Saturday, July 20, 2013

Sharp Lower Back Pain - Possible Causes Revealed

In this article, we take a look at the importance of learning the causes of lower back pain, especially if it a sharp shooting kind of pain and determining the causes of origin of the pain. So, if you are truly feeling laid-back in the literal sense of the word and have suffered sharp lower back pain more than once recently, perhaps its time to do some quick thinking about what could have brought it on - so you can begin the right course of treatment based on the diagnosis, which needs to be proper and accurate.

Only after a proper medical examination of the person's past activities, especially ones involving heavy physical labor, can a person's cause for personal back pain due to injury or other reasons be pinned down accurately. Among the most common reasons triggering off lower back pain are sudden exertion, carrying heavy loads, standing, sitting or lying down in an awkward posture (e.g. such as painting the ceiling with a hand overhead all the time) and bending or twisting in a casual, thoughtless manner - which can happen during exercising as well as during regular household chores.

Sharp lower back pain can also become a chronic condition if not addressed in the initial stages and therefore doctors and medical health experts, including physical trainers and gym instructors advise people against exercising too much or wrongly, without proper knowledge of the right techniques since twisting wrong and doing heavy physical work can also aggravate a mild condition. Sometimes, patients tend to ignore the initial warning signs of a sharp lower back pain thinking it will go away and its not worth bothering over, but this is wrong and needs to be addressed immediately to prevent more severe cases. What many do not realize is that in ignoring the warning signal given by the body to the individual, there is a chance of aggravating an already painful condition and therefore, patient information on the condition is very crucial to serve a timely warning.

If the patient does not recall any of the above scenarios as causes for the lower back pain he or she is suffering, medical opinion should be sought immediately to rule out other possibilities, such as conditions of spinal stenosis (restricted spinal cord and nerve root channels), arthritis, infection in the spine, cancer of the spine or spondylolisthesis.

Also, a doctor is the best person to rule out the possibility of a fracture in the lower back as a potential cause for the sharp pain a patient may be suffering; once the above possibilities have been studied and other acute or chronic areas of the condition have been looked into, then diagnosis is more likely to be accurate and treatment can be started in earnest.

Some of the signs that a lower back pain sufferer may need to put across to his or her doctor for proper diagnosis include a sort of general ache radiating into the lower back, behind and the legs with occasional or steady complaints of numbness, tingling or weakness. Those suffering additional bowel or bladder problems should not delay contacting their doctor as this could mean a more severe case of lower back pain than usual.

Examination of the condition typically includes slow and careful palpation of the spine to determine nature of muscle spasms, displacements/sore points and the same is also carried out for the abdomen to verify the involvement of any organ in the complaint. To determine the exact origin of sharp lower back pain, doctors may also recommend the patient undergoing neurological assessments, lab tests and imaging studies.

Back Neck Pain Natural Herbal Remedies and Causes

There are many reasons those may cause back neck pain from muscular injuries to arthritis and pinched nerves. Sometimes back neck pain occurs due to other problems which are not related to musculoskeletal system of the body like swelling of diaphragm and heart attack. Neck contain muscles, ligaments, tendons which may get injured or stretched to cause back pain and also swelling to these organs due to infection and other disorders also cause pain during the movement.

Apart from injuries to muscles, ligaments and tendons back neck pain may occur due to arthritis too, osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Degenerative arthritis can pinch the nerves attached to cervical spine to cause severe and chronic pain in the neck. Degeneration of cervical disc also causes back neck pain. Other conditions like fractured collar bone, injury to rotator cuff, bursitis, broken shoulder blade, tendinitis and gallbladder problems can also cause pain in the upper back and neck.

The pain that occurs in the upper back and neck is sharp and sudden but it can be deep dull ache too which may get sharp during movement. The burning sensation or development of tender points is also associated with back neck pain due to serious arthritic condition or cervical spondylosis. Weakness and numbness along with the pain suggests damage to the musculoskeletal system of the upper back and neck which is causing pain. Cool arm or change in the color of the skin at the affected part suggest pinched arteries and veins of the upper back and neck.

Back neck pain is experienced in two ways one, the pain which is confined to one area and does not radiate to shoulder and arms whereas other which radiates to shoulder and arms. The pain which remains confined to one area is normally associated with muscles, ligaments and tendons whereas shooting pain is associated with rather serious conditions like pinched nerves, disc deformation and bone deposits. However this is not a foolproof method to diagnosis the root cause of pain and is based on general evidences.

NSAID and muscle relaxants are recommended for pain relief in allopathic medication which are not considered as suitable for long term use. Herbal treatments are more popular as herbs are natural and treat the problem naturally without any side effects. There are few extremely effective herbs for pain relief and muscle relaxation. Cayenne pepper is widely used for topical application on the aching body parts and joints for immediate relief. Chamomile tea is an excellent muscle relaxant, tea of chamomile is recommended 2-3 times in a day. Massage of warm eucalyptus oil is very beneficial in relieving pain and relaxing muscles. Consumption of winter cherry is very good for overall health and for pain relief as well.

Ginger and garlic are good source of anti-oxidants which promote blood flow in the body to treat all sorts of pain and help the body in removing blockages of arteries and veins. Exercises and therapies also help in alleviating the back neck pain in a short duration along with herbs. Hydrotherapy, light exercises, yoga are some popular ways of controlling back neck pain and reducing the frequency of its occurrence.

What is Lumbar Spinal Stenosis?

A very painful ailment of the lower back can be caused by lumbar spinal stenosis. This occurs when the opening in the spinal canal narrows where the spinal cord and nerves pass through. Some people are born with this condition, sometimes it is congenital in origin, and others develop it when they are adults.

The main symptom of spinal stenosis is the compression of nerves. This can be quite painful and cause other problems too. Depending on where on the spine the narrowing is, it will determine where on the body you will have the other symptoms.

Having this condition in the cervical area (is called cervical spinal stenosis) will affect the nerves that are going to not only the neck but the arms too. This causes many problems for the shoulder, neck, and arms. Pain is just one of the symptoms you could also have weakness and even have problems with using your hands.

Lumbar spinal stenosis happens in the area of the lower back. This can cause pain in the legs and numbness too. These are the main symptoms of this condition but other symptoms do occur. Weakness can happen in the legs either one at a time or both. It is more likely that the symptoms usually only happen to one side.

This affliction can be caused by a variety of things. You can be born with it and it can be a congenital defect even. You can get injured in some way and it causes things like a herniated disc. Scoliosis also can cause this along with other types of inherited conditions. In some cases, being exposed to toxins such as insecticides can bring on abnormal growth in the bone, which can result in this narrowing. Other medical conditions can also cause bones to be abnormal too and even affect the vertebrae. Last but not least arthritis and other things like that come with age can cause the narrowing to happen.

Either type of spinal stenosis listed could go onto affect the spinal cord, which could affect your ability to walk right. It could also in many cases affect your coordination. So if you are exhibiting any of these symptoms it is imperative that you check into this.

Treatment for this type of problem varies from person to person. Some doctors will prescribe pain medication along with anti-inflammatory medicines to see if they will work at alleviating the symptoms. In the event this does not help or that your symptoms are too severe then there are surgical options available to widen the openings. These days this procedure can even be done endoscopically, which is faster to heal from.

If you think you have lumbar spinal stenosis, consult your doctor at once and find out for sure. There is no need to suffer in silence about this. Through treatment and or surgery, you can find relief.

Back Brace For a Compression Fracture - Which Braces Are Best? Find Professionals Near You

How is your back doing?

Do you currently have a compression fracture that needs attention?

1.) The Nature of a Compression Fracture

Compression fractures are unfortunately common and found within the spine. They are caused by axial load and flexion of the spine to the point where the anterior aspect of the vertebrae compresses and fractures under the stress.

Unfortunately, many people can have compression fractures and not realize it, thinking it is just back pain from growing older and having "arthritis". They may keep pain medication close by and if the fracture does not heal, the individual can become more depressed as the pain lingers on. - Increased breathing problems and compromised posture can result from these kinds of fractures.

2.) Two Groups of People Who Suffer Most From Compression Fractures

Typically, there are 2 general types of situations when someone sustains a compression fracture:

A.) Individuals that have osteoporosis, which has caused bone-weaking.
B.) People that suffer from cancer that has now reached the bones of their spine (vertebrae).

3.) Back Braces For Support vs Other Treatment Options

People have choices when it comes to treating a fracture. You could do nothing and see what happens (not recommended). A person could also go in for a surgery, or the same individual could use a back brace as a useful conservative treatment option to help them heal their spinal fracture.

4.) Stopping Flexion of the Spine - Why This Can Be Important!

There are many types of back braces available, some are prefabricated and others are custom made. Depending on where your fracture exists will partially dictate what kind of brace you will need to get. - Often times, compression fractures are located in the thoracolumbar junction (in the middle of your back). Fractures in the spine do not always happen at this thoracolumbar junction and can actually occur anywhere.

Essentially, when a person uses a back brace to help promote healing in this scenario, they are preventing flexion at the fracture site. Preventing recurrent flexion on the vertebra that is fractured is beneficial and promotes healing. When you stop flexion, you allow your body a chance to heal because you are not constantly aggravating the issue at hand.

5.) Finding A Brace Provider (Licensed Orthotist ) Near You

It is important to work with a licensed brace specialist near you for best result. These individuals are known as orthotists. - It is important to work with these specialists for many reasons. For example, they have to earn their credentials in orthotics, pass exams on bracing, and take continuing education in order to keep their licenses. These individuals know which brace to fit you with due to your body type and size. They will evaluate you in conjunction with your doctors request to help you get the brace you need.

When it comes to the health of your spine and bracing, would you want to work with a specialist, or would anybody be ok? - We pose this question to you.

Note: This is not medical advice. This is health information. Every person's medical situation is different so it is important that you speak with your local, licensed orthotist regarding your orthotic treatment.

What Are the Indications for Neck Surgery?

When a patient has neck surgery, the results are typically much better than for surgery of the low back. The reason is that the indications for surgery in the cervical spine are much better defined than they are for the lumbar region.

Allow me to explain why. A few decades ago, studies were done looking at neck surgery for patients who had neck pain that was not radiating into the arms. This is called axial neck pain and was due to arthritis in the joints of the neck. The results showed that outcomes for neck surgery for this reason were fairly poor. Patients did not get substantially better, and there was a high incidence of patients needing further surgery within a few years. So surgeons stopped doing it.

Due to this, the indications for neck surgery have been fairly well defined. Here is a list of 4 indications for neck surgery.

1. Fracture with instability. Patients who are involved in a car accident or a trauma may end up with broken bones in their neck and an unstable spinal column. These individuals need surgery in their cervical spine to prevent a spinal cord injury from occurring. One interesting reason for neck surgery is if the patient has no evidence of fracture on the imaging studies, but significant instability on the dynamic x-rays.

2. Herniated disc with radiculopathy- just because a patient has a herniated disc in their cervical spine with radiculopathy does not mean surgery is absolutely necessary. The term radiculopathy refers to when the herniated disc is pushing on a nerve root and causing pain down the arm in the sensory distribution of that nerve. If a person has muscle weakness from the nerves being pinched, that is more of an indication for surgery than simply having pain.

If a person tries conservative treatments for over 6 weeks and the pain is not getting better, surgery can be considered. The results of surgery for a pinched nerve in the neck are very good at over 90 to 95% success rates. If a person does have motor weakness as mentioned, it should not be watched for a very long time as if it doesn't get better even if they technically perfect surgery is performed the motor weakness may not improve if there was too long of a wait before doing the surgery.

3. Spinal stenosis- this is a problem that comes on from arthritis causing bony overgrowth along with soft tissue overgrowth. These can result in multiple cervical nerve roots being pinched. Because of this, a person may have significant pain going down one or both arms. Surgery for spinal stenosis is a quality of life decision, and is not mandatory. If the pain is treated nonoperatively and it simply is not getting better, as an elective decision then a decompression to free up the pinched nerves may help substantially.

4. Spinal cord compression- a person's cervical spinal cord may be compressed for a number of reasons. There may be a tumor in the area that's pushing on spinal cord. Also, the person may have a disorder called cervical myelopathy which may be a result of a large disc herniation that is calcified and is pushing on the spinal cord itself. The spinal cord can react against this and start to shrink. It is a good idea when the shrinking begins to happen to go ahead and have a decompression surgery as waiting too long may not reverse the resulting problem.

Neck surgery for these conditions often has a great outcome. The fact that neck surgery for pain that stays in the neck due to arthritis has been out of favor for a long time once again is the reason that the surgeries tend to do much better.

Sciatic Back Pain - 5 Stages You Must Become Aware of Today to Cure Your Sciatica!

Sciatic back pain is a nasty, excruciatingly painful malady! When this pain begins you forget about everything else and pay attention.

This article will reveal everything you need to know to cure your sciatic back pain by taking you through the five stages involved with this condition. Read on...

- Stage 1: The Facts
Sciatica is a condition that affects numerous people in today's world. It affects as many as eighty percent of the adult population in the west apart from the approximately three percent in the United States of America alone.

- Stage 2: The Causes
Sciatica is characterized by the following symptoms; excruciating back pain, weakness, a tingling sensation, numbness, chronic pain, back pain, chronic inflammation, back aches, degenerative disc disease, pelvis fracture, tumors on the spinal cord, torn cartilage, degenerative arthritis, injury, the psychological effects of acute nerve irritation, among others.

Needless to say, the above symptoms are very painful indeed.

- Stage 3: The Symptoms
Not to be confused an mixed up or mistaken with normal back pain caused by maybe a pulled muscle, sciatic back pain does not just occur in one area of your back.

It actually, usually, begins around your lower back and then begins to radiate towards your leg through your buttocks. This is actually where your sciatic nerve lies, and the pain you feel will vary from mild to excruciating.

- Stage 4: The Diagnosis...
You can ascertain if what you are feeling or experiencing is really sciatica by visiting your doctor to get a diagnoses.

Your doctor will require of you information about the pain you have been feeling in your back and what it feels like.

He / she may then require that you take a few steps around the examination room or that you perform certain physical movements like lifting your legs or squatting. All of this is to ascertain your range of motion.

Once this is done, then additional test may be recommended to further determine what your condition is. These tests may include the following; an X-ray to diagnose or eliminate a broken pelvis as the cause, a CT scan for tumors on the spinal cord, an MRI to examine the disks in your back.

- Stage 5: The Treatment...
The treatment of your sciatic back pain will be recommended based on your doctor's diagnoses. Your doctor may decide to give you medication to relieve the pain, these include; pain killers like aspirin, over the counter medication like Ibuprofen or Tylenol, epidural spinal injections, or surgery if your condition is very severe.

Note: You do not need to use medication to cure your back pain, there is an easier method which does not require surgery, medication, an all that. It employs the use of an innovative, natural, technique which has been proven to work in 98.7% of cases!

FACT: Most conventional treatments for sciatica only work as a temporary band aid solution; they all fail to work in the long run!

Friday, July 19, 2013

How to Get Pain Relief for Spinal Stenosis Without Drugs or Surgery

The human backbone (spine) is a very complex biological structure. The spine is composed of 26 bone discs that are called "vertebrae". The complex mechanisms and structures of the spinal column allow us to bend forward, backwards, and side to side. Additionally, the spine carries an electrical system called "nerves" that transmit complex electrochemical messages to our organs, muscles, other skeleton bone structures (arms, hands, feet), and it is all wired back into the brain, our biological computer system.

There are a wide variety of injuries and ailments that can affect the proper functioning of the spine. Infections, injuries, and tumors can lead to different spinal problems, such as spinal stenosis, a herniated disc, arthritis, scoliosis, compression fractures, and many others. In this article, we will focus on a single spinal injury, spinal stenosis, and how the pain from this condition may be improved by chiropractic care.

What is spinal stenosis?

In its simplest definition, spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal column which puts pressure on the spinal nerves. Spinal stenosis mainly affects those over the age of 50 and the elderly population in general.

As some people age, the spinal joints become arthritic and form bone spurs. The ligaments thicken, and the discs may collapse and protrude into the spinal canal. Since there is a limited amount of room within the spinal canal, these intrusions put pressure on the nerves. As a consequence, there is often back and leg pain, which can be made worse by standing or walking.

Symptoms of spinal stenosis are varied and may include pain in the neck or back, pain in the legs and arms, numbness, weakness, or foot problems. Traditional allopathic medical treatment involves surgery, medications, braces, and physical therapy.

In some of the most severe cases, medication is not sufficient to relieve pain, and epidural steroid injections are used to suppress the nerve-pain impulses. When even steroid injections don't work, surgical decompression may be recommended. Both of these treatments are invasive and potentially dangerous. This is why chiropractic treatment of spinal stenosis may be a better option.

Since the main cause of pain in spinal stenosis is the compression and narrowing of the spinal canal pressing in on the nerves, effective chiropractic treatment would involve manipulating the spine to open up the canals to allow for a natural increased blood flow and less pressure on the nerves. Special spinal decompression manipulation techniques are employed by the skilled chiropractor to relieve pressure on nerves and blood vessels.

Additionally an advanced technique called non-surgical spinal decompression therapy may also be may helpful. This computerized treatment produces negative pressure within the disc, which gives the patient's body an opportunity to heal naturally.

An added advantage to chiropractic treatment is its cost effectiveness and safety. The risk of injury associated with chiropractic care is exceedingly low. Many thousands of people have obtained relief from overwhelming spinal and back pain, using chiropractic treatment.

In fact, there are many reported instances of people with spinal stenosis, who after repeated failures with traditional therapies, finally found pain relief when they discovered chiropractic treatment for spinal stenosis!

Simple Ways to Keep Your Immune System Strong!

Being the middle of winter, many of you and your loved ones will experience bouts with allergies, common colds, sinus problems, the flu, and other ailments. Many of us solely rest blame on these bugs as the cause of our illnesses rather than what we do and don't do to contribute to the weakness of our entire immune system. Many of you may rush to the local pharmacy to fill a quick prescription or perhaps purchase over the counter remedies. You may also come to the realization that these medications may be helping your symptoms, but may not be getting to the route of the problem.

Most people think of a common cold as a viral or bacterial attack on the body. However, colds can begin because of something as simple as water in the lungs. Have you ever taken an ice-cold glass of water outside in a 90-degree day? Condensation immediately forms on the outside of the glass. As colder temperatures come closer, many people experience just that: condensation of water forming on the inside of the small alveoli of the lungs as their body fights to keep its core temperature around 98.6 degrees. Alveoli are tiny sacs filled with air. Thousands of these tiny sacs (alveoli) work together to create the function of the lungs. Because of this condensation, these alveoli of the lungs then become dysfunctional inevitably making it more difficult to breathe. This additional moisture in the lungs also causes histamine levels to increase, and serotonin levels to decrease. These chemicals are made by our body, and help regulate our moods, allergies, and the power of the immune system. Decreased oxygen levels create an acidic environment which also significantly decreases the optimal effectiveness of our immune system. This whole scenario allows for viral and bacterial overgrowth.

So what is one to do to naturally elevate the function of their immune system? Let's first discuss what things to avoid, allowing our bodies to function better.

o Stop eating big meals
Consuming too much food puts extra stress on the Digestive system. Increased digestion takes a lot of the body's metabolic energy, leaving very little energy for the immune system.
o Avoid Processed Foods and sugars
An increased intake in processed sugars allows bacteria to harbor growth. In fact, 8 tablespoons of sugar (the average amount found in a can of soda) can drop the immune system a whopping 400%! These sugars include, but are not limited to aspartame, high fructose corn syrup, and sucralose (Splenda).

Here are some healthy tips on how you can bolster your immune system:

o Keep your spine healthy and aligned - The body is a complex machine made of muscles, nerves and bones, that work together to form orchestrated movements. Unfortunately, like an appliance, sometimes it can breakdown. Most people have abnormal spinal structure, and lack of proper curves in the side of the spine, that causes discs and ligaments to wear out prematurely. These spinal misalignments are known as subluxations. By contributing to improper biomechanics, excess energy is wasted, and the body is more prone to become fatigued and injured. Choosing a Chiropractor that focuses on Clinical Biomechanics of Posture, a technique that specializes in the structural correction of the spine is highly recommended. This chiropractic technique of choice utilizes an approach to health that is supported by an impressive body of research. Our first priority is to ease your pain, but our main goal is to restore your spine as closely as possible to its normal alignment, which benefits the entire body. Much like a car, your body rides on your spinal "axle." If a car's axle is bent or damaged, its tires will spin improperly, further damaging the car-just as a spinal injury or misalignment can be magnified throughout the body. Peer-reviewed medical studies have established a strong link between the loss or lack of normal spine alignment and a variety of musculoskeletal and nerve-related conditions. Our commitment to spinal health means that we'll go beyond alleviating your symptoms to address their true causes. Pain that travels down your left arm may indicate a heart problem. Severe migraines may signal a problem with blood flow, or perhaps high blood pressure.
o Consume whole foods containing Magnesium, Zinc, Potassium, Calcium, and Vitamin C. Great sources of these in foods include but are not limited to leafy greens, lima beans, avocados, green vegetables, broccoli, and homemade soups.
o Drink non-caffeinated hot teas with lemons (herbal, green, white, and ginger). These are great immune boosters that facilitate the reduction of inflammation and swelling within the body.
o Increase water intake with lemon. Water helps to flush out toxins in the body, and hydrate all of your cells, muscles, ligaments, discs, and organs.
o Anything with lemons, papaya, and pineapple. These 3 fruits are excellent for changing the pH environment in the mouth, throat, and digestive system, as well as help kill and prevent further growth of bacteria and viruses.
o Wearing a hat and coat even when the temperature is 55 degrees or below you will help the body maintain its core temperature, which will require less energy - leaving more energy for your immune system.

By following some simple natural ways to boost the immune system, one can surely have a healthy fall and winter, and avoid these pesky colds.

Shoulder, Arm, and Hand Pain

Problems with the neck, shoulder and arm are often called different things by patients: neuritis; bursitis; neuralgia; rheumatism; frozen shoulder; fibrositis; sprained, strained, or sore muscles; or "poor circulation." Some people may blame their shoulder (or other joint) problems on "old age" even though their other shoulder, which doesn't have any problems, is just as old.

The brain "talks" with the rest of your body through a vast telecommunications system made up of nerves. Nerves come out of your brain in a large bundle called the spinal cord and travel down your back inside the spinal column.

As the nerves from your brain travel down your spinal cord, they first have to pass through holes (foramina) between the spinal bones (vertebrae). Some nerves go straight to their point of destination, but some first mix with other nerves to form complicated nerve networks that anatomists call a nerve plexus.

The brachial plexus is made up of nerves which come out of the middle and lower neck and upper back. After they interconnect to form the brachial plexus, they branch off to supply different areas, especially the shoulder, arms, elbows, wrists, hands, and fingers. The most common form of brachial plexus damage is to the nerves that make up the brachial plexus as they exit the spinal column through the foramina plexus. In the foramina, the nerves are surrounded by a ring of bone and meninges (tough coverings), and if the ring becomes smaller, the nerves may become compressed or "pinched." What causes the nerves to get "pinched?" Many things: long-standing spinal stress; old injuries such as falls from childhood; new injuries such as sports mishaps or car accidents (especially whiplash - a situation where the head and neck are suddenly "snapped" forward and backward); arthritis; being twisted, pulled or shaken; or even sleeping in an awkward position, as well as many other stresses and strains of daily living.

The right brain controls the left side of the body, and the left brain controls the right side of the body. If the patient is experiencing pain on one side of the body (right or left), the opposite brain may be firing at an abnormally high rate. In order for a patient to perceive pain, an area of the brain must fire at a higher frequency of firing. If the pain is bilateral, or on both sides, there may be different central structures involved such as the brainstem or cerebellum.

Arthritis Relief For the Lower Back With a Massage Chair

Did you know that Arthritis affects millions of people each year worldwide? For those that are affected, it causes debilitating effects. Some people worry that they are having may be something more serious, for example, arthritis in the lumbar spine, or the lower back, is a common problem. For effective and reliable pain relief, many are now using massage chairs for pain relief.

Older people tend to suffer more lumbar spine arthritis is than other age groups. However, people who are involved in heavy labor or who are obese are more likely to develop arthritis in the lower back. The other common cause is those who have suffered an injury to their spine.

So how does arthritis occur in the lumbar spine? Each joint connects each segment of the spinal column, or the vertebrae. When the joints become arthritic, their movement in the back becomes rigid and painful. In some cases, lumbar spine arthritis is can occur with other spinal conditions such as disc degeneration and spinal stenosis.

Arthritis in the lumbar spine frequently causes the symptoms of stiffness in the lower back which is also associated with severe pain. The stiffness is prevalent in the morning or after periods of little activity. The muscles tend to loosen during activity and pain is less. On the other hand, strenuous activity or prolonged use of the lower back muscles can cause a worse condition.

If lumbar facet arthritis worsens, the tissue can become inflamed and bone spurs can occur. Pinched nerves can occur as a result of the inflamed tissue around the joints. This is known as spinal stenosis. This condition is often occurring in patients with arthritis of the lower back.

There are a variety of treatment options that are offered. These treatments depend on the severity of the person's symptoms. Some of the methods of treatment include surgery, physical therapy, chiropractic care, anti-inflammatory medicine, weight loss, and massage therapy.

Of all the symptoms of lumbar spine arthritis, low back pain can be the most difficult to manage and live with. The constant pain and stiffness can be the cause of much stress and can seriously alter a person's way of life. For this obtaining pain relief is essential to live a normal life style.

For sufferers in many different conditions, massage chairs have become an indispensable tool in gaining the upper hand on lower back pain. These massage chairs can target soothing and penetrating massages to relieve tight muscles. Certain massages, like a finger press helps to adjust each vertebrae individually as it rolls slowly up and down the spine.

Like any medical condition, you should consult with your health care professional to find the right treatment for your situation. It is important to recognize symptoms early. Take proactive action to start treatment to ensure that the progression of the disease is slowed down. Early detection and diagnoses helps you to have more treatment options.

Finding a treatment that works may take some time as everyone will have different levels of pain and treatment requirements. A massage chair may be the perfect compliment to get pain relief when you want and how you want. Massage chairs are convenient and economic for frequent and effective massage therapy.

Symptoms and Types of Connective Tissue Disease

Four rather unusual and rare diseases are now being grouped together by medical investigators as a result of information derived from recent research. Their names, which are little known to the public, are polyarteritis nodosa, diffuse lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, and dermatomyositis.

They resemble each other in that all of them represent disturbances of connective tissue in the body, in contrast to glandular tissue or surface secreting tissue. The connective tissue of the body includes what is elastic and the material between the cells. Sometimes tumors consist almost wholly of connective or fibrous tissue. The walls of blood vessels contain much tissue of this type.

Now the big fact about these conditions is that all of them are benefited at least temporarily by use of ACTH or Cortisone. All of them resemble also the reactions that occur in tissues in response to hypersensitivity or allergy.

Polyarteritis Nodosa

Polyarteritis nodosa is a disease in which the blood vessels are chiefly affected. Because this disease is primarily serious damage of blood vessels, it may be reflected in any part of the body. The condition affects men four times as often as women and, mostly, those between twenty and forty years old. Arthritis and many of the reactions associated with hypersensitivity are seen by the doctor in these patients.

Lupus Erythematosus
Disseminated lupus erythematosus is chronic, usually severe disorder occurring mostly in females fifteen to forty years old. A characteristic is a butterfly-shaped inflammation over the nose. Other symptoms involve the joints and the heart. Fever a anemia and a progressive course make the disease fatal.

Scleroderma is a disease that affects the connective tissue of the body and particularly that in the skin where there is hardening. Chiefly women between thirty and fifty years old are affected. The swelling in the skin may be followed by calcification. This disease comes on slowly a insidiously, but as it progresses changes occur in the skin of the face, neck, and arms. The skin looks waxy and tight and loses its color a hair. When the face is involved there may be difficulty in moving the jaw. Fortunately this is not a common disease; certainly it is not serious as polyarteritis nodosa or diffuse lupus erythematosusw, which similar. In the older forms of treatment emphasis was placed on the use of thyroid and vitamins. Great care was given to prevent secondary infections. More recently attention is being focused on the use of ACTH and Cortisone.


Fourth in this group of collagen disorders is one called dermatomyositis. This is a common and often fatal disorder involving the skin and the muscles. The exact cause is still unknown. It affects people of all races and colors, both men and women, and in general those between the ages of ten and fifty years.

Characteristic of this condition is the involvement of the muscles. As they deteriorate the organs concerned show effects, as in the eyes, throat, diaphragm, or muscles between the ribs. The symptoms then are difficulties of vision, swallowing, breathing, speech, etc. Naturally such people lose weight and get weak. Unfortunately this condition progressive and few who have it live long. Until recently little was known about treatment, and vitamins, hormones and physical therapy were tried. Salicylates were thought to be beneficial. Now we know that the salicylates can to a small extent stimulate the condition.

Rheumatism is a word used to describe a number of diseases, acute or chronic, which are accompanied by pain and stiffness of the muscles, the joints and other tissues involved in movement. Arthritis is the term used to describe inflammation of the joints only.

The joint includes the ends of bones, cartilages between the ends, a capsule holding it all together, ligaments which attach the muscles to the bones, membranes and the joint fluid. Nerves accompany the blood vessels into the joints; while the bones and cartilage do not feel pain, inflammation and swelling with the pouring of extra fluid into the joint can produce exquisite pain.

People with arthritis can be quite eloquent about their joints. The pain may be described as excruciating, throbbing, burning, aching, squeezing, or just hurting. The patients also complain of crackling, stiffness, and loss of motion.

The American Rheumatism Association has classified arthritis into seven types:

  1. - due to infection

  2. - due to rheumatic fever

  3. - rheumatoid

  4. - degenerative

  5. - due to injuries

  6. - due to gout

  7. - arising from the nervous system

Rheumatoid arthritis is not just a disease of the joints, but a general condition affecting the whole body. While the exact cause or causes may not be known, the discovery of the effects of ACTH and Cortisone have led to new concepts of the nature of the disease. Now rheumatoid arthritis along with a number of other conditions is called a "collagen" disease. In all of these the connective tissue of the body is chiefly concerned. The tendency is to consider rheumatoid arthritis a reaction of the body to sensitivity to certain substances, perhaps coming from bacteria, with the sensitivity affecting the connective tissue chiefly. The suggestion has also been made that rheumatism is not a specific reaction to some single substance but a general reaction of the body resulting from several different stimulations.

Women are affected by rheumatoid arthritis three times as often as men. Rheumatoid arthritis varies from being an acute disease with fever and sudden disability of many joints to a condition that develops gradually in which the patient may at first notice only stiffness or pain in one joint. Some may have deformity of a joint without ever having felt any pain. Sometimes the first signs of rheumatoid arthritis are fatigue, loss of appetite and loss of weight. Patients complain of numbness and loss of feeling in hands and arms, feet or legs. Sometimes the lymph glands near the joint become swollen. Because of failure to move and use the muscles around the swollen joint, the tissue breaks down and the area looks thin and wasted.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition that comes and goes. Doctors have noticed particularly that it disappears during pregnancy and during jaundice. The sooner good treatment can be applied to rheumatoid arthritis the better are the results secured in stopping the progress and the damage done by the disease. While the disease is active, rest and freedom from motion are helpful. If there is fever and severe pain certainly confinement to bed is desirable. Then as these troubles subside motion is permitted, but never to the point of fatigue. During the severe stages the patients are anxious and disturbed, often by solicitous people, and the doctor must protect the patient against emotional upsets.

No special diet cures arthritis. Nevertheless the patient with rheumatoid arthritis needs to be sustained with sufficient proteins, vitamins and minerals and enough carbohydrates and fats to provide needed energy and to avoid damage to tissues. Good animal proteins, calcium and iron must be adequate in the diet.

For many years a mainstay in treating arthritis has been the application of heat. Heat may be applied by hot bricks wrapped in towels, hot water bottles, electric heat pads, infra-red heat lamps, heat cradles containing incandescent bulbs, and other methods. If many joints are involved relief frequently comes from a hot tub bath once or twice a day, but prolonged hot baths are weakening.

People do not die of rheumatoid arthritis but complications may occur which are especially serious for the arthritic patient. Troubles with the lungs including pneumonia, damage to the heart and secondary infections are a threat.

Rheumatoid arthritis may be especially serious for children because of deformities that persist throughout life. A severe form of rheumatoid arthritis in childhood is known as "Still's disease." Another form of rheumatoid arthritis is associated with psoriasis, and there are arthritic manifestations that affect women in the menopause.

Rheumatoid arthritis affecting the spine is a crippling condition responsible for much disability. This condition usually occurs in men rather than in women. Pains in the back, soreness on bending over, painful buttocks, and shooting pains in the sciatic nerve area are accompaniments.

With spasms of the spinal muscles comes a tendency to avoid movement and in some instances the stiff-poker spine develops. Hot, wet packs help to relieve the spasm of the muscles. Use of salicylates for relief, heat, mild massage and liniments are reported beneficial in securing relief for those with degenerative arthritis.

Arthritis and Back Treatment

Osteoarthritis (OA), Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD), degenerative arthritis, osteophytes, arthrosis, spondylosis, hypertrophy, sclerosis, stenosis, sciatica, desiccation - and several other scary terms, all boil down to a single word - arthritis.

There are over 100 different forms of arthritis. The word comes from the Greek "arthro" for joint and the suffix "itis" indicating in pathology an inflammatory condition (bronchitis; gastritis; neuritis, etc.). So, arthritis means an inflamed joint. Inflammation itself is part of the complex biological response of vascular tissues evolved to help begin the healing process of any irritated or injured tissue, specifically by increased movement of white blood cells from the blood into the injured area. Regardless of the type of arthritis, the common symptoms for all arthritic disorders include varying levels of pain, swelling, and stiffness of the involved joints.

Diagnosis and treatment of a painful, swollen, and stiff joint depends upon its etiology (cause, origin). Rheumatoid arthritis is a disorder in which the body's own immune system starts to attack and destroy body tissues, not only the bone cells of the joints but also many other parts of the body. Gouty arthritis is a metabolic disorder resulting in a deposition of uric acid crystals into the joint causing inflammation typically of the first metatarsal or big toe joint. Even syphilis, a highly infectious bacterial STD, results in arthritic damage to joints in its later stages. Of course the treatment of each of these differs because immune system disorders, metabolic disorders, and infections are different causes, and there are many other types and causes of arthritis. However, the most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis which is sometimes referred to as "wear and tear" arthritis - a mechanical disorder, also requiring a different treatment. Any joint of the body is potentially subject to abnormal, repetitive, or excessive mechanical stress (injury) that could result in wear and tear to the cartilage and bone, although the weight bearing joints of the spine, hip, and knee are stressed most and are therefore most common. Osteoarthritis (OA) is also known as degenerative arthritis or Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD). When applied to the spine, use of these terms generally implies multiple osteoarthritic changes found at multiple vertebral levels.

Bone Spurs

It is easy to presume that if the bones are "catching" or "rubbing wrong" or any of the myriad of other phrases that patients use to describe the wear and tear they feel upon these joints that eventually the bone would wear down or wear away but, in fact, under mechanical stress the opposite occurs. Remember, bone is living tissue and like other living tissue such as the skin on the palm of a hand, for instance, it will build up when mechanically stressed. A buildup of skin cells we call a callous. Abnormal or excessive mechanical stress to bone causes it to respond in the same way as does skin - an initial inflammatory response followed by metabolic repair and a buildup of bone cells. A buildup of bone cells is called a bone spur or osteophyte. What confuses this issue is that arthritis (joint pain, swelling, and stiffness) caused by many immune disorders, metabolic disorders, and infectious diseases more often results in the net destruction of existing bone cells, not the formation of additional bone cells as occurs with mechanical stress. Regardless of the pathogenesis (cause) the resultant pain, swelling, and stiffness feel the same.

Obviously, a single bone cell or a single calcium molecule cannot be detected by x-ray but as the buildup progresses an area of density which shows up on x-ray as a bright whiteness is visible. Early on this is termed sclerosis (hardening), and is the same root word from which we get arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries, but later as these calcium molecules continue to accumulate they eventually become numerous enough to form visible bone spurs or osteophytes. This buildup of bone where joints meet such as the facets at the back of the vertebra is termed arthrosis, and where ligament attaches to bone spondylosis. Often the supporting ligaments of the involved joints are themselves being stressed and rather than getting weaker as one might at first suppose they actually get stronger by the multiplication of these cells too which is called hypertrophy. All this is triggered by the inflammatory response resulting in varying levels of pain, swelling, and stiffness of the involved joints. Many different names that all boil down to a single word - arthritis, from the same cause - mechanical stress.

From Bad to Worse

Normal motion of the joint has already been restricted and is further inhibited by the patient's reluctance to force into motion (exercise) an already painful joint. Together this has a devastating effect on the spinal discs that depend upon normal motion which acts as a pumping action to circulate fluid through them. Less motion equals less pumping and the result is an insidious (gradual) drying out (desiccation) of the intervertebral disc(s). As the disc gets dryer and dryer it soon begins to lose height resulting in the vertebrae becoming closer together. A dry, thin disc can no longer adequately do its job of absorbing shock and allowing proper motion of the spinal segments compounding the stress upon the joint and accelerating the degenerative process. The space lost due to the thinning disc added to the thickening ligaments (hypertrophy) and growing calcium deposits results in a narrowing of the channels through which pass the spinal cord (in the central canal) and from which the spinal nerve roots exit (from the neural foramen). This narrowing is called spinal stenosis.

Before long the dry, brittle outside fibers (annular fibers) of the disc weaken and tear (annular tear) permitting the inside (nucleus) of the disc to bulge out (herniate or protrude) into the already narrowed channels resulting in nerve root compression (a pinched nerve). And now, there is not only pain, swelling, and stiffness of the involved spinal joints but also pain along the course of the pinched nerve (radiculopathy, neuritis, sciatica).

Spinal Decompression Treatment

In the past, a patient suffering from this degenerative process was usually given pain medications or injections, instructed to refrain from physical activities, referred for physical therapy, and when they weren't progressing they were sent for spinal surgery or simply told to learn to live with it. Since 2001 when the FDA finally approved non-surgical spinal decompression therapy, there is new hope for those who suffer from degenerative joint diseases. Spinal Decompression Therapy is a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment performed on a special, computer controlled table similar in some ways to an ordinary traction table. A single disc level is isolated and by utilizing specific traction and relaxation cycles throughout the treatment, along with proper positioning, negative pressure can actually be created within the disc. It works by gently separating the offending disc 5 to 7 millimeters creating negative pressure (or a vacuum) inside the disc to pull water, oxygen, and nutrients into the disc, thereby re-hydrating a degenerated disc and bringing in the nutrients needed to heal the torn fibers and halt the degenerative process. As the disc is re-hydrated the shock absorbing properties are restored and the stress on the joint is reduced and the inflammation subsides. Many times much of the lost height can be restored as well. Now a normal life can be resumed.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

How Chiropractic Care Helps in Treating Pinched Nerves

A pinched nerve happens when there is too much pressure applied to a nerve by its surrounding tissues such as bones, cartilage, muscles or tendons. The pressure can cause disruption to the nerve's function which in turn may cause pain, tingling, numbness or weakness. This condition can occur in any part of your body, but it is more often to happen in the back. In the field of chiropractic, this term is identified as subluxation.

In addition to the back, a pinched nerve may also occur in the neck, wrist, or elbow. There are many different potential causes for it, depending on the location of the nerve. If it occurs in the neck or lower back, it may be due to a herniated disc, arthritis, bone spurs, or spinal stenosis. If it occurs in the wrist or elbow, it may be due to carpal tunnel syndrome, or cubital tunnel syndrome. Other causes of this condition may be due to injury, bruise, or swelling of extremities during pregnancy.

The symptoms of a pinched nerve may vary depending on which nerve is affected. The common symptoms are pain, numbness, tingling, or muscle weakness along the path of the nerve. When it occurs in the neck, there is pain or stiffness, along with the symptoms that radiates down the arm. If it is in the lower back, there is pain and stiffness with symptoms that runs down the leg. If it is in the wrist, the thumb, index, and middle fingers are usually affected and it may also cause weakness in gripping objects, and if it occurs in the elbow, it usually affects the forearm, the ring finger, and the small fingers of the hand.

Chiropractic treatment can provide relief to pinched nerves without the use of drugs and expensive surgery. It begins with knowing the medical history of the patient and then a chiropractor will conduct diagnostic tests on the patient to determine the exact location and the cause of the nerve disorder. Once they are identified, the chiropractor will make some spinal adjustments using different methods to treat the problem.

Usually, three to six visits can show positive results. While in some cases, patients get instant relief upon their first visit. Additional visits to a chiropractic clinic can treat misalignment and promote nerve and joint health. If the pinched nerve persists after three to six visits, the chiropractor might use other treatment methods such as back brace or traction, electrical stimulation, physical therapy, and soft tissue therapy. The body has the capability to heal itself and the chiropractor supports its healing capabilities to improve its health.

Chiropractors are the only professionals who specialize in detecting and eliminating pinched nerve problems. The goal of chiropractic care is to allow the flow of communication to the brain and from the brain and every cell, tissue, organ, and system in the body which is a prerequisite to health.

It is important to have an early diagnosis to prevent further injury or complications brought by pinched nerves. Even the slightest misalignment can cause pressure and irritation to the nerves and may lead to more severe and disabling illness if not treated.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Otitis Media - (Ear Infections)

A common infection that settles in the middle portion of the ear is called Otitis Media. Although adults can develop this particular ear infection, it is most commonly seen in infants and toddlers. The thing that makes this infection so unique is that both a virus and bacteria can be the cause. In addition, treatment is not the same across the board in that a person's age, exact symptoms, and an array of other factors would dictate the right type of care.

Infection Symptoms

The individual's age would determine the exact type of symptoms caused by this infection. As an example, chronic pain would be seen in adults while irritation and tugging on the ear are more common symptoms in smaller children. However, along with this, the following are symptoms commonly associated with Otitis Media in children.

  • Low-grade fever

  • Balance issues

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Nausea and/or vomiting

  • Diminished hearing

  • Fluid draining from the infected ears

Although there are similar symptoms regardless of the type of ear infection, Otitis Media does present with a few unique symptoms. However, before the right treatment could be offered, a firm diagnosis would be required. During a medical examination, the ear would be checked for fluid, as well as inflammation. Because Otitis Media is an infection, antibiotics might be needed but not always.

Safe and Effective Treatments

As mentioned above, antibiotics are not always the first treatment option for Otitis Media. Recent medical studies show that in many cases, the body can heal itself in three to five days. Because of this, some medical doctors now recommend a patient wait this amount of time to see if the ear infection clears up on its own. If not, then antibiotics can be prescribed but only for infections caused by bacteria, not viruses.

During this period, an individual could take over-the-counter medication to reduce pain and inflammation such as ibuprofen, which comes in formulas for adults and children but no younger than age four. Then, based on a series of factors, other treatments would be considered.

However, chiropractic care should not be ruled out as a viable treatment for Otitis Media. Using children as an example, it is common for a child to get one ear infection by age two and then one or more by age three. Usually, the lymph system in the neck cannot drain properly due to a blockage or narrowing of the tube but in some instances, it is the Eustachian tube that does not drain properly.

With conventional medicine, small children are often put under general sedation to have tubes surgically inserted in the ears. For one thing, any time a small child is anesthetized there is risk but in addition, placement of the tubes is not guaranteed to work. It has been discovered that a highly trained chiropractor would possess the necessary skills and knowledge to use gentle spinal adjustments as a means of restoring normal function to the neck and its components. As a result, occurrences of Otitis Media are greatly reduced or eliminated altogether.

As far as treatments for small children, obviously the goal is to ensure safety while finding something that actually works, which is exactly what chiropractic care offers. Sometimes during the birth process or from falling down, a child's spine will experience subluxation, which means the spine is misaligned. As nerves and nerve roots become irritated, the entire body's ability to function normally becomes compromised. By using spinal adjustments to bring the spine back into normal alignment, the body heals.

More and more parents are turning away from conventional medicine to alternative treatments for ear infections and other health issues. While there are many great options, chiropractic care has a track record of being successful. Remember, both children and adults with Otitis Media can be treated by a chiropractor and in most cases, heal faster than with standard medicine.

In addition to being an effective treatment option, spinal adjustments used as part of chiropractic care for Otitis Media does not cause any discomfort or pain. However, another benefit is that no prescription medication is administered, which reduces or eliminates risks of side effects.

Cervical Spondylosis - Myths and Facts

Cervical Spondylosis, as we Orthopaedicians describe, is the degenerative change in the Cervical spine vertebrae often presenting on X-ray film as excess bone formation at the vertebral body margins, due to a chronic degenerative pathology. So, a young patient with acute onset neck pain, being diagnosed as Cervical Spondylosis is a Misnomer.

An X-ray film of the Neck is a good basic test to diagnose Cervical spondylosis. It often presents with Chronic, dull aching pain which aggravates with extremes of movement. Using a collar provides more psychological reassurance, than actually treating the pathology. A soft/ hard collar is more effective in treating acute muscle spasms of the neck usually precipitated by some injury or an acute disc prolapse. In such cases, we suggest restriction of neck movements to prevent further injury.

Two more synonymous terms that need a mention are- Spondylitis, and Spondylolisthesis. The former is an inflammation of the spinous processes of the vertebra, while the latter suggests abnormal translation of one vertebra over another leading to a loss of sagittal balance.

The preferred treatment for a Cervical Spondylosis is supervised physiotherapy. Gentle stretching exercises along with Isometric exercises of the neck help in improving the muscle tone of para-vertebral muscles. Heat therapy in the form of Interferential therapy (IFT) and Ultrasonic therapy also help relieve the symptoms.

Patients with long- standing symptoms often develop multiple level disc bulges with dessication (dryness of disc), as evident on the MRI. If severe, it may produce compression on the exiting nerve root and produce tingling and numbness in the upper limbs.

Surgical treatment is suitable to those with single or two level disc bulges, wherein a fusion of the vertebrae may be performed with or without instrumentation.

Cervical disc replacement is a novel treatment offered to those with single level disc prolapse, and without excessive facet joint arthritis. It offers reasonable movement at the vertebral interface, and is better tolerated by the younger active population.

Sharp Pain Around Hip and Buttock That Streaks Down the Leg

How much is a good night worth to you? Every step feels like a knife stabbed in the back of your buttock and leg. The sharp, burning pain continues to streak down your buttock and leg as you cautiously limp around. Numbness and tingling take over as you take refuge on your favourite couch. Sciatica is one of the worst problems that you can have. Sciatica can temporary cripple your entire day when it strikes.

Sciatica refers to an irritation and inflammation of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve gives sensory feeling to the back of your legs. A common cause of sciatic pain is piriformis syndrome. The piriformis muscle is often tight, over-active and full of trigger points as it compensates for a weak gluteal medius muscle and chronic sacroiliac dysfunction. The piriformis muscle can irritate and put extra pressure on the sciatic nerve causing pain around the buttock and down the leg.

Trigger points to the low back and gluteal muscles can also cause similar symptoms of sciatica. Trigger points are pain sensitive spots found in tight, shortened, over-active muscles. When these pain sensitive spots are pressed, not only will you experience intense localized pain, but also pain to other areas. Trigger points in the low back muscles cause referral pain down to the buttock, hip and groin areas. Trigger points in the buttock cause shooting pain down the leg.

Other causes of crippling, sharp leg pain with numbness and tingling are spinal stenosis, severe spinal arthritis, disc bulge (usually at L5/S1), spinal cyst and other space occupying lesions.

Whether you have a true sciatica or not, it is important to find out the exact cause of your leg pain, numbness and tingling. Treatments will be determined by the source of your leg pain, numbness and tingling.

Stretching the shortened, over-active piriformis muscle and strengthening the weak gluteal medius can prevent flare up of sciatica if there is no spinal stenosis, disc bulge, spinal cyst or any space occupying lesions. Chiropractic adjustment to the sacroiliac joint and soft tissue treatments such as Active Release Technique and trigger point therapy to the involve muscles relief sciatic pain and improve soft tissue and joint functions.

If your sciatic pain is from spinal stenosis or a L5/S1 disc bulge, conservative treatments may also be successful. This complicated situation requires the addition of a coordinated, manual distraction. When this procedure is done correctly it can provide much needed pain relief. The breathing coordinated, manual distraction procedure is different from spinal decompression, traction table or inversion table.

There are a few lifestyle changes that you can do to reduce the risk of having sciatic pain. Sitting with a wallet in the back pocket and sitting cross-legged promote sacroiliac joint dysfunction. Try to avoid this.

Maintaining a level of fitness is also important in preventing sciatica. Sedentary lifestyle weakens the gluteal muscles which causes the piriformis muscle to be over-active, tight and shortened. Extended sitting not only increases intervertebral disc pressure, but it also makes the gluteal muscles weak. People with flabby and heavy bottom tend to experience more sciatic pain.

Whether you have true sciatica or not, it is important to know what and where the source of pain is. A thorough and caring health care provider saves you time, money and any unnecessary emotional pain.

How Do Inversion Tables Help Low Back Pain?

There are big benefits to using inversion therapy tables. No matter whether you want to enhance posture, or preserve correct blood flow and circulation and even decrease continual low back discomfort affiliated with a pinched sciatic nerve and vertebral column compression, all these are possible with inversion therapy. Inversion therapy is a therapeutic treatment that was quite well-liked back in the mid-sixties for treating extreme lower back discomfort associated with herniated discs and spinal compression. The idea of inversion therapy goes all the way back to historic times, when Hippocrates, a renowned Greek doctor was one of the first persons to comprehend the effective nature of gravitational power used in treating lower back pain and similar conditions.

Due to gravitation force of the earth, the human body is subjected to continuous downward force on the bones, joints, muscle tissue and connective tissue. This downward force is frequent and it gets intensified via a variety of routines and movements. There may be various causes of lower back discomfort, although gravitation pressure on the spinal column and various vulnerable components of the human body is one of the leading reasons. The gravitational pressure can be double or even triple when doing every day activities such as sitting down or ascending stairs or lifting heavy objects.

It has been proven that people lose almost an inch of their height every single day as an end result of spinal compression from gravity. Throughout their life-time, human adults can lose about 2 inches from their total height by the time they have reached old age. For a lot of individuals, very small variations in height may not be a major cause for concern, though this alteration may cause a lot more harm than simply a difference in perceived height. In fact, the physical demonstration of gravitational pressure is placed on the entire body while executing every day activities. This is where inversion table exercises can play an important role in supplying anti-gravitational inversion therapy for lower back pain.

Inversion therapy is one of the most efficient ways to utilize gravity in the reverse direction. A gravity inversion table is employed to basically turn the body upside down by the ankles or feet, therefore making it possible for the joints, muscular tissues and connective tissues to stretch and elongate. Inversion therapy may be a lengthy process and may need a life time to undo the wear and tear that eventually leads to chronic lower back discomfort, joint conditions, cervical conditions, and pain all over the body. To have prolonged lasting effects, inversion treatment should be given a thorough trial, but it can present a near complete cure for low back pain with the help of low back pain workout routines.

Sciatica pain may be induced as a result of the pressure exerted on the sciatic nerve due to piriformis syndrome, bulging or prolapsed vertebral discs, spinal stenosis, arthritis, or spondylolisthesis. The sciatic nerve exercises can seriously help to minimize and control sciatic pain and minimize the dysfunctions that are responsible for pinched sciatic nerves. Conventional treatment options for sciatic nerve discomfort reduction include oral medications, weight loss routines and surgery. If the causes of lumbar discomfort have been identified as non-distinct, it may be helpful to take into account alternative options such as altering diet plan, lowering stress, and instituting lower back stretching exercises.

Neck and Back Pain - How Do You Know What Kind of Treatment Is Best?


93% of patients with chronic whiplash pain who have failed medical and physical therapy care improve with chiropractic adjustments. (From the medical journal Spine, 1994)

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for rheumatoid and/or arthritis conservatively cause 15,500 Americans to bleed to death each year, making that the 15th most common cause of death in the U.S. (New England Journal of Medicine, 1999)

Chiropractic spinal adjusting has been shown to be better than 5 times more effective than NSAIDs pain drugs Celebrex and Vioxx in the treatment of chronic neck and low back pain (Spine, 2003)

Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to significantly lower blood pressure. (Journal of Human Hypertension, 2007)

Taking the correct drug for the correct diagnoses in the correct dose will kill about 106,000 Americans per year, making it the 4th most common cause of death in the U.S. (Journal of the American Medical Association, 1998)

The FDA admits that all NSAID's (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), including Aleve, Aspirin and Ibuprofen, may kill you as they lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular problems--including heart attacks and strokes. (USA Today, December 23, 2004

Regular use of Aspirin or Tylenol are linked to kidney failure. (The New England Journal of Medicine, Dec. 20, 2001) Those who consumed the highest amounts of NSAIDs increased their risk of dementia, including Alzeimer's disease, by 66%. (Neurology, 2009)

The risk of serious complications from a chiropractic adjustment is 1-2 chances in a million, whereas the rate of the same problems occurring with surgery is 15,600 per million! (Rand Corp., 1992)


Admittedly, it's just plain easier to pop a pill to feel better. One trip to the drug store and you have weeks, even months, worth of pain relief. Often times it seems a lot cheaper, too. Unfortunately, as can be seen from above, research shows if you take NSAIDS, you're not only risking the health of your brain, heart and kidneys, but your life and financial security as well, as these conditions can be devastatingly expensive to treat.


If you've been following the news on health these past few years, you've probably noticed how much interest there is in stretching out the number of years people can live in good health. Scientists have determined that only 30% of aging is based on genetic heritage while 70% is attributed to lifestyle choices. Simply put, it's how you choose to live; the things you consume, the amount and quality of exercise you perform, avoiding needless stress and carefully choosing what form of health care you will use. One of the most important things, research shows conclusively, which will help you live a long and healthy is a lifestyle filled with non- toxic, non-injurious ways of maintaining and restoring one's health.

Chiropractic is a safe and effective form of healthcare not only for neck and back pain, but for a variety of conditions, including; headaches, sciatica, vertigo, sport injuries, shoulder pain, knee pain, jaw pain, wrist pain, foot pain and ankle pain.

For more information, go to our website at

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Causes of Water Retention - 10 Common Reasons For Swelling of the Body

Water retention is a common health problem that greatly affects the day to day activities of the sufferers. Water retention - medically referred to as edema - is the accumulation of excess fluid that leaks into the body tissues. The leakage will lead to swelling in all over the body (generalized swelling) or more localized swelling, such as swelling in legs, feet and ankles or fluid retention in abdominal, the face, hands, arms, and around the lungs.

Although there are many different conditions and diseases associated with the term water retention or edema, there are several more prominent causes of water retention. And here is some of them:

1. Arthritis
Arthritis, which means "joint inflammation", is described as an inflammation of one or more joints that involves the mechanical failure of cartilage resulting in joint pain, swelling, and limited movement. It can affect any joints in the body from hip, heel, spine, shoulder, knee to the big toe.

There are more than 100 different types of arthritis but the three most common types are: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout. Different types of arthritis show different symptoms. Common symptoms of arthritis include: persistent joint pain, fever, tenderness, joint swelling, stiffness, redness, joint malformation, inflexibility of joint and unexplained weight loss.

2. Kidney disorders
Certain form of kidney disorders such as kidney failure and glomerular disease will lead to swelling throughout the body as well as localized swelling in the abdominal, ankle, feet and leg swelling. This occurs because the kidneys have lost its normal functions including to efficiently removing salt and water out of the body. This will in turn cause the body to retain fluid and over time, get accumulated in the body tissues.

3. Chronic lung disease
Chronic lung disease is a general term of persistent lung disorders that damage the function of the lungs. Severe chronic lung disease will cause water retention in the body include fluid retention in lungs (pulmonary edema), ascites, neck, face, ankle and feet swelling. Chronic lung disease such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), smoke inhalation injury, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), lung cancer, mesothelioma, etc. may lead to pulmonary edema, abdominal edema / ascites, fluid retention in the neck and face, swelling in the ankles and feet.

4. Cirrhosis of the liver
Cirrhosis of the liver usually causes abdominal fluid retention. It also causes low protein albumin synthesis by the liver and results in legs and abdominal fluid retention.

5. Congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy disease and heart valve disease
Congestive heart failure obstructs the normal circulation of the blood and often leads to water retention. Two most common causes of water retention in congestive heart failure patient are: (1) the blood flow to the heart backups and leaks into the lung and vein; (2) the kidney retain fluid due to the insufficient amount of blood flow. Both cardiomyopathy and heart valve disease are a variety of heart disease and lead to heart failure.

6. Excess sodium intake
In people who are more sensitive to sodium, excess sodium intake will raise the blood pressure and lead to water retention especially in the lower extremities such as swelling in the ankles and feet.

7. Gravity
Standing or sitting too long in one position because of occupation necessity or after long trips may cause fluid retention in legs. This is usually worsened in high temperatures.

8. Pregnancy
In some cases, the developing uterus in pregnant women may press the vena cava leading to fluid retention in the legs. Hormone imbalances and increased amount of blood flow also responsible for water retention during pregnancy. The most affected areas of swelling during pregnancy are in the lower extremities especially the ankles and feet.

9. Side effects of certain medication
Certain medication such as anabolic steroid, calcium channel blockers, levitra, methadone, etc. may affect the normal functions of the body and lead to swelling particularly in the legs, feet and ankles.

10. Venous Insufficiency
Venous insufficiency is a disturbance of the blood flow in the leg veins because of the damage of the veins itself or the valves causing the fluid to backup and leak into the surrounding tissues. This disorder is one of the most common causes of water retention in legs.

Look over the list of water retention causes and decide if you are indeed experiencing one or more. Remember, many diseases take years to appear after the symptom does. Thus, you should speak to your doctor if you have any questions regarding water retention in any parts of your body. Your doctor is the one who can tell you just what exactly the cause of your swelling and what treatment options will work best for you.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Chiropractic Treatments Prove Beneficial to Diabetic Patients

Many researchers believe that chiropractic adjustments can help reduce the seriousness or even cure many seemingly incurable diseases like diabetes. The well respected Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research published a study about the positive response in a patient with medically diagnosed adult onset diabetes. The chiropractor corrected spinal misalignments or vertebral subluxations which in turn corrected imbalances between the organs and the nervous system. Exercise guidance and nutritional advice were also part of the program. Remarkably, after just one month, the patient had normal blood glucose levels that remained stable over time. According to his medical doctor, insulin would not be required as long as this condition remained stable.

The outcome of chiropractic treatment on a diabetic patient can be quite amazing. The scientific literature has acknowledged that interference with the spinal nerves can be a major contributing factor of metabolic and endocrine disorders such as diabetes. In fact, spinal injury has been named as a primary cause of diabetes. When the nerves that supply the digestive organs are stressed in the thoracic area, the organs do not operate properly in the body. For example, the pancreas normally produces insulin to control blood sugar, but if the insulin is rendered ineffective, diabetes can result. The problem is usually found in the 5th to 10th thoracic vertebrae which are what the chiropractor would adjust during treatment. A properly working nervous system is essential to the well-being and proper functioning of the body.

Another case study was recently published in the Journal of Pediatric, Maternal, & Family Health. This study dealt with a four year old girl suffering from Insulin-Dependent Type I Diabetes. She was treated for vertebral subluxations in the thoracic and cervical regions of the spine. After 24 chiropractic visits over two months, the patient demonstrated a dramatic decrease in her A1C levels from 7.2 percent to 6.5 percent and the amount of insulin used on a daily basis went from 15 units to 11 units. Up to this point the scientific literature has stated that successful lowering of A1C levels below 7.0 percent was nonexistent. By optimizing neural connections in the body through chiropractic care, the systems of the body can work together for better health. Your nervous system will function better which lets the digestive and endocrine systems work better so that your body can fight disease more effectively. We have seen the positive impact that adjustments can have on patient suffering from other debilitating conditions such as mental illness, high blood pressure, migraines and many more at Integrative Physical Medicine and look forward to treating many more.

Spinal Arthritis is One of the Most Painful and Difficult to Treat Forms of Arthritis

The modifications of different illnesses create one of the toughest challenges for consultants, analysts, and patients. As an example, we frequently hear through the mass media that scientists are looking for the cures for assorted sicknesses. Each of these forms of the illness cause different symptoms and treatments, and would therefore need different cures. Similarly, numerous kinds of arthritis exist, for example psoriatic arthritis, reactive arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Another variety of this devastating illness is spinal arthritis.

Spinal arthritis, or spinal stenosis, involves the tapering of the spine, manifesting itself through stress on the spinal nerve as well as on the roots of nerves. This illness sometimes involves 3 regions of the backbone : the canals at the nerves' base that expand from the spinal nerve ; the openings between the backbone's bones, through which nerves exit the backbone and then continue to other body parts ; and the tube in the middle pillar of bones, through that the roots' base and the backbone continue. This tapering can include either a big or minuscule area of the backbone. The subject of spinal arthritis may feel aches or a scarcity of sensation in the shoulders, neck, or legs.

Spinal arthritis sufferers are most frequently ladies and men who are over 50 years of age. Nonetheless , younger folk who experience an injury to their backbone may also experience spinal arthritis. In addition, those that are born with tapering of the spinal channel could also become inflicted with this illness.

Spinal arthritis sufferers of every age may experience no symptoms, because of the tapering of the area in the spinal channel. However , if this narrowing puts stress on the nerve roots or spinal nerve, sufferers might endure cramps, absence of sensation, aches in the legs and arms, and weakness. Also, if the chiselled area in the backbone presses down on the nerve base, sufferers of spinal arthritis may experience discomfort sealing down their leg. They should right away engage in bending exercises, reinforcing exercises, stretching the lumbar region, and sitting.

When a victim of spinal arthritis isn't experiencing tremendous or worsening nerve organisation, then the doctor might prescribe either anti-swelling drugs that have no steroids, such as aspirin, and ibuprofen, to lower swelling and reduce aches, or drugs like Tylenol, to reduce discomfort.

If stronger treatment is required corticosteroid injections can be given into the remotest of the membranes covering the nerve roots and the spinal nerve, this will lower swelling and treat pointy agony that spreads down a leg, or down to the hips. Anaesthetic shots, and nerve blocks, can be given nearby the nerve that is influenced, to momentarily reduce agony.

Doctors frequently counsel physical treatment or exercises to increase stamina, continue the backbone's motion, and fortify back and belly muscles. This could help to make the backbone steadier. Aerobic activity is also a choice if the patient isn't in too much discomfort.

When treatment not concerning surgery is ineffectual, surgery becomes a choice. The target is to reduce the nerves' pressure or spinal nerve, and to re-establish and sustain the backbone's arrangement and strength.

Today, spinal arthritis remains one of the most devastating sorts of sicknesses that folk can have. Luckily, doctors and analysts continue to enhance its treatment, to relieve its victims' discomfort.

Arthritis - Alternative Therapies

Arthritis is general term for the inflammation of one or more joints. It is characterized by pain, swelling, stiffness, deformity, and/or a diminished range of motion. More than 30 million Americans suffer from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and related conditions.

These arthritic conditions affect the body's movable joints, such as the knees, elbows,wrists, fingers, hips, shoulders, toes, as well as the joints in the neck and back at each spinal vertebra. There are six different types of joints and although their types of motion vary, their underlying physiological structure is the same. A fluid-filled capsule made up of tough ligaments surrounds two or more adjoining movable bones, whose touching surfaces are covered with a layer of cartilage. The fluid is secreted by the synovial membrane that lines the inside of the joint capsule. The combination of this thick fluid and the smooth, rubbery cartilage allows the bones within the joint to glide smoothly past each other.

In healthy joints, the synovial membrane is thin, the cartilage that covers the bones is smooth, and a thin film of synovial fluid covers the bone surfaces. If anything disrupts any of these factors, arthritis can result. Arthritis may occur suddenly or it may come on gradually. Some people feel it as a sharp, burning or grinding pain. Others compare the pain to a toothache. Moving the joint is usually painful although sometimes there is only stiffness. Of the many different types of arthritis, we will discuss its most common form -- osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis involves deterioration of the cartilage that covers the end of the bones; it is a degenerative joint disease. An injury or a defect in the protein that makes up cartilage may cause it. But more commonly, it is related to the wear and tear of aging. The once-smooth surface of the cartilage becomes rough, resulting in friction. As the cartilage begins to break down, the normally smooth sliding surfaces become pitted and irregular. The tendons, ligaments, and muscles holding the joint together become weaker. The joint itself becomes deformed, painful, and stiff. There is usually some pain but little or no swelling. However, fractures become an increasing risk because osteoarthritis makes the bones brittle. Furthermore, as osteoarthritis advances, bony outgrowths tend to develop. These spurs, which can be detected by x-ray, develop near degenerated cartilage in the neck or lower back.

Osteoarthritis rarely develops before the age of 40 but it affects nearly everyone past the age of 60. However, it may be so mild than a person is unaware of it until it shows up on an x-ray. It typically runs in families and affects almost three times as many women as men.

Arthritis can also be caused by bacterial, viral or fungal infection of a joint. Usually the infecting organism travels to the joint through the bloodstream from infection elsewhere in the body. Injury and even surgery can result in joint infection as well. Symptoms of infectious arthritis include redness, swelling, pain, and tenderness in the affected joint. This is often accompanied by systemic symptoms of infection such as fever, chills, and body aches.

A current theory links both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis to poor immune system function in which the body improperly identifies the cartilage and membranes as foreign objects. In the case of osteoarthritis, this dysfunction results in more rapid destruction of the joint by the aging process. Rheumatoid arthritis has been found to be a disruption in the processing of a single essential carbohydrate - galactose. Cell-surface carbohydrates such as galactose are called glyconutrients and they play an important role in the cells communicating properly with one another. Any disturbance in the process of supplying the proper types and amounts of carbohydrates to each cell can lead to a miscommunication between the cells. Proper cell-to-cell communication can avoid the mistake of incorrectly targeting good tissues as foreign bodies.

I'm sure that you have heard of glucosamine. In arthritic patients, glucosamine is a carbohydrate that is often found helpful. It is derived from N-acetylglucosamine, another one of the eight essential carbohydrates described in Harper's Biochemistry.

The following is a list of nutritional supplements, herbs, and recommendations for dietary changes that have been found helpful for people with arthritis. Remember to consult with your physician before adding any herbal supplements to your diet because some herbs may cause serious drug interactions.


Essential carbohydrates (glyconutrients)



Vitamin B-5

Primrose or salmon oil

Sea cucumber


Vitamin E

Very Important





Coenzyme Q10

Essential amino acids




Multienzyme complex

Folic acid

Vitamin B-12

Vitamin K

Vitamin C

Vitamin B Complex

Vitamin B-3 and B-6



Cat's claw




White Poplar



Burdock root

Wild Yam


Brigham tea

Black Willow

Celery seed

Parsley tea


Oregon Grape Root

Dietary and lifestyle recommendations:

Include the following foods in your diet: asparagus, eggs, garlic and onions, green leafy vegetables, whole grains, oatmeal, brown rice, fish, fresh vegetables and non-acidic fruits.

Consume foods like rice, wheat and rye that contain histadine. It is excellent for the removal of excess metals from the body. Arthritis sufferers have high levels of copper and iron.

Eat fresh pineapple frequently. It contains bromelain that reduces inflammation.

Eat some form of fiber daily. Reduce the amount of dietary fat.

Avoid red meat, milk, dairy products, citrus fruits, salt, paprika, tobacco, caffeine, and white sugar.

Avoid peppers, eggplant, white potatoes, and tomatoes. They contain solaine, which may cause an increase in pain and discomfort

Take hot showers and baths to relieve stiffness.

Maintain a regular exercise program.

Spend time in the sunlight for Vitamin D.

For additional information on any information in this article, you may contact the author at

Why Does My Chiropractor Recommend So Many Visits For My Treatment?

You wake up one morning with excruciating back pain. There is no way you are able to go to work. What should I do, you ask yourself. And then you remember your co-worker is always telling you to see his chiropractor. You're tired of taking medication like you've done in the past, so you give your friend a call and get an appointment at the chiropractor's office.

An examination is performed and xrays of your lower back are taken. The chiropractor seems very professional and you are genuinely impressed with the examination he performs as well as his concern for your condition. After discussing the findings of your tests, he recommends a series of treatments to help you address the lower back issues you are suffering with. That's where you have a problem. He is recommending 3 visits per week for 6-8 weeks to start. Heck, you only came in for some back pain. What's this all about?

Does this sound familiar to you? I'm sure it does for many patients who enter a chiropractor's office. Let me try to shed some light on this topic...

Treatment recommendations are based on two very important factors. The first is the severity of your condition, and the second, your goals with treatment. Once you understand both of these topics you can make an informed decision for treatment.

For example, if your condition is a very minor one, based on the findings of the diagnostic studies, NOT your interpretation of what is going on, then you will typically be given a very modest treatment recommendation. If however, the examination and xrays show a much more significant spinal issue, then it would make sense for a more rigorous treatment regimen. Examples of this would be extensive spinal arthritis, significant spinal curvature, or traumatic injuries such as those suffered in automobile accidents.

In my office, I always give patients options and take the time to explain exactly what my plan of action is and how it will benefit them. At the end of the day, my job is to inform you of your condition and what it will take to help you reach YOUR goals.... Your job is to tell me how you want me to help you.

Let's use a medical example to help you understand why a chiropractor recommends, what seems to be, overly frequent treatment visits.

Let's say you have an infection of some sort. You visit your MD and the doctor recommends a course of antibiotics to be taken once per day for 14 days. You fill the prescription and off you go. Over the next two weeks, would you agree that you have received 14 treatments? Yet you only visited the doctor's office once. That's because the treatment was taken in pill form at home. Now let's say that you go to a chiropractor for a minor condition. The chiropractor recommends three visits per week for that same two week period of time. Over the two week period you received 6 treatments. Wow, that's a lot less than 14 but it seems like a lot of visits, doesn't it? The difference is that the treatment was performed in the chiropractor's office, not out of a bottle.

When considering the recommendations of a chiropractor, it is important to understand that a chiropractor is not only trained in pain relief but also trained to promote wellness. Anatomically, if you understand that most of the information your brain sends your body travels through the spine you will realize how critically important a properly functioning spinal cord is to your overall health. If you also realize that everyday life puts a tremendous amount of stress on your spine, you will be able to understand why your chiropractor will recommend more frequent treatment if your goal is have the best health possible going forward.

Being in practice for 29 years has afforded me the opportunity to observe all types of patients, a myriad of conditions, and countless different goals set by patients. It would be impossible for anyone, without that experience, to fully understand the tremendous benefits that chiropractic treatment gives patients with many different types of conditions. When visiting your chiropractor don't be afraid to ask the rationale for treatment recommendations. I am sure you will get a detailed answer. Make sure your chiropractor understands your specific treatment goals. In that way you will maximize the benefits your receive from treatment now and in the future.

For more information on how to get the most out of your chiropractic experience visit the link in the resource box below.

Spinal Stenosis - A Painful Condition Prevalent in the Senior Population

A recent study published by Boston University has determined that lumbar spinal stenosis affects 4.71% of the general population, seemingly a very low number. However, 47.2% of individuals in the 60-69 age group have lumbar spinal stenosis on their MRI scan, which is a significant number. The individuals that actually are diagnosed with severe stenosis will approach 20%. These patients with significant spinal stenosis have a 3 times higher incidence of back pain than the general population. As our population continues to live longer, spinal stenosis will certainly be a significant health problem.

Spinal stenosis is the progression of arthritis in the spine occurring in the neck, as well as in the lower back. As we age, the cartilage in the discs of our spine will lose their ability to hold water. The water in the discs is what helps the disc move and remain flexible to bending and compression. As the discs lose their water content, they become more fragile. If the fragile cartilage breaks, the condition is called degenerative disc disease. As discs degenerate, they will begin to bulge and put pressure on the spinal canal and nerve roots. This disc bulging will decrease the diameter of the spinal canal,a condition referred to as spinal stenosis. This slows the information that flows between the brain and the extremities. The arms will be affected by spinal stenosis in the neck and the legs will be affected by lower back (lumbar) spinal stenosis.

Patients with lumbar spinal stenosis will feel back pain, as well as leg pain or fatigue. Because of the fatigue in the legs, patients will have to sit frequently during walks. Lumbar spinal stenosis will also cause patients to find benches in the mall and grab the cart at the grocery store, in order to make it through their errands. Some patients may attribute their fatigue to age and as they continue to remain active later in life, this may severely limit their ability to join in their families activities. The leg fatigue can cause significant pain and cramping during activity, but dissipates when the patient sits down. The act of sitting opens the spinal canal by decreasing the curve in the lower back,which also occurs while the patient is leaning on the grocery cart.

Spinal stenosis in the neck may cause more severe symptoms. The cervical spine protects the spinal cord as it descends from the base of the brain. Because spinal stenosis in the neck puts pressure on the spinal cord, the disc pressure will cause symptoms related to the spinal cord. These include a decrease in the ability to walk as well as problems with the hands. Patients may find they tend to stumble, as it becomes harder to control the feet and legs. They may also find their handwriting getting severely worse and that they have difficulty differentiating the size and feel of coins or shirt buttons.

Spinal stenosis is usually treated with physical therapy and anti-inflammatory medications. Physical therapy is intended to help position the spine and open the spinal canal. With better posture and stronger core muscles, patients may find their leg symptoms and fatigue improve. They may find they are able to walk farther or faster. Oral anti-inflammatory medications are a first-line option for improving the inflammation related to the degenerating discs. When physical therapy and oral medications no longer provide relief, injections of steroid around the discs and nerves may decrease the pain and symptoms related to the nerve pressure. Some patients are able to tolerate their symptoms with a few injections per year.

When all of these efforts fail, surgery becomes an option for improving the patient's pain. Surgery is directed toward relieving the pressure from the arthritis on the spinal canal and nerves. The mechanical pressure can only be relieved by physically removing the bone spurs or disc protrusions. The surgical procedures involve removal of bone and disc, as well as protecting the nerve roots. Fellowship-trained orthopaedic spine specialists have undergone the most intense training available in the treatment of the spine and are uniquely qualified to treat patients with spinal stenosis

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

How To Tell If Neck Pain Is Caused By Arthritis

It should come to no surprise that everybody wants to be healthy and free from sickness and disease. Nobody wants to have any conditions or illnesses that can negatively affect how we live our day to day lives. Sometimes, however, we simply cannot avoid them, even if we take great precautions to keep ourselves healthy.

Neck pain is one of those difficulties that we sometimes just have very little choice about. It can happen suddenly, for a number of different reasons. It can be caused by having a bad sleeping position, muscle strain or injury caused by sudden movement, or even stiffness from holding the same posture for a long period of time. Our neck muscles and joints become painful, and moving our head and neck becomes difficult.

For many of these cases, the pain and stiffness usually goes away with a little rest. Our bodies are able to heal, our muscles eventually relax, and we can carry on as we usually do. However, in some cases, the pain becomes recurring, and the stiffness is a daily occurrence. This form of neck pain may very well be caused by arthritis.

As it is, any problems with your neck can be a cause for some concern, after all many of the nerves that course through the body are connected through the spinal cord, which is protected by the bones in the neck. While many cases of neck pain can and do sort themselves out with some rest and maybe some pain medication, some neck injuries can affect the spinal cord, which can then affect the rest of the body.

In the case of neck pain caused by arthritis, the condition can lead to damaged neck vertebrae, which is in turn a result of damage to connective tissues. In some cases, this can lead to pinched nerves, weakness of the body, loss of feeling in the limbs, and even loss of balance and physical coordination.

Most cases of arthritic pain in the neck is a result of daily wear and tear that your body simply cannot keep up with and repair on its own. Injuries and other strains, as well as infections and other diseases can contribute to the development of this kind of neck pain as well. In a few other cases, this may be a result of a form of arthritis that affects the neck joints in particular. Whichever the case, the end result could be very bad for the affected individual.

If your neck pain is recurring, you should be concerned, as it could be caused by arthritis; more so if you feel weakness and loss of sensation in your limbs. At this point, the best thing to do would be to consult with your doctor immediately, so that the cause can be diagnosed, and correct treatment started. Early diagnosis may very well mean the difference that allows you to avoid permanent damage to your spinal cord and spine.

If you suspect your neck pain is caused by arthritis, do not self-diagnose! Arthritis in the neck can be very difficult to treat effectively, as it is not only a matter of making sure that the neck is free of pain. Make sure that you get the best treatment possible, from the best specialists and professionals available.