Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Back Pain and Tendonitis Part 6


If you have back pain, it's important that you stay physically active. This is good for your back because keeping active will help speed up your recovery from simple back pain. In rare cases, there may be a more serious underlying cause of back pain, such as a problem with the spine, an infection or collapse of the vertebrae, tuberculosis or cancer.

These are more likely to be the case if your back pain starts gradually, gets worse over time and seems unrelated to your level of activity. Physiotherapists can assess your back pain and help to relieve discomfort, increase your movement and help you manage the pain, giving you some pain relief. Most cases of back pain are due to these sprains, which usually heal themselves within a short time. More persistent back pain can sometimes occur in association with arthritis of the facet joints and degeneration of the discs (sometimes called spondylosis or degenerative spinal disc disease).

Generally speaking, if your back pain has come on recently then a plain x-ray of your back will not help to identify the cause of the pain. Firstly, most back pain comes from the soft tissues of the back (such as ligaments and muscles) and these cannot be seen on an x-ray. If your initial spell of back pain lasts a long time, lack of activity can cause the back muscles to become weak, and this reduces the ability of the spine to take further knocks. It is important to keep the body mobile taking care not to 'overwork' any sensitive area. By keeping the injured area 'mobile', either with massage or exercise will keep the blood flow moving and flushing out toxins.

With regular exercise, whatever you do, little and often will work wonders for a speedy and healthy recovery. By working with the body - and listening to it (if it hurts then you are working too strong) recovery can be swift. Of course this will depend on the severity of the injury. So you can see that tendonitis, can come in many forms and there are steps that you can do to help alleviate the condition.

Give yourself time to heal as well as the injury, all things happen for reason and keep an open mind. As a therapist a couple of useful books you may find useful. Both are by Louise Hay, one is called Heal Your Body and the other You Can Heal Your Life. Remember, keep an open mind.

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