Thursday, July 11, 2013

Battling Bone Spur The Natural Way

What is bone spur?

Bone spur, or osteophyte, is bony growth sprouting from a normal bone, causing extreme pain and discomfort when pressing against other bone and/or soft tissue.

The condition develops when the body attempts to increase the surface area of the joints, so body weight will continue to be distributed evenly across a joint damaged by arthritis or some other condition. Bone spurs typically form on the spine, shoulders, hands, hips, knees and feet, restricting movement and causing pain.

What causes bone spur?

Bone spurs often develop as a normal result of aging, but other risk factors include: genetics, accidents, sports injuries, nutrition, poor posture, and congenital structural disorders.

In addition, several specific conditions such as arthritis, osteoarthritis, plantar fasciitis, and rotator-cuff disorders are also known to increase risk for developing bone spur.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms of bone spur vary depending on location.

Spinal bone spur sufferers may experience pain or stiffness in the lower back or neck while standing and walking; radiating pain in the shoulders often accompanied by headache; and pain in one or both arms or legs. Shoulder bone spur can cause restricted arm movement, and swelling or tearing in or around the rotator cuff. A bone spur on the knee makes walking, and bending or extending the legs difficult. And bone spur on the finger causes lumpy, disfiguring formations beneath the skin.

How can bone spurs be treated naturally?

Several herbs, spices, and oils have proven beneficial in coping with the discomfort caused by bone spur.

CURCUMIN, the yellow pigment found in turmeric, is believed to contain healing properties. Consume approximately 500 to 1000 milligrams of curcumin three to four times each day for about six weeks.

Infuse water with ARNICA or CHAMOMILE and soak affected joints in it, or wrap the herbs in cloth and apply as a poultice.

Create a tea from ROSE HIP and HORSETAIL by boiling one teaspoon of each herb in a cup of water for ten minutes, then strain and drink three times each day.

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