Saturday, June 15, 2013

Health Problems of The Spine

The spine is most susceptible to pain. Common problems that might be associated with it are Sciatica, Sexual Dysfunction, Colitis and Difficult Periods. The weight of the whole body is first loaded onto the flexible lower portion of the spine and thus making it more vulnerable.

The spine has 30 pairs of mixed spinal nerve, which conducts signals between the spinal cord and the body. These are- 8 pair of cervical spinal nerve (C1-C8), 12 thoracic pairs (T1-T12), 5 lumbar pairs (L1-L5), 5 sacral pairs (S1-S5) and an unpaired coccygeal spinal nerve (Co1). This plexus of spinal nerves forms the peripheral nervous system (PNS).Every vertebra of spine protrudes some nerves which are connected to certain organs. Any misappropriation or malfunctioning of these nerves results in many health problems.

The dysfunction or irregularity nerves of Lumber vertebra can cause constipation, colitis, dysentery, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, hernia, cramps, acidosis, breathing difficulty, varicose veins, sciatica, irregular menstrual periods, difficult periods, miscarriages, bed wetting, and impotency. Many different knee problems,, lumbago, difficult, painful or frequent urination, back aches are credited by problematic lumber nerves.

The poor functioning of 5L vertebra nerves can meager circulation in the leg, ankles and feet, swollen ankles, weak ankles and arches and cold feet.

The eighth vertebra or the first thoracic vertebra is connected with arms and elbows, hands, wrists and fingers, the esophagus and trachea. Its misalignment can cause asthma cough, difficulty in breathing, pain in the lower arms, hands, wrists or fingers.

Second Thoracic nerves commands the problems related with heart and chest.

3T nerves goes to lungs, bronchial tubes, covering of the lungs, chest and breast. Problems like bronchitis, pneumonia, chest and respiratory congestion and influenza are related to these nerves.

Fourth Thoracic nerves connect to the gall bladder so the common problems can be jaundice, shingles and gall bladder problems.

The problems related with Fifth Thoracic nerves may be fever, poor blood circulation, low blood pressure, anemia, arthritis and liver ailments.

Misappropriation of sixth Thoracic nerves can cause heartburn, nervous stomach, indigestion, and general stomach problems.

7T nerves connect pancreas and duodenum whereas 8th Thoracic nerves connect spleen. Lack of red blood corpuscles to the fetus during pregnancy and reduction of resistance to disease are due to misalignment of 8T nerves.

Allergies, hyper or hypoadrenia, low back or knee pain, muscle seizures, nervousness and convulsions are all the effects of misappropriation of 9T nerves which are connected to the adrenal and suprarenal glands.

10T nerves controls kidneys. Improper functioning of these nerves adversely affects kidney resulting in hardening of the arteries, nephritis (inflammation of the kidney) and pyelitis (inflammation of the part that connects kidney from with ureter).

11T nerves can lead to boils, eczema, pimples and acne. The last 12th Thoracic vertebra connects to the small intestine, and circulation of the lymph. Major problems concerned are rheumatism, gas pains, certain types of sterility and all lymph and small intestine malfunctions.

The five pairs of sacral nerves are connected with the hip bones and buttocks. Related problems can include sacro-iliac conditions and abnormal spinal curvature problems.

Nerves in the coccyx, the tailbone, are connected with the rectum and anus. Hemorrhoids, pruritis (itching) and pain at the end of the spine on sitting might be the result of improper functioning of these nerves.

Signs and Symptoms of Arthritis - Defined

Arthritis pain and the options for relieving pain can be very frustrating. According to Gene Hunder, M.D., rheumatology specialist at Mayo Clinic, if joint damage is already evident, the arthritis pain worsens with stressful or repetitive activities to the joints affected. However, if mild joint pain exists a gentle exercise program may be beneficial.

Ankylosing Spondylitis - This arthritis affects the spine, hips, heart, lungs and heels, which is chronic, painful and progressive. Ankylosing spondylitis can eventually cause fusion of the spine in those of genetic predisposition. Typical symptoms affect males between the ages of 15-30 consisting of chronic pain and stiffness in the lower back and fatigue. Children as young as three may experience knee pain often misinterpreted as rheumatisms. Generally, X-ray tests will show indications of any spinal changes and sacroilitiis characteristic to ankylosing spondylitis. Ankylosing spondylitis is classified as a systematic rheumatic autoimmune disease, with no known cure available. However, medication, physical therapy and exercise are available to reduce pain, inflammation and symptoms.

Juvenile Arthritis - This arthritis affects children between the ages of 6 months to 16 years. Many of the symptoms are the same as rheumatoid arthritis (see below) and usually the child outgrows juvenile rheumatoid arthritis before reaching adulthood. Medications are available to improve symptoms, which might include a variable fever.

Osteoarthritis - Degenerative arthritis, another name for osteoarthritis affects the joints. The wearing of the cartilage, which acts as a cushion for the joints, causes inflammation and pain. Because the bone surfaces have less protection from the cartilage, walking and standing, or any other weight bearing activity creates pain, but little if any inflammation. Currently this arthritis affects 21 million people within the United States. Because it is, so far anyway, impossible to replace cartilage, there is no cure for Osteoarthritis. The type of pain usually associated with osteoarthritis is described as a sharp ache, or burning sensation in the muscles and tendons associated with the bone. Occasionally when the joint moves or is touched, it will make a crackling noise. Other symptoms noted include muscle spasms, tendon contractions and fluid in the joint. Areas affected by Osteoarthritis are hands, feet, spine, hips, knees and in theory any joint in the body. When knees are affected, they tend to curve outward and usually feel worse the more they are used during the day. This separates osteoarthritis apart from rheumatoid arthritis. On fingers nodes form, but usually are not painful. Bunion formation that may become red or swollen is a common form on the toes. There are two causes of osteoarthritis; Primary, caused by aging where the water content of the cartilage increases and loss of protein composition; Secondary, other diseases or conditions including, but not limited to, obesity, repeated trauma, hormonal disorders, surgery and inflammatory diseases. Because 60% of the population has family members affected by osteoarthritis, this indicates a hereditary condition. X-rays and MRIs, in addition to a physical examination, are the most common techniques used to diagnose osteoarthritis. No matter how severe the osteoarthritis condition, weight control, appropriate rest and exercise and support devices, if necessary are the most beneficial treatments. To relieve pain associated with exercise, apply heat before and cold after for 10-20 minutes each, along with mild pain relievers, if necessary. In severe cases, surgery may be required to remove fragments, reposition bones, or bone fusion, which will increase stability.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - This chronic, inflammatory autoimmune disorder allows the immune system to attacks joints, which is both painful and destructive and may create loss of mobility. Rheumatoid arthritis differs from other forms of arthritis because it attacks the soft-tissue of many joints at the same time and stiffness and pain are worse in the morning, improving with use. Rheumatoid arthritis may lead to joint deformity should joint surfaces erode or become destroyed, such as fingers and assume unnatural shapes. This disorder is more common among women and is genetic. Common symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are morning stiffness, soft-tissue swelling in three or more joints, arthritis of hand joints, symmetric arthritis, subcutaneous nodules in specific places, radiological changes that suggest joint changes. Blood tests are used to determine if a patient suffers from Rheumatoid arthritis. Scientists do not know what causes rheumatoid arthritis, but suspicions lead to an offending organism causes an immune response that leaves behind antibodies specific to that organism. Though this disease is progressive, regular diet and exercise can ease the symptoms of pain and stiffness associated.

Arthritis dates back as far a 4500 BC when the remains of Indians were found in Tennessee. The first text written is dated 123 AD noting symptoms similar to rheumatoid arthritis.

Inflammation - The Link Between Rheumatoid Arthritis and Depression

Inflammation is now recognized as an underlying basis of a significant number of chronic diseases. Although there is still much more to understand, we have sufficient information presently to make the necessary changes in our lifestyles to significantly affect the inflammatory process and potentially live longer, healthier lives.

The relationship between inflammation, pain and depression has been explored in multiple studies. Studies have found a significant relationship between inflammation, pain and depression in patients with Rheumatoid arthritis. Recently, a Japanese study found that C-reactive protein (CRP), a marker of inflammation, was associated with elevated depression and pain scores; inflammation and depression were found to have an independent effect on patient-reported pain.

Rheumatoid Arthritis:

The Arthritis Society estimates that about 300,000 Canadians have Rheumatoid Arthritis. Although it can affect people of all ages, it most commonly develops between the ages of 25 and 50. Twice as many women than men will develop the disease. Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic disease that is characterized by an inflammation in the lining of the joints, resulting in damage to cartilage, bones, tendons and ligaments. This in turn can lead to permanent joint deformity and significant disability.


By 2020, depressive disorders are projected to be the 2nd leading cause of worldwide disability. Currently there are studies indicating that inflammatory changes in the brain are pathological features of depression. Several cytokines (hormones of the immune system) and markers of inflammation (C-reactive protein, interleukin 1 and 6) were positively correlated with depression. Cytokines seem to trigger a quick onset of what is called 'sickness behavior'-meaning malaise and fatigue, as well as a delayed onset of depressed mood. Just as the body's repair mechanisms for physical injury can sometimes result in chronic pain and inflammation, so too can the response to psychological trauma, resulting in chronic depression.

Is inflammation playing a possible role in your depression?
Ask yourself these questions:

Do I have a physical sense of 'brain fog'?
Do I have a recent reduction in short term memory?
Do I have trouble finding words?
Do I sometimes feel confused?
Do I have learning disabilities, or neurodegenerative disorders?
Do I feel that if I had plenty of energy my depression would be gone?
Do I have a lot of pain?
Do I have gastrointestinal problems?

Inflammation can serve an important physiological purpose, i.e. healing cuts and wounds but when inflammation persists it damages the body and causes illness. Stress, lack of exercise, exposure to toxins and dietary choices can all contribute to chronic inflammation. Learning how specific triggers including food influence the inflammatory process is the best strategy for reducing long-term diseases such as arthritis and depression.

Tips for an anti-inflammatory diet:
• Include as much fresh organic food as possible
• Minimize your consumption of processed foods and fast food
• Eat an abundance of fruits and vegetable
• Eat more whole grains
• Eat more beans, winter squashes, and sweet potatoes
• Cook whole grain pasta al dente and eat it in moderation
• Avoid products made with high fructose corn syrup.
• Eat omega-3 fatty acids rich foods i.e. salmon, sardines, herring, omega-3 fortified eggs; hemp seeds and flaxseeds.
• Decrease your consumption of animal protein except for fish and high quality natural cheese and yogurt.
• Eat more vegetable protein, especially from beans in general and soybeans in particular
• Eat cruciferous (cabbage-family) vegetables
• Include soy foods in your diet
• Drink tea instead of coffee, especially good quality white, green or oolong tea
• If you drink alcohol, use red wine
• Enjoy plain dark chocolate in moderation (with a minimum cocoa content of 70 percent)
• Drink pure water, or drinks that are mostly water (tea, very diluted fruit juice, sparkling water with lemon) throughout the day

Suffering From Spinal Disc Problems? - Back Braces Can Help

Do you have low back pain?

Do you think you are suffering from a disc problem in your back?

Back Pain - Talking About an Agonizing Experience

Back pain caused by spinal disc problems can be unbelievably painful, and even agonizing to bear. There may be certain body positions that would be impossible for you to make without the pain. If you have this, you may have felt totally helpless at times, and feel that nobody can understand you.

This is a very common complaint, for back pain due to disc problems can only be understood by people who are suffering from the same ailment.

What is pain? Does it have any purpose? Actually, yes. Pain is actually a warning sign given out by your body that there is something wrong inside already. For most of us, it is easy to ignore these warning signs. However, if you want to be healthy and fully functioning, you should learn how to listen to your body's messages and especially warnings. If you choose to ignore these, the ailments could get worst, and what could have been a minor thing treatable with home remedies could worsen so much that you would need surgery.

What is our Spinal Disc?

Our back is being supported by our spine, and our spine comprises tightly fixed discs. These provide supple padding for the spine's bones, called vertebrae. Another team used by doctors to refer to it is intervertebral discs. Each disc is flat and circular in shape, around one inch in diameter and one-quarter of an inch thick. The annulus fibrosus is the discs' outer membranes. Also within each disc is the nucleus pulposus, which provides an elastic core. The discs are commonly referred to as 'shock absorbers' for the spine.

Is There Hope for my Back Pain?

Yes, we know that back pain can be very excruciating. When we experience that much pain, we cannot make good decisions. One major decision, for example, is whether we need to buy a back brace. We may decide to postpone getting one, but we must remember that some forms of back pain will only get worse if it goes untreated.

Certainly, there are other options aside from buying a back brace. One is already stated above: ignore your body's warning sign. However, this could lead to a worsening of your back problems.

Second, you could also take time off to rest, if you were hoping that with no active sports, you would eventually heal.

However, there are times when the pain gets so bad that you may already consider visiting your doctor to discuss this possibility.

There is another alternative, however, and that is to use low profile back support braces. A lot of people have used this, and all they could talk about was how relieved they felt when they began using it.

What are the Advantages of Using a Back Brace?

When looking at your expenses, you may think that buying a back brace is out of your budget. However, remember this, everything, even rest, has a cost. Surgery especially is very costly, both for your wallet and the possibility that the surgery would not fix the problem.

Back braces are certainly very cost-effective, especially when compared to the expenses of having a surgery. Furthermore, this type of braces can be worn everyday, with no one the wiser.

So, unless you are happy with the pain you are enduring, you should not overlook the benefits a back brace can give you.

This is health information and should not be taken as substitute for professional advice. Consult your physician for any medical concern.

How a Chiropractor Can Help Your Child Overcome Tonsillitis NATURALLY!

Jonny is 5 years old and has suffered with tonsillitis since he was 3. During the first year he suffered with 3 bouts of tonsillitis. Last year he suffered from five episodes of this uncomfortable ailment. And this year he would experience it every month. On every occasion his mother would take him to the GP who would prescribe him with antibiotics every time. At first the antibiotics seemed to help him but over the past 12 months they didn't seem to make much of a difference.

Instead, Jonny was suffering from tonsillitis more frequently and the pain would become very intense. On his last visit to the GP, he had advised Jonny's mother that surgery would be the only solution. His mother became quite distressed as she was tired of giving him antibiotics, and she didn't want to go down the path of surgery. A friend of Jonny's mother had recommended that she take Jonny to her Chiropractor who had helped her daughter with the same condition.

Within only 4 visits Jonny noticed a difference with his tonsillitis. He was only suffering from it every 3 months and was able to overcome it within a day or 2 - without antibiotics. After a few more adjustments, Jonny has yet to experience another episode of this distressing ailment. It has been 2 years since Jonny's first Chiropractic adjustment, and he has not had any pain or inflammation.

Although Jonny is not a real person, there are many children out there just like him. Children who experience painful tonsils every month and don't seem to get relief from antibiotics anymore. Children who miss out on a significant amount of schooling because of their sore throat. And parents who appear quite concerned as they do not know how to help their child.

Thanks to regular Chiropractic adjustments, your child may no longer need to go through the pain and suffering associated with tonsillitis. Chiropractic care offers a natural and effective solution to this uncomfortable ailment. It focuses on eliminating the cause of the inflammation as opposed to masking the symptoms only.

Now I know what you are thinking. "What does my child's tonsils have to do with their spine?"

The tonsils are connected to the spinal cord via spinal nerves in your child's neck. In order for the tonsils to function as best as they possibly can, they must receive information from the brain and spinal cord without interference. Misalignments in the spine (subluxations) can cause pressure on the spinal nerves which go to the tonsils and can contribute to tonsillitis. Chiropractors are the only health professionals trained to identify and remove these subluxations. By doing so, your child's tonsils are better able to perform their function - prevent bacteria from entering into the chest.

Looking at how the spine is connected to the tonsils you can now appreciate that taking your child to see a Chiropractor just makes sense! Why mask the pain (with antibiotic treatment) when the cause of the problem (subluxations) can be corrected.

Parents can sometime become a little apprehensive about taking their child to see a Chiropractor because they think that the adjustments hurt, or that they will get their "bones cracked". I would like to put your mind at ease here and inform you that Chiropractic care for children is very safe and effective, not to mention, non-invasive. Chiropractors do not "crack bones". Instead, they perform spinal adjustments, which are very gentle and sometimes quite ticklish.

Chiropractors have helped thousands of children overcome painful tonsillitis. Many of these children were able to get off their medication and even avoid surgery.

If you tired of seeing your child suffer from painful tonsils and would like to avoid giving them antibiotics or having their tonsils removed, try Chiropractic care. It is a natural and non-invasive solution to their tonsillitis. And best of all... IT WORKS!

Flushing Stress and Anxiety Away With Chiropractic

Stress can be a serious condition if it remains untreated. It can cause anxiety attacks, heart disease, or general pain and stiffness. One of the best options to relieving stress is chiropractic adjustments. Stress can significantly be reduced with the help of a chiropractor. With spinal manipulations and a good diet, the body will be able to adapt better to stress.

Stress knots in the body can drastically hinder the way one performs their daily activities. The body tries to compensate for the pain the muscle is causing, but in return the body starts to become uncomfortable and extremely tight. When a condition arises in the neck, if it isn't treated, it can then form down the shoulders and into the low back.

The biochemical and physiological aspects of the human body receive a lot of attention from chiropractors. When the body has prolonged tension in the muscles, regardless of the location, it can lead to behavioral and personality changes. A spinal manipulation benefits the spine and surrounding muscles. This technique removes the irritation in the nerves and releases tension in the muscles allowing the body to properly adapt to the daily stresses in life.

A spinal adjustment sends certain signals up to the brain that turns off the stress response. The human body can actually handle stress very well if it's given the chance. Routine chiropractic adjustments, a healthy diet, and moving well will keep the body in tip top shape to deal with daily stresses.

Managing stress with chiropractic care helps to improve reflexes, joint and muscle movement, and range of motion. Some people are so prone to stress that the joints and muscles must be retrained so the individual doesn't hold stress and tension in their body. For greater results, spinal adjustments may be combined with massage therapy.

A few tips and helpful hints to reduce any physical stress and tense muscles are:

Take a quick five minute stroll whether it is inside or outside. Continuous movement helps prevent muscle restriction.

Change the scenery. Sometimes all it takes is little break to chit chat with someone or just look at the window. Observing others, or "people watching", is a quick way to get the mind off any stressful thoughts.

Simply close your eyes and imagine being anywhere in the world. Take a few deep breaths and re-group your thoughts to positive images

Stress can definitely bring out the worst in some people. Chiropractic care is an important and natural way to rid stress and tight muscles.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Paget's Disease - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Paget's disease, also known as osteitis deformans, is a chronic bone disorder that is caused due to irregular breakdown and formation of bone tissue. Common symptoms of this condition include bone pain, headache, hearing loss, pressure symptoms of the spinal nerves, hip pain, damage to the cartilage of joints and in advanced cases, increased head size, bowing of limbs or curvature of the spine. This condition may also lead to arthritis, heart disease, kidney stone, loosening of teeth, decreased vision and bone sarcoma.

The Ayurvedic treatment of Paget's disease is aimed at controlling the symptoms and treating the basic pathology of the disease. To prevent irregular breakdown and formation of bone tissue, medicines like Panch-Tikta-Ghrut-Guggulu, Laxadi-Guggulu, Trayodashang-Guggulu, Chandraprabha-Vati, Praval-Panchamrut, Shrung-Bhasma and Asthishrunkhala (Cissus quadrangularis) are used in high doses. Bone pain is treated using Triphala-Guggulu, Godanti-Bhasma, Vat-Gajankush-Ras, Maha-Vat-Vidhwans-Ras, Vish-Tinduk-Vati and Sarpagandha (Rauwolfia serpentina). Hearing loss is treated using medicines like Kaishor-Guggulu, Tapyadi-Loh, Ekang-Veer-Ras and Saarivadi-Vati. Symptoms caused by pressure on the spinal nerves are treated using Maha -Rasnadi-Guggulu, Maha- Rasnadi-Qadha, Nirgundi (Vitex negundo), Khurasani ova (Hyoscyamus niger), Kuchla (Strychnos nuxvomica) and Guggulu (Commiphora mukul). Heart disease can be treated using medicines like Laxmi-Vilas-Ras, Shrung-Bhasma, Abhrak-Bhasma, Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa) and Arjun (Terminalia arjuna). Kidney stones can be prevented using medicines like Punarnavadi-Qadha, Gokshuradi-Qadha, Pashanbhed (Bergenia lingulata) and Ikshumool (Saceharum officinarum)

Paget's disease can cause bones to expand and weaken, resulting in an increased head size, bowing of limbs and curvature of the spine. This can be treated using medicines like Laxadi-Guggulu and Panch-Tikta-Ghrut-Guggulu. As a corrective measure, a special procedure called 'Tikta-Ksheer-Basti' is used, in which a medicated enema is prepared by boiling several medicines like Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Patol (Tricosanthe dioica), Nimba (Azadirachta indica), Indrayav (Holarrhina antidysentrica) and Chirayta (Swertia chirata) in milk. Repeated courses of these medicated enemas have to be given over prolonged periods in order to have the desired therapeutic effect.

In general, the overall outlook in Paget's disease is good, particularly if treatment is given before major changes in the affected bones have occurred. It is important for people affected with this disease to get regular exposure to sunshine and to exercise regularly in moderation.

The Difference Between Evolutionary and Revolutionary Pain Management

Pain management has evolved substantially over the last 15 years. Completely new technology has come into existence but there has also been improvements on existing technology. This includes such things as new ways to do injections, new methods of spinal manipulations, along with new machines such as radiofrequency ablation.

When looking at the changes in pain relief treatments some have been evolutionary while others have been revolutionary. The difference is as follows. Evolutionary means you take an existing technology and changed it to make it better. Revolutionary technology are things that come along that did not exist before. If these work and provide excellent outcomes for patients in pain, then it is truly a revolutionary technology and can also be termed a "disruptive" technology.

Let's look at a few of the evolutionary technologies in pain management. Sixty years ago epidural injections first were invented. These were done as intra-laminar procedures and this technique still exists to this day. Results are over 75% excellent for patient relief and they can be great at avoiding surgery.

Over the last 10 years however, transforaminal epidural injections have become much more common and this evolution in technique has provided for the ability to place the steroid medication much closer to the area of the pinched nerve. So it's not a new technology, it just represents a nice improvement over the previous technique.

Another evolution in pain treatments is the type of medications that are used to provide pain relief. First is that there are steroids now that do not have as much of a particulate matter as before and this can decrease the incidence of complications. There are also some nonsteroidal medications that can be injected which represents another evolution in injections.

Another evolutionary technique in pain procedures has been spinal cord stimulators. The newest variations of spinal cord stimulators has been an improvement on the leads being placed so that better back pain reduction and leg pain relief can be achieved.

What it comes to revolutionary technology, the leader of the pack is radiofrequency ablation. This technology did not exist in pain management approximately 10 years ago. For the management of facet arthritis and other conditions, it has truly revolutionized the ability to gain long-term pain relief in patients.

It's been very exciting because until radiofrequency neurotomy nothing has existed that could give pain relief for longer than a few months which is what facets injections typically get for patients and then they need to be repeated. Radiofrequency procedures can give pain relief for up to 2 years.

Another revolutionary technology in pain management is spinal decompression therapy. This involves an intermittent computerized traction that is completely different than regular lumbar traction. Some may refer to it as an evolution, but it really does represent a revolutionary approach to treating these conditions.

It is important in pain treatments that we continue to achieve both evolutionary and revolutionary techniques. One of the most hyped revolutions will be when stem cell injections become mainstream as this is becoming the future of pain relief which is more regenerative in nature as opposed to just masking pain.

I've Got Osteoporosis - So What Are The Best Supplements I CanTake?

Humans are designed to consume very high calcium diets however the average adult has a calcium intake of only a fifth to a third as much as people in the stone-age.

The US National Health and Nutrition Health and Examination Survey II shows an average calcium intake for American women of between 300mg and 508mg per day and only 680mg for men. Women and men over 50 need to consume at least 1200 mg per day from food and calcium supplements.

The most recent clinical research clearly points out that all of our diets are critically deficient in calcium and the only way to get enough calcium is through supplementing with calcium liquid supplements.

According to nutritionist and longevity expert, Dr Joel Wallach, if we don't get enough calcium there are as many as 147 calcium deficiency diseases which can result - osteoporosis and arthritis being the most common and debilitating.

Other examples are: degenerative arthritis, high blood pressure, insomnia, kidney stones, bone and heel spurs, twitches and cramps, receding gums, tinnitus, spinal stenosis and prolonged clotting time.

If you are trying to get enough calcium from your diet, good luck...! Most people unfortunately believe that they can get sufficient calcium from drinking milk. This is not true - milk (as we buy it in the shops) is actually a poor source of calcium. This is because it contains high amounts of phosphorus and protein which make it difficult to absorb calcium and cause a lot of calcium to be excreted.

Here are the best dietary sources of calcium: yoghurt, cheese, beans, tofu, Bok Choy, broccoli, spinach and other green leafy vegetables. Check the packaging to see calcium content. The most ideal source of calcium is, of course, in the form of calcium liquid supplements.

Unfortunately the soils in which many of theses foods are grown are also deficient in calcium so even with eating the right foods it can be really difficult - almost impossible - to 'eat' enough calcium.

Foods which have a high phosphorus or fluoride content like in protein, soft drinks and many processed foods, can make things worse by increasing your requirements for calcium as well as causing you to excrete more calcium.

One final point the rate of loss of calcium for all those atheltes and people who sweat heavily is about two to three times higher than normal.

So while it is good to take in calcium from natural sources - it is highly likely that you are not getting enough and you should consider very high quality calcium liquid supplements - particularly if you are already showing signs of a deficiency.

What to Look for in a Calcium Supplement & Why Calcium Liquid Supplements Give You The Best Results

If you're looking for a good source of calcium, we'd always recommend calcium liquid supplements along with a liquid mineral and multivitamin product. The reason for liquid is that all calcium supplements are not the same and calcium is very difficult for the body to absorb.

Avoid metallic sources of calcium in supplements, such as ground up rocks, i.e. oxides, carbonates, lactates, Tums, oyster shell calcium, or coral calcium. Your average source of calcium in a tablet form sold in drugstores and supermarkets is usually calcium lactate, calcium carbonate and you'd need to take almost 50 tablets a day to get your 1200mg.

The best source of calcium is calcium in liquid form (tri-calcium phosphate and calcium citrate) and any calcium supplement should also include magnesium, zinc, boron, as well as vitamin D. And calcium liquid supplements are far more absorbable than tablets.

Plant derived minerals contain a form of calcium and the other minerals mentioned above in a natural form that is over 98% absorbable.

If you are considering the dietary approach, here's some more things to consider. First of all you need to increase your intake of calcium whenever you consume protein. When talking about this calcium (Ca) to phosphorus (P) ratio, the ideal ratio is 2:1 Ca to P. To achieve this by eating food, you'd have to eat 25lbs of broccoli every time you eat a 16oz steak, and to get enough magnesium from food you'd have to eat 200lbs of spinach.

The only possible way to get the ideal ratio is to avoid as much as possible food items with high amounts of phosphorus, like processed meat and organ meat, sodas and most processed food.

You should also, at the very least supplement with plant derived colloidal minerals containing calcium in a highly absorbable form and calcium liquid supplements containing more absorbable forms of calcium such as tri-calcium citrate and calcium phosphate.

Other vitamins, minerals and trace minerals

While calcium supplements, particularly calcium liquid supplements are extremely important for healthy bones and joints and for a wide range of cellular functions, there are many other nutrients which are very important for your health and the prevention of diseases.

For Osteoporosis and related diseases, the most important bone minerals are calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and fluoride. Equally important is the balance between the minerals. Too much phosphorus or fluoride will create poor bone structure and most of us take in too much phosphorus in the form of processed foods and nearly all of us take in too much fluoride, especially in our water.

Magnesium is very important to help build strong bones because it helps the absorption of calcium. Equally important are trace minerals like boron and manganese. Dietary sources include green, leafy vegetables.

Vitamin D is needed for calcium to be absorbed and vitamin B6 works with magnesium to get calcium into the bones. The best source of vitamin D is direct sunlight on the skin. A few minutes a day is all we need.

Digestive Enzymes are also required for calcium to be incorporated into the bones. Enzymes also require magnesium and vitamin B6 to work effectively.

Collagen is a tissue that makes up the bone matrix. Minerals are then laid onto this matrix to build the bone. So without collagen you can't have bone mass. And to build collagen you need vitamins including vitamin A (as beta-carotene), lots of vitamin C, protein (amino acids), minerals including copper, and a number of trace minerals including manganese. A good natural surce of collagen is gelatin - this will also contain chondroitin sulphate - an important building block for healthy bones an joints.


  1. Calcium is the most common mineral in our bodies and a majority of people fail to get enough calcium from their diets - this results in disease and it gets worse as we get older.

  2. Calcium liquid supplements and a number of nutrients play a very important role in preventing, treating and reversing osteoporosis and a number of related diseases.

  3. To build strong bones and bone matrix, we require a number of minerals, trace minerals, vitamins and protein in our diet. Calcium, along with multi-mineral and multi-vitamin supplements - are needed.

What Can Go Wrong With The Spine?

The thumbnail sized facet joints are situated in the back of the spine on either side. These articulating joints are at each level and allow the spine a very significant range of motion in many directions. At various levels of the spinal cord, which is situated inside the back part of each vertebrae and protected by the bones, nerve branches provide connections to one's arms and legs.

Quite a few conditions represent things that can go wrong with one's spine. The soft cushions between the vertebral bodies are called spinal disks, and are like jelly-filled donuts. They may get little tears or disk bulges; sometimes these tears result in larger cervical or lumbar disk herniations, and are large enough to press on spinal nerves. This results in burning down one's legs, called sciatica. If the pain is in the arms, the fancy term is radiculopathy for the pain.

Another condition that can push pressure on spinal nerves is from arthritis and represents bony and soft tissue overgrowth. This occurs usually in older patients.

What are the options for spine pain? Medications include simple over-the-counter analgesics to opioid narcotics, and in-between are medications that are different than what is traditionally seen. One type of medication is gabapentin, a neuropathic pain medication, which is usually given for epilepsy but often used for pain. Some antidepressants are used for relief of neuropathic painful conditions.

Along with medications, physical therapy is a very beneficial treatment for neck and back pain. That involves core strengthening, strengthening the stomach and the back muscles, the bladder floor, and the diaphragm. Chiropractic treatment has plenty of research to back it up for neck pain along with acute low back pain. Other treatments include spinal decompression, which is a revolutionary intermittent traction designed to provide increased nutrients to the disc for healing. Electrical stimulation, laser, ice and heat, and acupuncture may also provide substantial relief.

Apart from physical therapy, medications, and alternative treatments, a few injection options are available which can help avoid surgery and can be quite effective for spine pain. There are some studies backing up the use of cortisone shots to these facet joint areas; if it works and then wears off a follow up procedure called radio frequency ablation may be used. This may provide relief for over a year.

Another form of injection involves epidural treatments. In pain patients, these procedures are done with the addition of x-ray fluoroscopy, which helps locate the needle for more accurate placement. The idea is to provide some cortisone along with numbing medicine to irritated nerve roots and help simmer down on the swelling and alleviate sciatic, or radicular pain. It is typically quite effective.

There are 3 ways epidural injections are usually done. One is an intra-laminar approach, which is how the injections were done when epidural injections were first started. Another is a transforaminal approach, or a selective nerve root approach, where the medication is injected into the exiting tunnel in a more precise fashion. A third injection is called the caudal approach, which is above the coccyx in a small tunnel at the base of the sacrum.

Why Go To A Chiropractor?

Researchers say that over 80% of the total population will likely suffer from at least one of the wide array of vertebrogenic disorders during certain periods of our lives. A vertebrogenic disorder is an impairment of the body that is normally caused by faults in the spinal column. Not only do vertrebrogenic disorders cause extreme discomfort and pain in the neck and back area, they also produce tension headaches, bursts of migraine, neuralgia, dizziness, some pain in the arms and shoulders, a gush of pain in the abdomen and chest, hip pains, sciatica or pain in the knees and leg, disc disorders, digestive disorders and menstrual cycle pains.

You may doubt the connection on how the spine could affect so many parts in the body and cause so much harm. The spine is where most of your body nerves are connected to. These spinal nerves serve different parts of the body and once it gets irritated by spinal disorders you will suffer a milieu of disorders all over your body.

Chiropractic care is a profession in health care which is dedicated to diagnosing, treating, and preventing disorders associated with the neuromusculoskeletal system. It is a non-surgical treatment that focuses on spinal manipulation and treating surrounding spinal structures. Chiropractic care usually treats pains in the lower back, midsection, and neck, joints in the arms and legs and headaches. Chiropractors can also provide great relief for people suffering from arthritis. Typically, spinal problems begin during stages of childhood. Spinal disorder symptoms don't usually appear during childhood. If they are identified early, these spinal disorders are reversible. That is why spinal examinations for children should be undertaken to see if your child has spinal column problems that would lead to the development of spinal disorders.

Chiropractors usually perform different techniques such as Diversified technique, Extremity manipulating/adjusting, Activator Methods, Thompson, gonstead, cox flexion/distraction, Sacro Occipital Technique, Manipulative/Adjustive Instruments, Cranial, Applied Kinesiology, NIMMO/Receptor Tonus, Logan Basic, Palmer upper cervical, Pierce-Stillwagon, Meric, Toggle Recoil, Bio-Energetic Synchronization, Atlas Orthogonal, Chiropractic Biophysics, Contact Reflex Analysis, Neuro Vascular Technique, Toftness, Vector Point Therapy, Motion Palpation, Advanced BioStructural Correction and others.

Chiropractors treat their patient's condition by using exact, gentle spine manipulations that makes you feel amazing. Mostly chiropractors are doctors who have had a university education for 7 years studying the art of hands-on healing. Aside from spine manipulations, chiropractic doctors will also help you in physical therapy. They have an array of equipment such as ultrasound, traction, electrical stimulation and etc. to help in reducing back pain and inflammation. They will also recommend various exercises such as strengthening, cardio and stretching exercises to assist in the healing process. These exercises will also aid in decreasing lower back pains, increase back strength and restore your range of motion. They can also help in pelvic stabilization and in patient ergonomics. Other than these services, a chiropractor will provide patient education. They will give advice regarding the lifestyle modifications you would need to make such as your diet and other nutritional programs, self care strategies and coping treatments.

Are you currently suffering from lower back pains or having constant headaches that don't seem to go away? Have you been recently injured or had a car accident and have back trauma? Do you play sports and have stiff joints and shooting pains after every game? Are you a pregnant mom who has an aching back? Are you getting old and is unable to enjoy your retirement due to back aches and pains that don't seem to go away? Are you trying to find a good alternative to health care? Have you got apprehensions regarding your child's growth and long term well being? Are you short on budget and would want a way to ease your back pains without paying for expensive surgical treatments?

Then, chiropractic care is the right treatment for you. Chiropractic care is a great treatment for people who have back issues such as back aches and back pains. Not only does chiropractic care help in treating your back issues but will also assure you that any spinal disorders will be avoided in the future with proper care and prevention. Chiropractic care is healthy for the body, affordable and a great way to relieve you from pain, aches and stress.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

What Sciatica Is

Many people often misunderstood sciatica. Sciatica is the pain in your lower back that travels down your leg. It is a set of symptoms that occur somewhere along the path of the sciatic nerve. It describes the type of pain you might be having, but it doesn't explain why you have it.

Dancers are vulnerable to sciatica because of the amount of focus on turning out their legs. This often leads to piriformis syndrome. Dancers also move in a large range of motion at the spine, which result in undue pressure on the spinal discs when alignment or body mechanics is poor. This can lead to herniated discs. Poor body mechanics, arthritis, and scoliosis can be factors in spinal stenosis which leads to sciatic pain.

Common causes of sciatica

1) Piriformis syndrome
2) Herniated disc
3) Spinal stenosis

Piriformis syndrome

Piriformis syndrome is a condition where the piriformis muscle, the largest of the 6 deep lateral rotators, irritates the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve typically passes underneath the piriformis muscle, but in about 15% of the population the nerve goes through the piriformis muscle increasing it's potential for compression. When dancers overwork their turnout, their piriformis muscles may be excessively contracted and can press on the sciatic nerve. This is a functional syndrome.It isn't easy to diagnosis through a MRI or CT scan.

Symptoms include pain in the low back and buttocks, pain that can radiate down the back of the leg and difficult and uncomfortable sitting.

Treatments include physical therapy which focuses on stretching and strengthening the rotator muscles at the hip, and ultrasound to the inflamed side to release and soften the piriformis muscle. Anti-Inflammatory medication, (such as ibuprofen), is also administered to decrease inflammation of the nerve. For more acute cases, a cortisone injection may be suggested. Deep massage can also help to release the tension in the turnout muscles as well as surrounding pelvis and hip muscles. After a lengthy period of unsuccessful conservative treatment, surgical release is the last resort.

Herniated disc

Spinal discs are soft cushions of cartilage with a gel-like center between the boney vertebrae of the spine. It's where the movement and flexibility of the spine is created. Discs often lose elasticity with age and become more vulnerable to injury. A herniated disc bulges out between the vertebrae where it compresses the spinal nerves. This causes pain in the lower back, often traveling down the leg. A herniated disc is confirmed through a CT imaging scan or a MRI. It is also commonly called a slipped disc, or bulging disc.

You are suffering from herniated disc if you have leg pains usually over the outside of the thigh and lower leg and foot. Sometimes shooting down the leg, felt like an electric shock. Other symptoms include persistent pain no matter whether you are standing or sitting, tingling or numbness down the leg and muscle weakness. The worst is if bowel or bladder problems occur. This time see physician as soon as possible with these symptoms.

Anti-Inflammatory medication (such as ibuprofen) is given to decrease inflammation. Physician may choose to do a steroid injection. Physical therapy is also used to redevelop muscle balance and proper spinal alignment. If less invasive measures do not help, surgery is a last resort.

Spinal stenosis

Stenosis means a narrowing of an opening. Sciatic pain can occur from lumbar (lower back) spinal stenosis, while numbness and problems in the arms can occur from cervical (neck) spinal stenosis. The area where the nerves come out from the spinal column can inflame and narrow. This creates pressure and pain on the nerve. Older ones are most commonly affected on this type of nerve due to chronic poor body mechanics such as a swayback or tucking under, being overweight, having arthritis and/or scoliosis.

Symptoms include pain in the buttocks, thigh, and calf, weakness of one leg and pain that often increases with movement and walking, and decreases when sitting or lying down.

Diagnostic tests such as x-rays and CT scans or MRI will be used to confirm the diagnosis. Anti-inflammatory medication along with physical therapy is prescribed for mild cases.Surgery may be necessary to remove the pressure from the nerve, if less invasive measures are unsuccessful.

Tips for Prevention

If you have sciatic symptoms and a dance teacher, don't be so depressed. It is a curable disorder. However, you have to adapt your teaching style temporarily. Since teachers have bad habits of showing a movement without being fully warmed up, it is necessary to pull back on demonstrating.

Below are some steps that can help:

• Stand easily in a turned out first position, Are your gluteal muscles rock hard? It may be a sign of overworking the turnout and hip joint muscles. Periodically, sit on a chair with one leg crossed over the opposite thigh in an open position and lean forward. You'll feel the stretch deep in the gluteals of the bent leg.
• Are you standing in a swayback? Then stretch out the hip flexors in the runners lunge. Often the hamstrings, gluteals and turnout muscles become overly contracted as they counter the pull of the hip flexors.
• Notice what's happening on your feet. Pronation means your weight is not centered and your feet are rolling in - which then creates more muscular tension in the turnout muscles.
• Give your turnout muscles a break! Stand with your feet turned in towards each other. Bend your knees then lean into one hip before switching to the other hip. It may look strange, but is a quick reminder that the turnout muscles need to be both strong and flexible.
• Make sure your weight is appropriate for your height and activity level. Extra weight can put strain on the lower back and discs.
• Are your hamstrings weak or tight? Pay attention to the muscle balance around the hip joint and address any obvious weakness and/or tightness.
• Rest for a few minutes on your back over a large physioball. This helps to decompress the spine.
• Stand up straight without tension. When sitting and standing, do not slump as it keeps the spine aligned and the discs and spinal cord happy!

How to release Tension

To release stubborn muscular tension, you can work with a pinkie ball. Begin by placing a small 2-2/15 inch rubber ball between the back of your pelvis and the wall. The farther your feet are from the wall the more weight you place on the ball and the deeper the pressure. To start, roll on the ball from sacrum (base of the spine). Then roll around the sides of the pelvis and down to the sits bone. The piriformis and other turnout muscles are in the middle of the buttocks and that area may be tender. Work slowly and easily and comfortably to loosen the muscles. If you notice any nerve signs, such as pain radiating down the leg, move away from that spot, or stop all together. Five minutes before or after class can make a big difference in decreasing excess muscular tension!

Back Pain - Caused by Muscle Damage or Nerve Compression?

Back pain can be a tricky phenomenon to diagnose or treat effectively. On the one hand, nearly four out of every five people will have an episode of back discomfort sometime throughout their lives, either an acute flare-up or a chronic condition. But on the other hand, some people with disc herniation, subluxations, and other disorders may never feel pain caused by those conditions. This indicates that a person's pain perception systems may have as much to do with back pain as an actual injury.

In fact, doctors have understood for years that it is not just the disc disease, injury, or arthritis in the joints of the spine that leads to pain. Much more likely is that accompanying muscle spasms cause feelings of discomfort or soreness at or near the site of an injury. But some people who have had a herniated disc for years may never feel any severe pain. Thus, it seems that it is not until the spinal muscles reflexively react to a disorder that pain results in many people.

Furthermore, neck and back pain is most often caused by an acute feeling of discomfort that may go away after a few days or a week of rest. Neck pain responds much the same to such rest. In these cases, it is the muscles that develop a sprain or spasm and lead to the soreness in the first place. With some time off to rest, the muscles are able to relax and stop the spasms, repair the strain or tear, and the pain is eliminated.

Pain and numb sensations caused by nerve damage or compression, however, may lead to a much more severe and chronic condition. Sciatica or spinal stenosis can be caused by compressed nerve roots, and extremely painful sensations may be felt from the lower back all the way down through the hips to the knees and feet, depending on the site of the nerve pressure.

Healing for nerve damage and compression may take longer and be much more involved, as well. First, compression of the discs may have to be reduced, either through spinal decompression treatments, surgery, or other therapies. Then, the nerve pathways much be reeducated through spinal flossing and by practicing proper movement habits to prevent future injury.

Even after this is done, though, muscle damage and spasms may still be present. And if nothing else, there may be severe muscle weakness and lack of endurance in the spinal and abdominal muscles that support the spine. All of these issues must be addressed once the cause of the nerve pain is eliminated and once the back pain sufferer learns to move properly with minimal discomfort.

The good news is that the vast majority of causes of back and neck pain is an acute problem that lasts only for a few days or weeks. Muscles can relax and begin healing fairly quickly once the reason for the disorder is eliminated or reduced. And even for people suffering from chronic nerve conditions, much can be done to reduce discomfort, learn pain-free movements again, and build up muscle endurance to prevent future injury.

Low Backache

Definition. The term includes many types of pain on the lower part of the back viz,, pain at the sacrum, coccyx, on the lumbar spine, soreness on the back and sciatica; low backache is more common in women than in men.


A. Gynaecological causes. These form less important causes of low backache. The causes may be as follows:

(1) Uterine prolapse with retroversion may drag on the pelvic ligaments causing backache; this gets relieved on lying.

(2) tubo ovarian mass, parametritis and chronic cervicitis;

(3) benign and malignant pelvic tumours impacted uterine fibroid or ovarian cyst, pelvic endametriosis, advanced carcinoma of cervix, retroperitoneal tumour;

(4) postoperative because of sacro iliac strain following gynaecological operation in lithotomy position under anaesthesia;

(5) Premenstrual low - pain especially in premenstrual syndrome.

Site of backache due to gynaecological cause is sacral but never extends above fourth lumbar vertebra; it has got bilateral distribution but not localised. Causes mentioned above do not necessarily produce backache in all cases.

1. Orthopaedic causes. These are the commonest cause. There are numerous factors that can play. Some important ones are the following-

(i) Sacro iliac strain or subluxation this often follows pregnancy and labour. Pain is felt on lifting weight or stooping move¬ment. There may be tenderness at the sacroiliac joint;

(ii) postural cause muscular and ligamentary strain on the back is possible due to postural defect. Obesity may also cause such strain;

(iii) Spinal arthritis ;

(iv) congenital anomalies sacralization of last lumbar vertebra or lumbarisation of first sacral vertebra, spina bifida occulta may cause back pain;

(v) lumbago this is due to myositis of the lumbar region;

(vi) coccygodynia pain at the coccyx commonly following labour. Tenderness can be elicited on movement of the coccyx ;

(vii) other spinal diseases prolapse of intervertebral disc, caries spine, spinal cord compression.
Sites of pain in orthopaedic cause vary according to the particular lesion But pain tends to be localised with tenderness at a site; pain is also related to exercise or rest. Sacroiliac strain becomes worse at night while lying flat on back or turning to the side.

II. Nonorthopaedic causes.

(1) Renal pain distribution of pain is characteristic i.e. unilateral arising at the Join.

(2) Rectal pain. Constipation, rectal spasm or carcinoma may have sacral pain or discomfort.
In some cases, no demonstrable cause for backache can be found. psychological upset is alleged to be a factor to play in this group.


1. Careful history taking, thorough clinical examination of the patient's general condition, pelvic condition, should be done. Examination of spine and back especially for any local tenderness is essential. Radiology of lurnbosacral region is al¬ways taken to detect any evident lesion. Urological investigations should be taken up in cases suggesting the cause.

2. Cases showing no gynaecological factor for backache should be referred to the orthopaedic surgeon.

Treatment. This is done according to the cause. The gynaecological causes are treated. For the orthopaedic causes, local application of heat, local massage of some liniment, rest, analgesics can be instituted before the orthopaedist takes up the cause for treatment.

Primary Causes of Lower Back Pain

For any person trying to learn the causes of lower back pain, it is important to recognize first that it is not a condition but rather a sign of irregularities in the muscles, ligaments, and nerves in the lower area of the back and possible diseases found in that specific area, like the kidneys.

Lower back pain is commonly one-sided; depending upon the pinched nerve root, it may occur on the left side or the right side.

Because many conditions could generate the pain, cited here are the primary causes of lower back pain:

  • Poor form, particularly when carrying large items (the mere act of carrying an object bigger than your body weight could cause lower back pain). Sitting for a long-period of time with arch back can also cause pain on your lower back.? If you work 8 hours a day in work office, sitting the whole time is inevitable. Take a break, stand up and stretch your back at least every three hours, and make sure that you are sitting up straight.? Bad sitting posture can't be corrected by trying harder, you need to stop sitting badly and let your body resume its natural posture.

  • Stress and fractures.

  • Non-specific anxiety or sprain of the back muscles, ligaments and soft tissues.

  • Physical factors such as disc degeneration in spondylosis, stenosis of the spine, disc herniation, spinal abnormalities such as scoliosis, and leg length discrepancy (one leg is shorter than the other)

  • Inflammation related illnesses, such as rheumatoid arthritis and spondylitis.

  • Infections, like osteomyelitis, epidural abscess and Post-herpetic neuralgia, bring about nerve irritation.

  • Metabolic problems, such as osteoporosis and osteomalacia.

  • Cancers of the bone and spine that would constrict upon the nerves.

  • Related soreness, such as in kidney disease and prostate cancer.

  • Pinched nerve, which is appropriately called as nerve root impingement (direct irritation on a nerve) or nerve root syndromes, such as sciatica and cauda equina syndrome.

  • Standard pregnancy (the rising weight and the strain of lugging a child causes strain on the lower part area of the back, nerve irritation, and elongating of pelvic ligaments).

  • Bone and joint pain syndromes, such as fibromyalgia (described by generalized ache, tenderness, rigidity and fatigue) and myofascial pain (with pain and tenderness experienced in localized areas referred to as "trigger points", which observe the dermatomal or radiating pattern of a peripheral nerve).

Depression has also been mentioned as one of the causes of lower back pain. However, reports on patients suffering from the pain and making use of anti-depressants as remedy have generated inconclusive outcomes.

Cervical Disc Replacement: Risks and Benefits

People who have tried and failed conventional non-surgical treatments such as exercise, anti-inflammatory medication, chiropractic, physical therapy, etc. to relieve their neck pain can benefit from cervical disc replacement surgery.

Discs in the entire spinal column, which are 23 in total, 6 of which are cervical discs, act as cushions or shock absorbers between the bones (vertebrae) of the spine. These discs may deteriorate due to cervical disc diseases like failed cervical fusion and degenerative disorders in the cervical, which can cause neck pain, arm pain, arm weakness or numbness.

When non-operative methods like physical therapy and drugs fail to provide back or neck pain relief, patients suffering from neck (cervical) disc disease often turn to replacement surgery as a last resort.

The Surgical Overview
Cervical disc replacement involves inserting an artificial disc in the space between two vertebrae (spinal bones) to replace the painful, diseased or damaged disc while keeping your normal neck motion. The artificial disc mimics the function of a natural spinal disc.

In the surgery, the damaged disc is completely removed including any impinging disc fragments or osteophytes (bone spurs) and the disc space is returned to the height it was prior to disease.

The cervical disc(s) may degenerate or damage as a result of direct trauma, arthritis, gradual changes or an unknown cause, leading to neck pain from inflammation or muscle spasm and severe pain, weakness and numbness in the arms from pressure on the cervical nerve roots.

Surgical replacement of a disc with an artificial device is a relatively new procedure. The first replacement surgery for the low back (lumbar spine) was approved by America's Food and Drug Administration in June 2004 for use in the country.

As a matter of fact, disc replacement surgery is not a procedure suitable for everyone. Patients with brittle bones from osteoporosis or other significant diseases may not be good candidates for this type of surgery. Problems like infection or severe degeneration of the spinal joints may also keep a patient from having this operation.

Potential Risks and Complications
As with any spine surgery, cervical disc replacement surgery is not without risk. A variety of complications with an artificial disc may occur, either alone or in combination. Although rare, but these complications can be severe.

The potential surgical complications may include:

Wound infection
Allergic reaction to the anesthesia
Spinal fluid leak
Blood loss
Nerve injury or paralysis
Need for further surgery
Injury to the spine's nerve tissue and veins, and arteries near the spine
The injured spinal cord or the nerves can result in impairment or complete paralysis of all four limbs.
Paralysis of certain muscles in the arms or legs may also occur following the injury to the nerves.
Inability to resume routine activities, including sexual activity, following the surgery.


Normal neck motion can be maintained
The artificial disc absorbs some of the daily stresses of the neck.
The procedure eliminates the need for a complex and painful bone graft, which can be difficult to heal and has a risk of an infection transmission from grafting material.
Following cervical disc replacement, the adjacent spinal discs don't have to bear the extra stress (versus a fusion procedure).
The artificial disc surgery patients recover more quickly than the spinal fusion patients.
The surgery has lesser chances of requiring a revision surgical procedure.
The chances of device failures (breakages) are significantly less.
Lesser number of cervical disc replacement patients need a hard collar surgery.
Since the healing time from a cervical disc replacement is quicker, the patient is able to return to almost every type of activities faster.

Chondroitin Liquid - How it Affects Back Pain

Chondroitin along with glucosamine are the building blocks of normal cartilage and are best taken to maintain and promote healthy joints. Both substances also have powerful anti-inflammatory properties. These anti-inflammatory properties really play a part in reducing swelling in an around joints but not for immediate relief.

For those who suffer from back pain, chondroitin liquid along with glucosamine may not be the best answer. It is not suggested or intended to provide any type of immediate pain relief. Rather promote joint health in the long run. Both of these are naturally found in the human body but for some, what is found in the body is not enough. For example, a body builder will most definitely need to supplement his diet with this high potency liquid. A professional athlete who is constantly bending and putting pressure on joints would need to supplement his or her diet also. Basically anyone who is active with weights, as an athlete, has a predisposition for osteoarthritis, or is about 27 or older is suggested to add this to their normal diet as directed.

Unlike chondroitin, glucosamine is found in the exoskeleton of crabs, lobsters and shrimp so if you are allergic to shellfish, only take chondroitin. Chondroitin is found in the cartilage of other animals like in sharks and in cow cartilage. These are the most common sources.

Though these commonly known supplements are natural precursors to healthy joints, they will not work specifically to relieve back pain. However, they will help to build cartilage, and keep the joints in your back functioning smoothly. It is a misconception that they are the cure for back pain of many sorts.

Osteoarthritis in the spine can erode the cartilage around the spinal bones. Without the protective cartilage, the vertebrae can rub against each other, causing excruciating pain. For this type of pain, pain medication, an anti-inflammatory, and maybe even surgery are best. Chondroitin for example, will help to rebuild the lost lubrication and cartilage within and around the spine, which will help avoid the vertebrae rubbing together.

Bone spurs can also form around the spinal facet joints. Facet Joint Syndrome can also wear away the cartilage protecting the vertebral facet joints. Degeneration of the cartilage leads to increased friction in the spinal joints. This bone on bone contact is the reason for facet joint pain. Using glucosamine and chondroitin helps to re-build lost cartilage and increase the protective measures and liquids in the spinal joints. If you are suffering or know someone who is suffering from some type of back pain, though it will not hurt to take some G&C, it is not recommended as the sole source for pain relief.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Rid Low Back Pain and Sciatica During Pregnancy

Is low back or leg pain and sciatica causing problems with your pregnancy? Should this be the case, Chiropractic is a great natural, drugless approach to help with your pain. Many people often wonder if Chiropractic care can help a mother and their baby achieve a healthier pregnancy and delivery. Not only is chiropractic gentle and safe, but it is becoming an increasingly popular choice for many mothers who waiver from taking prescription and over the counter drugs during pregnancy. In fact, many clinical studies have shown chiropractic to be the choice for pregnant mothers experiencing pain.

One particular study by a member of the American Medical Association, Dr. Irvin Hendryson showed that women who were in their third trimester of pregnancy who received chiropractic adjustments were able to carry and deliver children with more comfort. A fellow orthopedist by the name of Per Freitag, M.D., showed in a hospital study that used chiropractic adjustments on pregnant patients and found that mothers need for pain killers during delivery decreased in half.

Along one's spine are 24 vertebrae (bones in the spine), with a sacrum and coccyx bone directly beneath them, and they work in tandem and surround the central nervous system. The brain produces neurological signals that travel down your spinal cord throughout the nerves to all of a person's limbs, organs, and muscles in the body. These signals direct all of the body's functions, and contribute to growth, repairing cells and tissues, and the natural healing mechanism of the body. When your spine is subluxated, or misaligned, nerves become tensed, and these pathways of signals become altered, causing the body to function inefficiently. Such imbalances in posture can occur with pregnancy such as a high hip, rotated pelvis, spinal curvature, sway back, dropped shoulder or any of many variations in structure, which can contribute a more difficult pregnancy. According the the American Jounal of Pain Management, the authors state: "posture affects and moderates every physiologic function from breathing to hormonal production. Spinal pain, headache, mood, blood pressure, pulse and lung capacity are among the functions most easily influenced by posture."

Chiropractors focus on the cause of many symptoms and specialize in the detection and correction of these spinal subluxations to improve body function. Much like orthodontics, this process can take from several weeks to months depending on the spinal structure and misalignment severity of the patient. As subluxations decrease and the central nervous system can work better, healing takes place more efficiently.

During pregnancy; women go thourgh a series of physiological and hormonal changes to create the most optimal environment for their developing baby. Every system of the pregnant woman's body. As a pregnant woman's boy changes during baby development, their center of gravity is skewed, altering their posture, placing more pressure on their lower back and pelvis, which may result in pain. A study by MJ Mantle showed that fifty percent of all pregnant women complained of low back pain.

When random people were polled in our community, Sherry Grieco of Kennett Square, Pennsylvania said that "Chiropractic has helped me and my family tremendously. During my last trimester of pregnancy, Chiropractic care made me feel more comfortable. It helped me with my hip and sciatic pain." Traci LaGanke of Wilmington, Delaware has also gotten much relief with her pain during her two pregnancies. "I suggest to anyone with lower back pain to see a Chiropractor. Carrying 30-40lbs. of excess weight and lugging car seats have only added to my pain, and chiropractic care has kept me pain free throughout my pregnancy. Helene Neidig of Hockessin, Delaware is eight months pregnant, and works in an office setting. "Regular Chiropractic adjustments make me feel looser and rid me of acute back pain. I used to have chronic back pain before pregnancy, that would become more aggravated at my desk working ten hours a day. I highly recommend seeing a chiropractor before, during, and after pregnancy. I thought that my chronic back pain would come back and it has not!"

The best time to seek chiropractic adjustments is throughout the entire pregnancy and immediately concluding labor and delivery, a great option if a mother is or wants to help eliminate back and leg pain.

How We Dealt With Mom's Spinal Stenosis Treatment

There was a sinking feeling in my stomach as I watched my mother make her way slowly and painfully down the stairs; right then and there, I made an appointment with her doctor for another approach on her spinal stenosis treatment. There are various courses of action you can take with spinal stenosis treatment - medications with anti-inflammatory drugs, conservative treatments, and surgical procedures. We discussed another method with her doctor and we decided to stick to the anti-inflammatory drugs but use another type of medicine thought to be more effective. We zeroed in on a thoraco-lumbar spinal brace to help support her lower back and, with a lot of opposition from her, convinced her to use a cane when walking for more than a few minutes. Surgery was still not a good option, the doctor thought, since we hadn't completely explored all out options yet.

So you understand a little more of what's happening in my mother's body, spinal stenosis is the constricting of the hollow tube that holds the spinal cord and the nerves. While this could be a birth defect, this stenosis has many causes. Bulging discs can take up space in the spine, and so can bone spurs and calcification. Aging complications like arthritis don't help either. My mother always thought of her back pain as normal and would just take painkillers for it, more like what you would do for bulging disc treatments. We knew it was really bad when she asked us to bring her to the doctor. He put her through a thorough physical check-up and requested she take some MRI scans to pinpoint the problem. That's the first time she got spinal stenosis treatment and it really helped her.

Conservative spinal stenosis treatment mainly involves physical therapy that makes use of light exercise to help keep the patient moving while allowing him to deal with the pain better. The activities can be combined with steroidal epidural injections, although this is not allowed more than three times a year. It's not a therapeutic treatment, though, but more of a pain management procedure. This has a success rate of about 50% though, and it's recommended because the patient remains in control of his body for much longer.

Spinal stenosis treatment also focuses on the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) and analgesics. These provide temporary relief from the pain but can damage the liver and kidneys in the long run. Coupled with supplements like glucosamine and a complete multivitamin with B-complex and 1200 mg of folic acid, it's being touted as the latest cure for stenosis, although the jury is still out on its effectivity.

The last resort in spinal stenosis treatment is one most sufferers wish to avoid - surgery. While there are many kinds of surgery that can be performed on stenosis, their main goal is to release the compression on the nerves and alleviate the pain. There are a lot of fancy medical terms that would just go over the layman's head but all they actually do is describe what part of the spine or which vertebrae are going to be treated.

Surgeons would actually not prefer to perform this delicate treatment unless absolutely necessary as surgery can provide up to 85% of relief to spinal stenosis, spinal stenosis treatment will only resort to this if all other none-invasive treatments have failed.

How Many Spinal Decompression Treatments Are Required Before Relief?

Studies have determined that the most common causes of recurring low back and neck pain are problems related to the spinal column. Unlike musculoskeletal ailments, degenerative disc diseases can cause intolerable back pain that can render one completely immobile and bedridden. Thanks to spinal decompression treatment, there is a new ray of hope for people suffering from chronic back pain. The question that often arises is as to how many spinal decompression treatments are required before a patient gets relief. This would largely depend on the condition of the patient. Treatment sessions last about 30 to 45 minutes, and frequent sessions may be essential to ensure the best results.

Effective Non-surgical Treatment for Back Pain

Spinal decompression is a non-surgical, traction based treatment for almost all kinds of major back pain. It is an advanced modality which constitutes a specifically designed table connected to a computer controlled workstation that can be programmed to effectively decompress structures in the spine that cause major pain and discomfort.

This decompression traction therapy decompresses the inter-vertebral discs and facet joints within the spinal column with a gentle stretching and relaxing motion. This causes a vacuum effect within the disc, which draws back displaced disc material to relieve pressure on nerves and replenish the spine with essential nutrients, fluids and oxygen to aid in the healing of the damaged disc. Spinal decompression also helps strengthen the spine and provide stability.

Spinal decompression is an FDA approved treatment. Safe and gentle, it quite effective in relieving chronic pain symptoms such as tingling, burning and dull sensations. Patients experience notable improvement in their medical condition in as few as 3 to 4 visits with hopefully, full relief by the end of the treatment program. The total number of sessions required would vary among patients, depending upon the severity of the condition. In most cases, physicians recommend about 2 to 3 visits per week with each session lasting about 30 to 45 minutes.

Spinal decompression treatment works best for patients diagnosed with the following medical conditions:

• Nerve Compression
• Lumbar Disorders
• Lumbar Strains
• Sciatic Neuralgia
• Herniated Discs
• Injury of the Lumbar Nerve Root
• Degenerative Discs
• Spinal Arthritis
• Lumbar Instability

It is equally effective for patients who have not had much success with back or neck surgery.

Pain Relief through Maximum Therapeutic Benefit

Spinal decompression treatment has great therapeutic benefits and in most cases, patients do not require follow-up treatment. The cost depends on the number of sessions and duration of the treatment. This is one of the factors that cause patients to ask the question: how many spine decompression sessions are required before relief? Most health centers recommend a package of therapies for the best results. As with any comprehensive pain management or rehabilitation program, your physician may recommend home exercises along with modifications in some daily activities for long-term pain relief. Periodic visits to the doctor's office would help physicians evaluate improvements in your spinal health and reduce the possibilities of recurrence.

Hype of Hydrotherapy / Aquatic Physical Therapy

Doesn't water suggest life? Since the dawn of time, water has possessed an overflow of revitalizing healing properties. Water cleanses, purifies, soothes. In more medical terms it eliminates inflammation and infection. Helping healing better, and more cheaply, than many of our chemically advanced concoctions, the simple molecule does so much more it may be futile to ask why - just how.

In hydrotherapy or aquatic physical therapy, patients are gently immersed in warm water. This form of underwater therapy aims to assist patients to overcome conditions where movement is limited because of paralysis or pain, or where the patient's muscles have been weakened due to injury or illness. Water immersion allows patients to exercise painlessly, even pleasurably, aiding a hasty recovery from a wide variety of conditions.

Aquatic physical therapy has been used for decades as an integral part of treatment for severe arthritis or post knee or hip surgery. Fibromyalgia or rheumatic syndrome, a condition characterized by body aches, pain, sleep disturbances, fatigue, and anxiety, combined with tenderness and whose cause is unknown, is also healed by aquatic physical therapy. Ankylosing Spondylitis, a form of arthritis where the spinal vertebrae become progressively inflamed and the spine eventually becomes fused, making movement very limited, also benefits from the hydro treatment. Even in some serious neurological conditions, the aquatic physical therapy can increase mobility as well as the power in the muscles by allowing movement in muscles normally unable to move. Though it cannot help the illness, aquatic physical therapy can also help to re-instruct muscles to get over damage from stroke or accidents.

Regrettably, aquatic therapy still has its share of limitations. Pure water therapy cannot help patients who are incontinent for hygiene reasons, as well as those with skin conditions or allergies to chlorine. And it is unsuitable for people who have high blood pressure as hydrotherapy raises the blood pressure.

Nonetheless, hydro/aquatic physical therapy especially helps therapists help their patients because being immersed in warm water makes the buoyant movement much easier as the water lifts the limbs, improving joint movement and getting the joints working effectively again, in contrast to painful movement against gravity.

The qualified aqua therapist has three primary objectives in performing therapy in warm water for his patients: to abolish gravity, allowing the body to float and amplifying the power in the muscles, and providing greater movement of a specific limb or joint; to conduct gentle exercises because of its effective resistance to movement; and to relax the muscles and ease the pain with the water's warmth and healing powers. And to look at it simply, hydrotherapy is just an underwater exercise...

Arthritis of the Neck - Symptoms and Pain Relief

If you have a chronically stiff neck, chances are you should see your doctor. He can help diagnose the problem. If it is arthritis of the neck, an x-ray can determine that. Read on to find out more about symptoms and treatment options...

Arthritis Of The Neck is also known as neck arthritis or cervical spondylosis. It is a degenerative disease so basically the older we get the more liable we are to have this condition. Unfortunately many people suffer from it.

What is it?

Around the age of 40 (men have a tendency to get it earlier than women), is when this disease comes into play.

What causes it? Well, as we age bone spurs form on the vertebrae and our body does this because it wants to stabilize the vertebral joints and it does so by increasing the area - hence the extra bone formations. The thing is that these bone spurs can put pressure on the spinal nerves, and possibly the spinal cord which equals pain! Because of this pressure and depending exactly where it is, it can cause numbness and even weakness in the bladder or the bowels. Other symptoms include headaches, weakness or pain in the arms or legs as well as becoming 'clumsy'.

Of course, your range of motion is also affected and it becomes painful to turn your neck - and how often do you do that - many times in a minute even. It can start with just a stiff neck but that's a symptom and if this stiffness doesn't go away, then it's time to go and see your health care professional so he can check it out. These symptoms can appear on an x ray well before the person has a problem with a stiff neck..
Treatment Options:

So if you have been diagnosed with arthritis of the neck, there are some treatment options. First and foremost would be to restrict movement in that area and sometimes a cervical collar is worn. In time, if this doesn't help enough than a neck brace can be fitted around the neck. Sometimes surgery helps but then your doctor will be able to advise you. Your doctor may prescribe pain medication for you.

If you develop a stiff neck then consider stress relief. Join a yoga class. Most of us carry around a huge amount of stress in our necks and shoulders. You could buy a special neck pillow to ease your neck whilst sleeping. Another idea would be an infrared massager which can bring much needed relief.

Another idea would be to visit your local health store to see what they have to say. For example capsaicin is an ingredient of chili peppers and a cream containing this can also bring relief to your neck pain. Be careful with this and only start with a small area, in case you have an unwanted reaction. Tart cherries also naturally reduce inflammation and you can buy concentrated tart cherry juice and drink it on a regular basis to see if it reduces your pain.

Arthritis of the neck has, to date, no cure unfortunately. However, there are ways to make life with this condition easier.

What is Subluxation & Treatment for Back Pain

What is Subluxation?

If you're asking this question, odds are you've been to a chiropractor or spinal specialist and have been diagnosed with a complicated condition. A vertebral subluxation, also simply called a 'subluxation' is a vertebra out of its normal zone of motion, causing interference to the proper function of the nervous system at that level.

Because a subluxation interferes with a primary pathway of your body's internal intelligence, serious health issues can result if they are ignored for prolonged periods. Chronic pain is often the first clue indicating the onset of a subluxation, but subluxations are often present without any related pain, and pain itself is only present after a subluxation has been in place for years.

Much like a cavity will rarely show pain until it has seriously decayed, a subluxation can wreak havoc on your nervous system, causing diseases in the organs the affected nerves innervate unless the subluxation is detected and corrected. Conditions from constipation to asthma can be associated with an underlying dysfunction of the nervous system associated with a spinal subluxation.

For this reason, it is highly recommended a person seek out a full spinal exam, possibly including x-rays, by a chiropractic doctor annually, beginning in early childhood but most certainly before the age of nine (the age at which scoliosis most commonly begins). It's an excellent method of preventative medicine guaranteeing against the onset of severe health issues due to undetected physical blockages of the central nervous system.

Treatment for Back Pain

We all suffer from back pain at one time or another in our lives. In fact, back pain is said to be the single most expensive illness on the planet, draining our economy and our lives more than any other single illness! Unless you've been taught the secrets to proper spinal hygiene, the solution to back pain can seem elusive.

We've taken pills and tried therapy, but back pain tends to return on a regular basis in our lives once we've had that first bout. Often, unless we discover what does work, minor back pain episodes will develop into debilitating, paralyzing episodes of nerve compression and immobility. In fact, there is no drug and no single therapy that can guarantee a constant guard against the progress of back pain in your life. The absolute secret to beating back pain is in restoring flexibility and balance to the entrapped spinal region.

Flexibility guarantees restoration of the proper function of the region. Cartilage will not decay, and nerves, veins, and organs will not become compressed in a balanced, flexible body. In other words, a flexible spine will be less likely to experience pain, and will be more resilient against future injury and degeneration. Degenerative arthritis, spinal decay, degenerative disc disease, and nearly every condition related as the cause of chronic back pain has some association with the loss of flexibility in the area.

Your most powerful weapon against recurring back pain and its eventual onset of more serious degenerative conditions is in discovering a home program that will outline the keys to restoring your spinal strength and flexibility. The added good news is, a proper flexibility program will bring more weight burning energy and personal power to your life than any other physical fitness program, and can take as little as a few minutes per day.

About the Author:

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies for Back Pain and Major Causes of Backache

The spinal column consists of an intricate network of nerves, bones, muscles, ligaments and tendons. Inflammation or straining of any of these parts may lead to backache. Now we will cast a glance on the several possible causes that may trigger the inflammation or straining. Understanding the exact cause of back pain is the first step to proper treatment. Here follows some of the major causes of backache -

1. Lumber muscle strain causes low backache. The patient may even forget what it was that had caused the strain or spasm, but the good part of the story is that pain from lumber muscle strain subsides within a few weeks.

2. Ruptured or herniated disc is another common cause of backache. The patient can get relief from such pain by going for a surgery or taking certain precautions in day to day life.

3. Discogenic back pain is a low back pain. It occurs due to some damage of the intervertabral disc excluding disc rupture.

4. Spinal stenosis or constriction or tightening of the spinal canal may be a cause of pain in the back. This type of pain is common among aged people.

5. Lumbar spine arthritis is a form of arthritis affecting the small joints of the spinal column. It causes pain while trying to move.

6. Spondylolisthesis is a cause of pain in the back. In its case, the adjacent vertebra starts becoming unstable, and may even slip. This takes place because of the degeneration of the stabilizing structures of the spinal column.

7. Ankylosing spondilitis causes inflammation and stiffness in certain areas of the spine leading to backache.

8. Fibromyalgia is a common cause of backache. The tender points of the spine like hip, neck, and shoulder go through a phase of mucoskeletal pain and fatigue. Fibromyalgic pain may lead to sleeping disorders, numbness of limbs, headache and depression.

9. Osteoporosis is also a cause of back pain. It weakens the bones due to loss of bone density. Bones can no more bear minor stress, and may often experience compression fractures.

Anti inflammatory muscle relaxant pain relief oil such as Rumatone Gold Oil is an effective ayurvedic herbal remedy for getting relief from backache or back pain. Regular application of this herbal massage oil reduces pain and inflammation. In order to get faster relief from back pain and discomfort, one can take herbal supplement such as Rumatone Gold Capsule along with the topical application of the pain relief oil. Together these two act as a magical formula offering lasting relief from back pain.

Cervical Spondylosis and the Balanced Approach of Chiropractic Care

Cervical spondylosis, also known as spinal arthritis, neck arthritis, or cervical osteoarthritis, is a disorder caused by abnormal growth of the bones of the neck and degeneration and mineral deposits in the cushions between the vertebrae. Over time, these changes can press down on one or more of the nerve roots. In advanced cases, the spinal cord becomes affected. Progressive neck pain is a key indication of this disorder. However, other body parts such as arms and legs can be affected as well.

Aging is the major risk factor of cervical spondylosis. It becomes more common as people age and tends to develop earlier in men than women. More than 85% of people over age 60 are affected, and by the age of 70, it is estimated that nearly 100% of men and 96% of women will have some degree of spondylosis. Other factors that can make a person more likely to develop spondylosis are genetics, smoking, occupation, mental health issues, past neck injury, severe arthritis, and past spine surgery.

Symptoms often develop slowly over time, but may start suddenly. Common symptoms include neck pain (which may radiate to the arms or shoulders), neck stiffness that worsens over time, loss of sensation or abnormal sensations in the shoulders, arms, or legs, weakness of the arms or legs, and headaches. Less common symptoms include loss of balance and loss of control over bladder or bowels. Cervical spondylosis may lead to certain complications such as chronic neck pain, fecal incontinence or urinary incontinence, progressive loss of muscle function or feeling, and permanent disability.

When the symptoms are too severe, most of the doctors may recommend surgery. However, there are other treatments available that do not require surgeries such as chiropractic treatment. They do not prescribe drugs or use surgery. Chiropractic approach includes ice/heat therapy, ultrasound, massage, lifestyle modification, and spinal adjustments.

A chiropractor works to restore mobility in the spinal joints and surrounding tissues and to strengthen the surrounding muscles to support the spine and restore its alignment. Chiropractic method is a balanced approach combining the best of its offers with the best stretching and strengthening therapies. Chiropractors believe that a healthy nervous system is synonymous with a healthy body.

Because cervical spondylosis is a part of the aging process, there is not much that can be done to prevent it. However, by doing healthy lifestyle habits and considering chiropractic care can be helpful to slow down its progress, reduce symptoms, and prevent complications. Any form of treatment will not reverse arthritis but chiropractic care can offer increased amount of cervical range of motion and maximum pain relief in a natural way.

All About Raindrop Technique

I've been practicing Raindrop Technique (RT) since 2001 and it always amazes me how much better I feel and others feel after receiving a treatment. The essential oils used in RT are very powerful, more so than we can ever imagine!

The essential oils used in RT are only Young Living's essential oils. I do not use nor recommend any other essential oils for this technique. If you receive/give RT with oils other than Young Living's, it's not Raindrop Technique.

ANYONE can learn how to perform RT. You don't have to be in the health industry to be able to give a RT session. If you have a desire to assist people in their healing process you can learn this technique.

What is Raindrop Technique (RT)?

RT is an amazing healing technique using nine therapeutic grade essential oils that are dropped like rain drops along your spine from about 6 inches above your body. The essential oils are worked into your back using light strokes and gentle massage. The essential oils are dispersed throughout your entire body via your nervous system.

The essential oils are also applied along the vita-flex spinal points on your feet. Applying the essential oils on these points on your feet aid in removing toxins released during the RT session.

RT will help to reduce spinal inflammations which can cause pain, illness and vertebral weakness. Studies have validated that RT can help correct spinal curvatures like scoliosis. Check out Dr. David Stewart's book called "A Statistical Validation of Raindrop Technique" to research the validity of RT.

The essential oils used in RT are anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory and easily penetrate your skin. They assist your body in its self healing process on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.

RT was developed by Gary Young, CEO and founder of Young Living Essential Oils, due to his extensive research with essential oils and study of certain healing techniques of the Lakota Indians in South Dakota.

What essential oils are used in Raindrop Technique (RT) and what are their healing properties?

Oregano - Properties include; anti-aging, powerful anti-viral, antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory and an immune stimulant. Oregano is helpful for arthritis, rheumatism, respiratory infectious diseases, infections, tuberculosis and digestive problems.

Thyme - Properties include; anti-aging, highly anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic and anti-viral. Thyme is helpful for infectious diseases, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease and hepatitis.

Basil - Properties include; powerful anti-spasmodic, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxant. Basil is helpful for migraines, throat/lung infections and insect bites.

Cypress - Properties include; improves circulation and strengthens blood capillaries, anti-infectious, anti-spasmodic and discourages fluid retention. Cypress is helpful for diabetes, circulatory disorders, cancer, and grounding and stabilizing.

Wintergreen - Properties include; anti-coagulant, anti-spasmodic, highly anti-inflammatory, vasodilator, analgesic, anesthetic, reduces blood pressure, and all types of pain. Wintergreen is helpful for arthritis, rheumatism, muscle and nerve pain, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, and hepatitis.

Marjoram - Properties include; helps to relieve muscle and joint discomfort, soothes digestive tract, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, vasodilator, lowers blood pressure, promotes intestinal peristalsis (movement,) and expectorant. Marjoram is helpful for arthritis, rheumatism, muscle and nerve pain, headaches, circulatory disorders, respiratory infections, PMS, fungal infections, ringworm, shingles, sores, spasms, and fluid retention.

Aroma Siez (a blend of essential oils) - including basil, marjoram, lavender, peppermint and cypress. Aroma Siez contains a variety of anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxing essential oils that promote circulation and help relieve tight, inflamed, aching muscles resulting from injury, fatigue, or stress. Also relieves headaches.

Peppermint - Properties include; anti-inflammatory, anti-tumoral, anti-parasitic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, gallbladder and digestive stimulant, pain reliever and appetite suppressant.

Valor (a blend of essential oils) - including essential oils of rosewood, blue tansy, frankincense and spruce. Valor balances energies to instill courage, confidence and self-esteem. It helps the body to self-correct.

In some instances, other essential oils can be used depending on the condition being addressed.

What should I expect during and after a Raindrop Technique (RT) session?

RT is most often performed on a massage table. However, it can be done in a seated position (leaning forward and resting on a pillow) with your back exposed. Usually elderly clients who can't maneuver on a massage table will opt for the seated position.

Your RT practitioner will drop the essential oils (one by one) along your spine and lightly massage them into your back. After the application of the essential oils, a warm towel will be placed over your spine to help drive the oils deep into your body.

People usually feel very relaxed and often enter a meditative state during a session. Your practitioner will make sure the essential oils do not create a burning sensation, but sometimes a warming sensation means that the oils are attacking the bacteria and viruses along your spine.

Your practitioner will also apply the oils to the bottoms of your feet with a reflexology technique called Vita-flex.

A session typically lasts 45 minutes to an hour and the essential oils will continue to work in your body for a week or more following the treatment.

After your RT session you will feel quite peaceful so it's best to take it easy for the rest of the day and drink LOTS of water. Try not to shower off the essential oils for at least 24 hours, if possible.

Who can benefit from receiving a Raindrop Technique (RT) session?


From those who are completely healthy to those suffering with terrible back pain, disease or other health challenges. RT supports your immune system and helps to bring your body into energetic and structural balance. RT helps to release toxins and disease, and assists your body in its healing process.

The RT practitioner benefits, as well! You will receive the benefits since you are using your hands to apply the essential oils. The essential oils will penetrate the pores of your hands and work into your body via your circulatory and lymphatic systems.

How can I learn to perform Raindrop Technique (RT) on others?

As a member of Young Living, you have access to the essential oils used in Raindrop Technique. Young Living offers the Raindrop Technique Kit including all 9 essential oils plus an instructional DVD. The instructional DVD is very easy to understand and was made for lay-persons and health professionals alike.

The book "Essential Oils Desk Reference" by Essential Science Publishing, 4th edition, lists detailed instructions on how to perform RT.

The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education (CARE) provides workshops on how to learn RT and also other essential oil applications such as Vita-flex, releasing emotional patterns with essential oils, healing oils of the bible and detailed learning on the chemistry of essential oils.

I attended this seminar years ago and found it to be an extremely valuable asset to my natural health lifestyle.

If you intend to offer RT as a service and you're not a licensed health professional, please check your state's regulations regarding physical touch on others. Some states require you to be a licensed health professional to perform any touch therapies.

Where can I find a Raindrop Technique (RT) practitioner?

Many spas offer RT. Search the spas near you for those who offer RT. Make sure to ask if they use Young Living's essential oils.

Many massage therapists who don't work in spas also perform RT. If your massage therapist isn't a RT practitioner, ask them if they are open to learning RT and lend them the instructional DVD from Young Living. Most LMT's are excited to learn new techniques to expand their practice.

What if I can't find a Raindrop Technique (RT) practitioner?

You can easily give yourself a treatment by applying all of the RT essential oils to the bottoms of your feet. Granted, this isn't as relaxing (or thorough) as having someone else properly apply RT on you, but your body will absorb the essential oils through the pores of your feet and you will receive benefits.

Just apply 3 drops of each essential oil (one by one) on the bottoms of your feet and cover your feet with socks.

When I feel myself coming down with a cold or flu, I grab my RT oils and apply them to my feet. This boosts my immunity and I remain healthy. Also, if my back is sore, this technique helps to alleviate my back ache.

While this article is a brief overview of the aspects of Raindrop Technique, I invite you learn more about it by becoming a member of Young Living and purchasing the Raindrop Technique Kit and using the oils. You will see for yourself the amazing healing benefits of the Raindrop oils.

© 2008 Christa McCourt