Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Facts About Cervical Arthritis

Cervical arthritis is a condition that develops in the upper parts of the spine and neck. This is a very painful form of arthritis that affects a number of people. This form of arthritis may develop due to age, but it can also be the result of injury. Fortunately, there are specific treatment options for this form of arthritis.

Cervical arthritis generally occurs when the cervical vertebras within the neck deteriorate. When this is accompanied by a deterioration of cartilage, the condition is very painful. The disks within the neck provide support and make the neck flexible. The cartilage acts as a shock absorber so that normal movement is not painful.

Most people will experience some level of deterioration as they age, but not everyone develops arthritis. Those who do develop cervical arthritis will usually do so between the ages forty and fifty years old. In most cases, men have a higher risk of developing cervical arthritis than women. On the other hand, women who are postmenopausal also have a high risk factor. The most common cause of this type of arthritis is injury. Car wrecks, sports injuries, and on the job injuries are the leading causes of cervical arthritis.

There are common symptoms that occur when this type of arthritis begins. Unfortunately, these symptoms may not develop for years after the original injury. The most common symptom is neck pain. This pain may spread to the shoulders or arms over time. Some people even experience tingling or numbness in the arms or hands. These symptoms are caused by a reduction in the space available for nerves and the spinal cord. Some people even experience severe headaches as the condition worsens. Perhaps the most irritating symptom of this form of arthritis is loss of movement in the neck. This can be a life altering symptom as it can be hard to even look over your shoulder.

There is no permanent cure for cervical arthritis. In some cases, surgery may be the only resort. However, many people use therapy and prescriptions to treat the effects of the condition. Most physicians will recommend over the counter prescriptions and physical therapy in the beginning stages. Certain life style changes can also provide relief. You may need to change the type of pillow you use and pay closer attention to your posture. You may find relief by using cold compresses or having massages performed. Eliminating stress can often provide relief as well. Many people find that ultrasound or whirlpool therapies also work well.

If the condition is left untreated, it can become very serious. Some people experience permanent damage to the spinal cord. These people may lose mobility or experience incontinence. In these situations, surgery to relieve the pressure and pain is the only option. However, this may not provide complete relief. In many cases, it only lessens the symptoms. Many people continue after surgery with steroid injections on a regular basis to alleviate the swelling and inflammation.

In all situations, the best treatment is early diagnosis or prevention. If you have experienced an injury or you suffer from pain in your neck, consult a doctor. There are many things that can be done to prevent the condition from reaching a severe state.

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