Saturday, August 10, 2013

Spinal Arthritis - Old Age is Not the Only Cause

For a lot of older people that are suffering from spinal arthritis feel very debilitated. Most of the people suffering from this disease are older, but there are some younger persons that are already have been struck by a mild form of spinal arthritis. This type of arthritis has a lot of symptoms and most of them are pain related. Most of the time these start out in a mild form but will progress with the years.

When you are diagnosed with spinal arthritis it is no reason to be alarmed then it is not a life threatening or dangerous disease. The biggest problem would be that in time the mobility of the person that hears this diagnosis will become more and more difficult and painful. This being the fact with the years the painkillers will need to be stronger and stronger.

What are the causes

There are not many kinds of this type of arthritis, osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease and arthritis of the facet joints. The causes that are the most common for this type of spine disease is a succumbing to wear and tear, that is age related, of the spine cartilages, normal aging and injury to the bone. This last cause can then go on to cause bone burs which can be very painful.

The spine cartilages are caused to wear down and this results in a friction of these cartilages, but also pain, swelling loss of motion and inflammation. When the spinal arthritis is due to osteoporosis, it will be, for the most part, focused on the neck an lower back region. This kind will come as we become of age and often starts with some pain in the spine and lower back. As the cartilages become more and more degenerated there will start to be an increase of friction between them. The morning and the evening are the times of day that the pain will be the most.

Old age is the biggest cause of arthritis in the spin but a poor diet is another. Most people focus to much on their organs when it comes to their diet and thus overlook the health of bone and cartilage in general.

Some of the symptoms

Pain, joint stiffness, swelling, feeling as if your bones are rubbing together, a feeling of numbness, deforming of the spine and a reduced agility are some of the symptoms you will see with this form of arthritis in the spine and are very similar to what other forms of this disease would show.

There are still people who think that cold weather would aggravate spinal arthritis but there is not much data on this so it is difficult to call this a fact or myth. If you really want to reduce this disease you need to drink a lot of skimmed or non fat milk. Another thing to do is to use calcium supplements but beware because sometimes these can have an undesired effect. Ask your doctor what these are and if you should take them or not.

Spinal Stenosis - Reasons and Treatment Options

Spinal Stenosis is a medical condition that is found mostly in elderly people. The spinal canal, which stretches from the bottom of the head to the top of the pelvis, might become narrow and the spinal cord and nerves get compressed. This causes low back pain, pain or numbness in legs, thighs and buttocks, and sometimes loss of bladder and bowel control in severe cases.

The spinal canal consists of a number of vertebrae aligned together like a stack. The spinal canal may be divided into cervical spine (in the neck), thoracic spine (the mid back) and lumbar spine (the lower back). The spinal cord passes though the spinal canal. There are nerves coming out from the spinal cord and between the openings (known as foramen) in vertebrae, spreading out to the whole body. The nerves from spinal cord in the cervical region control the arms the nerves from spinal cord in the lumbar region control the legs. Spinal Stenosis is more common in cervical and lumbar spine. Lumbar spinal stenosis causes pain and numbness in legs whereas cervical spinal stenosis can cause pain and numbness in arms, shoulders and legs.

The foremost reason for narrowing of the spinal canal is a gradual degeneration of the spine with age. The gradual changes in bony and soft tissues of the spine may result in spinal stenosis. Osteoporosis or a tumor can also put pressure on the spinal cord and nerves. Arthritis can settle in with age and also affect the spine. This can cause cartilage wear and tear between the bones on the joints of the vertebral column. The discs between the vertebrae might bulge out or ligaments can also thicken in some cases. This cramps the space available for spinal nerves and spinal tissues, resulting in pain and numbness in lower back or legs. Such arthritis only worsens with time and if not treated promptly, can result in loss of bladder and bowel control. If one vertebra slips forward on another, that can also cause spinal stenosis.

Treatment for spinal stenosis depends on the severity of the condition. It is always advisable to start with a non operative course. Medication needs to be taken to reduce inflammation and pain. Some medications meant for nerve pain are particularly helpful. Physiotherapy can also be tried as a treatment option. Application of hot and cold packs can also help. Steroid injections for the lumbar spine can provide relief but should be taken in moderation. A corset can be worn to support the abdominal muscles.

If there is no improvement with these treatments or if the patient experiences loss of bladder and bowel control, it is better to opt for surgery to avoid damaging the spinal tissues permanently. Generally, Lumbar Decompression Surgery is needed to remove whatever might be cramping the nerves in the spinal canal or vertebral foramen. A small portion of vertebra may be removed so that spinal tissues are freed. If the number of restrictive structures to be removed is much, it can cause spinal instability. In such a case, a spinal fusion is required to attach the vertebrae together. This surgery can successfully eliminate the pain and numbness in legs.

The Breadth of Options Available for Knee Arthritis Treatment

Arthritis of the knee affects millions of Americans every year, and you know what is a shame about it? It stays around like the in-laws who just will not leave! Most of the time it is a normal part of aging and represents a simple wear and tear degenerative arthritis (osteoarthritis) process that accumulates over years and then starts to bother an individual like a pebble in one's shoe.

There are other causes of knee arthritis as well, such as acute trauma. Mountain biking or motor vehicle accidents, sports injuries, etc. One may end up with a cartilage defect and/or a soft tissue injury which may produce arthritis at way too early of an age.

Additional arthritis generators include chronic activities like jogging. Typically this category includes weight bearing activities or sporting activities rather than non weight bearing activities like cycling or swimming.

So what treatments are available for the millions of people suffering from knee arthritis? There are 3 objectives when dealing with knee arthritis:

1) Relieve the pain

2) Stop the progression and maybe reverse arthritis

3) Avoid Surgery!

Typical onset of knee arthritis pain is insidious. Most people say "Where did this come from?" Initial treatment typically consists of over the counter medications such as acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen and naproxen. These can be taken on an as needed basis and should not exceed manufacturer dosing recommendations. Narcotic medications may be utilized for short term exacerbations, however, chronic usage brings with it several side effects. Two medications that can potentially alter the course of arthritis are glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. Both are available over the counter and typically formulated together for optimal effect.

The second option for treatment is activity avoidance. This sounds strange, but if you happen to be a skier who frequents black diamond slopes, then shift to the easier slopes during times of discomfort. If you jog a lot and that activity becomes painful, start cross training with an activity that places less weight bearing stress such as cycling or swimming.

Physical therapy consists of strengthening the muscles around the knee in an effort to offload the stresses on the knee itself. This may decrease pain considerably and may allow the patient to either avoid surgery or substantially lengthen the time needed for a total joint replacement. Total joint replacements are not designed to last forever, so avoiding an eventual revision in 15 years or so is optimal.

Using a cane can unload 60% of the weight from a person's knee. There are also knee braces called unloaders which can take significant pressure off the arthritic region of the knee causing pain. There are 3 "compartments" of the knee which can produce arthritis If a person has arthritis predominantly in one compartment, the unloader can be very effective.

Knee injections currently consist of two types. The most common involves cortisone, which is an intense anti-inflammatory solution that can provide relief potentially for months and can then be repeated. The medication doesn't alter the course of arthritis, simply controls symptoms.

Hyaluronic acid injections, such as Synvisc, provide a "motor oil" substance to the knee and may propel the knee to produce more of its own. This may allow the knee to achieve pain relief for over a year. One potentially promising injection substance may involve stem cells, which could potentially alter the course of the disease and regenerate some of the arthritic cartilage.

Mobile Massage Therapy - Massage Reduces Stress, Relaxes and Boosts Immunity

The accumulation of everyday stress

Working long hours at the computer can result in stress, muscle tension, injury or pain which can drain you physically, mentally or emotionally. This can impact negatively on your social life as well as on your work. As the most important benefit of massage is the reduction of stress, general health can be improved and maintained by massage therapy and the negative effects of stress can be alleviated or prevented. On an ongoing basis it can reduce pain, prevent injuries and maintain health. It is an important part of staying healthy physically and mentally as it relieves stress which is responsible for 90% of illness and pain.

Due to reflex effects through the autonomic nervous system, massage affects internal organs and areas removed from the area being treated. It promotes relaxation, reduces pain, boosts mood and mental clarity. Massage can be used for relaxation or stimulation and may be applied to rehabilitation after surgery, injury or poor health. It improves blood and lymph circulation, increases natural killer cells and lymphocytes which destroy cancer cells, boosts mood by increasing serotonin and dopamine and relieves pain by increasing pain killing endorphins. Massage can relax the body, decrease blood pressure and heart rate and reduce stress and depression. It may also provide symptomatic relief for acute and chronic conditions such as headache, facial pain, carpal tunnel syndrome and arthritis. It realigns and rejuvenates, restoring balance to body and being, so you can take in your stride whatever life throws your way. It promotes digestion, joint mobility, muscle relaxation, relief of spasms and cramps.

Bodywork as a medical treatment

Massage therapy is becoming increasingly sophisticated and effective as it moves into new areas such as medical massage which is the fastest growing modality of massage today. Training in massage therapy was an integral part of medical massage and nursing care up to the mid 1950s when it dropped to almost nothing due to the rapid development and almost exclusive use of technology in the twentieth century. Manual therapy was no longer seen as necessary for standard hospital care. Today, however, it is realized that massage in the hospital is necessary to provide a sense of wholeness and care which is absent in the increasing fragmentation of hospitalization due to the growing emphasis on specialization. Medical massage uses the traditional strokes of massage which are then specifically adapted to treat, for instance, cancer patients, hospital patients and pregnant women. Medical massage may be given in the hospital setting, an outpatient clinic or as a mobile therapy where the therapist travels to the patient's home to give the patient a personally tailored treatment protocol.

In massage therapy for the cancer patient, the therapist pays close attention to the side effects of the curative medical treatment to devise an appropriate protocol. Here the therapy is designed around the particular side effects the patient is experiencing such as pain, lymph-oedema, scarring, nausea, stress, tension, insomnia, fatigue, anger, depression and anxiety.

Thus cancer massage is a uniquely designed therapy which complements the curative medical treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Hence, it requires more extensive knowledge of medical procedures, pathology and side effects than ordinary therapy. Failure to understand this will result in harm to the patient as the therapist will not be able to adapt the therapy to design a competent treatment protocol.

In pregnancy massage the therapist must take into account mainly musculoskeletal issues caused by the weight of the growing uterus altering the centre of gravity of the woman's body. Treatment in this case will focus especially on upper and lower back pain, sacroiliac dysfunction as well as pubic symphysis and lower abdominal pain. The therapist must also be alert to and able to detect acute medical problems such as deep vein thrombosis and preeclampsia which are both potentially fatal if not medically treated.

Bodywork has a broad therapeutic application

The greatest benefit of massage is the reduction of stress and tension. Since a wide range of physical and psychological conditions stem from stress, massage can help alleviate these conditions and therefore has a broad therapeutic application. The most prominent benefit and use of massage is the alleviation of stress which then relieves muscular tension, promotes relaxation and treats lower back, neck and shoulder pain, pregnancy, bedsores, severe burns, iliotibial band syndrome and spinal cord injury as well as ameliorating systemic conditions such as cystic fibrosis, attention deficit disorder (ADD), fibromyalgia, asthma, autism, diabetes, bulimia, eczema, HIV, lymphoedema, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Sleep disorders, cancer-related fatigue, diabetes, high blood pressure, spinal cord injury, low back pain, lowered immunity, post-operative surgery, infertility, autism, eating disorders, age-related disorders and smoking cessation can all be treated by massage.

Bodywork, such as shiatsu and massage, offers a drug-free, non-invasive and person centred approach based on the body's natural ability to heal itself.

Bodywork in Pregnancy

The great physical, mental and emotional changes of pregnancy affect your lifestyle, your job and your relationships with friends and family. Massage helps you integrate these changes successfully. Massage therapy during pregnancy improves overall health, decreases stress and relieves muscles aches and pains. It addresses the many discomforts associated with the skeletal, muscular and circulation changes brought on by hormone shifts during pregnancy.

Massage alleviates low back, hip and leg pain, oedema, nausea, heartburn and constipation. Regular massage decreases anxiety and lowers stress hormones during pregnancy. Labour is shorter and easier while babies are healthier. There are fewer obstetric and postnatal complications, such as premature birth and low birth weight.

Bodywork for Cancer Patients

Massage for cancer patients is a safe, non-pharmacological treatment without any side effects. It helps reduce anxiety, fatigue, depression, stress, tension, anger, insomnia and improve self-image and quality of life. Massage may reduce pain, muscle tension, nausea, constipation, lymphoedema and scarring.

Massage as a supportive care intervention for children with cancer helps reduce pain, anxiety, depression, constipation and high blood pressure. Massage also strengthens the function of the immune system and reduces nausea and depression during periods of immune suppression following chemotherapy.

Using Natural Remedies to Help Your Child to Stop Wetting the Bed

Wetting the bed is not just a phase that your child "has to go through". While some children rarely wet the bed, other children wake up with wet sheets regularly. If your child does wet the bed, you know the frustration he or she feels; let alone the extra washing you have to do. Don't just let the situation go on. While your child may eventually "grow out of" wetting the bed, there are natural remedies you can use that can help to solve the problem.

Before you try any of the other remedies that may work, you need to know why children will sometimes wet the bed. When you sleep, your breathing will naturally slow down, until the body's carbon dioxide levels rise high enough to trigger a sudden shudder, which is called the phrenic reflex. You will then naturally take a deep breath and start breathing normally again. However, if the phrenic reflex does not work properly, either because it is underdeveloped, or blocked by a vertebral misalignment, the high level of carbon dioxide in the blood will make the smooth muscles of the body, including the valve at the end of the urinary bladder to relax. This will cause your child to wet the bed involuntarily with any fluid in the bladder.

Once you understand why children will sometimes wet the bed, you can try several different remedies. If the phrenic reflex, which is also a spinal reflex, is not yet matured, your child may well grow out of the phase when that section of the body develops. On the other hand, a vertebral subluxation - or spinal misalignment - may cause an obstruction of this nerve, and affect the function of the bladder. Only a qualified chiropractor will be able to assess whether this is the problem. Therefore, by consulting a qualified chiropractor your child may be able to overcome this embarrassing issue.

As your child continues to grow and develop, any subluxaton will put pressure on the spine and keep it from making the correct responses as your child sleeps. This is why some children do not grow out of wetting the bed. If your child wets the bed regularly, it is definitely worth having your child checked by a chiropractor. A chiropractor will be able to diagnose if there is a subluxation causing problems for your child's spine. If this is the problem, the chiropractor can make gentle adjustments to the spine that can help straighten your child's spine and possibly prevent other childhood health problems, including wetting the bed.

Consulting a chiropractor could be the first step in designing an all-natural health treatment for your child to help him or her to stop wetting the bed. Although it may take several sessions over a few weeks with the chiropractor to stop the bed wetting episodes completely, you can use other natural remedies in the meantime that can reduce the chances of an episode.

Some of the best natural remedies for helping a child to stop wetting the bed include:

  • Give your child two walnut halves and a teaspoon of raisins before retiring to bed;

  • Stop your child drinking water or fluids two to four hours before bedtime to reduce the amount of fluid available in the bladder;

  • Provide a stress-free environment or counselling to help your child learn how to cope with stresses;

  • Try to avoid all caffeine and dairy products (natural diuretics), so avoid all colas, milks, and chocolates, especially before bedtime;

  • Avoid preservatives in the diet, as some preservatives and artificial colours can act as diuretics.

  • Encourage your child to go to the toilet and stay there until passing urine to empty the bladder before going to bed;

  • Try adding the following herbs to foods or create a tea by steeping the herbs in boiling water that the child can drink when the mixture cools (just not immediately before bed): wormwood, cinnamon bark, lycopodium, bearberry, horsetail, and lemon balm; or

  • Feed your child with green leafy vegetables, parsley, and brown rice, as these are all high in fibre and may help to prevent your child wetting the bed.

Using these natural remedies in conjunction with a course of specific chiropractic treatments could solve the problem of bedwetting for your child forever. Why wait until your child "grows" out of the problem, especially as your child will suffer mental anguish related to his or her inability to stop wetting the bed in the meantime? Consult your chiropractor about your child's bedwetting problem and you will have taken the first step towards achieving dry nights using natural therapies.

By Dr Maria Ananakis (Chiropractor)

Arthritis Supplements Fight Arthritis Pain

Any good discussion of arthritis supplements needs to begin with more knowledge about the disease itself. Arthritis is a severe disease which mostly afflicts older adults causing them unbearable pain and degeneration in joints. Other symptoms include excessive stiffness and swelling around the affected joints. Patients feel a great deal of pain when the joint is used.

You might find it strange, but changes in the weather can bring about changes in arthritis symptoms. For instance, when it starts to rain or if the temperature suddenly changes drastically to very hot or very cold, pain and swelling will become much more severe. Sometimes you will find the area around the affected joint to be very painful and red. In its most severe forms, arthritis can cause damage to both bones and joints.

Older Americans are most likely to suffer from osteoarthritis which is brought on by years of wear on the cartilage which cushions the joints. You may find that arthritis supplements improve the pain in the joints. They may also help joints regain a bit of their mobility.

Gout is one of the most painful types of arthritis out there. A person with gout experiences exceedingly painful joints where high concentrations of uric acid have settled. Severe gout may also manifest itself as a huge swelling in the joint area. Actually, this "swelling" is caused by a solid build-up called tophi in the joint and can only be removed surgically.

Patients with Rheumatoid arthritis are actually living with an internal civil war raging inside them. When the wiring in the immune system gets crossed, it will start seeing various body parts, such as the joints, the eyes, the lungs, and the heart, as its enemies. It then attacks them causing excruciating pain and swelling. Patients who suffer from RA lose the ability to live a normal life because of the pain.

On and beyond the types of arthritis we have discussed, there are many more different strains in the world. Some of these include:
• Jaw arthritis - similar to osteoarthritis, but settles in the jaw joint.
• Ankylosing spondylitis - inflammation of the spinal cord and related joints.
• Psoriatic arthritis - occurs in 5-10% of psoriasis patients. May first appear years after the first psoriasis diagnosis.
• Reactive arthritis - inflammation in the joints, skin, eyes, bladder, genitals, and mucus membranes. It is thought to occur as a "reaction" to some other type of infection.

Many arthritis patients take NSAIDS (Non-Steroid Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) and DMARDS (Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs) which work together as an effective treatment for pain and swelling. In addition, the colloidal elements, gold and silver, have been used on more severe cases of the disease and have caused a great deal of improvement in the quality of life of the patients who are on them.

Even though they aren't medications there are real benefits to taking arthritis supplements. They have been proven to strengthen the immune system so that it's able to continue to fight disease. They significantly reduce pain, swelling, and stiffness, and they speed up the healing process. If you find that they aren't doing the job for you, talk to your doctor about getting on a stronger, prescription medication.

Orthopedic Surgery: Cost and Complications

If you suffer from any kind of orthopedic injury such as hip dislocation, knee injury, broken elbow or rotator cuff, and if you experience pain or numbness that persists or worsens by any physical activity, you may be a candidate for orthopedic surgery.


Orthopedic surgery deals with the correction of injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system and its attachments- bones, muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons, peripheral nerves and connective tissue.

The term orthopedics encompasses a wide range of surgical and non-surgical treatments for all musculoskeletal and athletic injuries and conditions.

Some of the popular orthopedic operations include arthroscopic surgery of the knee, hip replacement, replacement of knee, partial replacement of knee, shoulder surgery, spine surgery, carpal tunnel release, back surgery and repair of fractures in hand, foot and ankle.

Surgery to repair rotator cuff tendons, reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), disc surgery, debridement of a joint surface and neck & elbow replacement are also common procedures.

Today, a majority of orthopedics operations are performed arthroscopically, in which an orthopedic surgeon makes only a small incision and uses delicate instruments to make the repairs.

An orthopedic fast facts page by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons suggests that musculoskeletal symptoms including pain, soreness, discomfort, cramps, limitation of movement, stiffness and swelling were the second biggest reason for hospital visits in 2006. It also states that more than one in four Americans are living with musculoskeletal symptom, with back and knee injuries the most prevalent impairments.

Risks and Complications

Undoubtedly, orthopedic surgery can be an ideal answer to fractures, dislocations and injuries that arise in the skeleton and its attachments.

However, orthopedic surgery, like all other surgical procedures, involves risks of excessive bleeding, infection, and allergic reaction to anesthesia. Risks specifically associated with this surgery include inflammation at the site where foreign objects like pins, implants or wires are implanted inside the body, surgical wound infection, and damage to nerves or to the spinal cord during the surgery.

The patient may also experience persistent pain, swelling, redness, drainage or bleeding and infection in the surgical area, which may result in slow healing and incomplete or no restoration of pre-surgical function.

Understandably, it is of utmost importance that you get your orthopedic surgery done at the hands of a highly skilled, well experienced and board certified orthopedic surgeon, who is trained to assess and treat disorders of the bones, joints, and ligaments of the human body.

For a successful surgery, a person's willingness to comply with rehabilitative therapy post surgery is equally important. The length of time that rehabilitation is needed depend on many factors, including the patient's age & general health, severity of the injury and extent of the surgery.


Orthopedic surgery and treatment cost may vary from country to country and clinic to clinic. As well, the price also depends on factors like what type of surgery you choose as well as experience of the surgeon and the reputation of aesthetic clinic you elect to get the surgery done.

In the Western and European countries the typical waiting time for an orthopedic surgery is up to three or six months, and to have this operation done privately it would cost you a fortune.

Getting the surgery done abroad can be the solution to this problem. In many developing and newly industrialized countries like India, Thailand and Mexico you can expect to pay only a fraction of the cost in your native country.

By travelling to these countries for orthopedic surgery such as knee or hip replacement surgery, shoulder surgery, spine surgery, back surgery and hand & foot surgery, you could make substantial savings even after adding in the cost of flights, holiday, accommodation, meals and local transportation.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Psychosomatic Back Pain

There is a growing epidemic of back pain plaguing the healthcare system around the world. Common back pain is the number one reason for an employee to miss work and the second most common reason for a doctor visit. Lower back pain, in particular, has created an army or partially and fully disabled individuals that have been swept under medicine's rug for far too long. Medical science has certainly excelled in the diagnosis of an abundant variety of spinal abnormalities, injuries and degenerative conditions. However, when it comes to providing treatment to the patient, symptomatic relief is the rule and a true cure is almost unheard of. The primary reason why doctors and complementary therapists have such poor treatment results when it comes to back pain relief is the vehement denial of the existence of psychosomatic pain.

The mind and the body interact constantly. Medicine acknowledges some of these interactions while ignoring others. We all know that blushing and sweating occur when we are embarrassed. The heart will race and the blood pressure will rise when we are frightened. Having a stressful day can bring on a common headache or general gastrointestinal distress. Not to mention, the entire sexual process is a series of physical reactions brought on entirely due to psychological causation. Medical professionals chose to ignore the possibility that the mind can actually create pain in the body. This separation of the intellectual, emotional and physical goes against proven scientific evidence and is the reason why doctors can not stop back pain from ruining countless lives. It is truly a case of selective knowledge based upon how this information will affect established treatments within the healthcare industry.

Acknowledging the idea that the mind can produce physical symptoms completely goes against accepted doctrine that the body is a machine which can be fine tuned by medical engineers. The mind and body interact when it is convenient for doctors to accept, but when it cuts into their economic bottom line, there is a problem. After all, back pain is big business and long term treatment regimens, which are so common for patients to endure, rack up sizeable profits. If back pain could suddenly be cured through non-medical, non-pharmaceutical and non-surgical means, what would become of this multi-billion dollar industry? It is for this reason that most medical and alternative healthcare providers continue to claim that back pain is almost always the result of some physical defect such as degenerated discs, herniated discs, spinal arthritis, facet joint degeneration, spinal stenosis, spondylolisthesis, piriformis syndrome, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, nerve compression, sciatica and the list goes on and on.

The reality of long term chronic back pain is that it is rarely caused by a physical injury or degenerative process. Sure, there may have been an injury at one time, but the chronic pain is perpetuated by the mind, not the body. The nearly universal occurrence of many of these spinal abnormalities in the population makes it difficult to take them seriously as the exclusive cause of painful symptoms. If we all have degeneration in our spines, how come only some of us develop pain? Medicine has blamed treatment-resistant back pain on these coincidental and mostly innocent back pain scapegoat conditions for too long. If the diagnosis was accurate, why do all the treatments fail? Most patients with long term pain do not recover, ever. Patients are left with growing pain, fear, dread, anxiety and an uncertain future after wasting vast quantities of time and money pursuing every possible approach to pain relief with limited or no success. It is high time for a paradigm shift in the way we view back pain and the entire mind/body process in general.

Luckily, there is a cure for this type of emotionally induced pain. It is not medical, alternative or complementary. There are no drugs, surgery or physical treatments required. Using the term made famous by Dr. John Sarno at the Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, New York University Medical Center, the cure for psychosomatic back pain is Knowledge Therapy. This treatment involves teaching the patient why they are experiencing their pain and how to cure it themselves. The basis of the treatment comes from the field of modern psychology and therein lies the conflict with physical medical science. Patients are taught to uncover and deal with repressed feelings, memories, and emotionally charged sensitive issues in their subconscious minds. It is these issues that create the need for physical symptoms in order to protect the individual's consciousness from feeling the full burden of repressed emotional pain locked away in the mind. In essence, Knowledge Therapy takes the ability to heal out of the hands of doctors and places it successfully into the needy and eternally grateful hands of suffering patients. If you are agonizing over unresolved treatment-resistant back pain, learn more about this revolutionary therapy that has changed the lives of millions, including this author.

Riser Recliner Chairs

It is best to know about riser client chairs before you invest in one. With old people or elderly parents at home, there are numerous times when you have to help them out of a chair. Or if you are a senior citizen and staying alone, these disability friendly chairs are a boon.

Thus, if you are feeling that with limited mobility you need to spend a lot of time getting in or out of the chair, it is bets to seek help and start looking for riser recliner chairs. There are manifold advantages of buying a riser recliner chair and having the freedom from the associated pain. Basically riser recliner chairs have a mechanical lift inside the chair seat that gives you the thrust you are looking for to get up from the chair.

Most people who suffer from knee replacement surgery, arthritis, back pain, spinal disabilities require rehabilitation and help to get in and out of chairs. The complete recovery process from any back or leg related surgery is easier when you have support, when you begin rehabilitation. The main benefit of these chairs is that you can easily get up and out of the chair without any effort and thus, injuries or aids recovery during post operative surgical care.

However, purchasing in a riser recliner chair requires research and a chance to see what is currently available. Though there are numerous specialty stores that have a select variety of riser recliner chairs, you may search online for a chance to look at a variety of choices in design, style and upholstery that is available at online stores.

If you are planning to buy a recliner chair but not too sure about online research, ask a friend or family member to help you as there are numerous deals going on that can help you save when you purchase online.

Though you may buy a riser recliner chair with the basic functions, numerous recent models are well equipped with massage pads, heating and converting into beds while others can be custom designed on request. With a multitude of comfort options available, minimize your physical exertion to ease off the pain and feel better. However, the most important feature still remains the ability of a person to reach a standing position by the thrust of the riser chair that takes away all the pressure from your spine and back. People with weak leg muscles, back pain and those who have difficulty rising from beds or chairs benefit highly from it.

Catering to the aesthetics of your home, you will be pleasantly surprised to see that there is a wide variety of riser reclined chairs upholsteries to match your decor. No longer will you see your riser recliner chair the odd one out in the room but now it is going to be a complementing feature to any room.

It is best to research online, see the price variability, features based on other considerations such as your requirement and budget. This will help you shortlist the company and model of the desired chair.

Pinched Nerve Care - Symptoms and Treatments For a Pinched Nerve in the Neck

Many times people with compressed nerves in the neck do not realize that the resulting shoulder, arm or hand pain, tingling and weakness is actually from a pinched nerve because there may not be neck pain.

Pinched nerves are the result of pressure on the nerve - from a, damaged disc, muscle tear, inflammation, injury, arthritis or disease. Spinal vertebrae and discs are susceptible to injury, so taking care of the spinal column is extremely important. Proper posture is a very effective component in spinal health.

Pinched Nerve Care - Symptoms and Care

Symptoms of pinched nerves include pain, numbness, tingling or weakness in your extremities. Nerves in the neck exit from between the vertebra, continue through the shoulder, then down the arms and into the hands. If pressure is applied to the nerve roots, pain, tingling and weakness may result in the shoulder, arm and hand. The best way to remove the pain is to remove the pressure on the nerve.

Chiropractic adjustments can help to realign the vertebra, relax the muscles around bulging or herniated discs, and even ease the pain associated with spinal degeneration. Stretching, Yoga, physical therapy and other exercises can help to improve posture and loosen tight muscles, while strengthening the spinal column. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, acupuncture and laser therapy can be used to manage pain and reduce inflammation as well. As a last resort, surgery is sometimes prescribed.

For many people, chiropractic therapy helps to relieve pinched nerve symptoms. The first time someone visits a chiropractor for pinched nerve care, he or she will perform a physical examination, concentrating on the spine, and may request x-rays of the spine.

Regular visits back to the chiropractor for adjustments and spinal manipulation help to increase the range of motion in the area being treated, improve on the mechanical function and alleviate pain. Chiropractic pinched nerve care can also include alternating heat and ice, electrical muscle stimulation, dietary supplements and consultation about nutrition.

In order to practice chiropractic care in the United States, chiropractors must earn a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) degree from a college accredited by the Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE). Admission to a chiropractic college can only be accepted after 90 credit hours of undergraduate study have been preformed.Upon completion of undergraduate studies, the D.C. is earned after an additional, rigorous 5-year academic program that includes both classroom work and clinical rotations.

Cure Sciatica Naturally - Sciatic Nerve Pain and Common Causes

The sciatic nerve is a nerve which runs from the lower back region and down through the back of your legs. While it is called "the sciatic nerve," it is actually a complex system of nerves which are about 1 inch each in total length. When sciatica pain is experienced, it is generally the result of one of these nerves being pinched as it leaves the spinal region.

There are many things which can cause your sciatic pain, but the most common causes are:

  • Too much pressure being applied to the sciatic nerve - Excess pressure can cause sciatic pain in a relatively short period of time. The sources of this pressure could be muscle strain, bad posture, being overweight, becoming pregnant, or sleeping on a soft mattress. If you may have previous injuries to your back which resulted in a bad or slipped disc, this can also cause severe sciatic pain. More serious conditions, such as a herniated disc or a tumor surrounding a disc on the back can cause horrible sciatic pain as it grows.

  • Osteoarthritis - Osteoarthritis, commonly called degenerative arthritis is known to trigger sciatic pain. This can cause sciatic pain because any deformity in the leg bone structure can cause excess pressure to affect the sciatic nerve. This is more common in older individuals as the bones become more brittle. They can also have what is known as spinal stenosis, which is caused by the sciatic nerve being pressured due to the constraining of space around the spinal areas.

The most common symptom of sciatica is a sharp, shooting pain which can travel down the legs and even to the feet. Sciatica pain is never consistent, and it can range minor inconvenient pain to severe excruciating pain. This type of pain only affects one side of the body typically, and if not treated fast enough, can gradually lead to severe neurological disorders.

Sciatic pain can be cured by treating the various causes of the pain. Doctors can provide pain medications or muscle relaxers to alleviate pain. Some patients find good results in exercise so long as it is not overdone. There are various therapies that sciatica patients can enroll themselves in to fortify the muscles in the lower back and abdominal regions which will cause the symptoms of sciatica to eventually go away.

Can Chiropractic Treatment Help Scoliosis?

Back pain is one of the most common health complaints by people across the world. The pain may be localized into one or more of the three major segments of the spinal column; cervical (neck area), thoracic (middle back), lumbar (just above the buttocks), and sacral spine (down into the buttocks area).

By far the most common location of back pain is the lower spine, or lumbar (also called lumbago). Acute low back pain (lumbago) is the number five most common reason for visits to the doctor. But there is another, potentially more serious, spinal problem, and that is scoliosis.

What Is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a Greek word meaning curvature; thus scoliosis is a lateral or sideways curvature of the spine. Scoliosis is more common in females, and usually begins in childhood. It is estimated that approximately 2% of the population suffers from this condition. The curvature can start at the thoracic area of the spine, and rotate down to a hump at the rib cage. The Adams Forward Bending Test is even used in Physical Education classes in schools to determine if any children might be afflicted with this abnormality.

The causes of scoliosis are not fully known, which is why it is referred to as "idiopathic". In children three or younger, it is called infantile scoliosis; ages 4-10 is juvenile scoliosis; and older kids,11-18, adolescent scoliosis. There is also congenital scoliosis (present at birth) and neuromuscular scoliosis, usually caused by a nervous system malfunction affecting muscles (e.g., polio, cerebral palsy,muscular dystrophy, and spina bifida). Scoliosis can worsen during growth spurts.

There are no symptoms overall. However, the Bending Test may show one shoulder higher than the other,the pelvis is tilted; your chiropractor can measure the lengths of the legs to check for uneven lengths. A person suffering from scoliosis can have low back pain, a tired feeling in the spine after sitting or standing for long periods.

It is very important to have X-rays taken of the spine, since a curvature may be worse than can be detected by visual examination. There are also MRI scans, and a special spinal curve measurement called scoliometer screening. If it is determined that scoliosis is present, then the individual may choose chiropractic treatment.

It should be noted that most idiopathic scoliosis cases do not need treatment of any kind. The only thing required could be a back brace, which can be adjusted as the child grows. Only in the most severe cases is surgery recommended by medical professionals.

While there are not many really definitive studies on chiropractic treatment of scoliosis, there are definitely encouraging results with specific chiropractic treatments of mild idiopathic scoliosis (less than 20 degrees curvature, with no complicating conditions) in children 9-15 years old. The full-spine adjustments were given three times a week, for one year. Special attention was paid to the sacroliliac joints. Muscle work around the curvature area was also performed. Children with mild scoliosis are encouraged to exercise regularly, and to hang by the hands to encourage the spine to open the concavity of the curve. There has been as much a reduction of 2.6 degrees in spine curvature by utilizing chiropractic treatment of scoliosis.

The medical community does not offer any treatments at all for spinal curves less than 20 degrees, and may not even consider this spinal variance as a case of scoliosis.

While the chiropractic treatment of scoliosis is still in its investigative research phase, the results so far have been extremely encouraging. There still have to be randomized, controlled clinical trials. But chiropractic care of scoliosis offers distinct advantages over the management and monitoring of early-stage scoliosis.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Natural Spinal Arthritis Treatment

Natural spinal arthritis treatment is something that many sufferers of this condition prefer over traditional treatment. For many, the thought of traditional medication or surgery can be a very daunting one. With all the horror stories that people hear about side effects this comes as no surprise. The good news is that for those that do want to try natural remedies and treatments there are options available.

Natural treatment is something that can refer to a number of options or a combination of them. The aim of using natural treatment for arthritis of the spine is to avoid having to take medication or undergo surgery. Many people have enjoyed great success in alleviating the symptoms of arthritis with natural treatment. This means that anyone that is diagnosed with the issue could look at alternative options other than just the traditional treatment route.

Some people combine natural arthritis treatment with traditional ones, which can also be effective. However, some prefer to focus only on natural remedies. If you are concerned about whether you should try the natural approach you can always discuss the issue with a healthcare professional. There are many things that you can try to alleviate the symptoms of arthritis the natural way, and some may prove more effective than others.

Which remedies are natural?

A number of remedies that people use to alleviate the symptoms of spinal arthritis are classed as natural. Natural basically refers to the fact that the condition is not being treated by drugs and surgery. Instead, the patient looks at other remedies, which can involve the consumption of natural products or can be physical changes. Some of the remedies and approaches that people take for a natural approach include:

  • Herbal remedies: Many people take herbal supplements to try and alleviate the symptoms of this condition. If this is something that you are considering you should ensure that they are all natural, and check the ingredients prior to taking them.

  • Change of diet: Your diet can have a profound effect on your arthritis symptoms. Many people look at changing their diet to consume things such as more Omega oils or foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals.

  • Exercise: Being active is important when you are looking to combat the symptoms of arthritis in the spine. There are a number of exercises that can prove highly effective for addressing the symptoms. This includes swimming and water exercise, which can be especially effective. This is because it puts minimal stress on joints yet offers excellent benefits in terms of strengthening the muscles.

Ease your symptoms with stretching

Stretching the muscles around the spinal area is an important part of alleviating the symptoms of this condition. Some gentle stretching is a great way to warm up the muscles for other exercise that you may be trying. It is also a good way to stretch and strengthen your muscles. Stretching can help to relieve tension and improve flexibility too. This makes it an important part of natural spinal arthritis treatment.

Should I Have Surgery for Back Pain From Facet Arthritis?

Typically unless there are unusual circumstances the answer is no. Of course there are exceptions such as if the patient has scoliosis or spinal instability.

When you have arthritis in multiple joints on both sides of the spine there really is no good answer with spine surgery. Arthritis usually affects multiple joints in the back and surgery would involve a spinal fusion of quite a few levels. It's very different than a hip or knee replacement, you only have 2 of those. With facet joints you have ten in the lumbar spine alone!

You could do a spinal fusion on multiple levels, but this will limit the person's mobility and cause other potential issues postoperatively such as infection, nerve injury, or worst of all - continued pain. The risk benefit profile for back surgery at numerous levels for facet arthritis is questionable, as a good facet joint replacement does not exist yet.

If the problem is focal and is occurring at one level of maybe two, then surgery may be a very good answer. But normal everyday wear and tear osteoarthritis at multiple spinal joints is not well served with a surgical procedure.

In effectively treating facet joint arthritis in symptomatic patients, the best method is non-operative procedures and other therapy options. These would include physical therapy, spinal decompression therapy, chiropractic treatment, and acupuncture, along with interventional pain management and potentially pain medications.

Nonsurgical treatment for facet arthritis can get typically well over 80% pain relief along with providing very little risk to the patient. The risks are small but real with interventional pain injections, however the benefit achieved can be dramatic and last for months to years.

The same benefit may be achieved with surgery, but the risks associated with this are also much more substantial than what the nonsurgical options entail. So surgery for facet disease really should be a last resort and care should be taken to make sure that there is a really good indication for surgery.

Far Lateral Herniated Discs

Far lateral herniated discs present unique diagnostic problems for doctors and patients alike, since many go unnoticed as the actual source of pain. Far lateral herniations exist outside the spinal canal and are therefore not often concentrated upon during diagnostic testing, such as MRI scanning. In many cases, the effects of the far lateral protrusion are not seen on the imaged locations, often contributing to a misdiagnosed herniated disc condition.

Far lateral herniations are also called lateral herniated discs, but this can get confusing, due to another type of disc protrusion known as a posterolateral bulging disc. Another common name for a far lateral protrusion is extraforaminal disc protrusion, since the herniation exists outside the neuroforaminal opening. This nomenclature can get very complicated and confusing for a layman, so it is vital that every patient performs diligent research needed to thoroughly understand their diagnostic conclusion.

Most herniations can cause pain through either central spinal stenosis or neuroforaminal stenosis. The later topic is what I will focus on in this article relating to far lateral herniated discs. Foraminal stenosis is described as a narrowing of the opening through which the spinal nerve roots must pass as they exit the spinal canal. Usually, when a bulgingd disc encroaches upon the foraminal space, it has the potential to affect the nerve exiting at the same level as the affected disc. Therefore, a typical posterolateral or paramedial herniated disc located at L4/L5 would possibly affect the L5 nerve root as it tries to pass through the foraminal opening. In the case of a far lateral herniation, the bulging portion of the disc exists on the other side of the foraminal space, and can possibly impinge upon or compress the nerve root above the affected level. Once again, in a herniation located at L4/L5, this would mean effects would be possible on the L4 nerve root, instead of the L5.

Since clinical symptomatic correlation is crucial to diagnosing pain due to herniated discs, the far lateral disc bulge can present some challenges. Usually, as noted above, the nerve would be the same level as the herniation in the vast majority of patients. If symptoms do not correlate by location, then a diagnostic enigma might exist. The herniation has been clearly seen, but symptoms do not match the clinical expectation. When it comes to far lateral herniations, this is the case, almost every time... When I see this clinical profile exist, I always consider the chance that the herniation may be far lateral in nature, and would usually recommend that it be studied from enough angles to get a good read on this possibility.

It must be noted that most herniations, far lateral or not, do not cause any pain or related neurological symptoms. In short, herniated discs are the most common of all back pain scapegoats. However, there are certainly herniations which can and do cause pain and even serious health emergencies, such as cauda equina syndrome.

In closing, I have a recommendation to neurologists and orthopedists who are dealing with disc pain sufferers... Always consider that when a patient has a clearly defined and correct symptomology for a particular compressive neuropathy condition and demonstrates a sizeable herniation at the level below, but no structural explanation at the same level, the possibility for far lateral causation may exist. In these cases, be sure to visualize the herniation from the angles needed to determine if it is indeed creating extraforaminal nerve compression. This is a major step in minimizing the chances for misdiagnosing your patients.

The Terrifying Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis!

What are the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis? Each person seems to experience RA differently. Sometimes the onset is sudden, other times it can be very gradual. Almost all RA cases involve flare-ups and remissions - alternating stages of chronic pain followed by no symptoms at all. Over time, however, flare-ups become more severe and remissions become few and far between.

One of the main symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis is joint pain, particularly in the smaller joints of the hands, wrists, and feet. This joint pain is usually symmetrical, meaning it affects both sides of the body (both hands instead of just one, for instance). The painful areas are often red, swollen, and tender to the touch. One of the early symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis is fever, fatigue, and flu-like symptoms accompanied by aches and pains all over.

Additionally, almost all RA sufferers will experience morning stiffness that lasts an hour or more each day. Over time, even resting and remaining motionless for just a few minutes will cause stiffness. Range of motion of the affected joints will also be reduced. Tiny bumps called nodules may also occur around the joints - these are caused by swollen blood vessels.

Over time, symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis become increasingly debilitating. Hand and foot deformities are common, as well as eye problems such as itching and burning. Numbness of the skin, chronic fever, swollen glands, and paleness frequently occur. Anemia is another common symptom, caused by the failure of bone marrow to produce enough red blood cells.

Occasionally, damage to the lungs and spinal chord may occur, as well as rheumatoid vasculitis, which is inflammation of the blood vessels. Rheumatoid vasculitis can lead to skin ulcers, infections, and tingling/numbness. In rare cases, the brain and heart can be affected, leading to stroke or heart attack.

Back Pain and Degenerative Disc Disease

Back pain can come in many forms and affect individuals in different ways. Most common sources of back pain include "slipped discs", pinched nerves, and degenerative spine disease. These back pain issues can spread to other parts of the body, stemming from the spine and shooting down the lower back to the leg, or from the neck down to the arm.

Back pain can cause significant loss of quality of life as physical activity is limited and patients are no longer free to do the things they love. Specialty Orthopaedics is Westchester's premier orthopedic group with a subspecialty in spine and scoliosis surgery. Specialty Orthopaedics utilizes innovative surgical techniques such as minimally invasive surgery, arthroscopy, and robotic assisted surgery.

Depending on where nerves are pinched, different pains can occur. A cervical herniated disc can cause pain in the arms as well as weakness or numbness. Lumbar herniated discs cause discomfort and sharp pains in the leg, ankle or foot as well as weakness or numbness. With a lumbar herniated disc, leg pain is usually worse when sitting. Degenerative disc disease is commonly referred to as arthritis of the back, and is a very painful disorder. Read more about degenerative disc disease.

Degenerative disc disease goes by a few names: degenerative disc disorder, degenerative spine disease as well as "arthritis of the back." Simply put, degenerative spine disease is a deterioration of the lower back disks and causes great pain to sufferers. As individuals age, the spine deteriorate and cause vertebral bodies to collapse onto one another, causing compressed or pinched nerves.


Symptoms of degenerative spine disorder include low back pain, neck pain and a great reduction in quality of life. Some problems associated with degenerative disc disease include slipped discs (disc protrusion), herniated discs, pinched nerves, torn disc (disc tear), or collapsed disc. Spine Surgery Specialists of Westchester Treatment options for degenerative disc disease include conservative as well as surgical procedures. Specialty Orthopaedics group will only suggest surgical procedures if indicated. The surgical procedures include decompression, decompression & posterolateral fusion, Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion (ALIF), Posterior Transforaminal Interbody Fusion, and disc replacement. Read more about degenerative disc disease.

Dr. Zelicof and the Spine Surgery Specialists of Specialty Orthopaedics are fellowship-trained in spine orthopaedic surgery, sports medicine and joint replacement. Visit Westchester Specialty Orthopaedics to get more information on treatment options from some of the Best Doctors of New York.

Why Is It So Difficult to Diagnose the Cost of Low Back Pain?

Doctors have a very hard time telling a person specifically why their back hurts. In the US every year back pain affects millions of individuals, with the total cost of care exceeding $100 billion annually.

Even the best trained doctors who see patients with pain in the back on a regular basis including pain management doctors, spinal surgeons, chiropractors and others can only tell a person approximately 50% of the time effectively why their back hurts. The reason is fairly simple. Modern medicine in the realm of back pain is simply not advanced diagnostically nearly as well as in other fields of medicine.

Here are two examples. If you have chronic low back pain and go in for treatment, one of the first things that will be done is plain x-rays. These will be less than 2% effective for actually showing any reason for the pain as even if arthritis is seen, it is not definitively the reason for the pain. There is very poor correlation between the severity of degenerative arthritis seen on x-rays and the amount of pain a person is experiencing.

One study that is very helpful in some respects is MRI when a person has sciatica going down one leg, MRI can be very helpful at showing where the disc herniation is pushing on the nerve root causing a pinched nerve it. However, if one is simply dealing with chronic low back pain but not sciatica, an MRI is not overly helpful.

It will show if one of the disc spaces is degenerated considerably, and it will show up as a dark area as opposed to normal whiteness because water is being lost which shows up dark. Same as with x-rays though, the problem is that a degenerative disc seen on an MRI does not necessarily correlate with why the patient is having back pain.

There were a few studies done years ago showing that in individuals with no pain in the back at all, 40% of them over the age of 40 had considerable degenerative disc disease on MRI.

Another study that is commonly performed when patients have low back pain is called a discography. When a person has failed considerable conservative pain treatment and back surgery is being contemplated then a discogram can help establish whether not the disc is the source of the pain. Interestingly enough, it's also very debatable as to how much the test truly shows whether or not surgery will be helpful. There are research studies on both sides of the fence for lumbar discogram.

One diagnostic test that has been extremely helpful for the workup of low back pain is medial branch blocks. These are injections of numbing medicine that are placed around the facet joints, which are the spinal joints in the back. These injections have shown excellent diagnostic accuracy, meaning if they reduce the patients back pain then it is fairly indicative that the facet joints are the source of the pain.

Working out the source of pain in the low back is difficult at best. Mostly what is happening is the subjective complaints are necessary to know how much a patient is hurting in the low back. It is unfortunate that modern medicine for low back pain had not caught up other areas of medicine. Hopefully the next decade will turn that around.

Computer Ergonomics 101

Screens: They're everywhere. Whether a laptop, desktop computer, GPS, video game, I-Pad, I-Pod, Tablet, or any other variation, technology has changed our lifestyles immensely. Along with this increasing trend comes many consequences, including neck pain, back pain, carpel tunnel syndrome, headaches, eye strain, and other symptoms with continued use. Changes to your existing computer station can make a huge difference in your overall life.

Screen Usage Background: In a 2010 study by the New York Times, "adults are exposed to screens - TVs, cell phones, (computers), even G.P.S. devices for about 8.5 hours on any given day, according to a study released by the Council for Research Excellence. We now spend almost half our waking hours either online, on the phone, or watching television according to a survey. The average adult is awake for 15 hours and 45 minutes every day and 45 percent of that time is spent using a proliferation of technology, according to a Canadian study."

Dangers of using a laptop computer: Many symptoms can develop using a laptop computer, including carpal tunnel syndrome, epicondylitis (elbow pain), neck, mid-back, and lower back pain, headaches, eye-strain, dizziness, fatigue, disc herniations, arthritis, compressed nerves, and many others. Due to the present configuration and the propensity for people to use their laptops for extended periods of time, these symptoms and dangers are on the rise, increasing missed hours of work and workers compensation claims. Proper ergonomic features are altered for the sake of portability. Posture, keyboard spacing, screen size and restricted positioning, are currently the most detrimental to a proper ergonomic configured computer. More and more people are using laptops as a desktop computer. When the screen is too low, it causes the neck curve to flatten. When the head goes forward and flexes down, it puts increase pressure on the neck muscles and spinal cord. According to the Mayo Clinic, "Forward head posture leads to long-term muscle strain, disc herniations, arthritis and pinched nerves."

Statistics of various musculoskeletal disorders: Musculoskeletal disorders, including carpal tunnel syndrome, have the highest incidence of medical conditions in the U.S., affecting 7% of the population. A work-related musculoskeletal disorder, otherwise known as a cumulative trauma disorder (CTD) or overuse syndrome, is an injury to the muscles, tendons and/or nerves of the upper body either caused or aggravated by repetitive work. They account for 14% of physician visits and:

Approximately 260,000 carpal tunnel release operations are performed each year, with 47% of the cases considered to be work related, the 2nd most common surgery.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is the #1 reported medical problem, accounting for about 50% of all work-related injuries. Presently, 25% of all computer operators have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, with estimates that by the year 2000, 50% of the entire workforce may be affected. Carpal tunnel syndrome results in the highest number of days lost among all work related injuries. The National Center for Health Statistics states that "Carpal tunnel syndrome results in the highest number of days lost among all work related injuries." Almost half of the carpal tunnel cases result in 31 days or more of work loss. The daily usage of computers and laptops contribute to a large proportion of these statistics listed above, and as a result, people are seeking medical, chiropractic, and therapeutic treatment on a regular basis.

Computer Eye Strain: Each day 140 million Americans spend a significant amount of time using a computer at work. The poor images on a computer screen can cause a repetitive refocusing effort and strain the eye muscles, leading to such symptoms as blurred vision, headaches, or dry, irritated eyes as well as neck and back pain. Nearly 90 percent of those who use a computer at least three hours a day suffer from these symptoms, known as computer eye strain.

Proper Computer Posture: To correctly use a computer and/or laptop, the monitor should be 20-24" from the patients face. The screen should be positioned at eye level. The users chair should be positioned such that the user's feet are firmly on the floor, with a 90 degree angle of the knees. Arms should be bent 90 degrees as well, with forearms parallel to the floor, with elbows comfortably resting by your side. A good lumbar or back support and a proper ergonomic chair will only enhance your workstation. An ergonomic keyboard where there is a space between each hand, and the keys are angled on the keyboard will also help prevent carpal tunnel like symptoms. Frequent breaks, including stretching at 30-45 minute intervals will help increase stamina. To use your laptop as a desktop, purchase a docking station, a remote keyboard, and mouse, and raise the height of the laptop by placing it on text books. This will make a huge difference in preventing symptoms.

By making simple lifestyle changes to your computer station, many musculoskeletal problems, and other related symptoms can be avoided. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, contact your family chiropractor or doctor.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Did You Know That A Chiropractor Can Help With Your Child's Asthma?

Jonny, is a five-year-old boy, who has been suffering from bronchial asthma for the past three years. His attacks were now coming daily and he was on increasing doses of medication, which included the bronchodilator spray, Ventolin, and steroids.

In the last 3 years Jonny has been hospitalised 6 times due to his asthma and as a result he has missed out on 50% of his schooling. Because of his asthma, Jonny's quality of life has slowly diminished, he is unable to socialise with his peers let alone undertake all the activities a 5 year old should be part of.
Jonny's mother was very concerned about her son's condition. She had just been told by Jonny's physician that his medication dosage could not be increased any further at his age, even though his asthma attacks were occurring daily and were quite debilitating.

A friend of Jonny's mother recommended she try her Chiropractor, as she was able to help with her daughter's asthma. On his first visit, the Chiropractor noticed a slight spinal problem in Jonny - in the area associated with asthma. Following 8 Chiropractic visits over a period of 2 翻 weeks, his mother stated that Jonny had not needed to use his inhaler for 2 days. In addition to this, his wheezing had ceased and he could run without grasping for air. Follow up assessment 4 months later revealed that Jonny had been free of asthmatic attacks and had not required his medication since his last adjustment. He is now able to participate in soccer (his favourite sport), is able to run around with his friends and has not missed another day from school.

So how did Chiropractic help Jonny with his asthma?

Before we can understand how a Chiropractor can help with asthma, we must first understand what asthma is and how it affects your child.

What is asthma?

Asthma is a lung condition which occurs when there is a narrowing of the airways due to constriction and inflammation of the airways. Symptoms may include wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. There is increased evidence that if left untreated, asthma may cause a long term decline in lung function. Currently, there is no real cure for asthma. Instead doctors prescribe medication as a way to temporarily manage their symptoms.

Some side effects of asthma medication include: poor growth, osteoporosis, stomach upset, nausea, wheezing, headaches, skin rash, poor liver function, cough, sneezing, allergic reactions, sinus infections, nose bleeds, upper respiratory tract infections, anaphylaxis, feeling faint or dizzy, heart palpitations, muscle cramps, and the list goes on.

With this list of side effects, is medication a safe way to manage asthma? What is a possible alternative? Chiropractic care has been shown to be effective in alleviating the symptoms related to asthma due to the belief that there is a strong link between asthma and interference with the nervous system and the spine.

How can Chiropractic help your child with asthma?

Chiropractors believe that there is a strong relationship between the spine and asthma. The nerves from your child's spinal cord passes through the spine and travels to the different organs of the body. The nerves from the mid-back region carry vital information to your child's lungs to allow them to function optimally. When a spinal misalignment exists (subluxation) in this area of your child's spine, it may cause nerve pressure and affect the function of the lungs. This in-turn may contribute to asthma.

Removal of this irritation, allows the nerves to send the right information through to the lungs, and allow it to function optimally. The result... healthier lungs. This is how a Chiropractor can help alleviate the effects of asthma.

While medication aims to mask the symptoms of asthma, a Chiropractor aims to correct the actual cause - subluxations. Since Chiropractors are the only health professionals qualified to identify and correct these subluxations, taking your child to see a Chiropractor for their asthma just makes sense!

Parents are often surprised to find that a Chiropractor can help babies and children. They often ask, "isn't my child too young to have a spinal problem?" The answer I always give is a resounding NO! Did you know that the first spinal problem usually develops at birth? And many times it remains undetected? In my busy Ramsgate practice, I have helped many children with asthma. Some were able to get off their medication, and others are now able to enjoy a more comfortable life.

Chiropractic adjustments for children are very gentle, and sometimes even quite ticklish. Spinal adjustments by a qualified Chiropractor are safe and highly effective!

Many children (and adults for that matter) around the world visit a Chiropractor to help them with their asthma. If you are tired of seeing your child suffer and would like a more natural approach to their asthma consider a qualified Chiropractor.

Back Pain - Reasons and Solutions

Many people suffer from back pain due to varying reasons. Back pain affects 8 out of 10 people at some point in their lives. It could be acute pain or chronic pain depending on how long the pain sensation has been going on. Where acute pain is sudden and lasting for a few days or a week, chronic pain, however, last for more than three months. Pain could be constant, dull pain or a sudden sharp pain.

Back pain could arise from any of the structures of the back which is composed of muscles, ligaments, bones, tendons and disks. Sometimes, however, the exact cause of pain cannot be identified. Improper or heavy lifting and/or awkward sudden movement strains muscles and ligaments causing back pain. Back pain could be due to spasm of muscles in the back. It could also be caused by a problem in the structures of the back.

Sciatica, a sharp, shooting pain through the buttock and the back of the leg can be caused by a bulging or herniated disk which presses on the main nerve traveling down your leg. Bulging or ruptured disks may bulge out of place or rupture and press on a nerve causing pain. The disks in between the vertebrae of the spine act as cushion hence when displaced or ruptured, diminishes the support it gives to the vertebrae. However, there are also people with bulging or herniated disks that may not necessarily experience pain from that condition. Arthritis, inflammation of a joint, may also cause back pain. This inflammation commonly affects the hips, hands, knees and lower back. It could lead to stenosis of the spine- the narrowing of space around the spinal cord. Abnormal curvature of the spine such as scoliosis, a condition where a person's spine is curved from side to side, could also cause back pain. When your bones become porous and brittle it could lead to compression fractures of the spinal vertebrae causing pain.

There are factors that increase the risk of developing back pain. These include obesity, sedentary work, physically strenuous work, older age, stressful jobs, anxiety, depression, gender, and smoking.

There are ways to reduce these risks. Exercise is a good way to keep muscles relaxed rather than tense. It improves movement and flexibility. Exercise improves blood circulation and therefore nourishment of tissues in the body. Eating healthy food to nourish your body is always a good idea. For your body to function well, it should have the necessary daily dietary requirements such as proteins, vitamins and minerals among others.

Degenerative Disc Disease - Surgery Should NOT Be the First Option

Spondylosis, or degenerative disc disease causes confusion for both physicians and the layman. Even if this is a normal course of old age, there are younger people that suffer from it as well. Since it's not infectious, technically, it's not a disease but a condition. It can come from genetics or from an accident and there's not always pain involved.

The main "hinge" of the spine is called the lumbar disc. This is gives us the ability to move in different directions, strength to stand, and soak up everyday shocks from such mundane things as walking. When new, the discs are completely saturated with liquid, which unfortunately dries out naturally as we age and gives us more limited mobility. Pain in degenerative disc disease is actually caused more often in younger people because the disc has not dried out but has suffered tears to its tough skin and allowed the liquid inside to reach out and affect the nerves in the nearby lower back. The inflammation brings a constriction in the surrounding blood vessels, lowering the amount of nutrition and oxygen available to the disc that blocks its healing.

A doctor's visit should be foremost on the agenda in a physical and a MRI to determine the severity of the degenerative disc disease. In case of severe pain, the doctor will be able to tell you a few of the causes - pain worsens with prolonged sitting, unnatural positions (to lift heavy weights, twisting to get things, or bending with straight knees), or lying down, walking or even running will ease the pain. This is all because the movements rest and exercise take away pressure from the lumbar area.

If left alone, there may be tingling or numbness in the lower back or upper legs caused by the pain. On the bright side, if no weakness is felt in the muscles of the legs, there may no nerve damage involved.

Non-invasive treatments are preferable since the symptoms respond well to them. Similar to bulging disc treatments, surgery is the last choice. The treatments for degenerative disc disease are pro-active and run the approximately 90 days. The patient is required to rest on a support mattress and do non-strenuous exercises like walking or swimming for 30 minutes every day. By maintaining the correct posture and using hot and cold compresses to keep the pain at bay. In conjunction with physical therapy, ultrasound therapy, massage therapy, chiropractic treatments, or acupuncture, the condition can be managed. Medications like muscle relaxants and pain relievers are prescribed as needed.

Conservative measures are usually enough to manage degenerative disc disease. Surgery is now only used in extreme cases such as scoliosis or nerve damage. While this can be painful at times, degenerative disc disease is something we can learn to live with when we control the symptoms with a healthy lifestyle and regular mild exercise.

Old Dogs 101 - How to Help Your Canine Senior Live As Comfortably As Possible

Reaching old age for a dog is often the result of good luck, good life habits by the dog's owner, and in the end, just plain good genetics. If you already have an old dog, skip over the next paragraph and read ahead for tips on caring for your senior citizen. But if you're in the market for a new dog, there is a recipe to help improve your future pet's odds for longevity.

The list of ingredients starts with a puppy bred by a responsible breeder. Prospective parents should be screened with health tests appropriate for their breed before being bred. Add to that a nurturing and stimulating puppy hood. Next, feed a quality premium food for the life of the dog.These days there are specialty diets for puppies and seniors, giant breeds and toys, food for joint health and for dogs with diabetes or kidney disease. Feed the diet that's right for your dog. Blend in regular examinations with a veterinarian. Vaccinations are available to prevent 13 different canine diseases and dental check-ups should be as routine as an inoculations. Mix in a safe environment. That means a fenced yard or leashed walks, fenced or covered ponds and swimming pools, an I.D. tag on their collar, and protection from household chemicals, dangerous wildlife and dogs you don't know. Let this all sit until your dog is old, gray, grizzled and has more love for you than ever before.

When is a dog old? We used to think that every dog year was equivalent to seven human years. Experts now tell us that a dog's size and breed influence this answer and there are charts to be found on the Internet that are the updated versions of this information.

Once you determine that your dog is "old," what next? Let's break down the areas which most immediately impact your old dog:

Nutrition: Energy requirements decrease about 20 - 20% in senior dogs which accounts for the increased percentage of fat content in their bodies Fat dogs die younger than leaner dogs. Keep your oldster trim; It used to be believed that reduced protein spared the kidneys in older dogs. In the book, "Eternal Puppy." written by Janice Willard, DVM, however, the author shares studies that suggest that older dogs need more high quality protein, not less, to prevent muscle wasting. Optimal protein levels are a controversial topic among nutritionists, but unless your dog has kidney disease, it may not be a good idea to reduce your old dog's protein intake. Older dogs have decreased intestinal motility which sometimes make them more prone to constipation. Avoid a high fiber diet, but with your vet's consent, consider increasing soluble and insoluble fibers.Consumption of vegetables, especially leafy greens, correlate with a reduction in certain forms of cancer, so consider adding a few fruit and vegetables to your dog's diet - very slowly, at first. Give it frequently even if it isn't eaten. Old dogs don't always enjoy new things, but if offered routinely or in different form (frozen peas as a crunchy treat vs cooked ones) they may take to it.Add omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil) to your dog's diet; Studies have shown that Fish oil supplementation may be helpful for pets with inflammatory diseases including allergies, arthritis, kidney disease, heart disease, and cancers.You may not notice changes for at least six to eight weeks, so be patient, and be sure to consult your veterinarian when embarking on anything new.

Flooring: Hard flooring is not only hard on a dog's joints, but offers little traction and puts an old dog at risk for blowing out an ACL or hip. Put down small vinyl-backed rugs for those high traffic spots where the dog is apt to turn a corner or run to go outside.

Bedding: Your senior will spend more time sleeping, so offer the best kind of bedding you can mange. Here are some of your choices:Heated dog beds can be highly therapeutic for dogs with achy joints. They work like heating pads and are especially appreciated by thin and/or tiny dogs Gel filled orthopedic beds offer maximum support, comfort and superior weight distribution. The new Gel foam beds contain heat sensitive memory foam type material that custom forms to pets' bodies, easing pressure on legs and hips. The gel helps keep pets cool in the summer by maintaining a lower ambient temperature, while the foam helps keep pets warm in the winter with dense insulation. Memory foam beds are made from (ta da!) memory foam which was first developed by NASA years ago. Foam beds are another type of body-conforming bed that reduces pressure on joints. Dog Waterbeds can provide therapeutic benefits for pain, Hip Dysphasia, Cushing's Disease, Hygromas, Allergies, Calluses, Post Surgery, Senior Canines, Post Chemotherapy, Skin Conditions, Elbow Dysphasia, and Canine Auto-Immune Hemolytic Anemia. Standard orthopedic beds are generally made with a 3" egg crate. Although these beds are probably the lowest in price, the aforementioned options tend to provide better support and comfort for an old dog.

Incontinence: It happens to the best of us. Don't get mad since given the choice, your dog would rather not have the problem, either. In many cases of canine incontinence, a hormone deficiency is the source of the problem and these are typically treated through the use of drugs such as Diethylstilbestrol. If your vet determines that there is no medical reason for incontinence other than simple aging, however, there are several solutions to combat everything from periodic "dribbling"to all-out flooding;- Just pick the one best for your dog's situation: If the problem occurs during crating or in the night when your dog is sleeping and s/he doesn't move around much, re-usable protective pads will work just fine. There are a mind-numbing array of disposable options which a Google search will display.

If the problem is more "mobile," there are disposable diapers that feature elastic, no-leak gathers and resealable Velcro tape. You can also make your own "belly bands" for boys and again, a Google search will show you how. For a "no sew" version, insert a sanitary napkin inside the length of a man's crew sock (the man should be out of the sock when you do this), and attach sticky-backed Velcro at each end. One economical solution to pricey disposables is to purchase two or three washable diapers in which pads can be inserted and disposed of when soiled.We've been impressed with the fit and durability of Simple Solutions diapers which can be found at Petsmart.

The Handicapped Dog: Older dogs, or dogs with arthritis, degenerative myelopathy (DM) and spinal problems can sometimes lose the use of their back legs. This is NOT catastrophe. A dog can still walk and get the exercise they need with a sling or dog wheelchair. To see a dog wheelchair in action, check out "Denali" on Google. For some dogs, a sling works perfectly well as it allows the dog's owner to maneuver medium and large dogs without lifting the entire weight of the dog. If this looks like a solution for you, be sure to get a sling that's ergonomically designed with adjustable handles that allow you to stand erect and maintain your center of gravity.You can't very well help your disabled dog if your own back is thrown "out.'

Hearing Loss: By the time an owner notices hearing loss in their dog - usually in the 4th quarter of a dog's life, it's probable that the loss has been progressive and has finally passed a threshold where it's now noticeable. Hearing aids are still impractical for a dog and we are left to do what we can to protect the dog. We should be especially careful when walking a hearing impaired dog off-lead. Such a dog won't hear his owner call from a distance and may well get lost and become at risk from approaching cars or other animals.

Blindness: The cloudiness we see in our senior dogs' eyes is usually sclerosis, or hardening of the lens of the eye. The light-transmitting capabilities of the lens is still intact and the dog has lost little of its vision, so think of as looking through a cheap shower curtain. Up close, you can see through the curtain, but at a distance, it's a bit more opaque. Glaucoma and cataracts do occur in dogs and any changes in vision, discharge, squinting, swelling or redness should be seen by a vet right away. If nothing can be done to reverse blindness, take heart in the fact that blind dogs adjust pretty well by using memorized routes around the house and feel the vibrations from radios, TVs and the floor to gauge where they are.

Taste: A geriatric dog may have only 25% of the taste buds he had at a year old, so if your senior is losing weight for no apparent reason that a vet can determine, food may have become tasteless for your dog. Try increasing the tastiness of food with eggs, seasonings, shredded cheeses (especially the "smelly" kind), a sprinkling of fish bits or a "schmear" of Braunschweiger over the top of the food.

Arthritis:Because cartilage cannot repair itself,it is impossible to heal arthritis once it has begun.At best, we can slow degeneration, reduce inflammation and limit pain. Most of us are familiar with Rimadyl, a steroidal anti-inflammatory drug used for the relief of arthritic symptoms in geriatric dogs. Aspirin, even low dosage or buffered, is NOT a good option for pain management in dogs. Studies show increased risk of stomach bleeding. Don't do it. Currently, early research looks promising with glucosamine and chondroitin combinations and omega-3 fatty acids. In our own house, each adult dog gets 1,200 mg. of fish oil, and a table that combines 1500 mg of glucosamine with 1200 mg of chondroitin daily. Our veterinarian is fine with this, but always check with your own vet before starting anything new. Substances such as MSM, hyaluronic aci, New Zealand green-lipped mussels and other antioxidents may also benefit cartilage and joint fluid, but the jury is out on how they work and because these substances aren't regulated by the FDA for dogs, dog owners have to be careful.

Dentistry: By four years of age, 85% of dogs will have some form of periodontal disease. Older dogs are at an increased risk for dental disease because they have reduced salivary production. With a drier mouth, food sticks to teeth more which increases bacteria. Bacteria can enter the bloodstream and travel to places it doesn't belong. Periodontal disease has been implicated in the development and acceleration of diseases in the kidneys, heart, liver and brain. CLEAN YOUR DOG'S TEETH. If your dog's teeth have been neglected, a professional cleaning may be in order. Ask your vet about putting the dog on a course of antibiotics before the scheduled cleaning to combat bacteria, and make sure they are aware of the dog's age. Anesthesia has come a long way and isn't quite as risky for an old dog as it used to be. But it's still anesthesia and should be seriously considered before using, particularly if your breed has issues with anesthesia.

IVD or Idiopathic Vestibular Disease is the most common disease on old dogs that you may not be familiar with. Characterized by symptoms that almost resemble a stroke, these signs include a head tilt, nausea and rapid eye movement. To learn more about this syndrome, check out the January 2008 issue of KnobNotes in our archives to read more about IVD, also known as the geriatric disease.

Boredom: Most dogs are active by default, hunting, show and performance dogs even more so. But when physical abilities diminish and a dog becomes less capable of their former tasks, other ways must be found to keep their minds active. Toys are only toys if the dog interacts and plays with them, otherwise they become just more "stuff" on the living room floor. Food puzzles are rewarding because they invite interaction. The Molecuball, Buster Cube,Busy Buddies and Canine Genius all offer interesting food puzzles that help stimulate a dog's mind as they reward effort.

We're just scratched the surface of issues that confront senior dogs and their owners. If you are blessed with an "oldster" in your house, you'll want to investigate some great books that offer additional information:

"Eternal Puppy" by Janice Willard, DVM;
"How To Make An Old Dog Happy" by Olivier Lagalisse;
"Speaking for Spot," by Dr. Nancy Kay "The Senior Dog" by Heike Schmidt-Roger/ Susanne Blank;

The Facts About Septic Arthritis

Considered as the most dangerous form of acute arthritis, septic arthritis is caused by a bacterial infection in the joint cavity. Usually there is a primary site of infection from where bacteria spread. The site of infection is often along adjacent bone or soft tissue. Bacterial spread is usually through the bloodstream going to the joints. It is estimated that in the general population of 100,000 people, about 2 to 10 of them suffer from septic arthritis. On the other hand, 30 to 70 cases of septic arthritis can be seen in a population of 100,000 rheumatoid arthritis patients. A variety of factors can predispose a person to septic arthritis. Any simultaneous presence of bacterial infection such as genitourinary tract or upper respiratory tract infection can increase a person's vulnerability to septic arthritis. Additionally, serious chronic illnesses including renal failure, malignancy, cirrhosis and diabetes can increase septic arthritis susceptibility. Susceptibility increases with people who have a depressed immune system, or those who have previous immunosuppressive therapy. Accordingly, elderly individuals and alcoholics are also at higher risk of developing septic arthritis. People who are into prolonged use of intravenous drugs, including those who are addicted to heroin, have higher chance of contracting septic arthritis as well.

Septic arthritis comes suddenly with symptoms like intense pain, inflammation and swelling of the affected joint. These symptoms are often accompanied with fever and chills. The infected joint may cause voluntary immobility of the limb. Septic arthritis often affects large joints; specifically the knee. New born or infants who are affected with acute septic arthritis may become irritable and cry relentlessly whenever there is movement; especially when there is hip involvement. Pain is usually present in the groin, upper thigh and buttocks when septic arthritis affects the hip. In adults, knee involvement affects around 50 percent of all cases. The hips, wrist and ankles are also commonly affected with septic arthritis. Some patients may not show external signs of inflammation. Sometimes there is the presence of polyarthritis before the localization of infection. Muscle spasms are a very common occurrence of septic arthritis.

Doctors use several methods to diagnose septic arthritis. Positive identification of the presence of the causative microorganism in the joint fluid using Gram's stain suggests septic arthritis. There are also other additional methods used to diagnose septic arthritis. These measures include x-ray, radioisotope joint scan and white blood cell count. X-rays detect changes in the joint between 1 and 2 weeks after the onset of infection. On the other hand, radioisotope joint scan is used to check for changes and the presence of infection and inflammation in the less accessible joints like the spinal articulations.

Antibiotic therapy is generally the choice of treatment for septic arthritis. This should commence as soon as the causative microorganisms are identified. Elimination of the infection through antibiotic therapy is the primary goal of treatment. It has been observed that patients who were immediately treated with doses of antibiotic within 7 days from the onset of infection had higher cure rate compared with those who were treated a month after infection started. There is an arrest of infection if samples from the synovial fluid show a decreased white blood cell count within 5 to 7 days of antibiotic therapy.

Taking Out the Pain With Cervical Spine Surgery

Cervical spine surgery will get rid of that pain, that numbness, that tingle which is accompanied by a weakness that even writing is impossible. However, before going further, it is best to know what the surgery is for.

When talking about the spinal column, there is that area just at the nape of the neck where the head is directly attached and where the head can pivot. Those small bones are called the cervical vertebrae. These encase the very root of the spinal column, meaning, anything untoward happens to those bones will not only directly affect the head and neck area, but the entire body. This is the mother source so to speak. So if there is anything that can cause damage to it, if it is severe enough, a cervical spine surgery will have to be performed.

The succeeding vertebrae control the areas in the body lower than the cervical. The thoracic from the trunk down, the lumbar from the waist down and the sacral, from the pelvic down. Whatever may cause damage, be it a herniation or arthritis, if the condition worsens to the point where the patient is immobilized then a cervical spine surgery would be called for.

Usually, when there are symptoms that point to a spinal problem, the obvious treatments would involve pain and inflammation medications, just like those in bulging disc treatment. However, if all fails, the cervical spine surgery can be performed which may entail invasion with a scalpel. Now in the past, the invasion was massive and the treatment was worse than the condition itself, now there are newer techniques which call for lesser invasion with minimal blood loss and less recovery time.

Arthritis, trauma to the spine as well as others can cause damage to the vertebrae and sometimes the damage will press on the bundle of nerves which are the central pathways to the brain and out. There are obvious risks involved in any surgery and the least of which can be loss of voice. Also, infection as well as blood loss can also happen. However, this is true for any type of surgery, be it a minor or a major one.

Taking risks with a cervical spine surgery is actually less of a risk when it comes to eventual paralysis, and weighing the pros and cons can reveal that the pros outweigh the risks and will lead to a cure rather than just a relief from the symptoms.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Flatback Syndrome Is a Cause of Back Pain

A healthy human spine has three curves that ensure proper balancing of weight and shock absorption. The lumbar spine in the lower back naturally curves inward; this type of curve is called lordosis. The thoracic spine in the mid-back connects to the ribcage and curves outward, which is called kyphosis. Finally, the cervical spine in the neck is naturally lordotic.

Some people with lower back pain may find that they suffer from what is called flatback syndrome. This is characterized by the loss of normal curvature in the spine and usually manifests in the lumbar region. As the lumbar spine loses its curve, a number of mechanical changes occur in the body. Spinal discs, which act as shock absorbers between vertebrae, are subjected to uneven pressure. The muscles, tendons and ligaments throughout the back are pulled and lengthened; a muscle's natural response to being pulled is to pull back in order to prevent being torn, and this extra work further strains the muscles. Pelvic position changes as well. The sacrum and coccyx together form a hook-shaped bone series at the very base of the spine which connects to the hip bones. As the lumbar spine becomes elongated, this hook is pushed down and under, putting the pelvis into what is called posterior pelvic tilt.

Not all instances of posterior pelvic tilt are instances of flatback syndrome. The two are interchangeable only if the pelvic position is accompanied by near-total loss of lordosis.


An obvious symptom of flatback syndrome is flatness of the spine.

In most people with flatback syndrome, the straightening of the lumbar spine causes the thoracic and cervical segments to pitch forward. One of the main symptoms of the condition is feeling like you might fall forward. As the condition progresses, you may require a cane or walker for balance.

People with flatback syndrome often have muscular pain in the back and pelvis.

Disc problems like bulging and herniation are a common result of prolonged flatback.


The most discussed cause of flatback syndrome is hardware implanted in the spine during surgery to correct scoliosis. Harrington rods used to be inserted into the spine to correct sideways curvature, but over time these devices tended to cause the spine to straighten out on the saggital plane as well.

Another, less commonly discussed cause of flatback begins below the back. Muscle imbalances in the lower body can pull the pelvis down and under, flattening out the lumbar lordosis from the bottom. One muscle imbalance scenario that may cause posterior pelvic tilt is tight hamstrings, glutes and lower abdominal muscles coupled with weak quadriceps, psoas and lower back muscles. Tight muscles exert a pull on body structures that is not balanced by the pull of weak muscles. The pelvis is pulled downward by the glutes and hamstrings and under by the lower abdominals.

Flatback syndrome may also be associated with other health conditions, such as arthritis and vertebral compression fractures common among people with osteoporosis.


The only real way to correct loss of curvature caused by scoliosis surgery is to re-operate, which entails breaking the original fusion, removing the devices that caused flatback and re-setting the fusion with newer techniques.

To correct flatback caused by muscle imbalances, tight muscles must be forced to regain elasticity and weak ones must be developed. For imbalances severe enough to cause flatback, simple stretching will not be enough to lengthen tight muscles. A technique called self-myofascial release (SMR) can be used to regain elasticity and reduce the pull these muscles are exerting on your spine. You can see videos of SMR for different muscles at

Once flexibility has been restored, you can begin a stretching routine to maintain it. You can also start building your weaker muscle groups. If you can, work with a physical therapist to ensure your form is correct and you are not causing harm.

It is important to understand that the lumbar curve is essential to the health of your back. If you suspect that your spine doesn't curve naturally, consider the possibility that muscle imbalance is causing your lower back pain.