Sunday, June 16, 2013

Professional Arthritis Help

Where can you go to find information on how to treat the root causes of arthritis and not just mask the symptoms? If you are looking for professional arthritis help, be sure to make sure it is a qualified and experienced health professional who is giving you the advice.

Good quality professional arthritis help will discuss there are alternatives to swallowing mouthfuls of prescription drugs or waiting years for a joint replacement. Firstly, let's consider what arthritis is. Arthritis literally means joint inflammation. Inflammation can be caused from micro-trauma and "oxidative stress". The most common form of arthritis is "osteoarthritis" or "wear and tear" arthritis. This is essentially occurs when the micro-traumas, or joint articular cartilage damage accumulate faster than the body's ability to repair. Few people realise the body is constantly bombarded with micro-trauma and is also regularly rebuilding itself. And guess what, YOU can control how it rebuilds itself to a great extent.

So what are the factors that can accelerate the joint damage with the most common form of arthritis?

Being overweight, previous trauma, muscle weakness, lifestyle factors and a small genetic influence.

Firstly, make sure you get an accurate diagnosis from a suitably qualified health professional. Other conditions can mimic joint and arthritic pain.

Someone giving you professional arthritis help will advise you to:

-maintain a healthy weight as this reduces the load the cartilage needs to resist on a daily basis (especially in osteo arthritis) Eating low glycaemic index, natural food and commencing a guided exercise program is ideal. Be sure to start slowly and pace yourself.

-Eat a healthy, well balanced diet as we literally are what we eat

-Take high quality supplements including 2, 000mg of glucosamine sulfate per day, potent anti-oxidants to reverse oxidative damage, and Omega 3 Fish Oils, especially if you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis

- Reduce sources of trauma to the joint

-For lower limb and spinal arthritis wear well-fitting shock absorbing footwear. Foot pronation (flat feet) can aggravate many forms of arthritis, especially inside of knee (medial compartment), hips, knee cap joint (patello-femoral joint), hip, and even the lower back. A podiatrist or sports shoe fitting service that does foot and gait assessment is recommended

-Commence an exercise program specifically for arthritis. Start slowly and steadily build up. Focus on maintaining and improving joint range of motion and muscle strength.

-Put the body in a state that accelerates its ability to recover through correct eating, and balance of exercise and rest

With some guidance, you really do have the control to improve your own joint health and claim back your life.

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