Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Having A Chiropractor Handle Your Arthritis Pains

Numerous individuals suffer with arthritis, and a growing number of them are seeking out chiropractic care from certified chiropractors. Arthritis is the inflammation of one or more joints. It can occur at any age. Many of those with arthritis have found great relief in the treatments provided by a chiropractor. There are two different types of chiropractors. The "straight" chiropractor provides treatments that use manipulation to deliver relief. The "mixed" chiropractor uses acupressure along with manipulation to provide relief to patients. Both types of practitioners will adapt a treatment plan based on the patient's build, age, general health, and level of pain.

Chiropractic Views

Many chiropractors relate the most common cause of arthritis is that the joints lack proper movement due to the misalignments of the bones forming them. More often, arthritis is present in the spine. The spine is a group of bones that are cylinder shaped with knobs to the back and side of every bone that fits a groove in the adjoining vertebra. A chiropractor can examine and form an evaluation of these joints. The treatment will be determined by this evaluation.

A Look at Treatment

The treatments or adjustments made by a chiropractor are most generally painless. The manipulation of the vertebrae relieves the pressure of small pockets of gas from within the joints. This will produce a "popping" sound. If a person suffers with rheumatoid arthritis or RA and there is known spinal involvement, there should be no manipulation by a chiropractor performed. This can ultimately cause the instability of the spine to worsen. All chiropractors are educated to recognize damage and deterioration that is beyond their realm of practice. This type of case will be referred to the proper type of medical specialist.

FYI Arthritic Classes

Arthritis is a wide-spread condition. It affects people of all ages, sex, and race. The symptoms associated with arthritis are often debilitating leaving many with a poor quality of life. A brief look at the classes of arthritis and correlating conditions are identified as follows:

Joint Infection - The fluid inside various joints becomes contaminated with bacteria.
Inflammatory - Irritation occurs to the joint's membrane.
Muscle Inflammation - Inflammation of the tissues that form the muscles.
Attachment Arthritis - Irritation of tendons or ligaments that are attached to the bone usually in the lower back or the heels of the feet.
Cartilage Degeneration - Joint cartilage breaks down or degenerates usually in the neck, lower back, knees, fingers, and hips.
Crystal Arthritis - Microscopic crystals containing sodium urate deposit in the great toe.
General Conditions - Condition that is recognized by symptoms of widespread muscle pain and a disturbance in normal patterns of sleep.
Local Conditions - Pain due to a local injury.

More and more people are seeking out the help of chiropractors because of the relentless pain that results from arthritis. Many tend to prefer a natural solution to the management of their pain rather than the use of habit forming drugs.


  1. Thanks for this post. Now I have something I can recommend to my patients who are suffering from arthritis. Most of them are wary of undergoing medical operations. I can inform them about chiropractic and encourage them to take this natural treatment.

  2. yes chiropractor really help in arthritis pain

    chiropractor for arthritis
