Saturday, August 17, 2013

Lower Back Pain The Role Of Calf Muscles

Lower back pain causes calf muscle pain and tightness and the calf muscles play a huge role in the development and maintenance of lower back pain.These calf muscles (gastrocnemius and soleus) are usually tight in most people especially in women wearing shoes with high heels. Calf muscle cramps are extremely painful and often awaken people during sleep. These cramps are a warning that there is nerve related muscle problems stemming from spinal nerve root involvement in the lower back. This is usually the case if you have calf muscle tightness and frequent night cramps even if you have no complaints of lower back pain or lower limb pain.

There are three calf muscles, two of them are called the gastrocnemius muscles (inner and outer muscles known respectively as medial and lateral) and the third is called the soleus muscle.

The gastrocnemius arise from the lower part of the thigh bone just above the knee. The soleus muscle arises from the leg bones known as the tibia and fibula bones and does not cross the knee joint. All three muscles insert into the heel bone through the heel cord. The tibial nerve supplies primarily S1 nerve root fibers to the inner gastrocnemius muscle (medial) and the L5 nerve root fibers to the outer gastrocnemius muscles (lateral) and primarily S1 nerve fibers to the soleus.
The gastrocnemius and soleus muscles are responsible chiefly for bending the ankel and foot down so that the toes can point toward the ground. However when the foot is flat on the ground as in the sitting, crouching or squatting positions, the gastrocnemius muscles can bend the knee but not the soleus. Those who have tightness of the calf muscles will note that they are unable to place the heels flat on the floor.

During ambulation, people with tight calf muscles are unstable and prone to falls since there is difficulty with the heel striking the ground. They also have difficulty with the push-off phase of ambulation. The only muscle that is active during relaxed standing is the soleus muscle. It is responsible for stabilizing the leg so that the weight line can fall in front of the knee. Otherwise, the knee can buckle.
Tight calf muscles play a significant role in causing and aggravating lower back pain due to increasing the stress on the low back muscles. Since these calf muscles are chronically tight, trying to reduce or release spasms within these muscles is very difficult. In addition, there is also nerve related muscle tightness and weakness in these muscles due to presence of aging of the L5 and S1 spinal nerve roots.
To make the situation worse, the muscles that lift the foot and ankle up of the ground in the front of the leg are chronically weak. The weakness is primarily of nerve related origin since these muscles are supplied by the L5 nerve root which is the most commonly injured nerve root. The injury or irritation stems from presence of degenerative arthritis of the spine, slipped disc, bulging disc, etc. The L5 nerve root fibers are mainly carried through the peroneal nerve which also is vulnerable to trauma from habitual crossing of knees and/or ankles making the foot and ankle dorsiflexors even more weak.

Therefore to treat calf muscle tightness, muscles in the front of the leg called the dorsiflexor muscles of the foot and ankle have to be treated before treating the calf muscles. The dorsiflexor muscles of the foot and ankle are chronically subjected to lengthening contractions during ambulation. Therefore selective activation of these muscles by inducing shortening contractions is needed. Walking on the heels is one of the ways to induce shortening contractions of the foot and ankle dorsiflexors.

Optimal treatment for the tight calf muscles cannot be isolated to just treating the calf muscles symptomatically. The treatment must include treating the root cause of the tightness which is spinal nerve root problems primarily at the L5 and S1 levels.

All the related muscles that are continuously subjected to lengthening contractions need to be treated. Return of strength for these muscles is achieved through shortening contractions. Treatments must include treating the spinal extensor muscles, gluteus maximus, adductor magnus, tensor fascia lata, rectus femoris and the foot and ankle dorsiflexors. Selective activation for these muscles is most effective through motor point stimulation using the eToims Twitch Relief Method.
© 2007 copyright lower back pain| the role of calf muscles

Friday, August 16, 2013

Wellness Coaching - The Benefits of Upper Cervical Care

In 1995, I was introduced to a specific type of chiropractic care known as "upper cervical care". At that time, X-rays were taken by a chiropractic physician of my skull and upper spine and it was revealed that I had developed an abnormal curvature of my top vertebrae known as a vertebral subluxation. I was then shown an X-ray of a normal, healthy spine and the difference was dramatic.

My doctor explained that the fatigue, dizziness, and TMJ syndrome that I had been enduring for so many years was no doubt caused by the two auto accidents I had when I was a teenager. He said that car accidents are one of the major causes of vertebral subluxations, but even a fall or slight trauma to the head or back could be enough to contribute to a misalignment of the upper curvature of the spine.

The brain facilitates communication via trillions of nerve fibers to every part of the body via the spinal cord. In between the spinal cord and the brain is a bundle of nerves called the brain stem. This brain stem acts as the control center for functions of the body such as breathing, heartbeat, motor function, equilibrium, and the regulation of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. Because of the important neural structures concentrated in this small portion of the nervous system, the slightest of damage to this area may have dramatic effects.

The brain stem is sheathed by the atlas (C1) and axis (C2) vertebrae and when completely aligned and freed of nerve interference (from upper cervical care adjustments), the rest of the spine and skeleton will automatically realign itself (like a domino effect), thus restoring the nervous system to its optimally healthy state. As a result of this vertebral realignment, the body is allowed to reclaim its anabolic state where it will regenerate tissue, repair cellular damage and heal.

Upper cervical care is gentle and non-invasive. It is completely painless and you barely feel anything when adjusted. You simply lie down on your side and the chiropractic physician makes the adjustment on the upper cervical area, just below the atlas. It is this inter-relationship between the upper cervical spine (neck) the central nervous system, and the brain stem, that affects every aspect of human function, including touch, hearing, sight, mental processing, regulation of hormones, motor control, and immune system regulation. But perhaps most importantly, when properly aligned, it helps the body maintain an anabolic state of repair and renewal. The main goal of NUCCA (National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association) is to maximize the human health potential associated with the reduction of the Atlas Subluxation Complex (ASC).

The re-alignment of bones takes time (kinda like straightening teeth). The chronic dizziness that I endured for over five years slowly dissipated and healed within two years of upper cervical care. And my overall energy and health has improved quite dramatically over the years, especially since I have been living in a pain-, stress, anxiety-free mode. I've learned that living a life without stress significantly accelerates the healing process and contributes greatly to your sense of well-being.

Lower Back Pain Causes And What Can Be Done About Them

Much like back pain in general, there can be many different causes such as muscle strain, trauma, and poor body mechanics such as poor posture. The difference with lower back pain, however, is that the central point for the pain is specifically located in the lower regions of the spine. Due to the more specific location of the pain, the causes of the pain can be easier to pinpoint.

As general back problems can be caused by many different factors that can range from stress to damaged discs in the spine to diseases, it is most commonly caused by muscle strains. Understanding lower back pain causes is crucial to proper treatment which leads to speedy and relatively less painless recovery. A good way to understand the many different causes is to have a chat with your doctor about your daily activities and how they may affect your spine.

So what can cause lumbar muscle strain? As with general back problems, lower back pain causes can include abnormal or exorbitant stretching of muscles, ligaments, or tendons in the back. Other than that, poor conditioning may also lead to back problems. What exactly is meant by poor conditioning? A good rule of thumb is general unhealthiness, such as, obesity and smoking. Obesity is a huge problem for lower back issues as the spine is supported by large muscles known as the paraspinal muscles, which support both the spinal column as well as the weight of the upper body. Hence, those with heavier than average upper bodies put much greater strains on the paraspinal muscles.

A good way to combat this would be to strengthen the muscles around the lower back so that they may aid the five lumbar vertebrae and its connective ligaments in the lower spinal column in carrying the weight of the upper body. A strong lower back is an excellent weapon against lower back problems.

As with general back problems, lower back pain causes can also be exacerbated by age. Arthritis commonly occurs in joints such as the knees; however, arthritis can affect any joint in the body. The spine is made up of many small joints; therefore, arthritis can also occur in the lumbar spine. Arthritis of the spine can cause lower back problems with movement. Lumbar spine arthritis usually occurs with other spinal conditions such as disc degeneration and spinal stenosis. The discs of the lumbar spine can wear out with age, which can be exacerbated as the facet joints are worn out by arthritis.

In addition, as arthritis progresses, symptoms of spinal stenosis can arise as the nerves of the spine become pinched. Some symptoms of spinal stenosis include numbness, tingling, and leg pain which can lead to difficulty in walking. It is important to seek medical help if any of these symptoms arise. Contrary to popular belief, the problem is not "healed" by rest. Talk to your doctor about the many different lower back pain causes because the spine should never be ignored.

Finding It Difficult to Get Up? Lift Chairs Are Here to Make Things Easier

Why there is a need

Getting up from a chair often becomes difficult due to creaky joints, accidents and back problems. Knee and hip joints stiffen with age and the elderly often cannot get up quickly from a seating position without causing considerable pain to the joints.

Spinal conditions like Spondylosis and arthritis result in limited mobility while moving about or shifting from one position to another. Also the size of the chair, its height, width and depth make it distinctly uncomfortable to rise without causing discomfort.

Lift chairs to the rescue

Lift chairs provide an effective solution to the problem making it easy to not only get up but also recline and relax. Using a lift chair one can change the angle of inclination merely by pushing a button. A lift mechanism powered by electricity is fitted at the base of the chair. The mechanism elevates the chair at a comfortable slope making it extremely easy to get off.

The forward motion of the chair changes the person's position from a sitting posture to a half standing one. The lift chair is a versatile mechanism and can be used as an easy chair as well as a bed for a nap in the afternoon.

The variety of lift chairs available

Lift chairs are available in a variety of models as suited to the user's specific needs. The most commonly used types are

  • 2-position lift chair: The 2-position lift chair is quite affordable and aids the user to get up or recline to a limited degree (about 45 degrees back). This chair is ideal for reading or watching the T.V with the backrest in a slightly tilted position.

  • 3-position lift chair: The 3-position left chair offers more flexibility and the user can recline to a fuller extent.

  • Infinite position lift chair: This chair can be modified to virtually any position even for sleeping in the Trendelenburg Position with the feet above the heart level.

  • Zero gravity lift chair: This is on of the newer version of lift chairs which enables the user to relax in a position that minimizes stress on all joints while providing a restful experience. The zero gravity lift chair helps in reducing stress on the lower back and provides relief to patients with back problems like slipped disc.

A person sitting in the zero gravity position has the upper body at a slight incline with the back at a raised position and the feet at a lower angle. The position is extremely comfortable helping to eliminate disc compression problems and enabling the user to sit at one place for a long period of time.

Adds to the home decor

Lift chairs are quite attractive and easily blend in with the rest of your furnishings. The chairs are available in a wide range of color and fabrics to go with your home decor. What's more you can select from variety of styles like button backs, pillow backs or split back according to the trend.

How to choose a lift chair

Choosing a lift chair is best done by the user, just sit in one and check if you find the experience comfortable. Check out the lift mechanism if you can adjust the different positions easily and then make your selection.

  • The seat width needs to be spacious with at least a palm's space on either side between the user and the arm rest.

  • The seat edge should not extend beyond the knee joint. The depth of the chair should be such that the seat edge comes up to the knee joint.

  • The head should be well supported by the headrest with at least a space of 2 inches left above the head

  • The height should let your feet rest on the floor without having to shorten or extend the knee joint excessively.

What features are offered?

Lift chairs come with a variety of features some of which are as follows.

  • Battery backup lets the user to operate the lift mechanism in case of a power outage

  • The chairs are quite sturdy and have a weight capacity of about 350-450 lbs

  • Heavy duty lift chairs that run on a dual motor

  • An extendable footrest improves blood circulation so one does not feel stiff in the legs

  • Additional features include heat and massage facilities, removable arm rests and attachable tray tables.

People who are eligible can avail of Medicare to claim a cost reduction while buying a lift chair. According to current policy Medicare provides cover only for the cost associated with lift mechanism and if the user has not filed a similar claim for a mobility aid like a power wheelchair before.

L4, L5, S1 Low Back Pain - Meet Your Psoas Muscle

Low back pain that is characterized by pain in the L4, L5, S1 region means that you need to have your psoas muscle lengthened. The psoas muscle attaches from the lumbar area (i.e., L4, L5, S1) to the upper thigh region. The psoas muscle is easily susceptible to contraction. When it gets shortened, it creates pressure on the discs in the L4, L5, S1 area, causing low back pain. Few people know about the effect of the psoas muscle on low back pain. And fewer people know how to lengthen the psoas when it becomes contracted. The best method is through Active Isolated Stretching therapy (also known as AIS).

The psoas muscle lies deep inside the stomach, so it is the flip side of the low back region. Is attaches at numerous points along the spinal column, over twenty-six locations. Sitting for long periods of time and doing full sit-ups are common reasons for the psoas to tighten. Modern society requires humans to sit most of the day, which is why low back pain is so prevalent. Tightness in the psoas muscle is not the only reason why people experience low back pain. But it is almost always a principle factor.

When a person undergoes Active Isolated Stretching treatment, a therapist helps the client to stretch the psoas muscle. This involves a client leaning on a massage table and the therapist pulling the leg away from the torso. This AIS technique properly lengthens the psoas muscle without risking injury to the discs of the low back. Opening the psoas muscle will radically improve low back pain; it is necessary but not the entirety of solving low back pain.

Other methods unsuccessfully try to address psoas tightness. Some massage therapy techniques try to manually lengthen the psoas muscle by pushing the hands deep into the stomach and trying to massage the muscle. This technique fails because the psoas is too deep inside the stomach to reach manually. And even if it can be touched, the psoas has too many attachment points along the vertebrae that need to be released. Its impossible to adequately lengthen the psoas muscle through massage techniques.

Back surgery is another option for low back pain in the L4, L5, S1 region. In some cases, a surgeon will shave off part of the disc that is herniating/bulging/degenerating. The disc is the cushion that lies in between the vertebrae (sections of the spinal column). The reasoning for shaving off the disc is that the protrusion is pushing into the nerve and causing low back pain. This procedure is regarded as minimally invasive back surgery. A more aggressive surgery involves removing the disc entirely and fusing the vertebrae together. This procedure is known as spinal fusion.

In either case, the issue that is being ignored is why is the disc being negatively affected? What is causing the disc in the low back to bulge, herniate, or degenerate? Part of the answer is contraction of the psoas muscle. Tightness in the psoas muscle is squeezing the vertebrae together. The excessive force is causing the discs around L4, L5, or S1 to spill out of normal position or wear down.

The approach in Active Isolated Stretching is to get to the root cause of low back pain. If the psoas muscle and numerous accompanying muscles can be restored back to normal length then the discs in the low back can return to normal position. Herniation can slide back inside when the excessive squeezing is terminated. The body can repair its own problems when the critical muscles are balanced. Even physicians emphasize investigating every option before considering back surgery. Active Isolated Stretching therapy is the safe/effective method that needs exploration.

Acupressure Schools

Find Acupressure Schools in the United States and Canada. Acupressure schools teach an ancient healing therapy that was developed in Asia over 5,000 years ago. Teaching students how to utilize the fingers to depress key locations on the skin's surface to promote natural healing, acupressure schools instruct in similar practices of acupuncture; as acupressure facilitates the same reference points on the body that release muscular stress; thus encouraging better blood circulation.

Acupressure schools teach students the benefits of acupressure, and how it can relieve pain and bring the body back into harmonious balance. Acupressure's healing ability promotes stress reduction, improves circulation, relaxes the body and strengthens the immune system. Acupressure schools also demonstrate how this healing art can effectively be used to alleviate acute and chronic conditions such as arthritis, headaches, spinal-muscular pain, and sinus complications. Taught as a preventative therapy, students of acupressure schools learn that acupressure is an excellent alternative healing education for overall well-being -- mind, body and spirit.

Two techniques commonly taught in acupressure schools are "Shiatsu," and "Jin Shin." Shiatsu acupressure, the most widely used therapy, is notated for its vigorous and firm pressure application; while, the Jin Shin acupressure technique is a more gentle form -- whereby points are softly held for a moment or two.

In addition to providing typical acupressure sessions for clients, students of acupressure schools are instructed how to develop their entrepreneurial skills to promote their individual practices.

If you or someone you know is seeking an alternative education, we have a selection of acupressure schools from which to choose -- here, at Holistic Junction.

Find your dream job! Let education within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore career school programs [] near you.

Acupressure Schools
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Osteoarthritis Prevention and Management

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common type of arthritis affecting millions of people worldwide. The hallmark for diagnosis is degenerative changes within an affected joint. It occurs when the rate of cartilage damage exceeds the rate of repair. Osteoarthritis can result in significant pain, joint stiffness and other manifestations and can have a significant impact on one's quality of life and independence. An exact cause has not been established however, there are a number of risk factors contributing to its development including age, obesity, physical trauma, relative activity level (too much or too little), family history of OA, underlying metabolic issues and faulty posture and joint mechanics. Due to the impact OA can have, an effective preventative and treatment approach becomes important. Whereas many medications have unwanted side effects and only provide symptomatic relief, there are natural methods to prevent, manage and slow the progression of osteoarthritis.

How do I prevent or slow the progression of OA?

While we can't necessarily prevent OA 100%, healthy lifestyle choices and reducing risk factors help considerably. If you already have osteoarthritis, do not rely fully on passive treatments. Combing complementary and alternative therapies with appropriate lifestyle modification will lead to improved function, reduced pain and better overall sense of well-being.

1) Weight loss:
Excessive weight can place an undue amount of force and stress on joints. Thus, weight loss is recommended for those who are overweight or obese not only for the beneficial effects on joints but also for overall health.

2) Prevent injuries:
While not all injuries can be avoided, many spinal injuries can be prevented by using appropriate lifting mechanics (maintaining a neutral spine and a strong core). Injuries to the lower extremities can sometimes be avoided by ensuring one wears appropriate footwear.

3) Be physically active:
A healthy cardiovascular system means better health and healing in general. Aim for 翻 hour of moderate intensity activity for most days of the week. Exercise is also one of the best non-drug treatments for OA. Some excellent low impact ideas include swimming, tai chi, yoga and walking.

4) Maintain a healthy diet:
A healthy, balanced diet rich in antioxidants and nutrients is important for overall health. Indeed, dietary modifications can also affect pain level. Consider an anti-inflammatory diet. Different foods are metabolized differently in the body, some reducing inflammation and others exacerbating it. Foods to include are antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, nuts, fish, chicken, omega-3 fats and whole grains. Foods to avoid include high fat meats, cheese, starchy/sugary foods, trans fats, butter, cream and highly processed foods.

5) Take glucosamine:
Glucosamine is a natural substance that the body makes which lubricates joints. With age, however, production is diminished thus making supplementation important. 1500 mg per day is typically recommended for people over 40.

6) Work on posture:
Having good posture will reduce load on joints as it allows body weight to be distributed more evenly. Chiropractors can give specific exercises to correct postural problems including strengthening exercises for relatively weaker muscles and stretches for relatively tense muscles.

7) Chiropractic care:
Regular chiropractic care can detect and correct small problems before they become bigger problems. Adjustments are used to restore mobility in restricted joints and correct alignment. Joint restrictions can accelerate joint degeneration in two ways. First, if one joint is not moving well, other joints must work harder to compensate. Second, the restricted joint itself will begin to degenerate because movement is required for flushing nutrient-rich joint fluid which supports cartilage health. Thus, regular chiropractic care normalizes joint mechanics. In addition, restoring spinal alignment improves communication in the nervous system such that overall healing is optimized.

What else can I do to relieve pain?

1) Try an epsom salt bath:
Warm epsom salt baths help to relieve muscle tension which reduces stress on joints.

2) Sleep well:
Good rest ensures good restoration. Sometimes a new mattress and quality pillow can make all the difference in having a comfortable night.

3) Try pain relieving ointments:
There are many natural anti-inflammatory and pain relieving ointments available in health food stores.

4) Consider orthotic footwear:
Good footwear and orthotics can correct alignment at the base of support and add comfort and shock absorption for joints higher up in the kinetic chain.

5) Other complementary and alternative therapies:
Acupuncture and massage therapy are great alternative therapies for management of painful conditions. Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years and has been shown to be effective for improving symptoms of OA. Massage therapy relaxes muscles which decreases the compressive forces on joints. Consulting with a naturopath can provide more specific recommendations regarding herbal and dietary measures.

1.Hart, J (2008). Osteoarthritis And Complementary Therapies. Alternative and Complementary Therapies; 14(3):116-120.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Disc Desiccation and Spinal Back Treatment

The individual bones that comprise the spine are called vertebrae. Each vertebrae except the top two in the neck are separated by a cushion, an intervertebral disc. The outside of the disc is surrounded by fibrous, ligamentous tissue called the annular fibers named as such from the same root word from which we get annual or year round. In some ways discs resemble automobile tires for they both absorb shock and allow the spine to bend and move, but instead of being full of air like a tire the inside or nucleus of a spinal disc is filled with a jelly-like protein substance that is designed to absorb shock. Desiccation is a scientific word meaning "dry" which means that the inside of the disc is drying out. In time the annular fibers also begin to dry out, lose their elasticity and are subject to cracks or tears that result in a bulging out or herniation of the disc tissue.


Disc desiccation is the first step in degenerative disc disease and is diagnosed via MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), a noninvasive diagnostic technique that produces computerized images of internal body tissues and is based on nuclear magnetic resonance of atoms within the body. This technique is often imagined as a sort of advanced x-ray but is instead induced by the application of radio waves, not x-rays. Similar in some ways to sonar on a submarine the body is "pinged" by these radio waves. The signals that bounce back are different dependent upon how wet or dry the tissue is and with the magic of computers the data is collected and the computer assigns color to the pixels. Very wet tissue such as body fat is rendered white and completely dry tissue is rendered black with many, many shades of grey in between. Therefore, a healthy hydrated disc will appear white whereas a dry disc will appear very grey or black.


As a disc loses water content it begins to lose height and the vertebra get closer together. This is easily seen on both x-ray and MRI, and creates the appearance of the disc "wearing away" but in fact no tissue has actually disappeared - it has simply shrunk in size exactly in the same way that a plump plum when dried becomes a shriveled prune. This is the second stage of disc degeneration.

A dry, thin disc is unable to do its job of absorbing shock and as the degenerative changes progress can eventually reach the point where the ordinary jolt of the heel striking the ground which occurs during everyday walking causes pain. More substantial impacts such as dropping the body weight from step to step while descending stairs and an infinite variety of other everyday activities can result in sudden sharp, shooting pains in what many patients describe as "bone on bone" and while, perhaps, not technically correct never-the-less results in mechanical stress to the joints of the spine and the supporting ligaments. This stress results in osteoarthritis, the third step in degenerative disc disease.


It is easy to suppose that if the bones are "catching" or "rubbing wrong" or any of the mishmash of other phrases that patients use to describe this phenomena that eventually the bone would wear down but, in fact, the exact opposite occurs. Remember that bone is living tissue and like other living tissue such as the skin on the palm of a hand, for instance, it will build up when stressed, and this we call a callous. Abnormal or excessive mechanical stress to bone causes it to respond in the same way as does skin and results in a buildup of deposits of calcium. The bone and/or supporting ligaments become denser as these calcium molecules accumulate, and eventually become numerous enough to form visible spurs or osteophytes. There are a variety of medical terms used to describe this buildup of calcium dependent upon the location and severity, but in the end they all spell osteoarthritis.

Herbal Medicines For Arthritis and Rheumatism

There are many different types of arthritis, each of which involves some disorder or inflammation of one or more joints. The two most common forms are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis (OA)

Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis, affecting the middle-aged. It is a degenerative joint disease and is characterized by pain, stiffness, and swelling in spinal joints, hips, knees, and joints of the hand, with progressive loss of function. The cartilage that lines the bones degenerates, becoming inflamed, rough, and hardened, and eventually wears away. Tendons, ligaments, and muscles that are holding the joint together become weaker, causing deformity, pain, and reduced movement.

Osteoarthritis is the result of natural wear arid tear, but other causes can include

repeated strain to joints, ligaments, and muscles

joint deformation from birth or previous injury

rheumatoid arthritis


nutritional and hormonal influences.


Diet and Nutrition Correct body weight should be maintained to prevent strain from causing osteoarthritis. Tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, peppers, and simple carbohydrates, such as white flour and refined sugar, should be eaten in moderation. Avoid coffee, red meat, artificial additives, and processed foods. Increase your intake of vegetables, fruits, complex carbohydrates, wheat germ, and oily fish. A nutritionist might suggest daily supplementation with vitamins A (10,000iu), C (2g), E (600iu), and B6 (50mg).

Massage Joints can be massaged effectively with tiger balm, lavender and camomile oils, and with Ruta grav. cream.

Yoga This will help to encourage joint mobility and improved posture.

Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:

Acupuncture With or without using moxibustion, this will act to balance energies and reduce both inflammation and pain.

The hand is a complex arrangement of bones, joints, and tendons, which make it vulnerable to wear and tear

Ayurveda Treatment is aimed at balancing the elements of air, fire, water, and mindbody connections.

Herbal Medicine Some herbalists might recommend celery seed, yucca leava bogbean, and devil's clal taken daily. Infusions alfalfa and nettle may be suggested as nutrition supplements. Wild yam root and glucose amine (1500mg per day) are also useful.

Homeopathy Rhus tox.6c is suitable when the condition is worse with rest anij dampness, and Ruta grav. is appropriate when symptoms are relieved by warmth.

Osteopathy and Chiropractic These are useful for maintenance of efficient body mechanics and pain relief.

Rolfing Treatment will address postural integration.

Chiropractic Treatments For Common Ailments

Chiropractic treatments are considered "alternative medicine", but are among the most popular. Chiropractors care for many different ailments, and many patients report seeing significant improvement after receiving treatment. Adjustments can help with problems related to joint pain, spinal pain, pinched nerves, and even blood pressure in some cases.

Chiropractors use their hands to relieve problems such as pinching and pressure on spinal nerves, which then in turn relieves pain and other symptoms felt elsewhere in the body. They typically do not prescribe medication or perform surgical procedures; however, if a chiropractor is unable to successfully treat a particular ailment they may refer you to a medical doctor for further diagnosis and treatment.

In addition to spinal adjustments, many practices provide other physical therapy services such as massage and directed exercise to help alleviate patient symptoms, including upper and lower back and shoulder pain. Most chiropractors also do not focus only on the spine; they also treat other joints in the body and muscles. Some common ailments that can be treated include:

- Arthritis
- Sport Injury
- Neck, Back & Shoulder Pain
- Recurring Headaches
- High Blood Pressure

While some of the adjustment and manipulation techniques chiropractors use may look painful, most are actually quite the opposite, especially if you are able to fully relax during the treatment. It is important to remember that the treatments are safe when performed by a licensed professional, so there is no need to worry or feel tense during your appointment.

Choosing One

Because chiropractic is considered alternative medicine, it may be a bit more difficult for you to be able to identify a reputable local chiropractor. A chiropractor must have a DC degree (Doctor of Chiropractic) and needs to have passed a license exam administered by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners.

It is important to remember that, as with most treatments, what works for one person may not work for another. If you do not see immediate relief from a technique your chiropractor is employing, ask him or her to try something else. You may want to move on to a different doctor or speak to your regular family physician about your problem for a different solution.

Chiropractors are trained to recognize when an ailment cannot be cured through their methods and should advise you to see a surgeon or medical doctor if necessary. Be sure to inform your regular doctor if you begin seeing a chiropractor.

Foot Pain And Dysfunction: An Alternative To Podiatry, Massage, And Surgery

Active Isolated Stretching is an alternative to podiatry, massage, and surgery in treating various foot pain and dysfunction issues. Foot issues include plantar fasciitis, heel pain, bunions, hammertoes, dropped foot, and club foot. The philosophy of Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) is to first lengthen then rebuild all the muscles around the foot and lower body. This process brings improved circulation and reduces inflammation in the feet. AIS therapy encourages people to develop the small muscles in their feet to reinforce correct foot position. Painful or dysfunctional feet can be repaired naturally.

Foot pain is a circulatory problem. Foot pain involves a series of lower body muscles being overly tight. These shortened muscles are in the feet, and also in the calves, hamstrings, quadriceps, and gluteal muscles. It may seem surprising to suggest that tightness in the butt muscles or the hamstrings can be causing foot pain. This is a major departure from the view of podiatry on the causes of foot pain. Additionally, AIS treatment is far more extensive than massage therapy for treating hurt feet. Massage therapy tends to only focus on the feet, which is a temporary solution. AIS therapy treats the lower body to heal painful feet. Inflammation in lower body muscles can press into the arteries that deliver blood flow to the feet. For example, the piriformis muscle lies underneath the gluteal muscles. The piriformis muscle can get overly tight from sitting, stair climbing, and running. An inflamed piriformis muscle will press into the artery underneath it. This interferes with blood flow running all the way down to the feet. Which can be a major part of the problem in correcting foot pain.

In addition to opening the muscles of the legs and glutes, the AIS practitioner manually lengthens the small muscles of the feet and toes. Toes should not be gnarled together. Ideally, the toes should be spread out, strong, and wiggly. In AIS protocol, each toe is stretched repeatedly in six directions to restore proper foot position. The heel is also stretched manually. The heel is the anchor of the foot. And restoring function to the feet, depends on the heel being pliable. This process is absolutely necessary for all types of foot pain. Active Isolated Stretching is an alternative to foot surgery such as bunionectomy and hammertoe surgery. Both bunionectomy and hammertoe surgery attempt to reshape the foot by cutting tightened muscles in the hope that that will restore length or correct position in the toes.

After the entire lower body muscle lengthening process, the AIS practitioner then teaches the client a series of exercises that are designed to increase strength in the muscles of the feet and toes. Aaron Mattes, the developer of Active Isolated Stretching, invented a machine that strengthens the small muscles of the feet. The Mattes Foot And Ankle Exerciser is a device that allows people to do weight lifting exercises for the feet and ankles. It helps people with flat feet restore the arches in their feet. And it encourages people to use their feet and toe muscles while walking. Active Isolated Stretching does not endorse the use of orthotics or foot insoles in solving foot pain. Instead AIS states that it is better to build up the small muscles of the feet rather than artificially supporting the feet with inserts that ultimately weaken the foot muscles.

All too often we view our feet as appendages. And only when they hurt do we start to ask what we should do to make the pain go away. Our feet are a critical part of our bodies. They need to be stretched by an AIS therapist because that will be more productive than trying to self-stretch them. We need to exercise the foot muscles just as we exercises our abs, shoulders, and lats for proper health and function. If your feet are hurting, its time to get to know them. Find out about the weaknesses' in your feet. Pay attention to the tightness in your butt or legs that may be contributing to foot pain. Take an active role in building up your feet to proper flexibility and strength. AIS is not a quick cure for foot pain. AIS is a lifestyle choice that corrects foot pain through one-to-one treatment and at-home exercises.

Understanding the Leading Back Pain Causes

Most often, back pain generally refers to pain that is felt in any part of the back. It may appear in the neck and radiate to the middle or lower area. This is the most common problem faced by most adults but the underlying causes may be different. At times, a wrong diagnosis could lead to further problems. If the pain disappears within a few days of its occurrence, then there is probably nothing serious. However, if it is persistent and doesn't go away within a few days or weeks then there is a more serious underlying condition.

An Overview

Back pain could be caused due to a variety of factors. It could be age-related, injury or trauma, stress, etc. With the progression of age, there are many health problems that can occur. The bone strength may decrease along with the tone and elasticity of the muscles. The disc fluids may also reduce leading to poor flexibility.

Major Causes

Arthritis - Arthritis in the spine is one of the most common causes of chronic back pain in adults. The pain could be felt anywhere in the back and will generally worsen while walking and the pain is felt more at night. Osteoarthritis is the condition where the cartilage that is present in the joints gets damaged. In rheumatoid arthritis, there is inflammation and thickening of the bone joints and this can cause pain in the back.

Ankylosing spondylitis is another condition where the spine is affected leading to stiffness and the inflammation leads to back pain.

Osteoporosis is a condition where the bones become very brittle and this could lead to compression fractures in the vertebrae, which could cause severe pain in the back. The vertebrae become so weak that it cannot withstand even minor stress or strain.

Bad posture while sleeping - Bad sleeping postures can cause severe back pain due to the strain on the spine.

Obesity - Obesity causes an excessive strain on the vertebral column. Weight loss will help in pain reduction.

Improper seating position - Ergonomics is very important when it comes to seating positions. Improper seating can cause back pain.

Disc damage - When the fluid in the disc spaces decrease, the vertebrae does not have a cushion to act as a shock absorber and this could lead to severe back pain.

Menstrual cycle or during pregnancy - Back pain during the menstrual cycles and during pregnancy is very common. The enlarged abdomen puts a strain on the spine during pregnancy, thereby causing backpain.

Trauma or injury to the back - If your back has suffered any injury in the past, it leads to the formation of scar tissue. When there is a large buildup of scar tissue due to repeated injuries, it weakens the back muscles and can lead to further aggravation of symptoms.

Proper diagnosis is necessary to find out the actual back pain causes and only then the appropriate treatment can be suggested.

Natural, Lasting Arthrits Relief

What is arthritis?

Arthritis is a joint disorder featuring inflammation. A joint is an area of the body where two different bones meet. A joint functions to move the body parts connected by its bones. Arthritis literally means inflammation of one or more joints. Arthritis is frequently accompanied by joint pain. Joint pain is referred to as arthralgia. There are many forms of arthritis (over one hundred and growing). The forms range from those related to wear and tear of cartilage (such as osteoarthritis) to those associated with inflammation resulting from an over-active immune system (such as rheumatoid arthritis). Together, the many forms of arthritis make up the most common chronic illness in the United States.

The causes of arthritis

Causes depend on the form of arthritis. Causes include injury (leading to osteoarthritis), abnormal metabolism (such as gout and pseudogout), inheritance, infections, and for unclear reasons (such as rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus). Arthritis is classified as one of the rheumatic diseases. These are conditions that are different individual illnesses, with differing features, treatments, complications, and prognosis. They are similar in that they have a tendency to affect the joints, muscles, ligaments, cartilage, tendons, and many have the potential to affect internal body areas.
What are symptoms of arthritis?

Symptoms of arthritis include pain and limited function of joints. Inflammation of the joints from arthritis is characterized by joint stiffness, swelling, redness, and warm. Tenderness of the inflamed joint can be present. Many of the forms of arthritis, because they are rheumatic diseases, can involve symptoms affecting various organs of the body that do not directly involve the joints. Therefore, symptoms in some patients with arthritis can also include nonspecific fever, weight loss, fatigue, and feeling unwell.

Natural alternative to Arthritis Drugs

Merck & Co. recalled its arthritis drug Vioxx after an ongoing trial confirmed the medication increases the risk of heart attack and strokes. Daniel Chapter One's GDU caps possess a wide range of actions including anti inflammatory and antispasmodic activity that make it suited to a wide range of uses. GDU is Safe even at very high dosages no toxic reactions have been found. Care should be taken though when using GDU if on any medication that thins the blood. The Nutrients in GDU include Bromelain, Turmeric, Quercetin, Feverfew and Boron. This natural anti inflammatory formula also helps to relieve arthritis pain and heal inflammation. Each serving also contains 300 mg of Tumeric which protects the liver against toxins, 100 mg Quercetin a natural bioflavonoid which enhances the absorption of Bromelain and relieves pain, bumps and bruises and 100 mg Feverfew, a natural pain killer.

Human studies show that curcumin in GDU rivals some standard drugs for alleviating rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, including morning stiffness and joint swelling. GDU's super formula with Curcumin has also been shown to help improve walking time for rheumatoid arthritis patients. Listen to what Pastor Wayne Harms had to say. "I had arthritis of the shoulder and spine. For several months I had been in severe pain making it hard to work. Chiropractic treatment corrected the spinal structure and relieved some of the pain but it could not correct the arthritis. I began using GDU, Micro Cal Plus, and GS1500. Within a week my pain was completely gone. I still take the products in smaller quantities to continue the healing process. My sister is a concert pianist. These products relieved the pain in her fingers and restored the flex-ability. She is closing in on 76, and still playing. When she was 71 she was in a car accident; her knees were badly injured and arthritis set in. She already had arthritis in her hands and joints. In 1998 she was in so much pain she was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. The doctor put her in a wheelchair and told her she would never walk again. I had the Daniel Chapter One arthritis products federal expressed overnight to her. Within 3 weeks most of her arthritis pain was gone. By the following month she was walking with the aid of a walker. Two months later she was carrying her walker every place she went, in case she got tired and had to use it!"
We recommend taking the following for Arthritis

Visit for further information.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Yoga Techniques for a Healthy Spine

Due to individual habits, movements, illnesses, injuries, and genetics, each spine is unique in its strengths and weaknesses. This means that one Yoga pose may be beneficial to one person's spine, while it may cause extreme pain to another. When the spine is misaligned, the circulation of spinal fluid, and the nerve responses throughout the body, is affected. With that said - any person who has pre-existing spinal problems, should consult with a medical professional before practicing Yoga postures or any form of exercise.

A Universal View of the Spine

The spine serves as the central axis of the body and is made up of many parts: the spinal cord, nerve roots, the bones, discs, supporting muscles, and ligaments. In Ayurvedic medicine, and Yoga, charts of the subtle body display chakras, marmas, nadis, and much more. These charts are similar to Chinese medical charts, which confirm that Ayurveda, Yoga, Chinese medicine, and Western medicine have all been aware of the intricate nature of the energy that runs through the spine and central nervous system.

Yogic Remedies for Spinal Health

Pranayama (Yogic controlled breathing) helps to circulate life force energy - also known as prana or qi - throughout the body. The idea of breathing one's way to better health is often a subject for criticism by skeptics. Yet, skeptics are easily convinced if they attend a pranayama workshop. Pranayama is a complicated science, which requires time to master, but it can improve overall health in many ways.

Asana is the Yogic posturing method made popular by modern Yoga magazine covers. Yoga postures (asanas) stretch the spine and help to align the physical body. In turn, the skeletal structure can be given an extra lease on life. Good skeletal health can reduce, or eliminate, pain throughout one's body.

The Toll of Poor Spinal Health

Muscle imbalance, around the spine, may be caused by poor posture (during the day or while sleeping), genetics, skeletal diseases, trauma, or a variety of diseases that attack the spine. Either way, the source of the problem causes sharp pain or painful tension within the cervical, thoracic, or lumbar regions. Constant pain brings about depression, anxiety, breathing difficulties, as well as other significant health problems.

More Causes of Poor Spinal Health

Although many back problems are caused by physical conditions, such as arthritis, ruptured discs, or overexertion, some are simply the result of everyday living, such as sitting too long at a desk or slumping over a computer.

One More Precaution before Starting a Physical Yoga Practice

In order to make sure that injuries and other ailments are not exacerbated by exercise, seeking the advice of a doctor (orthopedic specialist, chiropractor, family physician, etc.) or physical therapist, before starting a new physical program, is always a good idea. Poses can be adapted by an experienced Yoga teacher, to fit individual needs, and prevent further injuries.

Yoga exercises help the spine by stretching many different areas.

• The lumbar region of the spine (lower back)

• The thoracic region of the spine (middle and upper back)

• The cervical region of the spine (neck)

• The sacrum and pelvis

Eight Types of Yoga Poses for a Healthy Spine

1. Seated Poses, such as Easy Pose, Bound Angle Pose, and Bharadvaja's Twist

2. Forward Bends, such as Head-to-Knee, Extended Puppy, Downward-Facing Dog

3. Standing Poses, such as Chair, Warrior Poses, and Triangle

4. Inversions, such as Dolphin and Legs-Up-the-Wall

5. Core Poses, such as Plank, Dolphin, Happy Baby

6. Backbends, such as Bridge, Camel, and Fish

7. Restorative Poses, such as Reclining Big Toe, Child's Pose, Legs-Up-the-Wall

8. Poses that stretch the pelvis, such as Cow, Cat, Big Toe, Tree Pose


It is important to remember: Not all postures are good for every spine. It is a matter of trial and error to find the exact Yoga postures for a pain free, healthy, and balanced spine. When stretching the spine, the weight should be evenly distributed, joints should not be locked, you should not feel pain within a joint, and the spine should kept be as straight as possible.

Unfortunately, it is easy to overwork the neck and under use other areas, such as the upper and middle back. As awareness of the body increases, so does the knowledge of how long poses need to be held and which ones are needed.

If you have pre-existing spinal health problems, seek out a Yoga teacher who is competent, compassionate, and listens to you. Yoga students should not be forced to fit into a "cookie cutter" mold. A Yoga teacher, who is knowledgeable, will know how to modify, adjust, and use props. The muscles may feel taxed, but pain within a joint means you are too far into the posture.

Copyright 2011 - Aura Wellness Center - Publications Division

Seven Pain Management Treatment Options for Degenerative Spondylolisthesis

Spinal Degenerative Spondylolisthesis is an extremely common condition that results from spinal arthritis. One vertebra slips on another, and it becomes a mechanical problem that cannot be "fixed". It may be painless and seen as an incidental finding on x-rays. Or symptoms may include back pain along with buttock, hip, and/or leg pain.

Once diagnosed with degenerative spondylolisthesis, what are treatment options? Here are 7 nonoperative pain management treatment options:

  1. Ignore it

  2. Physical Therapy

  3. Chiropractor Treatment

  4. Spinal Decompression

  5. Pain Medication

  6. Interventional Pain Treatments

  7. Bracing and TENS Unit

Ignoring the symptoms of degenerative spondylolisthesis is a treatment known as benign neglect. It's not a fatal condition and will not paralyze anyone, so if they symptoms are tolerable it is OK to simply deal with it until it rises to the level of concern. If you are wondering whether or not there is something you can do to prevent the condition from worsening, the answer is - not really.

There is some thought that nutraceutical substances like glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate may hold off the arthritis that may result in the spondylolisthesis, but this is not a definite.

Physical therapy and chiropractor treatment have been shown to very effective for back pain conditions, especially when they come on acutely (less than one month duration). It may be that your symptoms are an acute exacerbation and if treated with these options, may lessen back to a tolerable baseline.

Spinal decompression therapy is a revolutionary treatment option involving intermittent traction. It is very safe, FDA cleared, relatively painless, and extremely effective. Patients with degenerative spondylolisthesis are OK for the machine unless they have severe osteoporosis or post surgery with hardware.

Pain medications include NSAIDS, Tylenol, neuropathic medications, or narcotics. Over the counter medications according to the manufacturer's dosage specifications may control the pain very well such Aleve or ibuprofen. Neuropathic medications may include Neurontin or Lyrica. Narcotics should be provided under the guidance of a physician and should only be obtained by one doctor.

Interventional pain treatments include facet injections (facet blocks), epidural injections, or radio frequency ablation. For spinal arthritis or pinched nerves, spinal steroid injections have been shown to be extremely helpful. They are very low risk and may have very high benefit.

Spinal bracing may be very helpful in instances of back pain due to instability with one segment shifting on the segment below. A TENS Unit may keep symptoms at bay when utilized in moderation. It should be used according to your doctor's recommendations typically no more than an hour at a time with an hour off.

Surgery for degenerative spondylolisthesis should be performed as a last resort when all nonoperative options have failed.

Why Fluoroscopy is Recommended For Interventional Pain Management and Epidural Steroid Injections

Interventional pain management, such as epidural steroid injections, can provide immense pain relief for patients at a pain center. In conjunction with treatments such as physical therapy, chiropractic treatment, pain medications, and spinal decompression therapy, spinal injections can provide an extremely effective weapon in a pain doctor's armamentarium to help patients.

In order to make sure the spinal injection provides the optimal chance of being effective, pain doctors should utilize available equipment to ensure the injection is being administered accurately. One of the main pieces of equipment currently available is fluoroscopy. Fluoroscopic guidance refers to an x-ray machine that is shaped like a large C and allows pain management doctors to see in real time a patient's skeletal anatomy. This anatomy is used for real time guidance to ensure accurate needle placement.

Without using fluoroscopy for epidural steroid injections, studies have shown there is a "miss" rate of 40% for placement of the steroid injection. The effectiveness of an epidural injection may mean the difference between a patient receiving pain relief versus heading off to spinal surgery. So if the steroid injection misses its mark, then a disservice has been done to the patient. A pinched nerve causing sciatica may debilitate a patient causing lost time from work, depression, inability to play with the kids, etc.

Facet injections can help relieve back and neck pain from arthritis in those small joints. They are about the size of a thumbnail, and not easily accessible without the assistance of a fluoroscopic machine for guidance. Considering that one can only receive facet blocks every few months, accuracy once again is very important.

Transforaminal epidural steroid injections in either the cervical spine or lumbar spine require significant accuracy that only fluoroscopy x-ray guidance can provide. Most pain doctors will place the needle under fluoroscopy and then inject dye into the area for placement. This is called an epidurography.

Using a real time x-ray machine, fluoroscopy, is essential for a pain management doctor to ensure accuracy and optimal effectiveness for patients' pain relief.

Do Dead Lifts Cause Back Pain?

The dead lift is prized among bodybuilders and gym-goers for its capacity to develop large, strong muscles in both the lower and upper body. Its reputation as a stellar workout is tempered by the common awareness that it is often a cause of back pain.

The dead lift is a squat performed with a weight that is lifted from the floor to hip level. Performing this exercise works an impressive number of muscles, both primary and supplementary. There are 28 muscles that are built by this exercise in the thighs, hips, buttocks, back, stomach, arms and shoulders.

The balanced workout offered by this exercise when performed properly makes it a favorite among fitness enthusiasts. By addressing many muscles of the core group and upper legs, it helps prevent muscle imbalances that cause back pain. How, then, do dead lifts and back pain fit together?

1. Bad form is the main reason for back pain after dead lifts. Though it may sound like a straightforward exercise, there are actually a number of postural and biomechanical factors to consider. Bad form can turn this great strengthening exercise into the cause of painful injury. Here are some common examples of bad technique when performing dead lifts:

- Rounding the lower back: This bad habit doesn't allow you to engage your leg or core muscles properly and creates a significant amount of stress to the spine and lower back muscles. Keep your chest out and shoulders back while performing this exercise.

- Leaning backward: This position makes it hard for your hip muscles and glutes to assist in lifting, and causes your lower back to arch too much. The stress on joints and lower back muscles can lead to injury. This can be corrected by thinking of a dead lift as more of a push rather than a pull: You are pushing through your heels upward, not pulling the bar up at all costs.

- Hip and knee joint imbalance: It is important to straighten your hips and knees at about the same speed, since both joints need to be loaded in a balances manner. Many people straighten their knees before their hips, and straining both the hips and lower back.

Additional causes of back pain associated with dead lifts and technique tips can be found at

2. This is not a beginner's exercise. If your core is not already well-developed, performing the dead lift will leave your spine unsupported and strain your lower back muscles.

3. It is usually not an exercise for people who have had back trouble in the past. If you've suffered a herniated or degenerated disc, you risk re-injuring it with this exercise. Spinal arthritis or nerve pain may also make this exercise too painful to perform, as it places heavy load on the spine.

4. A certain amount of soreness is quite normal after beginning a new type of exercise. Muscles suffer small tears as they grow, and these heal within two days. You need to be the judge of whether or not the soreness you feel after starting dead lifts is normal for you. If the pain is abnormal or persists for more than the first few sessions, then it is probably a sign that your core is not conditioned enough for this intense exercise. If your core is solid, then you can suspect bad form. It is always best to learn exercise technique with a qualified personal trainer to ensure that you are not harming yourself. Also, make sure you give your muscles enough time to recover before your next session.

The dead lift is an intense workout for many of your body's essential muscles. Make sure you treat the exercise with respect and know your own limits. Dead lifts and back pain don't have to go together; don't allow your workout routine to send you to a doctor.

Discover The Difference Between Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis And Learn About Remedies

Here we look at the difference between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as the similarities. The exact cause of osteoarthritis is unknown, but it often accompanies aging. Likewise, the exact cause of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown, although there are several theories.

Most people over the age of 60 have some degree of osteoarthritis, but the severity of the condition varies greatly. Rheumatoid arthritis can develop at any age, but there may be periods of remission when no symptoms are felt.

In both diseases and other less common forms of arthritis, joint pain is the primary symptom. The difference between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis joint pain is one of the factors that doctors use for diagnosis. In osteoarthritis, there may be pain in only one joint -- for instance, the left knee. In rheumatoid arthritis, pain occurs in the same joint on both sides of the body; in other words, both knees would be painful.

The cause of osteoarthritis pain is a gradual wearing away or thinning of the cartilage cushions that prevent the bones of a joint from rubbing together and acts as a kind of shock absorber. Injury or over use can cause damage to the cartilage and may lead to osteoarthritis. As the cartilage wears away, inflammation or swelling can occur.

In rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation and pain occurs before the cartilage cushions are damaged. In fact, chronic inflammation in the joints can lead to damage of the cartilage and increased pain.

Looking for the cause of osteoarthritis, researchers have identified several factors that increase a person's risk of developing the condition. They are obesity, heredity and joint injury or overuse. One difference between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis is that, other than heredity, no risk factors have been identified.

Being overweight or obese increases the stress on the joints in the knees, hips and ankles and so increases the likelihood of osteoarthritis. In a similar fashion, being overweight may aggravate rheumatoid arthritis, but does not increase the likelihood of developing the condition.

Joint injury or overuse does not play a role in rheumatoid arthritis, although some activities are more likely to increase pain, while others, such as swimming may improve joint mobility.

Heredity or genetics is likely to play a role in many diseases. As a cause of osteoarthritis, genetic abnormalities of the joints often lead to osteoarthritis in later life. For example, those people with scoliosis of the spine often develop osteoarthritis. In rheumatoid arthritis, the role of genetics is unknown, but it does seem to "run in families".

One major difference between osteoarthrits and rheumatoid arthritis is that RA can affect other parts of the body, while osteoarthritis only affects the joints. In rheumatoid arthritis, something triggers the immune system to attack otherwise healthy joints. In some cases, the immune system also attacks the skin, eyes, lungs, blood vessels, heart or nerves.

There also may be a difference between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis treatment. For example, drugs that suppress the immune system are sometimes prescribed for RA, but would not be helpful in osteoarthritis. On the other hand, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed for both conditions.

Natural products with anti-inflammatory activity, such as fish oil or omega 3 fatty acids have been shown to relieve pain in many people and are not accompanied by the negative side effects associated with long term use of anti-inflammatory drugs.

Pubmed, a prestigious service of the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health has a study published from the Department of Immunology and Rheumatology, Instituto Nacional de la Nutrición Salvador Zubirán, in Mexico City, Mexico, in which they conclude: "Treatment with omega-3 fatty acids has been associated with improvement in some outcome measures in rheumatoid arthritis."

Although fish oil should be a top choice for someone looking for a potent natural anti-inflammatory, most people in the Western world have never heard of another one known as the New Zealand green lipped mussel. On the University of Maryland's Medical Website they reveal:

"....New Zealand green lipped mussel ( Perna canaliculus ), another potential source of omega-3 fatty acids, has been shown to reduce joint stiffness and pain, increase grip strength, and enhance walking pace in a small group of people with osteoarthritis."

In addition, since the cause of osteoarthrits pain, and to a certain extent the cause of rheumatoid arthritis pain, is deterioration of the cartilage cushions, supplements that are rich sources of omega 3 fatty acids are now the chosen remedy for many people with arthritis, regardless if it's rheumatoid or osteoarthritis.

Omega 3 fatty acids also come with the added benefit of improving heart and brain health.

However, people already using other blood thinners need to tell their doctor if they wish to add omega 3 oils to their diet.

Stop Arthritis Joint Pain Now! CMO to the Rescue!

According to many, cetylmyristoleate, as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever, has no equal. That same crowd will also say that CMO or (CM8-as it is sometimes called) sits atop the throne as king of the joint pain relievers and as an immune system modulator.

Why, you may ask? is it so well received amongst the medical community and the thousands of users who swear by it? Well, one reason is its origin- it is an all-natural highly pure waxy type of ester that is modified to be taken orally. It has no harsh chemicals or any type of drugs that can cause you harm. CMO is basically a fatty acid.

The best part about cetylmyristoleate is.... it attacks the source of your pain and inflammation and goes right to the joint. Because the ester substance is of a waxy form (fatty acid), it is able to "ooze" into joints and "lubricate"the region enough to allow for joint movement (range of motion) and most importantly --the reduction or even elimination of the awful pain.

Although Glucosamine and Chondroitin receive most of the fanfare these days, their "luster" has begun to tarnish as of late with poor testimonials; poor clinical studies and more and more talk about the dangers of taking Chondroitin. In the meantime, cetylmyristoleate has moved into the preferred position as "the" joint pain reliever.( refer to:cetylmyristoleate/ Wikipedia)

CMO began its historical rise to take the preferred position as "the" joint pain reliever back in the early1960's by Harry Diehl who was a research chemist working out of the National Institutes of Arthritis in Bethesda, Md. (National Institutes Of Health) While studying the immunity of mice to arthritis, he discovered cetylmyristoleate. Through his research and development his findings were first published in the 1994 issue of the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

With the double studies that followed, it was concluded,indeed, that CMO is effective in the treatment of many forms of arthritis and joint pain. The admirable combination of effectiveness and safety (over 10,000 people die yearly from NSAIDS) sets CMO up as the "go-to" joint pain supplement for the coming years.

Cetylmyrisitoleate is so non-discriminating with its lubrication of the joint region that it is equally effective on Degenerative Osteoarthritis; Rheumatoid Arthritis; Gout; Bursitis; Spinal Stenosis; sports related injuries; and even Fibromyalgia pain. Although CMO is not a cure for any of these ailments; it will lubricate the joint region and decrease the inflammation to a point where it could potentially add to ones positive quality of life.

Remember that not all pain relief systems help all people-- and this one is no different. Research shows that cetylmyristoleate works on about 80% of those who use it, typically within 3or4 weeks. Since its premise is joint lubrication from the ester (fatty acids) it is presumed that there is a good chance that it will be effective.

Although Glucosamine and Chondroitin together are the popular 'In Vogue Duo" joint pain relief system today-their effect on many people is inconclusive at best.

My take on all this? Test any quality cetylmyristoleate product for yourself. Give it enough time for you to get a good meter of its effectiveness, (maybe 2-4 weeks) and see how you feel then. One thing is for sure---there won't be any questions; you'll have peace of mind; and who knows? You may even feel pain free!

Various Chiropractic Treatments For Muscle Atrophy

Muscle atrophy is also known as muscle wasting. It is when the mass of the muscle decreases due to several factors. Chiropractic care deals with nerve, muscle and bone disorders. It does not use any form of pharmaceutical medicine and invasive surgical procedures in treating physical and physiological disorders. Chiropractors in restoring and preserving health and body functions use conventional treatments.

Signs and symptoms of muscle atrophy may include pain, muscle weakness, restricted movements, and decrease muscle tone. Symptoms usually appear depending on the location where the problem occurs. For instance, if the atrophy is on the face, then there is facial weakness, decrease facial expression, speak difficulties, and difficulty swallowing. If the atrophy occurs in the extremities, then there will be weakness of the extremities and limited range of motion and movement.

There are many causes of muscle atrophy. These causes may consist of lack of exercise or movement of the affected body part, muscle injury or accident, diseases such as arthritis, alcohol associated myopathy, long-term use of corticosteroid, burns, congenital disorders, and spinal cord injury. Chiropractors base their therapeutic program on the location of the affected part.

Spinal manipulation is the most common method used by chiropractors in treating spinal misalignment or deformity. Muscle stiffness causes abnormal curvature of the spine by pulling the vertebrae. Chiropractors perform spinal manipulation through applying several mild and soft thrusts onto the spinal area. This is done in successive sessions with a chiropractor until the structure of the spinal column is reestablished.

Massage therapy is another chiropractic treatment used to treat muscle wasting. It helps to disentangle any twisted or distorted muscle fibers. Furthermore, it helps to relax the muscles to prevent continuous involuntary muscle contraction. Another method that chiropractors use is the dry needling therapy. Trigger points where the muscle or tissue is damaged cause pain. To relieve pain, these muscles and tissues are treated by inserting fine needles through the skin into the affected muscle or tissue.

Exercise is a very important chiropractic method of treating muscle atrophy. Exercise enhances muscle strength and joint mobility. With proper exercise and stretching technique, spasm and strain of muscles, ligaments and tendons are prevented. It also increases blood circulation needed for healing because blood carries nutrients and minerals needed for the muscle to heal.

Application of hot and cold is also necessary in treating muscle wasting. Cold compact reduces swelling and inflammation by inhibiting cell fluid from escaping. On the other hand, hot compress is applied to increase blood flow to the affected area essential for healing. Chiropractors also use electrotherapy to treat atrophy. It is done by applying controlled and small amount of electricity to inhibit involuntary muscle contraction and prevent muscle spasm that causes atrophy.

Chiropractic care has been used successfully in treating muscle atrophy. This is proven by various studies made by different researchers all over the world. The effectiveness and safety of suing chiropractic treatments have been established. Minor side effects such as tenderness on the treated area and mild pain have been noted to disappear 24 to 48 hours after each treatment.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Sciatic Pain Relief - Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction Exercises

The sacral bone, located where the spinal column ends, is connected to the pelvis bone by the sacroiliac joint bridges. The structure acts a shock absorber when we run and walk, protecting the spinal cord from injuries while supporting the upper body. The joint, also called the SI joint, restricts the movement of the lower body and any awkward or abnormal movement can cause the joint to dysfunction. Such movements also affect the sacroiliac nerve that runs through the ligaments and muscles of the joint. Any problems related to the SI joint can cause pain in the legs and back. Aging can also cause sacroiliac joint dysfunction as the muscles around the joint start to stiffen.

Regular exercise can help relieve the pain and stress on the muscles and the joint. Here are some effective sacroiliac joint dysfunction exercises.

Exercises # 1

Lie down on your back and raise your right knee by folding the leg. Pull the knees towards your chest while you exhale. Release the leg and then repeat the routine 10 times for the same leg. Switch to the left leg once you are done with the right leg. This particular exercise works on the hamstrings and relieves the pain and strain you feel in the back muscles. It tightens the muscles around the pelvis and promoted the rehabilitation of sacroiliac joint dysfunction.

Exercises # 2

Lie down on your back with raised knees that are pressed together. Gently sway the knees sideways while keeping your feet flat and firm on the ground. Do not raise your lower back from the ground. This exercise should be repeated 5-10 times. The routine will stabilize the pelvic area and make the muscles flexible and stronger reducing the chances of arthritis.

Exercises # 3

Similar to the previous exercises start by lying down on your back. Now bend your right knee and balance the foot. Rest the other leg over your right knee in such a way that the ankle of your left leg is slightly higher than the right knee. Firmly link both hands around your right thigh and pull it towards your chest. Hold the position for 30 seconds so that the muscles stretch well. You can repeat the same routine with the left leg. You will need 3-5 repetitions for each leg daily.

You should be very careful when trying out these exercises so as to avoid straining the back muscles. It is recommended to consult a doctor if you experience any discomfort or pain while exercising. The exercises are aimed at rehabilitating those recovering from sacroiliac joint dysfunction and should be followed only after undergoing a proper treatment for sacroiliac joint dysfunction. The exercises combined with other treatments including massage, ultrasound and sacroiliac joint injections will help relieve the pain and joint inflammation. The sacroiliac joint dysfunction exercises help in restoring the flexibility of the muscles around the sacroiliac joint by stretching and strengthening them. It also helps avoid aggravating the condition.

What You Should Know About Spinal Stenosis

One of the most difficult periods of anyone's life is when they realize that they can no longer do the things that they used to be able to, all because of aches and pains that develop with advancing age. It is not fun to realize that we cannot run, walk or jump like we used to, especially when it comes to dealing with lower back pain. Many times that pain can be written off as simple arthritis, but so few of us realize that it may be a lot more than that. It may, in fact, be a condition known as spinal stenosis.

Spinal stenosis is a medical condition that occurs when something is constantly putting pressure on the spinal nerve that runs through the same channel of bone as the spinal cord. Arthritis in the lower back is the leading
cause of this condition, because it can thicken the bones of the spine and cause spurs to press upon the nerve. It can also be caused by overgrown ligaments, grown larger through overuse, from bending and lifting. They simply begin to crowd out the nerve, causing chronic pressure.

Types of Spinal Stenosis and their Symptoms

There are three main types of spinal stenosis: cervical, thoracic, and lumbar.

- Cervical Stenosis: Cervical stenosis involves the neck, shoulders and arms. The pinched nerve causes chronic pain and weakness in the neck and shoulders and in some cases may have been caused by a spinal cord injury. When it involves the cord, you may have pain in your legs as well, and have difficulty walking.

- Thoracic Stenosis: Thoracic is the rarest type of this painful condition, simply because arthritis does not always affect the bones along the spine of the middle back. If it does occur, it is almost always due to either a spinal cord injury, or a herniated disc. The lumbar type is the most common, because if arthritis is indeed affecting the bones within the spinal column, it will start in the area most frequently used during a person's life span: the lower back.

- Lumbar Stenosis: Lumbar stenosis will cause chronic back pain and cause weakness in one or both legs to occur. The changes in the way your spinal nerves function in this situation can also cause a host of other problems and will affect primarily the lower body. The first noticeable sign other than chronic pain is that you will find yourself adjusting or being limited in how you walk. You may find yourself hunching forward or dragging your feet because walking upright is too painful. You may lose sensation in your feet; some people are unable to even feel the floor beneath them. Another common complaint of this condition is a weakness in the legs, which prevents you from being able to easily rise from a sitting position or makes it difficult to lift your legs from one step to another.


Your doctor will need to have a complete history of your pain including when it occurs, how often and what other physical limitations you may be experiencing. If your doctor suspects the onset of stenosis, there will be a physical exam, followed by a neurological exam to pinpoint the location of the nerve being affected. Other tests, like X-rays and CAT scans may also be implemented to give the doctor a clear view of what is happening.


Conservative treatments through exercise, particularly flexions, as well as targeted physical therapy will help alleviate the pain. Chiropractic adjustments, regular massages and acupuncture have also been proven to help in a therapeutic way.

Other treatments may involve muscle relaxers, anti-inflammatory medications and spinal cord stimulation. In extreme cases, surgery to repair herniated discs, cortisone treatments and even nerve blockers may be applied to alleviate the chronic pain.

Simple Mechanics of Pain

Here is what you need to know about mechanics of pain the
simple way.

Imaging what will happen if you accidentally drop a steam iron on your foot, or miss the nail and hit your thumb instead. he following chain of events will happen inside your body:
Receptors at the location of pain (of which we have numerous numbers throughout our body), using the bodies lymphatic liquids, will send electrical pulses to your brain, many times faster than the speed of
light alerting it to the pain.

The brain reaction is rapid and immediately red blood cells are sent to the place of pain to fix the problem. Receptors will continue to send pain signals to the brain until problem fixed. The same thing (more or less) will happen with any pain. Arthritis pain, Neck pain, Back pain, Muscle pain, Period pain, Stomach pain,
Headache etc, etc, etc.

Let have a look at the three type of pain.

1. Accident pain.

Example of this is:

Injuring yourself during the game;

Dropping a heavy object on some part of your body;

Car, bike, or bicycle accident;

Etc ...

Two types of Pain cause by Illness.

One Type can be cured and one cannot.

2. Illness Pain Type one (Can be cured, includes surgery, if needed):

Examples of this:


Broken bones

Etc ...

3. Illness Type two (Can't be cured):

Examples of this:


Some spinal injuries

Etc ...

In every type of illness I described, the doctor, after diagnosing the cause, will prescribe you a course of action and (in most cases) pain killers as well, to ease your pain.
Let me call it Chemical Pain Killers.
What chemical pain killers will do is block receptors (chemically) to stop them sending signal of pain to the brain. Unfortunately chemical pain killers will not only block receptors on the place of pain, but most receptors on your body. This is why in most cases people feel uncomfortable and have site effects like vomiting, dizzy, nausea etc.

A better solution, in my opinion, is Acupuncture.
I call it Mechanical Pain Killer.
What Acupuncture will do to you is mechanically block specific receptors, which are sending pain signal to your brain. Acupuncturist will insert special needles in specific points of your body, related to the pain you have, to block the receptors sending the pain signal to your brain.

Technology is marching with triumph with enormous speed in every aspect of our lives and medicine is not an exemption. In the last few years, very good results were achieved in the field of electronic acupuncture. Let me call it Electronic Pain Killers.

A lot of people worry about hygiene and I can assure you that is not for nothing. With so many diseases in the modern world, which we never heard about before, it is better to be safe than sorry.

Electronic Acupuncture Massager (EAM) is a modern wonder in your Home Therapies collection.
Build on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Modern Electronic Technologies, EAM producing low frequency electrical pulses. EAM is connected to the pain points on your body through the conductive
pads, blocking receptors by sending a disable signal and blocking them this way of sending a signal to the brain.

It is absolute Genius of modern technology.
Pulses is not harmful to your body at all and you will have nearly immediate relief from the pain. In most cases EAM comes with an instruction manual with a diagram of the major acupuncture point positions.
This will give you a huge advantage not only to use EAM to relieve most obvious pain, such as arthritis, joint, muscle, shoulder, back, neck etc, but to apply modern technology to relieve pain from other
illnesses as well.

We strongly recommend you see your doctor for advice first.

The Causes of Extreme Lower Back Pain And How You Can Cure It Successfully

Causes Of Extreme Pains In the Lower Back.

Extreme lower back pain has a number of causes. This type of pain becomes more common as we age. This is due to changes in bone density, muscle strength and disc structure. Although back pain can occur anywhere, it is most common along your lower back in the lumbar region. Quite often, it is due to lifting objects that are too heavy that in turn causes your muscles or ligaments to overstretch generating great pain. Lower back pain may include dull, sharp or persistent pain that may be chronic or acute.

When the spine is overworked, this may cause a disc (connective tissue pad between vertebrae) to rupture or bulge. This type of damaged disc may place pressure on nerves/blood vessels of the spinal cord sending pain signals to the brain as well as generate a malfunction of the body part they innervate.

Extreme lower back pain may also be caused by muscle damage or bone lesions due to injury. Scar tissue may develop from injury that may generate a weak spot. Other causes may include arthritis, osteoporosis, viral infections, joint disease or congenital spine malformations. Being over weight, pregnancy, lack of exercise and improper sleeping positions can contribute to lower back pain as well.

In some cases, extreme lower back pain may be caused due to an internal medical condition. Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, kidney dysfunction and pancreatitis may contribute to lower back pain. If you are diabetic, you may experience bad back or leg pain related to nerve damage. All of these symptoms require immediate medical attention as this may develop into permanent damage.

Treatments For Extreme Pains In The Lower Back.

With extreme lower back pain, you should be properly diagnosed by a physician to make sure the appropriate treatment is applied. Listed below are some simple treatments that are recommended to get relief from extreme lower back pain.

• Rest

More often than not lower back pain is due to some form of muscle strain. Resting the spine for a few days

is good to prevent further damage to your muscles. However, more than a few days of rest will do more harm than good. You will need to begin physical therapy as soon as possible. Exercise is necessary to strengthen the muscles that are damaged.

• Anti-inflammatory Medications

Over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) such as aspirin are helpful in reducing the amount of inflammation and decreasing the amount of pain, you may experience. Your doctor may prescribe a stronger NSAID depending on the severity of your pain.

• Warm Compresses

Heat packs or a warm bath will help relieve tension in the muscle as well as increase blood circulation to the area. Greater blood circulation to the affected area will bring in more oxygen and nutrients and carry away wastes allowing for rapid healing.

• Exercise

The most important part to relieving back pain for the long-term is to exercise. You need to increase muscle strength and flexibility. It's a good idea to consult a chiropractor or physical therapist initially so that you learn the right exercises to do as well as do them properly. Later you can exercise on your own.

• Muscle Relaxers

Physicians will sometimes prescribe muscle relaxers to keep your damaged muscle from tensing. This may also happen with other muscles that have not been damaged because they are trying to take over lost function. Either way, this will allow you to continue your exercises with greater ease.

• Epidural Steroid Injections

These injections are often used around the spinal nerves to decrease inflammation at the site of damage.

• Spinal Surgery

If medications and physical therapies are not giving you the relief you need, you may have to consider surgery. Back surgery is considered the last resort and requires serious consideration. Your doctor will help you determine if this is right for you.

With any kind of back pain that persists, you should see a doctor to get a proper diagnosis. This will determine proper treatment. Even with extreme, severe lower back pain, proper exercise, warm compresses and pain/inflammation medications may work wonders. If the pain isn't responding to these treatments, you may require some form of surgery.

Cervical Spondylosis Herbal Remedies

Neck Arthritis, Neck Osteoarthritis, Cervical Spondylosis; whatever you call it, it is still one of the many degenerative diseases that are affecting the elderly. People between forty (40) to seventy-five (75) years of age are the common victims of this progressive condition. Neck pain is the primary complains of old people suffering from the condition. Most of the time, the pain is relieved by pain killers but only for a short span of time.

Why do old people even experience neck pain to begin with?

Pain localized in your neck is only one of the multitudes of manifestations that elderly people experience when they have Cervical Spondylosis. Neck pain however is only verified as a clinical sign of the disease only after further gathering of evidence, normally by conducting neck x-rays and other imaging tests such as CT Scan and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).

Pain is usually caused by the thickened vertebral discs that prevent the spinal bones from fusion. Osteophytes, which is known as bone spurs in layman's term, forms in between the bones which is the origin of the bulges you feel during palpation along with slipped discs. If the condition has already progressed, loss of sensation and chronic pain may already be evident. You will also start to feel weakness in your arms down to your lower extremities.

Several treatment options are being offered if you have developed Cervical Spondylosis. Over-the-counter drugs are mostly recommended for a fast relief from pain in the early stages of the disease. Anti-depressants can also be prescribed by your physician as the condition is sometimes associated with stress and depression. Sleep deprivation can also lead to the development of the disease.

For a natural approach, you can opt to go for herbal remedies as a solution to the recurring neck pain. There are specific types of herbs that had also been proven to reduce stress. Furthermore, some herbs have anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve swelling in the neck area. Application of these herbs can also be done in the arms and lower extremities for a fast relief from numbness and tingling sensations. Herbal supplements are also beginning to be popular although further research still needs to support its beneficial claims to the body.

Guaicum, Lachnanthes and Rhus Tox are few of the herbs that can be used for stiff neck. For numbness in the arms, Paris Quadrifolia and Kalmia Latifolia are the right herbs for you. To dissolve bony outgrowths in the neck, it is best that you consume Calcarea. For treating vertigo, Conium Maculatum will work wonders for you.

You can also use the following herbs for cervical spondylosis: turmeric, ginger, willow, cayenne, cat's claw and black cohosh. Devil's claw can also be used as it has anti-inflammatory properties.

Chiropractors Offer Modern Pain Management Treatment Options

Chiropractor treatment has expanded in the past 15 years dramatically. Decades ago, chiropractic treatment consisted mainly of spinal manipulations and a few exercises along with maybe some weight loss treatment. That is no longer the case by an exponential amount as multiple additional treatment are now being offered by chiropractors.

Chiropractors receive considerable education after college that it's actually four years just like medical school. They receive a very good education on the musculoskeletal anatomy, physiology, and treatment of the problem. As with most modern medical fields, advancements in chiropractic treatment have definitely kept up with the rest of pain management.

Upon going to a modern chiropractic doctor's office, you'll often see a significant amount of electronic equipment. This includes a spinal decompression therapy machine, which is a technology involving computerized intermittent traction that can effectively relieve back pain, neck pain, or arm and leg pain. This has revolutionized the treatment of degenerative disease, sciatica, spinal stenosis, and facet arthritis along with ruptured or bulging discs.

Another piece of treatment equipment you may see is electrical simulation and ultrasound. These devices are great for helping patients get better and involve laying on the table and having foam pads placed over the painful area. Then electrical stimulation is administered through the skin in order to alter the way that pain is perceived by the brain and is designed to tire out the muscles that are being treated in order to relieve pain. Ultrasound can help decrease inflammation along with pushing steroid medication from the skin a couple centimeters into the soft tissues acting as an intense anti-inflammatory medication.

Additional equipment that you may see in a chiropractic office might look exactly like physical therapy equipment. The reason is that a lot of chiropractors are trained in physical rehabilitation, which is the same exercises involved in physical therapy except being performed by the chiropractor. This can work exceptionally well for low back and neck pain and along with the other treatments now being offered. This explains why chiropractic treatment is over 85% effective in the US.

At any one point in time, over 10% of Americans are under the care of a chiropractic clinic. Based on the continually modern treatments being added to the profession, one can easily see why. Chiropractors in the US do not prescribe medications, yet the success rate for effectiveness in pain management is very high. The reason that these treatments along with spinal manipulation are great, and provide patients with the pain relief needed to increase their functional abilities.

Monday, August 12, 2013

What You Need to Know About Neck Pain

Everyone will experience neck pain once in a lifetime. The neck is composed of many structures which may have brought about neck discomfort whether it is the muscles, neural fibers, back bone, or the disks amidst the vertebrae.

Acute pains in the neck can also be sensed in other areas of the body aside from the neck itself. Whenever muscle contractions are touching a nerve within the neck, manifestations such as tingling, hooks and needles, or listlessness can also be sensed in the upper extremities such as the fingers and arms. Other ailments may cause these manifestations as well; therefore, it is very important to seek attention from a doctor if such symptoms still persist.

Neck pain is caused by a variety of symptoms extending from whiplash injury to illnesses like meningitis or rheumatoid arthritis. Muscle spasms are characterized by an abrupt muscular contraction wherein the muscles feel stiff, entangled, and painful. At times, an individual cannot even move their neck which is often known as a crick in the neck. But in medical terms, this is known as acute torticollis.

Injuries can also affect the neck. Rear-end bumps and blows can often lead to whiplash. This injury is usually the result of unexpected stretching of the spinal cord, mainly a ligament called anterior longitudinal that is being ripped or extended beyond its limitations. Muscle strains often occur when the same sort of muscles are used frequently in a short period of time and eventually become strained. When muscles are used over and over again, it may also lead to chronic pain. Even minor activities like grinding your teeth can also strain the muscles in the neck.

Compression of the nerves in the next is a slightly more serious issue and can lead to various conditions within the neck that narrow the space intended for the nerves to extend out of the vertebral column. This can occur in several instances such as:

- Disks Herniated. This is brought about if the inner gel-like component of the disk sticks out of the disk's outermost covering.
- Disks Stiffened. As the body becomes older, the cushion disk amidst the vertebrae turns dry and inflexible constricting the spaces within the vertebral column where the nerves nestled.
Bone spurs. Whenever the arthritic joints in the neck have developed some bony growths, these may cause pressure onto the nerves.

Besides neck injuries, neck pain is also brought about by some diseases such as malignant tumors on the spinal column. The cancer may have made its way to the spine originating from other parts of the body. Meningitis is a contagious disease which generates swelling on the brain linings and spine. One most basic symptom in meningitis is stiffness and pain in the neck.

Just like any other joints that can be found in the body, the joints that exist in the neck wear away with age which can eventually lead to neck osteoarthritis.

In developing a plan to treat neck pain, a patient can choose from a variety of treatment options. Some doctors may recommend alternative remedies like yoga, acupuncture, herbal administration, and massage if conventional medicines fail to cure the problem.

However, if someone does get any neck pain, it is necessary to get it treated as soon as possible so that any damage can be found and neutralized before it has any long-term effect on the body.

Relieve Arthritis For Low Back Pain

We all see the commercials on TV for people who suffer from arthritis. If you do not have arthritis then you do not really understand the debilitating nature of this disease. People with arthritis must deal with constant stiffness of their joints. This stiffness causes pain and decreases their mobility. There are many causes of arthritis and some particularly tough conditions. One such condition is arthritis of the lumbar spine. Because the lumbar spine is so critical to the body's movement and walking upright, arthritis in this area can be very tough on the individual. There are a number of natural treatments targeted for arthritis in the lumbar spine including physical therapy, surgery, and massage chair therapy.

Generally, arthritis is thought to only affect the old generation. However, as we age, we may become more susceptible to arthritis. If you are overweight or if you do heavy lifting, then you may be a candidate for arthritis of the lower back. If you have suffered a previous injury in the lower back, then you are also more susceptible.

Your spine is interconnected with the cervical discs. This cervical column creates your spine. The individual discs are held together by soft tissues. These soft tissues must be strong enough to take on the weight of the body. Concentration of force in the lower spine can be problematic and cause arthritis. Other conditions include disc degeneration and spinal stenosis.

When you have arthritis of the lumbar spine you will experience stiffness in the lower back. Sometimes the stiffness can result in severe and prolonged pain. You may notice when you rise out of bed your back is stiff. This can also happen after strenuous activity or when using your lower back muscles more than usual.

In many cases the arthritis can worsen and as the soft tissues degenerate bone spurs can form. When bone spurs form they inflame the surrounding soft tissue. This inflammation causes the nerves to become pinched resulting in spinal stenosis.

Most treatments are geared towards natural therapies. Surgery is usually reserved if no other alternatives exist. Unfortunately, with surgery comes scar tissue which causes further stiffness in the region. Natural methods are geared towards restoring the original flexibility of the soft tissues. One natural method used throughout time is massage therapy. Massage therapy is used to stretch out the muscles to assist with flexibility.

If you are not a severe case, then the doctor will try natural methods first. You may be sent to physical therapy to help rebuild the muscles in that area. Another avenue is chiropractic care. A chiropractor will look to adjust your spine to help redistribute the weight across the spine. The chiropractor looks to the restore the health of the soft tissues and muscles.

To help increase flexibility of the joints, movement of those joints is necessitated. First a stretching and bending of the muscles is performed. This can be very painful in the beginning but must be overcome in order to regain flexibility. Massage therapy is often used to help relieve pain and to restore elasticity of the muscle tissue.

Many doctors use massage chairs to assist their patients. These doctors set their patients up on specific massage routines depending on their condition. The doctor may also include stretching and warming of specific areas of the body to assist recovery.

Massage chairs are used to deliver precise massage to a given area for a specified duration. These doctors will program the massage chair to deliver the type of massage they desire. The massage can be directed to a specific area or region or can be programmed to avoid certain areas or regions. This gives the doctor flexibility in delivering the type of therapy they requires.

Restoring the range of motion of joints is important for recovery. The joints become stiff and mobility is restricted. The stiffness causes further pain as tense muscles do not relax. Relaxing the muscles on a frequent and periodic basis is important for recovery. Massage chairs for in home use provide this possibility for users.

Of the many types of arthritis, lumbar spine arthritis is one of the most difficult to cope with. There is a constant pain and stiffness of the lower spine. This restricts the movement of individuals and disrupts their routines. Take control back over your routine and get relief when you need it. Check with your medical provider as to the best options in your situation. See if massage chair therapy is right for you.