Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Middle Back Pain - Causes, Treatment And Prevention

Middle back pain is something that is common to many men and women around the world. Both young and old suffer from middle back discomfort thanks to the variety of hobbies and sports they take part in and the work tasks that they must perform every day. The good thing about middle back dis-ease relief is that the solution to your problems is fairly easy.

12 vertebra form the middle back, also known as the thoracic (mid back) section of your spine. There is cartilage between the different vertebra, which are designed to protect the sensitive spinal cord that runs from your brain down to the rest of your body.

Wear and tear on the discs and cartilage can be among the causes of mid back pain as well as injury or actual medical issues such as degenerative disc disease, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, scoliosis and quite a few other disorders.

This list is not meant to scare you, it is just meant to drive home the point that there are a lot of causes of middle back problems and you should see a physician for a diagnosis before undertaking any sort of treatments for severe back pain relief. This way, you can be sure that your therapy is working to help your mid back pain issues and not making them worse.

If your mid back pain causes are muscular in nature and not a problem with your discs or cartilage, a daily regimen of middle back pain exercises can stretch and strengthen your muscles enough to avoid injury.

Middle back injury can often be caused by a sudden motion of the back that twists one of the vertebra out of place. This out of place vertebra pinches the spinal cord and sends pain signals up the nerve to register in your brain.

One of the most frequent causes of middle back injury is simply bending or twisting to reach something. If you do it at the wrong angle, you'll feel a sudden pain in your middle back. It's surprising how severe this pain can be!

When this kind of back problem happens, you are often feeling a pinched nerve. The muscles then swell up to protect the vertebra around them.

The swelling of the muscle is the most common type of back pain, and many people who exercise and work out a lot find themselves suffering from thoracic (mid back) pain. The pain can range from a mild ache in the muscles to a pinched nerve to an acute, chronic pain that is very disconcerting.

Another common cause of is a herniated disk, and this type of back pain is also very common. The herniated disc is a disc that is overworked to the point that a bulge forms between the discs in the spine. This can be very painful, as the bulge pushes the vertebra against the spinal cord.

Those with poor posture often suffer from middle back pain, as the poor posture of their body pulls and puts strain on the already tired back muscles. When you have bad posture, you are causing your middle back to work overly hard and you can cause serious back pain. this is a time when back exercises will strengthen your muscles and help you maintain a better posture.

Arthritis is another cause of middle back pain, though that is mainly for people that are advancing in years. Younger men and women CAN suffer from arthritis in their spinal cord, though it is far less common than arthritis in older people.

The good news is that for the most part, medical treatments won't require surgery and don't need to be long, drawn out affairs. Often doing something as simple as taking an over-the-counter anti inflammatory back pain medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen - and rest - is all that is necessary to restore your upper and middle back to it's original, healthy state.

Rest is usually the first thing prescribed by doctors and therapists treat your center back injury. Since the most frequent cause is tired, inflamed muscles, the best solution is to rest and allow the muscles to recuperate from their exertions.

If you are trying to avoid or recover from middle back injury, it is important that you rest and not do anything that would irritate the already tired muscles. No lifting, carrying, bending or twisting. Remember, a pain warning is your body's way of telling you to stop doing something.

Then, start a long term back stretching and strengthening exercise program. A few minutes a day is all it takes and it'll help not only your mid back but your upper and lower back areas as well.

It is important to take care of your back if you feel middle back pain, and you need to do your part to ensure that your back has time to return to normal health by resting and letting the muscles recover from their exertions.

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