Saturday, July 27, 2013

Low Back Pain Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies, Causes and Symptoms

Low back pain or pain in lumbar region affects nearly 80% of people once or many times in their lives. It is a pain caused due to musculoskeletal disorder and can cause acute, sub-acute or chronic pain. It is the area that supports most of the body weight of a human body, this structure makes all the movements of the body possible and provides flexibility to the body.

The lumbar area is made up of five vertebrae and between them are inter-vertebral discs which act as a cushion and also prevent the vertebrae to rub each other. These inter-vertebral discs also protect sciatica nerve which off shoots from the lumbar region. This whole structure is supported and held together by muscles and ligaments and muscles make the movement of the low back possible.

As it is evident that low back is the area which bears most of the weight of the body and is involved in most of the movements made by the body in day to day activities, this makes it prone to wear and tear and also to injuries. Any injury to the muscles or ligaments can cause pain in the back. With the growing age the lumbar area can have diminished or shrunk inter-vertebral discs which make the vertebra or facet joints rub each other causing pain and stiffness in the lower back area. With the age ligaments and muscles also loose the strength and elasticity which can make vertebra move more than they should, hindering the functioning and causing pain in the low back. Spinal stenosis, pinched sciatica nerve, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout arthritis, herniated spinal disc are some other problems which lead to chronic low back pain and need special treatment and attention for alleviation.

The initial symptoms of low back pain is mild pain in the lumbar area which may radiate down on the front side or back of the leg or may remain confined to the lumbar area. This pain increases with the movement like walking or standing and sometimes it may get aggravated at night while in resting position or in prolonged sitting position. Inability to standup on the toes or inability to raise big toe upwards signifies irritation of certain nerves. Numbness or tender points or lack of blood supply to any leg during sitting position also suggest low back pain.

NSAID, herbs for controlling pain and inflammation, creams, massages, therapies and exercises are helpful in treating low back pain. In the case of chronic pain due to arthritis or herniated disc, massages and exercises are recommended along with pain killing medicines. Since side effect of NSAID are not yet known completely so herbal treatment for pain control is recommended. Rumatone Gold capsules and oil is very good ayurvedic remedy in lowering back pain. Light exercises, weight control and healthy life style are helpful in preventing episodes of low back pain. Yoga poses and exercises are also extremely helpful in curing and avoiding the pain in low back area by keeping the weight under control and functioning of the joints smooth and proper.

Stem Cell Treatments for Degenerative Diseases

What is Degenerative Disease?

A degenerative disease is a disease in which deterioration of structure or function of tissue occurs mostly due to aging. Degenerative diseases are different from infectious diseases and patients can often live for years with them. Diseases which can be considered degenerative are arthritis, Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, Cancer, spinal cord injuries, diabetes, heart diseases, inflammatory bowel disease and many more. Most of these diseases remain undiagnosed for considerable period because the symptoms are considered as the sign of aging. People encountering any of these mostly opt for conventional treatment which means intake of heavy drugs and risk of side effects.

Researchers have found a new way to treat these types of diseases and that is "Stem Cell Therapy or Treatment". This therapy or treatment can help in most of the diseases which are signs of aging and can help you look and feel younger.

What is Stem Cell?

Unspecialized cells that have ability to turn into any other type of tissue in the body. This ability of stem cells can be used in regenerating any type of cell or tissue in the body. For example, stem cell from bone marrow, on receiving chemical signals, can be transformed into specialized cells such as neuron or nerve cell in the brain. They are found in most of the multi-cellular organisms and have the ability to regenerate themselves by mitosis and differentiation.

Degenerative diseases are the signs of aging and stem cell can be the answer to most of these diseases. These type of therapy is fast becoming popular in the anti-aging treatment sector. This therapy helps in regenerating the dead cells of the body and helps the body in fighting the diseases which were once considered incurable. This therapy is also used in removing or reducing the wrinkles of the skin which appear because of aging. This is done by regenerating the cells of the skin and thereby improving the appearance of the skin. It is believed that this technology is the future of cosmetic and wellness industry.

Physicians and surgeons believe that stem cell technology is going to be a big thing in future and will have great impact on cosmetic and wellness industry and will change the overall medical industry. Any disease in which there is degeneration of organ or tissue is the potential candidate for this treatment. The treatment has also become popular for body rejuvenation or for slowing down the aging process. Some people also simply choose the treatment as a precaution, or prevention strategy, so as to ward off any possible degenerative disease such as diabetes, arthritis, or Alzheimer's.

Can Leg Pain Be Coming From My Hip?

If you're experiencing leg pain, you might be wondering if it's possible that the pain is actually originating from your hip. The answer to this question is yes. Many times people with leg pain actually have an issue in their hip. It's very common for a person with a hip problem to have symptoms that refer down to the front of the leg or knee. This referred pain can radiate to other areas and cause a dull ache or even sharp, stabbing pains.

Could It Be Sciatica?

One very common yet issued that radiates down to the leg is called sciatica. Sciatica, simply put, is pain which radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve and the branches associated with it. Some people also feel it in their lower back down their buttocks and leg. The longest nerve in your body is the sciatic nerve as it runs from your spinal cord to your hip area and then down the back of each leg.

Sciatica is Just a Symptom

It's important to note that sciatica isn't a disorder in and of itself. It's actually a symptom that indicates to your doctor that there's another problem involving that nerve. For instance, you may have a herniated disc that's pressing on the sciatic nerve. Often, sciatica comes and goes in certain individuals. However, without treatment for the underlying cause of the nerve irritation, many people are destined to continue experiencing the pain of sciatica throughout their lives.

Leg Pain Isn't Always Sciatica

While sciatica can present several symptoms including pain, tingling and even a pins and needles feeling, there are other nerve irritations that can come from the hip and cause pain in the front of the leg and knee. When you feel pain in the front of the leg, it typically is not a problem with the sciatic nerve.

Because the pain can radiate from the hip throughout the leg, there are specific tests that a trained pain specialist can use to differentiate hip pain from a spinal problem or a leg problem. Just because you feel pain in your legs doesn't mean that the pain is actually originating from there. Instead, it could be coming from any number of nerves in your spinal column.

It's very important to have a pain specialist do the proper testing in order to find the underlying cause of your pain. By doing so, they will be able to create a complete treatment plan that may include physical therapy and other modalities to treat the cause rather than just throwing medication at the symptoms.

Why Are You Suffering From Back Aches?

"The smallest pain in our little finger gives us more concern than the destruction of millions of our fellow beings."

William Hazlitt [1778-1830. British Essayist]

If "The smallest pain in our little finger gives us more concern..." then what happens when we have back, knee or joint pain?

Did you know that

- 80% of Americans will battle with a back problem at some point in their lives?

- 7 million people are treated for back aches every year?

- 2 million new cases of back pain are opened every year?

- $100 billion is being spent annually in medical bills, disability and lost productivity at work?

Pain and its relief is of utmost concern for most of us that are in constant pain.

Why are we in Pain?

Before we can answer this question, we need to understand how the body interprets and handles this problem. The pain impulse begins at the point of an injury for example a cut, burn, pinched nerve, bruised muscle etc.

Once the impulse starts, it triggers a number of bio-chemicals to be released at the site of the injury. Some of these bio-chemicals are histamine, bradykinin, prostaglandin, and Substance P. Each of these has one or more effects on the body. And many of these bio-chemicals are inflammatory -- that is they cause the injury site to swell up.

Inflammation is actually a defense mechanism for the body. Inflammation serves to bathe the injury in healing fluids and acts as a cushion to protect against further injury. However. if the inflammation is prolonged or out of control, it can cause destruction. This is what occurs in arthritis where the inflammation actually destroys the joints. Also, inflammation can serve to compound problems by actually causing the suffering itself.

This explains how an injury causes the body to release a number of biochemicals that can cause inflammation. Another action of these biochemicals, though, is to stimulate the nerve fibers of pain, the C fibers. (The body actually has three types of nerve fibers: A fibers. B fibers and C fibers. The main fibers which transmit the pain impulse are the C fibers.) Histamine, bradykinin, prostaglandins and the other bio-chemicals are actually the stimuli that cause the pain impulse to begin.

Types of Pain Relief

At the site of an injury, whether the problem is an ache or inflammation, the pain impulse can be interrupted by:

-Decreasing the levels of bio-chemicals that cause you to suffer or

-by actually blocking the nerves - the C fibers.

With that in mind, it would make sense to use a painkiller that can do both of these. Aspirin and NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), such as ibuprofen and Motrin decrease the prostaglandins. This can result in decreased pain and inflammation, especially if the prostaglandins are the main causes.

However, aspirin and NSAIDS do not directly affect the other chemicals and do not affect the nerve, the C fiber.

Narcotics, such as Darvon or codeine, have no known effect on either the "pain" bio-chemicals or the nerve endingss. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) also has no significant effect on these at usual doses. And in fact, the way acetaminophen works is not actually known.

But we also know we can interrupt the pain impulse away from the injury site, at the spinal cord. If our pain killer could also decrease the release of (or deplete the C fiber of) Substance P, the impulse would be blocked at the spinal cord level. Aspirin and NSAIDS have no known effect at this site. Narcotics and tricyclic antidepressants, such as amitriptylene or Elavil, on the other hand, actually can block the release of Substance P and stop transmission at the spinal cord level, but once again have no value in decreasing the levels of the bio-chemicals of pain.

This new totally natural remedy does it all by providing the relief you need without using drugs and other traditional methods of relief:

- Decreases the levels of the "pain" bio-chemicals.

- Blocks the release of Substance P, thus slowing down the transmission of the impulse along the nerves of pain, the C fibers.

- And slows down transmission of pain along the spinal cord.

When you are in the market for a natural product to relief your pain look for the following qualities:

o reduces your aches and swelling

o lessens the pain of arthritis

o helps with bruises that hurt

o fights muscle fatigue

o provides soothing warmth and relief

Chiropractic Treatment of Spinal Stenosis

Today spinal stenosis is one of the most common causes of lower back pain in patients over fifty. This pain can also cause burning and or numbness in the buttocks or legs and eventually leads to leg weakness. Needless to say this can be a debilitating injury that a great number of middle age people suffer from everyday. In our practice we have found a complex protocol that significantly helps these patients this includes adjustments, traction, and soft tissue therapy.

To understand this condition and what is causing the pain is easy when visualizing the spine in the following way. Picture twenty-three doughnuts, stacked on top of one another. The hole in the center of the donut is the spinal cord resides, running all the way from the brain at the top to the lower back. Now divide each donut in half: the front half will be the vertebral body with an disc in-between each donut, the posterior portion will contain a small hole were the nerve roots exit the spinal cord and relay information to the body.

As we age certain processes will lead to a decrease in this space causing the pain known as spinal stenosis. Ligaments that hold the vertebra together are known to get larger invading the nerve space. Ostioarthritis is a common joint decease, which as we age, will produce a growth of bony spurs that invade the space of the nerve roots. Or the discs in between the donuts may degenerate and push back on to the spinal cord causing the symptoms.

There are some simple things that patients that are suffering from spinal stenosis can do to decrease their pain. The easiest is bending forward. Leaning forward whether it is on a shopping cart or while riding a bike will open up the posterior aspect of the spine giving the nerves more space causing less irritation. Laying face down over an exercise ball can accomplish the same thing. However, these simple fixes will not work with all stenosis patients, as mentioned before degeneration of the disc in-between the vertebra may also cause the stenosis symptoms. In these cases leaning forward will put more pressure on the disc aggravating the symptoms.

Chiropractic adjustments that focus on spinal correction tend to relieve stenosis pain. Aligning an individual into their ideal posture allows for the most anatomical room on both sides of the spine for the spinal nerve to exit. Think back to the donuts mentioned before, if you tilt one from side to side it will narrow the hole in which the spinal nerve exits. This is the same concept as a patient with poor posture leaning slightly to one side or having one hip slightly higher than the other. Through the correction of the patients posture, we are able to correct this problem helping to alleviate their pain in the process.

We have also implemented specialized forms of traction in our office that decompress the nerves and help to restore normal function. These traction sessions allow an increase in blood flow to the effected areas that seem to help in the overall healing of the area.

We also utilize many different forms of soft tissue therapy in the treatment of spinal stenosis. Ultrasound is a sound wave that can reverse the nerve irritation and decrease the underlying pain in patients with spinal stenosis. Muscle Stimulation is also utilized to relax muscle spasms and increase local blood circulation. Active Release Technique is used break up muscle adhesions restoring proper function to the effected area.

A study on specialized chiropractic treatments very similar to those we use found that only 9% of one thousand patients treated needed surgery. In fact most patients reached improvement within a six-week period of twelve treatments. Many people think that the debilitating symptoms caused by spinal stenosis can only be helped through surgery, this however is far from the truth there are many things that Chiropractors can do to relieve the pain and help you avoid surgery all together.

More Tips to Improve Extreme Sciatica Pain!

Have you read the recent news on sciatica nerve pain?

Extreme Sciatica Pain

Dealing with extreme sciatica pain can be challenging. Simple activities such as getting dressed, going to the bathroom, and standing up can become almost impossible. Extreme sciatica pain creeps into every part of a person's life. A person never seems to get enough sleep because a shift in position can cause enough pain to awaken. Driving becomes difficult because sciatica nerve pain may prevent full control over the clutch, gas and brake pedals. That same pain also interrupts concentration, making it hard to work.

Drug Therapy

Once the pain has stopped responding to over the counter pain relievers, a doctor may prescribe stronger drugs. Sometimes a stronger NSAID may do the trick. Drugs such as nabumetone, are often used for the inflammation associated with arthritis and can be very effective in treating sciatica nerve pain. Other times, a doctor may prescribe steroids to be taken over a period of a week. Steroids mimic the body's own steroid hormones which inhibit production of proteins responsible for inflammation. In some cases of extreme sciatica pain, an epidural steroid injection may be effective. The steroid is injected into the space within the spine just outside of a sac which surrounds the nerve roots. Less commonly, narcotic pain relievers may be prescribed.

Surgery for Extreme Sciatica Pain

If sciatica nerve pain still persists without improvement, getting an MRI scan can be helpful in diagnosing the cause of the sciatica. Once a physician identifies the problem, more aggressive therapies can be used to treat extreme sciatica pain. Surgery is often recommended for a multitude of lower back problems that cause sciatica. Two back conditions that may require surgery are a herniated disc and spinal stenosis, a narrowing of the spinal canal.

Treating a Herniated Disc

Microdisectomy addresses the problem of a herniated lumbar disc. Through a small incision, the disc is located and the herniated portion of the disc is removed. In many cases, this surgery can be performed on an outpatient basis. Less invasive forms of disectomy are being used with success. Percutaneous disectomy involves using a tube with a cutting edge to cut away the damaged area of the disc. Lasers are also being used to locate and remove the herniated tissue, helping reduce sciatica nerve pain.

Creating space in the spine

Lumbar laminectomy removes growths that can cause extreme sciatica pain by compressing the sciatic nerve. The most common types of growth are bone spurs caused by various diseases such as osteoarthritis. In this surgery, the spurs are either removed completely or shaved off depending on how the sciatic nerve is compressed. In both types of surgeries, sciatica nerve pain can be improved immediately, but full healing of the nerves and muscles can take several months. As in all surgeries, risks such as nerve and muscle damage, and infection can occur.

While surgery can alleviate extreme sciatica pain for a longer length of time, there is no guarantee that the problem will not reoccur and may require another surgical intervention.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Ankylosing Spondylitis Spine Causes and Symptoms

Some serious conditions such as ankylosing spinal disorders (ASD), ankylosing spondylitis Spine (AS) and diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH) are long-term diseases that causes inflammation of the joints between the spinal bones and the joints between the spine and the pelvis. Spinal bones will eventually join together after a period of time.

Ankylosing spondylitis Spine(AS) is a chronic disease of inflammatory nature. Although Ankylosing Spondylitis Spine mainly affects the spine, it can also affect other parts of the body such as the lower back and the pelvis. There is a group of rheumatic diseases. This is a disease that affects the vertebral joints. Another medical term is "Spondyloathopathy". AS causes pain and inflammation of the joints between the vertebrae of the spine and the joints between the spine and pelvis.

Some initial symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis spine may incur chronic pain in the lower part of your back. This is most common in the morning and after periods of inactivity. It is also possible to have stiffness in the lower back and hip areas.

Conditions can continually progress. Over time the symptoms can get worse. The pain and stiffness can increase with the inflammation around the spine and other joints. Common areas for inflammation is at the tendons and ligaments where they attach to the bones. Other areas affected are between the ribs and spine and also joints in hips shoulders, knees and feet. Inflammation in the eyes is also possible.

There seems to be no specific causes of AS. Genetic factors seem to be involved with people with the gene called HLA-B27 being a major risk of developing ankylosing spondylitis spine.

As inflammation persists, new bone forms as part of the body's attempt to heal itself. Vertebrae begin to grow together, forming vertical bony outgrowths (syndesmophytes), becoming stiff and inflexible. Lung capacity and function can also be restricted, from fusion that stiffen the rib cage.

It is important to keep physical therapy in the treatment program for ankylosing spondylitis spine symptoms. Research has shown that there is significant improvement with therapy. Remember it is a combination of things that can help.

The main objective should be reducing the inflammation. This can be done through medicines. Drugs such as Cytotoxic which block cell growth can be used in people who do not respond well or are dependent on high doses of corticosteroids.

Surgery may be done if pain or joint damage is severe.

Exercises can help improve posture and breathing. At night time lying flat on the back can help maintain normal posture.

There are also alternatives such as natural products. Some Natural products can also help with ankylosing spondylitis spine by reducing inflammation. The main thing to remember, is that the inflammation in the body needs to be reduced. Once you get the inflammation under control, it will help in all areas of the body.

Spinal Stenosis - Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Relieves Stenosis Without Need for Spinal Fusion

Spinal stenosis is a term used to refer to a narrowing of the spinal canal.

When the narrowing occurs in the center of the spinal canal it may press upon the spinal cord. If thenarrowingoccurs on the side of the spinal canal it may press upon the nerves - this may result in either what are termed lateral recess stenosis or foraminal stenosis depending on whether the stenosis is in the lateral aspect of the spinal canal or in the neuroforamen where the nerve exits. Both of these sub-types of spinal stenosis may affect the nerve in the region.

Spinal stenosis is one of the most common causes of back pain for Americans. In fact, approximately 70% of people with spinal stenosis have back pain. This may range from intermittent discomfort to severe and disabling spinal arthritis pain.

Many of those suffering with spinal stenosis experience what is termed, neurogenic claudication. This results in pain or weakness in the legs as a person attempts to walk a long distance. Eventually, the distance a personis able towalk is severely limited. As a result, these people may be disabled.

One of the common signs of neurogenic claudication is called the "grocery cart sign", i.e., when a person with significant neurogenic claudication walks a distance, they begin to feel the symptoms into their legs. When this occurs they may simply sit down for a few minutes and the symptoms may resolve. However, many people will simply bend forward and lean on the cart to obtain relief. The effect of leaning forward on the cart opens the spinal canal and provides more room for the spinal cord or nerves. Even a small amount of additional room can have a significant impact on the distance/duration these people can walk.

There are many causes of spinal stenosis but the most common cause is simple aging. As we age, our spine degenerates and a condition known as spondylosis develops. Spondylosis is the medical term for spinal degeneration or arthritis.

Spondylosis may occur in the lower back and is termed, lumbar spondylosis. It may also occur in the neck and is termed, cervical Spondylosis.

When cervical spondylosispresses upon the spinal cord, it is termed cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM); when the cervical spondylosis affects a nerve to the upper extremity, it is referred to as cervical spondylotic radiculopathy (CSR); and, when both the spinal cord and a nerve are associated with cervical spondylosis, it is referred to as cervical spondylotic myeloradiculopathy (CSMR).

Unfortunately, there is no cure for spinal stenosis and it is a progressive disorder. However, there are many treatments available that provide relief including physical therapy, chiropractic, pain injections and surgery.

Regardless of the treatment selected, it is important for those with spinal stenosis to stay active and exercise to maintain strong core muscles which support the spine.

For those who do not respond to conservative treatment, surgery may be required. The goal of surgery is to resolve the neurogenic claudication and the back pain. Typically, a simple decompression of the spinal stenosis will relieve the back pain and the neurogenic claudication. A spinal fusion is rarely necessary.

One of the most advanced and well-tolerated treatments of spinal stenosis uses minimally invasive spine surgery techniques. Using small camerascalled endoscopes, specially trained spine surgeons can remove the spinal stenosis using only very small incisions. Many innovative surgeons also use laser spine surgery techniques as well because the laser has the unique ability to vaporize areas of stenosis that would otherwise require more tissue removal to resolve.

Minimally invasive spine surgery is typically performed on an out-patient basis with no hospitalization required. It is performed using the small endoscopes or very small tubular retractors. Each of these techniques has their own indications but the result is resolution of the spinal stenosis through very small incisions designed to protect the overlying muscles of the spine. This minimizes any scarring and there is virtually no blood loss.

These types of surgical procedures do not require general anesthesia so patients with heart conditions who may not otherwise be able to tolerate a spinal procedure are not excluded.

Laser spine surgery offers the additional benefits of ablating the nerves to the small joints that may be an additional source of back pain. The lasercan also safely decompress painful discs.

All of these techniques are performed in a single setting so that all the sources of pain are addressed in one procedure.

Today, some innovative minimally invasive spine surgeons are also using adult stem cells derived from the patient's own bone to further minimize any scar formation. These adult stem cells, not embryonic stem cells, play an important role in down-regulating inflammation and reducing pain.

Left untreated, spinal stenosis can severely affect the ability to walk.

However, today's advanced minimally invasive spine procedures can typically resolve the spinal stenosis and prevent progression during a simple out-patient procedure without the need for general anesthesia or spinal fusion.

Additional articles by author:

Sciatica Treatment:

Arthritis Prevention

Arthritis is a common painful disease affecting the joints and bones of the body. Early signs can include twinges or stiffness of the knees and other joints, limitation in movement or visible thickening of the joints, often in the hands and feet; creaking joints, spinal pain and backache, or painful swelling of the joints.

There are several types of arthritis - osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout.

Osteoarthritis is the most common resulting from wearing of the joints - mainly hips, spine, knees, feet and fingers. A far greater number of women suffer from this than do men.

Rheumatoid arthritis can destroy other tissue besides the bone, affecting cartilage and tissues within and around the joints to damage the bone surface itself, usually of feet, ankles, knees, fingers, wrists, elbows and shoulders.

Gout is principally caused by uric acid crystals settling in the joints to produce painful irritation and inflammation. It can produce extremely severe discomfort, often focused in the big toe. This is principally a disease suffered by men more than women.

In the prevention of all kinds of arthritis there are certain general rules of health to consider as well as some natural self-help methods of treatment.

Remember: It is largely your eating habits that have created an imbalance in your body chemistry. It is only by seriously reconsidering your diet and improving your intake of natural foods and avoiding the synthetic or artificial products that you can return your body to normal healthy condition. It may take self-discipline - but self-discipline today is better than a painful tomorrow. It is best to start with improving the quality of your diet.

Nutrition: avoid foods producing high acidity such as starchy food, white bread, white sugar and processed foods including soft drinks, sweet sherry, ice-cream, chocolate, etc. You should take only a moderate intake of milk, cheese and for a time try to avoid all fried foods, meats, fish and salt.

Diet should consist mainly of fresh fruits and green salads with a variety of ingredients, light dressings, raw nuts, herbs, sprouted seeds, seaweed, plenty of celery and plain steamed vegetables of all kinds.

Food supplements: should include some of the following - alfalfa (lucerne) concentrates, raw potato juice, carrot juice, vitamins B, B complex, C , brewers yeast, celery seed tea or celery and juniper tablets.

Herbs: There are some beneficial herbs that are generally stocked along with other kitchen ingredients such as celery seed and alfalfa tea, but there are others in the garden that should be included regularly in your preparation of meals. These are parsley, dandelion leaves, gotu kola, mint, sage and garlic.

Skin Care is Important: Regular brushing and stimulation of the skin over the entire body is a pleasant enough addition to your personal toilet. The brushing causes the surface skin cells to flake off, leaving the skin freer to function properly regarding natural perspiration and circulation of the blood to surface cells. Improving the skin, even on one part of the body, will in time help to improve entire skin function.

This discipline is necessary if you are to relieve the work of the kidneys that have the main job of eliminating toxic wastes and acids from the body. Most people are aware of the need to help the kidneys by drinking lots of water. Not everyone is as enthusiastic or is aware of the simple benefits of skin brushing.

Exercise: to exercise to perspiration point each day is a generally accepted health practice. Depending upon any symptoms and their severity, your age and your doctor's advice, this rule must be modified, not be neglected altogether. You should follow an exercise programme that gradually increases if not to perspiration level, a freer movement of the entire body through gentle, simple elementary movements, preferably aided by soothing rhythmic music. Yoga exercises and Tai Chi are perfect methods for those unfamiliar with more vigorous exercises as they are gentle, slow and safe.

Stress: Although some types of arthritis involve physical stress, by far the greatest found by researchers is the psychological stress factor. Of course this is a complex issue but it is interesting to note common findings that anxiety, fears of all kinds, usually resentment, loneliness and general unhappiness are involved. This means that the more you work on relaxation of body, feelings and thoughts the better your will feel. Each of us has the means to change negative habits of all kinds by practising positive alternatives - not only learning physical relaxation and possibly treatment by massage to help you, but starting each day with a self-promise to not only enjoy your work, but to seek an island of calm in each day; to expect less from others and give more of your friendliness and good cheer. It is helpful to select a few words that appeal to you, to use in silent repetition to remind you to keep your mind focused upon positive moods, thoughts and outcomes.

Be patient. Consider some of the above information and determine what you can do to improve your lifestyle and to avoid arthritis.

If you already are suffering from this disease, seek additional professional naturopathic advice regarding further methods of self - care and relief through simple home treatment.

Understanding What Usually Causes Back Pain

When an episode of back pain comes on, people often try to associate it with one injury or trauma that occurred recently or in the past. While this may be true, it is usually not the cause of most back problems. What people often overlook is that back pain is often brought on slowly and may be caused from a series of events rather than one.

Back pain is rarely brought on by a specific injury or event. You may have felt twinges in your back when you bend over to pick up a pencil, stand at the bathroom sink, getting in or out of your car or performing other simple tasks. You may have noticed that the twinges you feel performing tasks seem to get worse over time. The pain may worsen over a couple days, go away and then return several months later.

This is often the result of repetitive stress on the joints that occur gradually over time. The ligaments around the spine undergo small micro tears that occur over the years. These can occur with improper lifting, bad posture or falls. Being overweight can cause extra weight and pressure on the joints. In time the ligaments become stretched allowing the vertebra or bones of the spine to become misaligned. The delicate nerves in and around the spine become irritated resulting in discomfort.

When the ligaments of the spine are stretched and torn, the repair mechanism creates scar tissue. The scar tissue is less elastic than before. This causes the joints to be vulnerable to becoming injured again in the future. It also results is reduced motion of the joints of the spine. Chiropractors are specially trained to detect these types of problems in the spine. They may use X-rays, palpation and other tests to locate the problem.

Chiropractors perform spinal manipulation using hands on techniques or instrumentation to correct the misaligned bones. This helps to remove the nerve irritation and restore normal motion to the joints of the spine. If the misaligned bones are left uncorrected, premature spinal degeneration can develop which leads to arthritis of the spine. This can result in chronic back pain and nerve damage.

When people have misaligned spinal bones, they often feel off balance because the bones of the spine are not symmetrical. Many people report feeling straighter and walking better following chiropractic adjustments. They report that the back twinges they had before are gone away. They are better able to move, sit, bend, stand, sleep and walk without the pain they had before. They are able to enjoy a better quality of life and do the things they enjoy without the pain.

How A Migun Massage Melts Away Tension in Just 15 Minutes


About two years ago, I was placed on a Migun Massage bed to "warm up" for my shiatsu massage. After 15 minutes on this miraculous heated massage bed, I didn't want to get up for the "real" massage - I wanted to sink back into Migun heaven lie for the full 45 minutes of my scheduled massage time!

I decided to purchase a Migun Massage bed and offer it in my hot yoga studio, Riverflow Yoga of Lambertville, NJ, for students who wanted that extra opportunity to melt away tension before or after their hot yoga classes. The Migun Massage Bed, which requires no massage therapist to operate, is deeper and more powerful than any other massage technique I have ever known - and there are so many reasons why.

Migun combines thousands of years of healing wisdom in one healing massage bed. And we have it at Riverflow Yoga.

The Migun Thermal Massage Bed combines acupressure, moxibustion, helium heat, jade stone healing, and long-wave infrared rays into a rich, deep massage that incorporates Eastern acupressure and Western chiropractic. Just lie back, close your eyes, and melt. There's nothing better before or after your hot yoga class.


The Migun Massage Bed targets your acupressure points, the vital points near the spine that align with the organs inside the body, for a massage that can boost energy, ease pain, and speed metabolism. Migun massage also stimulates the brain to produce endorphins for a feeling of calm and well-being.

The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations has suggested that acupressure can be used successfully in pain management, even reduce foods cravings for successful weight management!

Increased Alertness

Decreased Stress

Reduced Anxiety

Better athletic performance

Lower blood pressure

Fewer Headaches

Better Pain Management

Improved Immune Function

Faster recovery from injuries

Reduced palpitations

Reduced menopausal symptoms

Reduced skin problems

Shorter recovery time after surgery

Decreased respiratory infections

Improvement in arthritis

Improvement in spinal/muscular problems

Improvement in sinus issues


Migun also utilizes far infrared heat, the same energy as the heat of the sun. Infrared waves generate heat by causing the body's molecules to rapidly vibrate against each other, for a deeply penetrating heat that melts into underlying tissues and stimulates blood cells, improves circulation and detoxifies at the cellular level.


Eastern medicine touts jade as the mysterious stone of longevity; royal families enjoyed its miraculous effects which included healing stressed organs, slowing the process of cell aging, and strengthening the body's natural defenses and 'chi' (life force). Migun's jade rollerballs are heated, to emit negative ions essential for the body's natural anti-aging system.


The soothing warmth of the Migun's helium heated bulbs are designed to support overall health and boost energy.


The Migun Thermal Massage Bed also employs moxibustion, a treatment that transmits heat to specific points on the body. Eastern thermal therapy shows that applying heat to these points accelerates blood circulation and stimulates areas of the body with moxa, thus improving the condition of related internal organs. When internal organs are strengthened, the body functions better.

University of California clinical studies have established the positive effects in overall physical health for Migun users including musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, nervous, and cardiovascular benefits.

Study it for yourself! Try a 15 minute Hot-And-Fast Migun Massage before or after your 90 minute hot yoga class. See what melts away for you.

Avoiding NSAIDs in Dog Arthritis Treatment

Dog arthritis is a crippling disease that attacks the cartilage in the joints. As the joint loses more cartilage, bone spurs and scar tissue start to develop. These make the joint stiffer and cause chronic pain and inflammation in the joints. As a result, the arthritic dog experiences lameness. When the cartilage loss becomes too extensive, "bone to bone" contact occurs. This is when the bones on either side of the joint are exposed to higher levels of friction, without the cartilage's cushioning effect and smooth surface, so that using the joint becomes very difficult, resulting in severe pain.

Though veterinary science has yet to discover a cure for this debilitating disease, there are many ways to prevent it from progressing to a stage where the arthritis will greatly reduce a dog's quality of life. Treatments for dog arthritis must aim at stopping cartilage loss, as well as protecting and supporting chondrocytes (the cells in the cartilage matrix), reducing inflammation and relieving pain.

The basis for any dog arthritis treatment plan is the management of pain and inflammation. Anti-inflammatory drugs have been a common arthritis treatment for the second half of the twentieth century. There is no doubt that these drugs are effective and have contributed to the improvement and comfort of many arthritic dogs.

Nevertheless, there is now a growing concern over the safety of anti-inflammatory drugs, especially non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). This growing concern from veterinarians and informed dog owners is based on the mechanism of action of NSAIDs. These drugs reduce inflammation by inhibiting the pro-inflammatory properties of COX-enzymes. Unfortunately, COX-enzymes have several important functions in a dog's body such as the production of platelets, the maintenance of the protective lining of the stomach and upper intestines and maintaining sufficient blood flow in the kidneys. So there is a concern that some NSAIDs may cause the development of stomach ulcers and intestinal bleeding, excessive blood thinning or even renal failure. All of which have the potential to be fatal.

These side effects were far more common with the older NSAIDs, which had an effect on all of the COX-enzymes (for example, aspirin). With the development of newer non-steroidals and the requirement of thorough clinical trials prior to these newer NSAIDs being registered in the market, there has been a marked reduction in side effects. These newer NSAIDs are known as COX-2 selective drugs, which means they have less of an effect on the "good" functions of COX-enzymes and mainly focus on reducing inflammation, ie "bad" and debilitating functions. Despite these advances in research and development, there are still some dogs that do not tolerate NSAIDs regardless of whether they are COX-2 selective or not, so it is important to monitor all dogs closely for side effects while they are on the drugs and carry out a blood screening test to check the kidney function before and during treatment.

It is a good idea to formulate treatment plans that are less dependent solely on NSAIDs. The following are dog arthritis treatment options that can reduce dependency on NSAIDs or in some cases, may function as a complete substitute:

NMDA antagonists help reduce pain by "calming down" overactive neural pain pathways. Common NMDA antagonists include Gabapentin, Amantadine, Ketamine and Amitriptyline.

Opioids provide stronger pain relief than other prescription painkillers and have very few side effects. They contain substances that bind to the pain receptors found in the brain, spinal cord, and gastrointestinal tract to decrease the brain's awareness of pain. Examples of opioids are Tramadol, Morphine, Fentanyl, Buprenorphine, and Codeine. Unfortunately, these drugs are not available in all states and countries as some local laws identify opioids as controlled substances.

Stem cell therapy is considered by some as a controversial treatment option but has been showing good potential. Conversely, stem cell therapy for dogs does deserve the notoriety it has been given. With this method, stem cells are harvested from the dog's body fat, which are then injected to the arthritic joint. Stem cells are able to stop the cartilage damage, promote cartilage regrowth, and suppress inflammation.

Cortisone is a more potent anti-inflammatory than NSAIDs. It can help to settle "acute on chronic" pain. However, it should never be considered as first option and it should not be used for more than two to three times a year. Furthermore, Cortisone should not be used together with NSAIDs.

Joint health supplements are health products made from natural ingredients. They are believed to reverse some of the effects of the disease and provide the necessary building blocks for cartilage repair. When choosing the right supplement, make sure the product contains the following:

-D-Phenylalanine. An essential amino acid found in the breast milk of mammals. It is reputed to be a natural analgesic.

-SAM-e. Also known as S-Adenosyl methionine, SAM-e is a substance produced and consumed by the liver. Studies have shown that it has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.

-Low molecular weight Chondroitin. An important component of cartilage, it can suppress inflammation, inhibit cartilage-destroying agents, promote the growth of new cartilage and the production of synovial fluid.

-Glucosamine HCL. A structural component of cartilage responsible for the tissue's spongy texture.

-Fish Oil Omega-3 Fatty Acids. EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) is an omega-3 fatty acid that can reduce inflammation. Studies have also revealed that omega-3 helps to protect the existing cartilage from further damage.

-Niacinamide. Also called Vitamin B3, this nutrient can improve cartilage production, prevent further cartilage damage, and improve joint mobility.

-Avocado and Soybean Unsaponifiables (ASU). This substance has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties and can help improve chondrocyte metabolism.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Ankylosing Spondylitis

Millions of people are suffering with one or another form of arthritis. One such form from the 100 or more types of arthritis known is ankylosing (rigid) spondylitis (spinal inflammation). It mostly affects young people with the average age been just 26.

Symptoms for ankylosing spondylitis most commonly begin between the ages of 15 and 35 and it is very difficult condition to diagnose as progress of the disorder is very slow the first few years. One in every 200 people is inflicted with the condition. Twice as many men than women are diagnosed with the condition and they will experience more severe symptoms.

Back pain and stiffness, pain around tendon areas, eye inflammation (irititis, uveitis) and skin rashes are common symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis. The condition can also affect the heart and lungs, fuse vertebrae in the spine together, trouble the sacroiliac, hip and shoulder joints. Other symptoms are fatigue as a result of inflammation and gastrointestinal problems.

Ankylosing spondylitis is a long lasting health condition (chronic). Pain can persist for more than three months when the condition is worsened. It is frequently accompanied by symptoms of stiffness that are more pronounced at the beginning and the end of a day.

The cause of ankylosing spondylitis is not yet known. Most people with the condition carry a gene called the HLA-B27 gene but, no every one carrying it will develop ankylosing spondylitis.

Your specialist physician (rheumatologist) will begin with a physical examination and look for spinal mobility, sites of inflammation, pain and tenderness in the back, chest, sacrum and heels. He will also ask and take into account your family history of ankylosing spondylitis, He will ask your history of eye inflammations and of gastrointestinal conditions.

Most likely he will next order X-rays and/or MRI for the sacroiliac joint to check for any events of erosion typical of sacroiliatis (inflammation of the joint). Other tests he may order are blood tests such as * ESR (erythrocyte sed rate) - as an indicator of inflammation. * Rheumatoid factor - to eliminate the possibility of rheumatoid arthritis and * Antinuclear antibodies - to eliminate the possibility of lupus.

A common treatment program includes medication - disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs, physical therapy and exercise - properly trained physical therapists can creating an exercise program suitable for ankylosing spondylitis sufferers, heat and cold packs - to help relax the muscles and in severe circumstances surgery - to replace deformed joints in the neck, hip and knees. Exercise in combination with medication, is usually effective treatment for the management of ankylosing spontylitis.

A number of nontraditional treatments for arthritis are also used by many people that want relief for pain and the other symptoms of arthritis that traditional medications has failed to provided for them. They also hope to avoid side effects associated with long-term medications and certain medical and/or surgical treatments cost too much for many of us to afford. Some evidence does support the use of alternative medication and some patients have benefited from such treatments. Most commonly massage, yoga and chiropractic treatments have been found by many people beneficial in ankylosing spondylitis.

EMS - A Cure for Osteoarthritis?

EMS stands for Electro Muscle Stimulation. In simple terms an electronic machine is used to stimulate the muscles. In more complicated terms it is a low voltage waveform, applied through conductive pads, placed at strategic points on the body, to stimulate muscle motor nerves.

Normally when we exercise the brain sends signals via the spinal cord to nerve sensors which cause our muscles to expand and contract. As we continue to exercise lactic acid builds up in and around the muscle and we start to tire.

An EMS machine works by applying a controlled signal to stimulate the same nerve sensors, causing the muscle to expand and contract. The increased blood flow to the muscles helps deliver the essential nutrients for recovery, speeding up the rehabilitation process. The work relaxation cycle of an EMS machine also facilitates the removal of lactic acid from the muscles, allowing them to relax quicker.

The medical profession use EMS machines to treat a variety of conditions in rehabilitation units with encouraging results. Most treatments are specifically for conditions which require muscle stimulation. They are most commonly used on people whose muscles have weakened after long periods of bed rest.

Osteoarthritis of the knee, a condition more often found in older people, is usually caused by general wear and tear on the knee joint from normal day to day activities. Sometimes it can be the result of some old injury sporting or otherwise. Knee problems are often exacerbated by lack of proper support to the knee joint by the surrounding muscles. The end result is deterioration of the knee cartilage resulting in more pain.

Strengthening the muscles surrounding the knee is key to easing the pain of Osteoarthritis sufferers. Health care providers usually start off by having patients work on strengthen their quadriceps (the large group of muscles which run along the front of the leg from the knee to the hip). EMS is introduced as an additional therapy, along with a number of other non load bearing exercises, particularly for osteoarthritis patients, to improve muscle strength. EMS offers great benefits for the elderly, who tend to be the most common sufferers osteoarthritis, as well as other patients with limited mobility.

Another benefit of using an EMS machine is the TENs effect some programs have. (TENs stands for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation where transcutaneous means through the skin.) Low rate programs usually between 2Hz to 5Hz with a pulse width close to 200uS encourages the release of endorphins which in turn gives pain relief that can last several hours.

EMS machines come in a variety of shapes, sizes and prices, depending on whether they are used for medical or body toning. Most machines used for medical purposes are small compact and portable and will have 4 electrodes, while body toning machines use multiple electrodes and may not be portable.

EMS is a treatment option for a wide range of injuries or conditions caused by or related to muscle weakness, as well as joint, tendon, and nerve injuries. It has also found a place in many other walks of life from beauty treatment to bodybuilding, often with some too good to be true claims. While no EMS machine will give you an instant six pack by sitting around supping beer, it does have a many uses in athletics, rehab and bodybuilding.

EMS machines should only be used on the advice of a doctor or other health professionals. They may not be suitable for certain conditions. Always follow the manufactures instructions supplied with the machine. EMS machines should never be used by people who have a pacemaker or have heart problems. Pregnant women should avoid using EMS machines as the affects on the unborn baby are not known. Never place EMS electrodes on your head or neck

Causes of Back Pain - Where Does Back Pain Come From?

Back pain is mankind's bane. It is one of the most common reasons for visiting the doctor, and around 90 percent of adults have at one time or another experienced it. The pain we feel can originate from any one of our numerous bones, joints, muscles, tissues and ligaments in the back. In terms of pain, our back can be divided into four sections. There is the tailbone pain, the lower back pain, the pain in the upper back and the pain in the neck. Pain can come and go, it can be mild or excruciating, and it can also be chronic. It can start in one place then radiate to other parts of the back. There are back pains that radiate to the arms, legs and feet, and sometimes radiating even to the head. Sometimes the pain is accompanied by a tingling sensation, even numbness and weakness.

What keeps us upright is our spine, which is a complex interconnection of bones, nerves, joints, ligaments and muscles that are all susceptible to injury or damage which in turn can cause pain. What ensues is a brief look at some of the causes of back pain.

The number one cause of back pain is lumbar muscle strain, which can be due to a variety of causes, and a patient may not be able to pinpoint what happened to trigger the muscle strain. The upside of this type of back pain is that it subsides over time and may be completely resolved in weeks.

As we age, our spinal canal can be constricted and cause back pain. This is known as spinal stenosis, and is common among the elder population. The constriction of the spinal canal can be caused by a number of reasons the most common of which is arthritis.

A herniated spinal disc is another cause of back pain. The spinal disc is a cushion located in the gaps between each vertebra. It is elastic but wears out with age, and an injury or an accident can rupture it, causing a portion to slip outside its normal boundary, causing back pain.

While arthritis usually occurs in the joints of the extremities, such as the fingers and knees, sometimes it can affect our joints in the spine as arthritis can affect all the joints in the body. This is a condition known as lumbar spine arthritis. Arthritic pain comes and goes, and happens in varying degrees.

Discogenic back pain occurs at the lower region of the back, caused by injury to the intervertebral disc where the disc is not herniated. A discogram is used to diagnose this type of back pain.

Back pain can also come from osteoporosis, or "brittle bone disease". This condition causes the weakening of the bones, and its increased susceptibility to breakage. Osteoporosis can cause a broken hip or a spine fracture. This is usually prevented by taking calcium to strengthen the bone. Never mind the back pains, osteoporosis could be quite debilitating and life-threatening if it remains unchecked.

Spondylolisthesis is another cause of back pain. It occurs when adjacent vertebra becomes unstable causing it to slip. Degenerative changes causes spondylolisthesis, this is when the stabilizing structures of our spine are lost. An unstable back is a painful one.

Understanding the causes of back pain would make it easier to control or eliminate altogether, but we are still the best judge of whether our back pain is something we can manage, or if we would need to seek medical attention.

Weight Loss Program for Obesity and Chronic Diseases

Obesity has been identified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as one of the greatest public health challenges of the 21st century. Worldwide, more than 1 billion adults are overweight with at least 300 million being clinically obese. Moreover, over 22 million children, now over the age of 5, are estimated to be overweight. Obesity is also associated with a sedentary lifestyle which now ranks among the 10 leading causes of death and disability worldwide.

The 2004 Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) reported that 23.1% of Canadians (5.5 million) aged 18 or older were obese (having a BMI over 30). An additional 36.1% (8.6 million) were overweight (having a BMI between 25 - 29.9) and almost 2/3 (59.2%) of Canadians are overweight or obese.

Recent research confirms that the risk of death is directly related to Body-Mass-Index (BMI), waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratio.

The good news is that weight reduction results in reduced mortality risk. Weight gain, particularly around the mid section has life-threatening complications including the risk for Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and stroke. There is also an increased risk of breast, colon, prostate, endometrium, kidney and gallbladder cancer. Non-fatal, but debilitating health problems associated with obesity include: respiratory difficulties, chronic musculoskeletal problems including arthritis and back pain, skin problems and Infertility. Not surprisingly, addressing the underlying lifestyle behaviours of obesity - overeating and inactivity -has had a major and in reducing the cumulative incidence of diabetes.

Arthritis is one of the most prevalent chronic health conditions affecting the structure and functioning of joints (including those of the spine) leading to pain, disability and difficulty for individuals in performing everyday tasks and activities. In Canada, arthritis ranks first as a cause of disability and inability to work, a top reason for physician visits, and a significant hindrance on quality of life. Arthritis is the 3rd leading cause of chronic health problems and people with arthritis are frequent users of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which can cause gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding. Deaths due to GI bleeding were responsible for 1,322 deaths in 1998. There is a strong correlation between weight gain and arthritis, partly due to the un-necessary stress on joints from excess weight as well as inflammatory processes involved in both weight gain and joint tissue degeneration.

Exercise is extremely important in your battle with arthritis. For one, it can help you to reach your weight-loss goals. Despite the abundance of diet plans, weight loss boils down to primarily on two things: expending more calories than you consume and choosing foods that enhance your metabolism. Another benefit of exercise is that it strengthens muscles that surround and support the body's joints. Strong muscles can help relieve this pressure on the joints. In general low impact exercises are recommended recreationally including, swimming, water exercise, aerobics and walking. Even modest weight loss can be beneficial and is a realistic goal to obtain. Rehabilitation should incorporate proper postural and gait exercises, isolated strengthening and balance training. There are well researched supplements to facilitate cartilage health and prevent further joint damage. Foods that are anti-inflammatory are also vital in restoring joint integrity. While most people have heard about the benefits of diet, supplements and exercise for other diseases, the benefits of good lifestyle practices for arthritis are largely overlooked.

Your food selections should focus on whole grains, EFAs and mono-unsaturated fats, fruits, vegetables and lean protein sources. Try to select organic, wild and free range (grass or grain fed) whenever possible and eat fish rich in omega oils, such as salmon, mackerel and anchovies at least 2 times a week. An easy rule to remember in terms of caloric intake is the 10 servings rule. This means eating 4 daily servings of quality protein and fats (serving size is the size of your palm), 3 servings of complex carbohydrates (3 cups) and 3 servings of fruits.

New research indicates that you should not sleep more or less than 7 hours per night. Any less or more will lead to weight gain. Mitigate your stress levels through exercise, relaxation, meditation, yoga, vacations and nutritional supplementation. Vitamins C and multi Bs are great vitamins that combat stress producing cortisol in the body. Lastly, EXERCISE - at least 60 minutes a day. Health benefits of regular exercise are overwhelmingly documented. Make walking and/or cycling part of your daily routine. Whatever you choose, remember to address all five factors and you will be on your way to maintaining a healthy weight and lessening your risk for many chronic diseases.

There is a simple solution to combating obesity and this requires two factors: a shift in food choices and increased physical activity. Maintaining a healthy weight is dependent on five key factors: food selection, caloric intake, sleep, stress and activity.

Here are 15 Basic Rules for Maintaining a Healthy Weight
1. Don't starve yourself - it's not healthy and it is doomed to failure.
2. Prepare your own meals and snacks.
3. Read labels - watch out for added sugar, salt (sodium), and ingredients whose names you can't pronounce (additives and preservatives).
4. Eat smaller portions and leave something on the plate.
5. Eat almost nothing from a box, a can, or a plastic container.
6. Eat 5 - 6 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Forget the fruit juice - just eat the fruit.
7. Eat whole grains - complex carbohydrates only. Choose healthy grains such as spelt, kamut and quinoa.
8. Minimize animal fat intake (saturated fats) with the exception of coconut oil.
9. Have a protein source with every meal.
10. Eat junk food occasionally as long as you cook it yourself!
11. Drink plenty of filtered water. You can also drink green tea.
12. Exercise and have fun doing it!
13. Plan on at least one social event with friends or family per week.
14. Get 7 hours of sleep a day. (10-12 hours a day for children and adolescents)
15. Take vitamins, minerals or nutraceuticals to supplement your diet and support your body's various systems.

Spinal Decompression Therapy Works

Our spine is such a vital part of our body and health. The central nervous system is housed there, which we need for vital functionality of our body. From time to time discs can bulge and become herniated, causing someone intense pain. When a disc protrudes and disrupts spinal alignment, it becomes a serious issue and one that should be addressed by a chiropractor.

Luckily, if you do struggle with a disc problem, degeneration, or arthritis, there is a therapy that can correct this issue. Therapies are a better alternative to surgery in most cases. While some extreme cases demand surgery. Most prefer therapy because it is not invasive and requires little to no recovery time. Overall, it's a much smoother transition from pain to wellness.

The therapy is called spinal decompression therapy. It targets your spine and discs, enabling them to align and receive the necessary nutrition they need. Through a series of stretches of the body with a coordinated machine, the spine is able to align. A gentle force is applied every minute to stretch the body and then the force is reduced. These stretches allow the body to heal and pump in a way that precious nutrition is released to the spine and discs.

One visit to the chiropractor to get spinal decompression therapy will not provide the necessary relief you need. The difference between surgery and therapy is that you need repeated treatment over a period of time to receive relief and return to a healthy lifestyle. It's a commitment to get better to make your body well. Many people are making the commitment because it works and it brings relief.

Not only is therapy a better alternative to surgery, but the costs are much lower and are covered by some insurance providers. Check with your insurance to see if you qualify for coverage of this therapy. Even if you don't qualify for a full refund, you may get some of the costs reduced.

What are you waiting for? If you're struggling with herniated or degenerative discs and arthritis, then it's time to talk to a chiropractor about spinal decompression therapy. You need to get relief and get back to living your life. It takes time and effort to get better, but this the best offer you have for therapy. Start living a healthier life after you start spinal decompression therapy. Health is just on the other side.

Back Pain and Being Overweight Part 1

If you already suffer from back pain, did you know that your office chair maybe adding to the problem? Your office chair may not be helping your back problem at all. In fact a low quality office chair can actually be causing more damage to an injured back. Office chairs can cause an increase in pain in the neck, back, arms and shoulders. As a matter of fact the way some office chairs are constructed, they can and extra pressure to an already aching back, and add extra stress to the spinal discs.

However, while back pain is indeed a common condition that happens to four out of five adults, what most people don't know about it is that it could be a symptom of a far more serious disorder. In fact, most chronic forms of back pain (lasting for more than two months) are actually symptoms of serious diseases, such as arthritis, osteoporosis, scoliosis, cervical spondylosis, spinal cancer, bone cancer, ulcerative colitis, Crone's disease, mittelschmerz, cervix cancer, tuberculosis, meningitis, among others. Also being overweight can cause back pain.

Because of gravity, blood in the legs wants to settle there, leaving the heart to work harder. Even when sitting for long periods can lead to back pain and weight gain. Sitting in the wrong position for prolonged periods with the neck turned up or turned down can be the cause cervical spine soreness and other problems.

Gall bladder back pain is a condition that occurs when the gall bladder is inflamed due to improper functioning. It is a sure sign of underlying problems within your gall bladder. Gall bladder back pain is one of the common symptoms of gall bladder disease, a disorder that mainly affects women (although it could affect men, as well), and causing symptoms that vary widely from discomfort to severe pain.

Baby carriers do not need to hurt your back. If you're wearing them correctly, you'll feel the weight of the baby, but it shouldn't be so painful that you need to take pain meds.
Pregnant women often complain of back pain problems. This is very common as almost as high as 80 percent of women face back pains during some stage or the other of their pregnancies.

Because if the occurring back pain is persistent e.g. Unfortunately since back muscles are the hardest working muscle group in the body, back pains are a frequent occurrence which indirectly effects it being the hardest to identify condition. So its is a good investment to learn all about back pain, the causes and the side effects of back pain, and how it is prevented or if the condition is occurring, how best to relieve the effect. Because being equipped with the proper knowledge is the best preventive measure for any ailment anytime.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Complications of Cervical Spondylosis You Should Avoid

When your reach old age, you face many medical conditions associated with it. Most of these conditions are only evident in old people as a result of the wear and tear of the body. One of these degenerative diseases found mostly in old people with the age of 70 is Cervical Spondylosis.

Cervical Spondylosis which is often referred to as cervical osteoarthritis or neck arthritis is a degenerative disease affecting the neck area. During its development, neck pain and stiffness is mostly noted. Headaches can also be disturbing, occurring from time to time. The pain is caused by the bulging intervertebral discs that had been worn out over the years. The bulging, on the other hand is due to the formation of osteophytes or bone spurs that had accommodated in the area to thicken the worn out and brittle discs.

When you are already suffering from Cervical Spondylosis, precautions should be done so as to avoid complications to occur. These complications may be detrimental to your health and will even require surgery as a necessary remedy. In order to avoid these complications, you should be familiar with its signs that may be evident at its early development.

Difficulty in swallowing or what is medically termed asdysphagia is one complication you should watch out. This happens when the enlarged vertebral discs compresses the esophageal wall. Some signs to take note are hoarse voice, chest tightness, dry cough, nausea and vomiting.

Visual obstructions which are manifested by eye pain; uneven pupil size along with tearing, decreased visual acuity and narrowing of vision field is another complication you should avoid. This complication can even lead to blindness when not address properly.

Another complication isparaplegia or the complete paralysis of the lower extremities of the body. This happens as a result of a severe spinal cord injury that may be caused by the prolapses in the intervertebral discs. Early signs you need to watch out are numbness and pain in both legs, feeling of ridding the clouds when walking and, bowel and bladder incontinence.

Chest pain is another danger sign and can even develop into Hypertension Cervical Spondylosis that is due to the sudden increase or decrease in blood pressure. High blood pressure is also referred to as neck hypertension.

Cataplexy, which is a complication characterized by sudden loss of muscle tone in times of intense emotions, is also noted in advanced cases of Cervical Spondylosis. This can be dangerous as the person showing this manifestation can immediately collapse anywhere without warning.

Sciatica Exercise Therapy

Sciatica exercise therapy is one of the most widely utilized modalities for treating chronic lower back and leg pain syndromes. There are many different types of exercise treatments applied by professional care givers and even more used casually by patients at home. Although exercise is a necessary part of a healthy and happy lifestyle, it is not always the best method of care for back pain sufferers, although it can be a powerful diagnostic tool in some cases.

Professional exercise therapy for sciatica generally consists of physical therapy or personal training sessions. There may be a great number of exercises used in these practices, ranging from resistance programs to cardiovascular conditioning to aquatherapy to targeted isometric work. The theory which drives most physical therapy programs is that there is some injury, abnormality or weakness in the anatomy which is causing the pain. Therefore, enhancing the physical condition of the entire person and building the strength and integrity of the affected area and support structures should relieve the symptoms over time. Now for definitive injuries which cause sciatica, or as a rehabilitation program after said injury or post-surgery, there is perhaps no better method of care than physical therapy. However, for the typical sciatica patient with chronic pain, PT rarely does anything more than provide temporary symptomatic relief, but in some cases may actually aggravate symptoms to a mild or major degree.

Self-applied exercise therapy for sciatica is also very common. Patients use a variety of activities to get in a good lower back and leg workout in the hopes that they are increasing their strength and helping to heal any weaknesses or injuries which are sourcing their agony. The theory here mirrors that used in professional physical therapy, basically blaming all manner of symptoms on a known or unknown structural issue. Patients may decide to walk, run or swim as the most popular options in sciatica exercise care. However, many other methods also may be helpful, including yoga practice, tai chi and Pilates, to name a few.

While it is true that exercise rarely heals sciatica pain in chronic sufferers, it may be part of the diagnostic process. This is a consideration rarely utilized by doctors, but has been shown to be very enlightening by such world renown back pain care providers as Dr. John Sarno. Exercise will not change the spinal anatomy and will do nothing to actually heal herniated discs, spinal arthritis or spinal curvature issues. These are the most frequently implicated structural reasons used to explain sciatica to begin with. Exercise will increase regional blood flow, and therefore oxygen saturation, of affected painful tissues. When a patient sees a marked, but temporary, benefit from sciatica exercise, it is logical to suspect that ischemia, not a structural issue, is actually responsible for the pain. In these cases, Dr. Sarno theorizes that any structural issues found via MRI or CT scan are coincidental, which completely supports modern research telling that most spinal abnormalities are not responsible for pain. Instead, the oxygen deprivation is causing the widespread and treatment-resistant symptoms due to its effects on the muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments and other tissues of the body. To make matters worse, these ischemic sciatica pain syndromes are almost always driven by a psychogenic process, further explaining why they are so difficult to resolve using conventional, or even alternative, treatment options.

It should be noted that patients who feel an escalation of pain when active typically fall into one of 2 possible categories. The first may have known or unknown structural issues which are not being treated correctly and still need to be accurately diagnosed. Once found, most of the issues can be successfully resolved using medical care. The other type of patient is one who has built up a back pain conditioning characteristic in which exercise is perceived to be causative for pain, even though it is not creating any problematic anatomical stress. This can complicate the diagnosis of psychosomatic sciatica, but the truth can still be ascertained by physicians trained in recognizing the other common symptoms of this epidemic health condition.

Dog Wheels - A Guide

Nowadays, disabled and handicapped dogs can regain their normal life by using a pet wheelchair. These consists of comfortable harnesses attached to frames on wheels. These allow disabled doga, cats, and pets the freedom to move about by themselves and get the exercise they need. They are designed to help hurt or disabled dogs. Therefore, if your pet seems to be afflicted by disability due to a disease, an injury, an accident, or any hereditary condition, the dog wheelchair provides the best solution to help him or her overcome this situation. Wheelchairs for canines are designed to not just help them recover from their disability, but to help them emotionally too.

Pet carts are chiefly designed to aid dogs with hip and leg troubles like degenerative myelopathy (DM), hip dysplasia, neurological ailments, surgical recuperation, etc. A good number of pet who cannot walks suffer from spinal cord problems, paralysis, arthritis, soreness, slipped disc, or hip dislocations. A few of the general causes of dogs needing wheels are hip dysplasia, disc diseases, ruptured discs, spinal cord injuries, fractured back, arthritis, chronic leg weakness, front and back leg amputation, paralysis, neurological diseases.

Due to neurological afflictions, wound and disease hind limb paresis or paraplegia can set in dogs. A pet who cannot walk afflicted with these conditions, as well as those recuperating from hind limb surgeries, may gain a lot by using a k9 wheelchair. Research has suggested that by using a k9 wheels, dogs can live a comfortable and good life, besides assisting the owners with care giving.

In finding the right dog cart for your disabled pet, you must get the ideal one, based on the condition your dog is suffering from. This is because there are several kinds of pet wheels available.

You have to determine whether your pet is having a problem in the back or front legs, and whether it is a temporary or permanent problem. Various types of dog wheels and carts support the back, front, or all four legs. These are intended for particular conditions and have different features like stirrups, training wheels, counterbalanced carts, and counterweights for amputees.

There are numerous kinds of dog wheels designed by several manufacturers, effectively benefiting the handicapped dogs. The correct means to know whether a dog wheelchair is suitable is to examine how it has to be used by your pet. For example, in better wheelchairs, the dog wears a harness that is connected with its clips to the cart's frame. In some lesser carts the dog is hoisted into a fixed saddle.

The features to look are are adjustability; make sure the cart adjusts length, with, and height, return policy, ability to fold flat for travel and storage, and how fast it can be shipped. Many of the custom carts which require numerous measurements and several weeks to build are not suitable as they cannot be adjusted to fit and cannot be re-sold when no longer need them. The best dog wheelchair, with these in mind, is the Walkin' Wheels for Handicapped Pets.

A dog wheel chair will help your dog who cannot walk live a happy, healthy life.

An Overview on Lumbar Facet Joint Injections

Facet joint injections are the most commonly performed pain management procedure in United States. There are two reasons to perform a facet injection. Number one is for a diagnostic purpose to figure out if the joint is the source of pain, and the second reason is for therapeutic purposes. Thankfully these often overlap, meaning a diagnostic injection, if it works, provides pain relief often for weeks to months.

In the human body, there are facet joints on either side of this fine at every level all the way from the top of the cervical spine down to the sacrum. These small joints allow individuals to have an incredible range of motion of lumbar spine.

Similar to other articulating joints in human body, they are prone to arthritis and often times it occurs at multiple levels. This is called facet syndrome if it causes pain in patients.

If the patient is suspected of having pain in the facet joints of the lumbar spine, a pain management doctor will often perform a facet injection for diagnostic purposes. This injection involves administration of a numbing agent such as lidocaine or along with a steroid around and or into the facet joints. If the injection relieves the patient's pain, then diagnostically that joint is the pain generator. Even as a diagnostic injection, the pain relief may end up lasting for weeks to months. When the steroid and numbing agent is injected around the facet joints rather than directly into it, this is called a medial branch block. The medial branch nerve is a tiny little nerve that brings sensation to the joint and often times pain. The injection can relieve that pain for as mentioned a few weeks to months.

If the pain relief is substantial and then wears off after a few weeks to months, the individual will then be a potential candidate for procedure called a radiofrequency ablation. This procedure involves heating up the facet joints in order to get in the tiny little nerve endings supplying pain to the joint. Pain relief from this procedure may last for 1 to 2 years, and it may be repeated if the tiny little nerves grow back and the pain comes back as well.

The research on whether or not facet syndrome exists is controversy. It is also controversy over whether or not to perform facet joint injections for a therapeutic purpose. Larger studies are needed to continue to prove further efficacy of facet injections. At this point in time they're typically approved for diagnostic purposes and sometimes for therapeutic purposes but it varies between states and/or insurance companies.

Surgery for arthritis in multiple facet joints is typically not a good idea, so seeking treatment from a pain management doctor to receive treatment with either a diagnostic injection for therapeutic injection and maybe even a radiofrequency ablation may be able to achieve significant pain relief and lesson a patient's need for narcotic medications, and avoid surgery.

Six Ways to Stop Sciatic Nerve Pain

What is Sciatica? Sciatica is a persistent pain that is felt along the sciatic nerve; it runs from the lower back down to the feet. It controls the muscles to the legs and provides sensation to the thighs, legs and bottoms of the feet. Sciatica occurs most often in people between the ages thirty through fifty. It usually is caused by repetitive use type of conditions, such as sitting for long periods of time, or normal wear and tear. It is rarely caused by an acute injury.

The pain from sciatica can be sometimes debilitating it can get so severe it can be difficult for one to sit, walk or even sleep. Some people experience tingling while for others it is just a dull ache. Occasionally it can be a burning type of feeling. Pain from the sciatic nerve is usually caused by the nerve being pinched or irritated in the lower back or lumbar spine. The nerve then gets inflamed and causes a variety of symptoms that can wreak havoc with one's lifestyle.

The most conservative type of treatment for sciatica is the application of ice. I recommend to my patients to lay flat with two pillows under the knees and apply ice to the lower back on the side of involvement for fifteen minutes. This can be repeated up to every hour if necessary. It is important not to apply the ice for more than twenty minutes at a time because this can aggravate the condition. Applying ice to the source of the problem will decrease the inflammation of the nerve and subsequently decrease pain. Although this may a temporary solution, it does offer some relief.

Manipulation of the spine to relieve the pressure on the nerve has been demonstrated in studies to be one of the most affective treatments for sciatic pain. Manipulation is the best place to start when someone has sciatic nerve pain. It is a non-invasive, drug-free treatment option. The goal of manipulation is to realign the spinal bones taking the pressure off the nerve. When the nerve pressure is alleviated one often finds great improvement with decreased pain and inflammation.

Other very effective, conservative treatment is a conservative exercise program. There are many exercises available, but these are the ones I have found in my clinical experience to be most effective. The first exercise is laying flat on your back with your knees bent. Squeeze or flex you buttocks toward the ceiling. Hold this position for a count of ten and slowly return to the neutral position. Repeat this four times. Starting at the neutral position, bring each leg to your chest with both hands one at a time. Follow this by bringing both knees to the chest bringing your head up again holding for a count of ten and returning slowly to the neutral position and repeating four times. A third exercise is laying on your stomach and arching backwards with your elbows on the floor moving from a neutral position to a comfortable flexed position arching backwards as much as you can but discontinuing if back or leg pain worsens. The fourth exercise is on your hands and knees, pushing your back toward the ceiling then pulling it to the floor, (this is often called the cat stretch). These exercises should be initiated slowly and if there is any pain or discomfort, to stop before you have pain. I would recommend doing these exercises two to three times a day.

There are many nutritional aspects to sciatic nerve pain you may not be aware. A diet that is pro-inflammatory i.e., one that is rich in meat, dairy and shellfish will promote inflammation of all nerves. An anti-inflammatory diet consists of fruits, vegetables and fish. This is one of the most powerful ways to treat the symptoms of inflammation and relieve pain.

The nutrients that I found to be most effective in treating sciatic nerve pain are turmeric, tulsi and rosemary. These powerful herbs have been studied and found to greatly decrease inflammation. Boswellia is an herb that is a specific anti-inflammatory. This is especially helpful for arthritic patients. Bromelein is a plant enzyme found in pineapples and has natural anti-inflammatory affects. I prefer to take this with papain as well, it is essential that you take it on an empty stomach to really get the benefits of the anti-inflammatory nature. Ginger is a powerful herb that offers pain relief. You can steep fresh ginger in boiling water and use it as a tea or make a juice out of it. Evening primrose oil, black currant oil, or borage oils contain the essential fatty acids Gammalinolenic acid. These omegas will greatly reduce the inflammatory process and take down the inflammation on the sciatic nerve.

There are many ergonomically beneficial positions that will improve sciatic nerve pain no matter the cause. It is an important part of your treatment to improve your posture and use your body correctly. Good posture allows the use of the body without strain on muscles, joints, ligaments, and internal organs. Good posture must be considered in all activities: sitting, standing, resting, working, playing and exercising. It is simply not a matter of "standing tall".

In the resting position, it is beneficial to lay flat on your back with two pillows under your knees or lay on your side with a pillow between your knees. Avoid positions like sleeping flat with no pillow, on your stomach or lying on your stomach with one knee bent up. This will cause a 'swayback' condition. Some simple things, such as getting up and down from bed, to get into bed it is preferred that you sit on the side of the bed bring both arms to one side, lower your side to the bed keeping your knees bent at forty five degrees, then pull your feet into bed. Remain on one side or roll on the back. Getting up from the bed it is best to roll on your side push with the hands to the sitting position keeping knees bent and swinging legs over the edge of the bed. When sitting, avoid a chair that is too high, as this will increase swayback. When sitting, the knees should be higher than the hips as this will flatten the lumbar curvature. Avoid slouching on a chair with feet on an ottoman because this can strain the lower back. When traveling in a car the seat should be close to the steering wheel and use a small pillow for proper lumbar support. When standing, I recommend placing one foot on a stool or shelf and after a short time switch to the other foot this will flatten the lumbar curve and ease the pressure off the lumbar spine. When lifting, avoid bending at the waist. Bend the knees and carry the object close to the body. When bending, bend at the knees and push your buttocks out rather then flexing at the waist.

My final tip on stopping sciatic nerve pain is to drink plenty of water. A dehydrated body is one that will struggle to heal. It is important to drink at least six to eight glasses of water per day to keep the body well hydrated and to flush toxins built up from resulting muscle spasms of the pain and inflammation. Water will also hydrate the disc. Between your spinal bones are intervetebral discs that dry out as we age the more we can keep them hydrated, the less degenerative arthritis will occur in the spine. This is also the reason we get shorter as we age is each little disc between the vertebrae dry out, or desiccate then subsequent height loss will occur.

If you follow these simple steps for stopping sciatic nerve pain, you will go a long way preventing any discomfort in the future and avoid any harmful drug side effects or painful surgical intervention. Remember, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

An In-Depth Look Into Physiotherapy Training and Its Practice

Physiotherapy training has become a popular choice for many young people today. Application of treatment procedures and principles is an important part in a physiotherapy program as well as the study of the theories behind these practices. Physiotherapists are also known as "movement" experts because of their training and education.

A Physical Therapist's Education: Knowledge and Practice

With a solid background in science and firm hands-on training, physical therapy or physiotherapy is one of today's most sought after career. A physiotherapist's work is very diverse. It usually involves working with individuals who are affected by illness, injury or developmental disability as well as those suffering from various pains and aches of the body.

Physiotherapy techniques and procedures involving the musculoskeletal, cardiopulmonary, and integumentary systems are all taken up by students in a physiotherapy program. An entry-level PT education course combines not only theory and evidence, but also hands-on physiotherapy training.

The Work of a Physiotherapist: Your First Visit

PT professionals are found working on an extensive array of medical settings - from cardiac rehabilitation to manual therapy to pregnancy pain program to acupuncture to orthotics.

However, first off, your session with a physiotherapist starts with the assessment of your health condition. This assessment then entails reviewing the patient's medical history, after which a physical examination follows. The evaluation of the patient's medical history is generally a subjective exam, while the physical examination takes on a more objective approach to the condition.

Duration of Physiotherapy Training: Not A Minute Wasted

To become a physiotherapist, there is a pre-requisite before you can enlist in an accredited physiotherapy program in most universities. A Grade Point Average or GPA of 3.0 is a must, especially in subjects such as chemistry, biology, statistics, and physics. There are also PT programs which oblige students to get at least one psychology or anatomy course before they get accepted into the course.

It takes about six years of education and training to complete a physiotherapy program. This includes three years of general medical course, and another three years of applied work.

Specialty Areas of Physiotherapy: The Calling

Physiotherapy being a diverse health field, several of its practitioners chooses to specialize in one of its many branches, each having its own specialized physiotherapy training. According to the American Board of Physical Therapy, there are seven major global specifications - Geriatric, Neurological, Cardiopulmonary, Neurological, Orthopedic, Pediatric and Integumentary.

Two of the main goals of cardiopulmonary physiotherapy are helping patients regain functional independence as well as improve their endurance. One physiotherapy program used to assist in clearing out lung secretions, as in those common in cystic fibrosis cases, is manual therapy. Meanwhile, neurological physiotherapy has more focus on individuals who have neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease, spinal cord injury, stroke, brain injury, Alzheimer's disease and among others.

Orthopedic physiotherapists undergo specific physiotherapy training that makes them experts in managing orthopedic fractures, acute sports injuries, arthritis, sprains, spinal injuries and amputations. Geriatric PT, on the other hand, entails caring for the many conditions that affect the elderly, such as balance disorders, incontinence, arthritis, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer's.

In pediatric physiotherapy, the child's problem is first evaluated, and then the therapist comes up with a customized physiotherapy program to suit the child's specific needs.

Physiotherapy in Canada: The Regulating Body

In many, if not most, provinces in Canada, licensing and registration for physiotherapists is a multi-level process. The Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators as well as the province's College of physiotherapists are actively involved in this process. The Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators grants its ruling and evaluates the student's educational equivalencies, after which the Physiotherapy Competency Examination (PCE) is then handed out. Meanwhile, the responsibility for making the decision on the competency of the local student, or immigrant applicant, lies in the province's College of Physiotherapy.

The Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA) is the country's main voluntary professional physiotherapy organization. The main office is in Toronto but it has branches in 10 Canadian provinces and territories. Membership is around 9,000 practicing physiotherapist from all over the country. The organization's main objective is to give leadership and direction to the physiotherapy profession as well as to further enhance excellence in physiotherapy training, research and practice.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Severe Arthritis in Lower Back - Treating Back Arthritis

It's amazing the amount of specifically women in the West who are going through the rigors of arthritis in the back at such a young age. where the rate at which the disease is spreading, one would expect to happen at least beyond age 70.

Men of course also experience the same symptoms, but young women in the West especially are having the quality of life stripped from them as early as their late 30's, early 40's.

Just when you're starting a family and that new chapter in your life, variant forms of arthritis such as spondylosis (spinal osteoarthritis) or bursitis of the lower spine, are inflicting women quite rapidly, while prior to this they may have also been living with fibromyalgia, costochronditis or degenerative disc disease.

Obviously, spinal arthritis is somewhat different to knee or hand arthritis albeit they all have their degrees of pain, but when the disease starts in the back, then down to the lower back - the pathway that this disease often takes is one that leads to the genitalia rendering your control almost useless.

This is more likely to happen unfortunately if you have pudendal nerve damage, this nerve runs down through the tail bone, through the backside and ends in the genitalia, where it the arthritis will potentially interfere with everything here.

Obviously this is a worst case scenario, but it is all very probable especially if you are only in your 40's, so what treatment can be taken to slow this disease down and in some way help it to go into remission if at all possible.

Treating Arthritis in Lower Back

NSAID's and Injections

You can take these but beware long-term use is not advised due to the violent nature they can inflict on your internal organs such as the liver, kidney and heart.

Three quite commonly used NSAID's for back pain are Rituxan, Bextra and Methotrexate.

Injections also provide a quick fix to the pain, where the steroid cortisone is often used to reduce the swelling in an instant.


Now if you're from the U.S you will know that if you don't have some kind of insurance, either you will or you won't be able to afford this.

Surgery is extremely expensive but it does obviously differ from state to state.

The first step of the procedure is to see a neurosurgeon which will cost $200 - $400, surgery will then cost $10'000 - $25'000 and the hospital fee may range from $30'00- $50'000.

That's how damaging the costs are in the U.S. Canadians and Europeans and other countries may or may not be able to undergo surgery free, depending on their health care system.

Surgery will fix what damage needs removing or fusing in the spine but it won't obviously stop the disease, just perhaps slow it down and make the pain bearable again.

Natural Homeopathic Supplements and Treatments

FDA registered supplements in the U.S and over the counter pills in Europe and beyond work slightly differently than NSAIDs.

They help reduce the inflammation and relieve the pain, but they also try and restore some density to the bone while slowing the disease down by restricting this auto-immune disease from attacking the bone.

This is something NSAID's can't do.

Homeopathic ingredients include magnesium and calcium for re-building bone structure, Reishi and Glucosamine Complex, for slowing the rate at which the disease spreads and Chondroitin Sulfate, MSM and Capsaicin for reducing swelling and flare-ups.

Disc Desiccation

Disc desiccation is a mysterious medical term for many patients who undergo MRI imaging of their spinal structures. Almost every adult patient will demonstrate desiccation in some areas of the spine, as the condition is normal and expected. However, patients who do not know the objective facts about disc conditions may be incredibly frightened when the desiccation diagnosis is made. It is for this reason that every back pain sufferer needs to know all about intervertebral discs and how they age as part of their natural lives.

So what exactly is disc desiccation? Many of you are more familiar with the term degenerative disc disease. This diagnosis is used interchangeably with desiccation and describes a condition where the spinal discs lose moisture and their ability to hold moisture. Young and healthy discs are full of water content, much like a gel, but they change as the person ages. The results of desiccation are easily seen on virtually any type of advanced diagnostic imaging, including MRI or CT scan. The discs will become smaller and thinner, shrinking in diameter, thickness and circumference. In some cases, the outer disc wall will also degenerate, suffering from small holes called annular tears. While this all sounds very bad, it must be reinforced that these processes are not inherently painful or harmful and typically affect every adult to one degree or another in their lumbar and cervical spinal regions.

Desiccation also facilitates herniations, bulges, protrusions, protractions and ruptures of spinal discs. All these terms (and more) are used to describe conditions where the nucleus of the disc creates an abnormal bubble in the outer disc wall and in some cases, actually breaks through and leaks into the body cavity. I am sure that all of you have heard the various horror stories about herniated discs, but once again, there is often much ado about nothing. There is little or no clinical evidence linking herniations to chronic back pain in most cases. Herniations can enact symptoms in some patients, although these aches and pains are mostly temporary and not debilitating. In only a very few patients are herniated discs actually the root source of ongoing severe dorsopathy or related neurological effects.

So, basically desiccation is normal, but it helps to create the ideal environment for herniations to occur, which is also normal. This is why so many people have herniated discs in the lower lumbar region and the mid to lower cervical region. These are the areas of notable desiccation and the areas of the spine which must bend, flex and work the most. It is no coincidence that these are also the common areas of arthritic change in the spine.

When discs degenerate, the vertebral bodies become closer together and may touch end to end on occasion. This increased bone on bone friction causes the wearing away of protective cartilage and results in the condition known as osteoarthritis. This is the same form of arthritis which can (and often does) affect many of the major joints in the body, including the elbows, shoulders, hips, knees and hands. Most cases of osteoarthritic change are nothing to be concerned about and although some may enact small aches and pains, the condition is not conclusively linked to severe back pain in almost any case. The exception to the rule is when osteophytes, also known as bone spurs, form in particularly problematic areas of the spinal canal. These hard little nuggets of bone can truly impinge on the spinal cord, causing spinal stenosis, or the neuroforaminal openings, causing foraminal stenosis, and may require professional and even surgical treatment in some cases.

So, desiccation is the root universal condition which usually facilitates both osteoarthritis and herniated discs. However, none of these 3 conditions are the typical causes of chronic back pain, although they are mistakenly diagnosed as such in a great number of cases. Treatments for the various conditions are rarely successful, proving the error of the diagnostic conclusion, while therapies which do nothing to change the spinal structure often provide a lasting cure, further dispelling the myths of the structural nature of back pain based on Cartesian medial philosophy.

I always recommend that patients learn the facts about their diagnosed source of pain. With a bit of enlightened research, patients can understand the real facts about dorsopathy and why it rarely responds to medical treatment and especially surgery. For patients who have already tried everything without success, you have even more reason to become clued in to the truth. Continue on your present path and you are sure to become a victim of failed back surgery, if this cruel condition is not already your fate. Get back on the right road and a lasting cure may be just around the corner...