chronic pain.

Water - Drink It and Test for Yourself The Benefits I Suggest

Water is More Than Just a Drink.

Dehydration can cause stomach problems joint and back pain and contribute to weight problems.

Humans can only tolerate a 12% loss of water. That takes about five days (less for children). This should be all I need to say about water, except that most of us do not know when we are dehydrated.

Coffee, tea, lemonade, juice, beer, wine, although tasty are not the same as drinking water, because they have a dehydrating effect. If we choose drinks other that water, we reduce the natural thirst but still become dehydrated without being aware of this.

Test: Pinch the skin on the back of your hand. Watch how quickly it returns to normal. If the skin returns slowly, you are dehydrated.

Symptoms that can occur if you are dehydrated:

morning sickness

Why? Because the mucous membrane that lines and protects the stomach needs to be well- hydrated. This stops the stomach acid from penetrating into the delicate membrane and virtually digesting itself, causing inflammation and even ulceration. Water is vital to the proper peristaltic movement of the bowel and to the efficient opening and closing of valves (Houston, pyloric, oesophagus) throughout the system. If these valves stick matter can move between the segments of the intestine. High levels of acid can flow into the small intestine causing ulceration or into the oesophagus causing heartburn. Toxins can flow back from the large intestine to the small intestine.

Joint pain
back and neck pain

Why? Because the cartilage surfaces of the bones in the joints should contain fluids. This acts to lubricate the surface so that the bones can glide smoothly during movement of the joint. It is normal for some exposed cells to die and peel away and then new ones take their place. If the cartilage is dehydrated the cell damage is increased and becomes more prolific than new cells can be replenished. This causes inflammation, the body's warning sign of trouble. The body does have a backup system for this cell loss. Remodelling hormones take over to repair the joint. Unfortunately, the repair is often rough and not symmetrical causing further inflammation and arthritis.

Sciatica: most of the weight of the human body is supported by the lumbar spine, particularly the discs or cushions between the vertebra. Water in conjunction with movement helps to keep the discs plump, maintaining a healthy distance between the vertebra and the spinal nerves that originate from them. Impingement of the sciatic nerve by the unhealthy discs causes pain in the buttock and down the leg.

Weight problems

Why? Because the brain has an insatiable need for energy. The need for this energy is conveyed to us by two sensations, thirst and hunger. When we feel the need to eat should we be having a glass of water? Try drinking water every two or three hours, it you are a small person use a small glass, if you are a larger person use a larger glass. If you have been very hot or exercising have an extra glassful.

The Things You Should Know About Sacroiliac Joint Inflammation

Have you been suffering from piercing pains in your lower back lately? Do you have trouble turning around, bending down, or rolling over in your sleep? If this is the case, you might have a sacroiliac joint inflammation - not exactly when you are waiting for right before the holiday season.

The first thing you want to know about this problem is what the sacroiliac joints actually are. The sacroiliac joints are two 'L-shaped' joints that are located at the bottom of the back, one on either side of the spine. They lie between the wedge-shaped bone at the bottom of your spine (known as the sacrum) and the pelvic ilium, and are held in place by various muscles and ligaments. When you move your lower body, the sacroiliac joints get twisted and stretched along the pelvic girdle, so they help facilitate pelvic movement.

When either of these joints gets inflamed, it can create a sharp pain in the lower back, upper thighs, and sometimes the buttocks. This is either caused by the fact that the joints get stuck, or that one half the pelvis continually glides backwards and forwards, irritating and inflaming the iliolumbar ligament.

Mild inflammations of the sacroiliac joints and the surrounding regions are not uncommon, but the more severe forms of sacroiliitis tend to crop up with old age. The most significant causes of sacroiliitis include pregnancy (because the pelvis is forced to expand during labour); trauma or sudden impact injury to the spine or pelvis; and degenerative arthritis, or osteoarthritis of the spine (which deteriorates the sacroiliac joints). But do not fret: it is possible to treat sacroiliitis, just as long as you visit your osteopath and keep an eye out for any early symptoms of the disease.

The most noticeable symptoms of sacroiliac joint inflammation include: - Restricted hip movement (having difficulty turning around or rolling over in bed) - Stiffness in the lower back after long periods of immobility (such after long car journeys) or when waking up in the morning - Difficulty bending down - Pain during sexual intercourse - Sharp pain the thighs when swinging your legs out of bed or out of the car

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important that you visit someone who understands the sacroiliac joint well, such as an osteopath. In the meantime, you can try to reduce the pain by doing the following: - When sitting or lying down, place a pillow in between your knees to take some of the pressure of the pelvis - Wrap a damp tea towel around an icepack and place it on the inflamed area for 10-minute intervals for a half hour. You can do this up to three times a day. - At night, sleep on your side instead of your back

Sacroiliac joint inflammation can be a right pain in the back. Osteopaths can help you cope with this pain effectively through a combination of anti-inflammatory medication treatments and physical therapy. So as long as you are patient with yourself and visit an osteopath regularly, there is no reason why you cannot have an enjoyable holiday season.

Scoliosis Surgery - Is It Worth the Cost?

Sometimes the remedy can be worse than the disease

It is about a ten-hour surgery in which they open you up on your side and on your back. In my particular surgery they would put three rods in my back and hold them together with five screws. In order to help my bone grow they took out one of my ribs and six of my discs, and they also took a bone graft from my lower hip (right on my butt). They took this bone and filled three cages that hold the bone which are in between the vertebra.....

- Culled from Scoliosis Surgery: Corey McConnell's Experience

If it sounds, gruesome, remember this is just the beginning. Corrective spinal surgery for scoliosis can be quite a distressing experience for adolescent patients and their parents. Spinal surgery often involves an extensive amount of tissue and bone trauma that can result in excreting pain that the patient simply has to live with.

Worse, there is no guarantee that despite the steep cost of spinal surgery, the results would be as expected. In many cases, the remedy can be worse than the disease.

Then why do so many scoliosis patients continue to opt for spinal surgery?

That's a million dollar question! I've been baffled by it and discovered that over these years, we have veered so far away from traditional modes of treatment and scalpel-free cures, that we've forgotten that there were "miraculous" recoveries from scoliosis even when doctors didn't wield any scalpel.

This set me on an intensive research and during my last few years of practice and experience with hundreds of scoliosis patients, I've come to discover that THERE ARE, time-tested non-surgical treatment for scoliosis.

Non-surgical Scoliosis Correction offers a combination of these effective, safe and painless non-surgical treatments for various disorders of the spine such as neck problems, low back pain and slipped disc.

Non-surgical Scoliosis Correction techniques draws the best protocols and methods from around the world, such as the Schroth method pioneered in Germany, the Vertetrac system developed in Israel and also vibration therapy, physical therapy and used in U.S.A. for correcting spinal curves (scoliosis), low back pain, sciatica and herniation, with very encouraging results.

The biggest advantage of Non-surgical Scoliosis Correction is that besides being painless, it's more cost-effective (costs a fraction of the cost of spinal surgery) and there are no side effects! The only requirement is that you begin your treatment with the commitment to follow through with the recommended exercise and treatment protocols over a period of time.

Non Surgical Scoliosis treatment basically includes:

Nutrition therapy

We are what we eat. As most people are well aware, good nutrition and a balanced diet are important components of overall health. What may surprise people with back problems is that diet, nutrition and maintaining a healthy weight also play a major role in the back - including preventing many problems and healing from injuries. The bones, muscles and other structures in the spine need good nutrition and vitamins so that they are strong enough to support the body and to perform their other functions. Using these nutritional guidelines, patients can integrate back-friendly vitamins and nutrients into their diets.

Posture & Body Balance Training There is now a huge body of research on outpatient physiotherapy, intensive inpatient rehabilitation, and bracing that's proven the effectiveness of exercise in scoliosis treatment. A paper from researchers in Turkey published in the Saudi Medical Journal on Schroth's three-dimensional exercise therapy --- that I use at my clinic for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis --- found that after six weeks, six months and one year, of therapy, all patients had an increase in muscle strength. What's more, they also reported a significant improvement in their postural defects.


Children with mild scoliosis treated with chiropractic adjustments have shown a reduction in their spinal curvature, according to the findings of a three-year, $143,000 study funded by the Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research.

It is imperative that a scoliosis suffer gets treated from a trained chiropractor with good knowledge in treating scoliosis. Too often and untrained manual therapist will try to "click and "crack" the spine to push it back into place. While this method works for a normal spine a person it wont for a scolioctic spine but may actually increase the Scoliosis.

State of the art medical devices

There are several state-of-the-art medical devices that I use at my clinic, namely:

Vibration therapy

The Russian cosmonauts first investigated vibrating platforms as a way of maintaining bone & muscle mass while in outer space.I first began using vibration therapy as a way of retraining the brain's control over the muscles more effectively. When you stand upon the vibration machine, your postural muscles have to make multiple, rapid adjustments - as many as 50 times per second to adapt to the stimuli and balance accordingly. For this reason, exercises & spinal rehabilitation performed with vibration therapy can be as much as 3 times more effective than if they were done alone!

Meditrac & Vertetrac

This is a huge improvement over the traditional traction devices devised by Dr. L. Stabholz and Dr. A. Grober. These doctors found that applying differential traction to patients with an antalgic lean (Sciatic Scoliosis) helped in restoring normal upright stance and decreasing muscle spasm, often leading to full recovery. Meditrac & Vertetrac are now extensively used in the patient's rehabilitation process and accelerating blood flow to the tissues and intervertebral discs at my clinic.

Shockwave Therapy

Shock Wave Therapy implies the application of high-intensity ultrasonic acoustic radiation for the treatment of certain musculo-skeletal disorders. The machine focuses high energy sound waves on the injury through a protective pad that breaks down scar tissue and calcifications in the area, resulting in structural changes in the tissue, stimulation of bone growth, regeneration of the lost tissue and calcium absorption by the body, all of which are great for a full or partial recovery from scoliosis.

Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression

This FDA cleared technology relieves pain by enlarging the space between the discs. The treatment has been found to be remarkably effective in severe cases of herniation, degeneration, arthritis, stenosis and pressure on the nerve root. According to a clinical study performed by the Orthopedic Technological Review in 2004, 86% of all cases experienced spinal pain relief with disc decompression.

When is the best time to treat my Scoliosis?

It is always advisable to correct your scoliosis or any back problem as early as possible before it spirals out of control. With timely intervention, we are able to reduce the curve to an ideal 5 degrees or less, thus defeating the disease rather than taming it.

The only thing to be borne in mind is that while surgery is usually over in a day or two at the hospital followed by subsequent rehabilitation, my program requires a lot more consistent effort, dedication and time. The advantage is that its significantly cheaper and safer than surgery.

Just think about it. Over 650,000 surgical procedures are performed annually for back pain in the United States that cost in excess of $20 billion per annum. "Can this money not be put to some better use," questions Dr. Gunnar Andersson, former chairman of the department of Orthopedics at Rush. Dr Andersson and his team have found that often there is no link between people's health care expenditures and their health outcomes. This means that we often spend money on surgeries that are not required.

Don't be part of that depressing statistic.